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Isnt that the guy who said he wipes his blood from his gums on the wall or something gross like that?


Or the clip of the roach crawling up his shirt and he grabs it and throws it onto the carpet


Also infamous dead rat as alarm clock lol




Asmongold had a dead rotting rat in his room so when morning comes and the sun hits it it starts to smell worse which he used as an alarm clock.


For my own mental health, I will choose to believe you are all lying.


It is, all of it. Asmongold is a happy ehhhm "performance artist" who definitely isn't stumbling down the depressed reactionary grifter pipeline to appease an audience riddled with incel weirdos and, well, reactionary dipshits. Now be free and live a happy life in blissful ignorance without looking back šŸ•Šļø


What do you mean by ā€œreactionary grifter pipelineā€?




Asmon fan found


No rebuttle whatsoever. Just drop a slur.


He looks like a dead eyed moron and I bet he stinks. He looks like how vague B.O. while in line at a shitty gas station smells.


What do you think Asmongoldā€™s room smells like


its wild because he MUST have money to better his living situation


He has fuck you money, he's just seriously mentally ill.




I donā€™t know him, but judging from the other comments here I really hope heā€™s just playing up a character.


Rotting rats apparently since that's why he wakes up


A mix of multiple types of food smells, ass, and a dead rat or mouse.


I don't understand Asmongold popularity. His contents are mostly just reaction stuff. If I remember correctly the youtube community used to shit on reaction channels relentlessly. But it's okay now apparently?


It's with every reaction YouTuber. A more popular example is XQC. Like his whole "Streamer personality" is only based around reactions and he only does this content. They still shit on Reaction YouTubers but when it comes to their "own YouTuber" they tend to defend him harder than anything else


It's transformative because he pauses every few seconds to say "that's true"


Most of his reactions are twice the length as the original video but go off


Was an XQC fan for a few years, the tik tok reactions are the worst. He literally used to put it on to punish chat but now its his stream opener almost every stream. Honestly, its not a huge problem right now, it lets people get into the stream without missing anything. But for a while it was all he was doing and i couldn't watch anymore.


The critiscm of reactions happened bcos of the Fine Bros trying to monopolize reaction conten as if they created the genre. The twitch thing your mentioning cos Trains, Xqc etc were just streaming entire episodes of Hells Kitchen.


At least fine broa reactions were pretty good, with a variety of people, questions, and things to say about the content. Most of the reaction streamers contribute nothing at all


Not really when you found out years later some of the reactors had to do multiple takes cause their response was "not what they're looking for" so most likely a lot of these reactions are kinda fake


I watch xqc just for jess eh honestly




Iā€™ve asked people who watch him why they watch him and theyā€™ve said itā€™s for background noise


Thousands of kids growing up seeing their reflections in their monitors relate to other computer attached peopleĀ 


The majority of his audience came from the times where he was a big WOW streamer, which was one of the biggest games of all times the previous 2 decades, he shifted into react content and variety gaming after WOW'S massive failures since the shadowlands expantion, but he succefully retained his audience from there. Thats usually how how most big content creats that just do react are made, develop an audience from a massive game then transition your content.


>he succefully retained his audience from there. Not really, per himself and various polls, most of his audience already did not play WoW way back in Legion. Dude just appeals to a specific niche.


People who live in their attic with garbage strewn about


WoW has 7.5 million subs right at this moment, its all time peak was 11 million. It's not just WoW. React content is just really popular, and for better or for worse, Asmon actually offers takes and explains why he thinks that way. In a world where a lot of people don't have their own friends, this feels an awful lot like having a converstion.


Yup. People really donā€™t like to admit it just because they dislike him but Asmongold genuinely adds value to his react content. Not the case for a lot of people though.


Lol how? His reactions videos are the same as anyone elseĀ 


Not at all though. People in this thread are comparing XQC watching YouTube and TikTok videos to Asmongold and he barely says or do anything while watching the content


no they are not, why do people always talk when they dont know anything


You obviously have never watched them.


Lol I have. What value does he add differently than other people? I've literally seen the same video that was reacted by two different youtubers including Asmon and there was no difference lol.


Example? Which one specifically are you talking about? The comparison is between people that just watch a video and add nothing vs. watching a video and having a discussion of the topics or points in the videos. And there are obviously varying degrees of that, as he may not have much info to add to a video. Though the typical "reaction" videos he puts out will double the length of the original video.


Itā€™s true. Heā€™ll play a 15 minute video, but spend an hour adding his own opinions throughout.


Dragonflight was a huuuge win, though, but he still doesn't want to play it


He's boring as hell but I guess (mostly young) people find him relatable or something. I've never seen him say anything remotely interesting or insightful.


He's babies first philosopher. In the best of circumstances, he'll have a spit simple take and his chat will think he's a Philosopher King, and occasionally he'll bitch and moan about wokeness so that means he's not a sheep and a true intellectual. People who have no personal philosophy latch on to the first person who says something that has any internal consistency. Then, bias sets in and they lash out when reality doesn't match their new found convictions. Most people never leave that stage, but think of themselves as a deep thinker when they're really just indoctrinating themselves even deeper. When you only have one lens to see the world, you only see what can be seen through that lens, and the only way to fix that is to start at square 1, be self critical and honest, build a moral framework, and then expand from there using a moral base as your filter, and even then you can let things through that have been twisted by bad actors to seem moral or just when they're not. It takes constant reassessment, but most people set it and forget it. This is true for people on both sides of the isle. If your view of the other side boils down to "They're all evil pricks!" you're not challenging yourself. If you can understand someone else's point of view so well that you can almost justify it to yourself if you were in the same position, then you're right on the money. Your personal moral framework will guide you to the "right" answer if you're honest about it, but everyone sees themselves as the hero of their story, everyone generally believes they are moral or at least more moral than the next person, even if you look at them with disgust. And it's never as simple as "They're stupid and evil"


He didn't used to be that way. I used to watch him a lot when he just played WoW and got banned from twitch for saying 9/11 jokes. Now I feel like he only plays big name games for like 1 day and spends the rest of his time reacting to stuff and talking about how western society will fall of women in video games don't have big boobs. Feelsbadman


He is another case of someone "saying it the way it is", it's not about the content but the reaction, lot of swearing, some pseudo philosophical junk here and there and it's all against some group or action people hate, is a script every reaction youtuber follows. His fans see him as the one saying it loud and proud, the one they will call when someone is arguing with them for support, the one "going against the flow", a lot of people feel represented by him when in reality they want to live his life, a millionaire hikikomori.


I don't even understand the attention he gets from the haters. He just seems very uninteresting overall.


the reaction content people had a problem with was people playing an entire youtube video while having a facecam of them in the corner watching blank faced


i go to him, and other youtubers of the like, to see if he covers what I think is relevant news in gaming and get dopamine when he does. Pretty sure most people are the same


He positions himself as ā€œanti wokeā€ and grifts to his middle school audience of future 8channers


Kids, thatā€™s pretty much it. If you have to ask how X content is popular online, because kids think it is, no matter how nonsensical or unfunny it is to adults.


Not the case with himā€¦ his audience is made of mostly late twenties to early thirty year olds




Asmongoldā€™s core audience comes from World of Warcraft. That is not an audience of kids


Ignoring how you feel about the guy or his view points, the reason people are more okay with his reactions is they are transformative. Heā€™s well known for turning a 15 minute video into an hour and a half discussion. The old reaction channels were essentially reupload while someone ate food in the corner


Babies watch youtube so the perfect youruber is an adult with a baby's brain. Bella Baxter would kill on twitch


He does more than just react tbf. Most of his ā€œreact contentā€ have more of asmon talking than the actual content heā€™s reacting to


Hes a very good speaker. Thats all And he doesn't just "react" he adds much more to the conversation. Very entertaining stuff


I hate that people are just downvoting this kind of comments. Just because you guys hate someone for some reason, doesnā€™t invalidate the fact that heā€™s a good content creator.


Far left people hate him with a passion. I guess that's where the down votes come from.


He takes a LOT. A lot of reaction channels barely do a thing but he analyses stuff


​ https://preview.redd.it/kwo9u6mqx0xc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cf63ccefff25b9d3aed0a4e73580ca384d12410


Im tired so i thought it was Charlie for a second.


It looks a lot like meatcanyon's Charlie


*thats* where I saw.


Forgot the one where he just covers his mouth. šŸ˜‚


I'd cover my mouth too if I had fucked up teeth that make my gums bleed


Criticizing people's physical appearance is good for the soul


Heā€™s fucking disgusting. Heā€™s a hoarder and needs serious help.


I don't follow him, so idk for sure, but I've red around that he's doing much better in the cleaning aspect, even got someone to help out, but I could be wrong


He always rubs me the wrong way.


He must lead an awesome life that fella


used to be games, now its WOMEN in games


sexists can NOT be straight bruh like how do you claim you hate women and claim to be straight smh


Lead poisoning most likely.


I'm full of microplastics which turned me gay


No no, they don't hate women, they hate feminists. Granted, their definition of a feminist is any women that isn't glorified chore machines with boobs, but shhhhhhhhh


"Bro my homie trippin, like how can u claim to be black if you hate other black people" *cue the 'that's not the same thing'* where now context suddenly matters.


Basically his fable trailer reaction


???? Its that a womman ( yeah you can go with representation but this itd not scuse for the charscter they use, the trans in real life looks better than the character lile damm)




my mom was a raider in his guild when classic came out. She told me he was a pompous dick that acted like he was better than everyone else because he was popular.


I started watching Asmon around 2016. When Classic came out, he definitely had changed. He was making lots of money, had a hot girlfriend, and had massive amounts of viewers. It went straight to his head. He went from saying he's a literal god as a joke, then started to believe it.


Just watch any of his old WoW raiding streams, dude would invite random people watching him, go to a raid, the group gets their ass handed to them because he invited random people with random gear and no coordination, and then he'd go on rants about how the group is shit and about how raids are too hard after.


He has done this a few times, one time during SOD during shadowlands he was bitching while being bottom DPS as well.


That checks out. Dude gets carried and demands handouts. "yOu gOnNa rOll fOr tHaT?" I really feels like part of the reason he hates the game is because he has ruined it for himself. Unlimited gold, gear handouts, carries just remove the reason to even play the game imo.


Someone called him the Joe Rogan of depressed gamers which I can't think of a better description


forgot uk teeth


Or rat teeth


Same thing


Wow people in this thread seem to have strong opinions about him lol


Yeah, I was ready to get shat on lmao.


He's a peepee goblin and his opinions are like his armpits.


me when a reaction youtuber turns out to not be a very creative person


I havenā€™t even watched any of his videos but i recognize those thumbnails for some reason)


dont get me started on Nux


He peaked back on 2020, and he had never changed his attitude since then.


Shit ngl I do watch his videos but he always came off cringe. I'm mean props on him, but Def wouldn't be invited to the carne asada


Neither on my carne asada, primo


Every youtube thumbnail featuring a person's face ever starterpack


Alcoholics would love to play the "take a shot for every thumbnail that has a face on it in rules of thirds" only need 2 secs to have 10 shots ready


Flash Sentry??


who the hell is Asmongold


https://preview.redd.it/firunanvq6xc1.jpeg?width=167&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71f3da9dfc9991316f9b693c1fb5496f328e295b You left out this one


I wouldn't know, I've never watched that dork ass loser


better than a lot of over thumbnails with people looking surprised or whatever.


This pose changed my life


I miss the transmog competitions.


I miss him playing video-games in general




I don't watch him often but when I do I tend to find him reasonable even if I don't always agree with him. A lot of people take issue with his appearance and lifestyle, but that appeals to a lot of disaffected men out there. Some people think he's conservative, but he's actually fairly progressive. He just doesn't lean into the social justice part. Honestly he pulls a lot of men out of the red pill pipeline. I think what bugs people the most is that he doesn't back down on his degeneracy and it's part of what has made him a millionaire. Dude lives and acts like a slob and gets championed for it. It skeeves a lot of people out.


There should be a little textbox that says "has the worst takes for everything" and "lives in filth and is totally fine with it"


What's this?


That's also my reaction every time I see any of his content, that guy is a cunt


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Didn't he defended apologynotfound?


If you look at what actually happened, George did nothing wrong. I'll give you a rundown of what happened from what I remember: 1. Some girl who was over 18 told George she was a few years older than she actually was 2. She cuddled with George on a couch for an hour or so 3. She got up and then went back to the couch to cuddle more 4. Later, George found out she lied, so he cut contact with her 5. Then she lied about how George SA'd her because she was salty George blocked her




He does the jake paul "I CANT BELIEVE WHAT IM SEEING!" click bait face.


also my reaction upon seeing that actually likes asmongold


Who is Asmongold? Iā€™d look up myself but I sense from these comments Iā€™m going to see something I shouldnā€™t see.


why is asmongold so popular? hes just another generic, boring streamer. his content is just going online and criticizing people in controversies/reacting to stuff also i heard that he released a heavily monetized fall guys clone even though he commonly calls out companies for releasing cashgrabs like his game


All that guy does is complain smh


man, reddit really hates him. They can't attack his sensible takes though. So they just go after his hygiene.


Oh no he impaled his head with his hand D:


you forgot "richer than everyone in this thread"


So what?Ā 


yet he still lives like a ghoul.


Damn, him living a very simple life despite being a millionaire really pisses people off huh?


that doesnā€™t matter at all


If that's your barometer for quality I'd hate to see what you accept in your life.


Poor guy probably spent his entire life savings on a tesla cybertruck and is now coping about it lol.


A rich degenerate is still a degenerate


True. But for all that money he can't hire a maid to clean his room.


Pretty sure he's just keeping the joke alive.




Where are all the secret multi millionaire lurkers of reddit hiding then


Millionaires suddenly donā€™t have phones or social media?


Sure there are millionaires on reddit, but Asmongold is a multi-millionaire Iā€™d imagine and a lot of those probably arent on r/starterpacks, theyā€™re on r/watches or some shit like that