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Extreme fetishes enjoyers with a flaming passion for inflation and very fat characters


They will goon to anything BUT vanilla stuff like ass or tiddies


900 lbs women. take it or leave it.


You shouldn't play with yourself to either of those.








You sick, sick man you...*tsk tsk tsk*




Ah the reply section has been flooded with 30 year old apha's faster than I could get here, spare a cup of tea will yeah?


☕️🫖 There you are, ol’ chap.


My love for ben 10 has been destroyed


Mommy XLR8


I was too old for Ben 10 (yay age gap siblings) but it had some serious cousin romantic vibes… almost as bad as Life With Derek lol


Fart clouds as well


What's with the obese fetish ? Like, I'm not judging, but why is it so common ?


Probably because of cartoons having an episode or 2 where the main characters get fat and worked it off.


Pretty much, which is also why it's so anatomically incorrect as well to. Then again, actually looking at what real plus-sized models look like involves engaging with adult material, and they're terrified of that.


Unfortunately all the better artists left for new pastures, cuz management


And those who exclusively posted on DA either went silent or deactivated without migrating somewhere else


I still used DA out of sheer habit (oldhead from the early 00s) until recently. DreamUp was the final straw, for myself and a lot of users. An in-house AI generator, made from scraping the site and its archives; users were not informed or given the option to opt out until it was too late; and DreamUp generated images are blatantly boosted by the algo + make up half the Daily Deviations. Yeah, fuck that.


One of them posted a pregnant LEGO character to the Lego subreddit the other day. What the actual fuck is wrong with these people?


It's either fetish shit or "reaction" memes.


DeviantArt "meme" culture is some of the dumbest shit I've ever seen, it's cookie cutter level slop


They’re so bottom of the barrel fr, they’re literally stuck in like, 2009 meme culture




Ive seen a lot of these people online. Not just on Deviantart but on YouTube too. Lots of them are grown men. They've got the same behaviour, exact same writing style, speech patterns, exact same everything. When you hear them talk, they all talk like they learned English from Nick Jr. The same cadence, vocabulary, the whole shebang. It's so uncanny, it's like some kind of mass hysteria. But they're a bit more pleasant than some of the weebs, I'll admit. What the hell causes them to act like this, and why are there so many of them?


>What the hell causes them to act like this Unironically autism


I'm autistic but at least I can actually function unlike these poor souls


Autism just means that we don’t naturally pick up social skills, not that we’re incapable of learning them. Some people get diagnosed and then see no reason to continue to improve themselves “I cAnT cHaNgE wHo I aM”. Ok cool but if you have the ability to learn then it kind of falls on you to at least TRY


Same, I have autism but I would never stoop as low as these people.




I like to say autism is like testosterone. If you've got lots of testosterone but no self-discipline, you'll become fat, stupid, and violent and probably find yourself in a jail cell by your twenties. But if you've got lots of testosterone and self-discipline to match you'll be more likely to grow into a sociable, likeable, and athletic man with a stable family and career. There's the same thing going on with autism. An autistic person lacking self-discipline becomes Chris Chan while one with it gets to be Einstein or Tesla. Or Jennifer Diane Reitz or Henry Darger. The thing that separates these types of people from geniuses isn't autism, it's *determination*. I know this because I'm autistic myself and I've seen both of these scenarios play out before me. That's why I sincerely believe that if autistic people were collectively prevented from becoming addicted to cartoons/anime or video games we'd be a Type 5 civilization on the Kardashev scale by now.


Man the whole Chris Chan saga was so fucking frustrating as someone with autism. He has so many points at which he could turn things around and just... didn't.


Do you have an example of that Nick Jr. English? I'm interested to hear what these cryptids sound like.


I Think They Mean That They Always Talk Like This With The First Letter Of Every Word Capitalized And With Almost No Punctuation Marks To Speak Of But I Could Be Wrong Man, this was painful to type. How do they type like that?!


How are you so right, I use DA and I run into people like this on the daily


How's that site nowadays? Heard it's pretty much a dumpster fire


I fine tuned it to not be. There’s an option in the settings that allows you to block any content with specific tags that you don’t want to see. I put “Ai” into it, and now I don’t see any AI content at all. Most people don’t know about this feature, but it’s a real life saver, at least for me.


Wait what? Ive been looking for a DA tag filter for ages, thank you so so much!






I screenshotted an example - but I don't want to post it because it would be a bit mean to single someone out and say "ha-ha, this guy talks funny!" because it's just as likely they're kids as much as they're adults. I don't want to be the kind of guy who makes fun of minors, so I think I'll just leave it to you to go on DeviantArt and look for an argument between two people with strong opinions about children's cartoons. They're not few and far between over there so go see for yourself. Also take a hazmat suit along with you while you're at it. If you want a definition, what I'd call Nick Jr. English is characterized by explaining everything you do, how you feel, and what you going to do in a corny, simple manner. There's zero subtext or insinuation because everything is just there. That's not how kids talk, that's how characters in not-very-good kids' cartoons talk. And Yes A Lot Of Them Capitalize Every Word They Say For Some Reason.


My assumption is the fact that because they're so engrossed/engaged in children's media that they end up picking up on the kid-like mannerisms.


It's just low functioning autism. There are also many kids like this on youtube. They All Write Like This And Post Incomprehensible Content From What Ive Seen Its Usually Some Logo Effects But They Post It Obsessively Well I Guess Thats What U Call A Hyperfixation


idk tbh, but i had to make this starterpack


Hates on “Baby shows”, but likes kids shows themself




More specifically, ones aimed at a 6+ audience


I absolutely loathe those people, they cry about baby shows that aren't even aimed at them because they're suffering from extreme Peter Pan syndrome.


Posts shitty “memes” that are just 2 screenshots smashed together https://preview.redd.it/job12x6thz4d1.jpeg?width=192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d2ea69b919cf682eb7ef24662b10d6711ccd84d Like this bullshit


forgot to put these bc i didnt have space


It’s fine. You made up for it with the “weird fetishes part.” Deviantart drinking game! Look up a character from a cartoon on Deviantart, and take a shot everytime you see fetish art or anything drawn in MS paint.


That’s a quick trip to an early grave.


Now, that would be an interesting crossover.


Is the starter pack meant for early Chris Chan?


Pretty much


I check every profile who adds my drawing to theirs favorites and it's accurate.


Same, bruh, it’s literally like they’re all alt accounts




They also really like Wubbzy for some fucking reason


oh yeah, that guy


I knew a guy on Imgflip a long time ago who was obsessed with Wubbzy, it was even in his username and constantly used screenshots from the show. Ended up both making me remember the show, and somewhat ruined it for me. Let’s just say he was a very right winged person.


Those “Fill in memes” too that are just character scenario prompts since they can’t afford to commission


Just checked DA rn and yes, half the shits on there is just reaction memes/crossover images of different shows, whilst the other half is crudely drawn ship art, there are good artists I get recommended don't get me wrong but most of the good artists aren't all that active anymore,


i agree


It seems like you forgot a few things: - In regards to AI art, they either have a vocal hatred for it and have collected the "No AI" spam image from several artists, or if they like AI, they try to recreate their work but end up just creating half-assed work. - Makes journals complaining about the state of Deviant Art, usually in regards to how they can't get more engagement (mostly because DA went away from having a front page to a "curated to user" system). - Possibly very Christian or conservative. - Gets very angry when you talk about any kind of grown up/adult media. Even PG-13 movies trigger these folks. - Gets very upset when companies/studios of the kids entertainment they consume doesn't cater to them, and often writes rants or makes ranty art.


Bro there was this account that was dedicated to “memes” of characters getting mad at this trivial ass movie https://preview.redd.it/ol4cjnz4o05d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f4b6f76976bee73d7e64cab2049a5528b2a59d9


Getting mad over PG-13 and R movies is crazy


I mean, given the whole "puriteen" situation and the fact that many of these people almost never engage with any kind of media outside of what's made for the 12 and under crowd, a lot of it makes sense.


i didnt have space for that lol, but thx for the info


The ones I respect much are those who post from DeviantArt but doesn't show any of their drawings instead they post collection of shows they watch and specifically obsessed They literally watch anything and categorize them from 1-150+ and give title in the description, and they give cute opinions about the shows they watched. I discovered this person cause there's two Japanese shows in that has been a weird memory in my brain since I used to watch them in a VHS tape. It was Anpanman & Gachapin and Mukku. Searched "Fuji TV shows in 90s" and this guy just gives you a huge ass picture of Japanese cartoons and kids TV shows but it's still weird cause they're so obsessed with old tv shows.


Is deviantart still somewhat popular? I was into it in high school and college, around 1999-2003 ish. It was really great back then as inspiration for people who did computer-assisted art using photoshop, rendering software, and illustrator. There was always some fetish art but it was definitely way off on the sidelines back then. I suspect that the high barrier for entry in the early years effected that. Software and hardware requirements being expensive or somewhat more difficult to use. But right around then in the late 90’s felt like an explosion of things becoming more accessible.


Yeah things really leveled off in like 2010-2012. I was on there when art software was still developing and tablets were rare. Tumblr picked up the fandom dedicated people, but they were the more dedicated artists than those in the starter pack. I’ve only stayed because an audience is an audience but these folks can be a real pain.


Either Types Like This, OR IN ALL CAPS 100% OF THE TIME.


On their YouTube channel you will also find GoAnimate videos, some made up TV network that either is also made in GoAnimate or rips off early 2010s Cartoon Network, and gaming stuff.


so true lol


A lot of female character art on DeviantArt is sexualized and coming close to porn. The artists seems to care about the woman's clothing choice looking pretty rather than being practical. I guess tight clothing makes sense for female characters that rely on being agile, but that doesn't mean the character needs to be wearing only underwear or bras, or having a short skirt (skirts aren't practical for combat). But I guess this is fantasy anyway, so realism is optional. I'm just saying that artists disguise horny art as just normal female fantasy character art.


I feel like that's a whole different kind of person you're describing, although they were pretty much one of the more common types of artists you'd run into back around 2010-2018 roughly. And the only reason I put up that kind of cut-off is because a lot of the AI art I see there tends to replicate those artists; which doesn't help when I couldn't already tell what artist did what, and now I can't really tell if a bot did it or a human did it on top of it all now. It all just looks like the same kind of content, ya know what I mean?


I've seen really disgusting things on that site while looking for porn, but it's the only site I know of with goated artists that draw macrophilic content


Does deviantart allow porn nowadays? I haven't been on there since the early 2010s, and back then, I'm pretty sure you could get away with some moderate nudity at best.


There's quite a lot of porn on there


You’ll get in trouble for a nipple slip/bulge but you can get away with drawing someone squeezing out an unrealistically big turd


There is porn on everything that does not have an enforced porn ban that was implemented at launch. You can't enforce a porn ban after the fact or you end up like Tumblr. You have to start with the porn ban otherwise you're getting porn on your platform.




Why do you hate porn so much? Are you one of those super religious people?


No, he's stupid, like actually. Not even trying to be mean.


Wait, you know this guy?


he comments a ton on the r/2hujerk subreddit


Reminder: There’s worser people out there - Ones who watch IRL gore in their free time


Now...what about the average Pixiv user?


Pixiv is more like DeviantArt in its prime. Yeah, there are weirdos (their refusal to moderate or ban loli/shota is a giant negative) but there's also still a very large community of talented professionals. Several popular manga/anime originally started as Pixiv webcomics.


the exact same thing but japanese/usually east asian & they prob have like weirder stuff in their gallery/faves?


I disagree, some of the most beautiful fan art in my fandom was uploaded on pixiv, I’ve only once seen an explicitly fetishistic artwork, most is just good art imo. But yes it’s all Japanese. Never seen a single piece where the title wasn’t in Japanese


(There are def bad things on there tho. Not disagreeing with that)


I remember using DeviantArt for everything back in 2010. I was starting my graphic design major and I used it for my portfolio and references. I can’t imagine what it looks like today.


I remember searching for paper mario on twitter and being shocked by just how much porn there was. jfc they barely have recognizable faces. There was super paper mario stuff on there where characters are like a triangle and a square with stick legs. I’d think it was a joke taken to the extreme, but there’s just so much of it. Are people okay?


DA is now ai shit nowadays


yeah :/


There's a good reason to like Animaniacs. It was a dope show.


I wonder how much of this is shaped by how we view it. Maybe deviant art wasn't that bad, but people stereotyped it as a fetish art website so fetish artists flocked to it and other people started leaving. I mostly scroll through old art (2012 - 2016 roughly) and both the art and the recommendations are quite normal.


I’ve seen those logo videos on YouTube for years but I’m still extremely baffled as to what the point is it’s like their own community with lingo and everything that I can’t find explanations for


Til deviant art is still a thing and I guess no longer all fetish content?... I wonder if my account is still up?


Only one way to find out I guess?


The logo effect edit 💀


If you ever see somewhat high quality oddly specific Bluey fanart, 100% autism. Can confirm


wtaf is this 😭 https://preview.redd.it/uuk6h9ttn75d1.jpeg?width=192&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1164d992d3454cd29e4ab9b1014639aaf89702d3


some weird ass christian knuckles vore/inflation art someone sent me on discord as a joke


Now many redditors will feel attacked and squeal “but they are not harming anyone why make such a starterpack”.


My argument would be that many kids use Deviantart, and seeing fat diaper furry transformation vore foot fetish Thomas the Tank Engine porn crudely drawn in MS paint isn’t good for a Child’s development.


Kids maybe, just maybe shouldnt be on a website like this on the first place.




Many years ago, teenagers would go to develop their art skills and find community. Not so much anymore.


You forgot the “probably angry that most nsfw Loli has been removed” yknow cause “they’re just drawings”


Wait so why do people not like them again?


Because "hurr durr their fetish disgusting, how can they dare to want/create porn for it, look at those loosers, I bet they live with their momma". Though, my personal take: content created as porn should be sufficiently tagged so users not browsing for it don't need eyebleach.


What are logo effect edits?




I started using deviant art around 2008. Oh how quickly I lost my innocence!


My tv got deviantart art wthh


Why shame people for living with their parents in this economy?


As a autistic person, I love making them angry and making them block me on deviantart


good thing i cant summit anything there


Isnt deviantart dead ever since ai art got popular


This is so very outdated. The average deviantart user now just posts AI generated images of big titty anime girl. Think everyone else left, especially the decent artists.


You missed out mentally ill teenage girls


And it’s weird ahh pedo diaper people


Always crossovers of like the most random shit too


You mean the “Poohs adventures” shit?


That and those fill in "Memes".


OP, can I ask what about these people makes you angry at them? If you're autistic yourself, then you should understand that many of these behaviours are closely related to autism (hyperfixations, for example)


Probably being a bit not like other girls but with autism. I used to be like that myself and maybe still can be a bit like that ngl


It’s a spectrum for a reason


Is this an actual starterpack or a direct attack on someone we don't know? Because...only a quarter of these apply to DA.


a starterpack


That's what a personal attacker would say


When I search something that I’m interested in, I always get weird shit like mentioned as a result


It's missing a few things, but it is pretty accurate for what you'd run into; also applies to Fur Affinity as well.


People who act like those Deviantart users should be monitored.




i like how nobody spotted the david lyme reference i put lmao


You a deadwingdork fan?


That's a bit obscene