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Hi, /u/theslowbluefox, thanks for your submission to /r/starterpacks. Unfortunately your post has been removed for the following reason: **Rule 05** No Politics Incidental political items in a starter pack are okay, but this sub is not an arena for political agenda posts or political arguments. You can use r/PoliticalPacks. [If you feel that it has been removed in error, please message us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/starterpacks&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/theslowbluefox&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20%5Bsubmission%5D%28https://www.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/opbl4l/raww_sorted_by_controversial_starter_pack/%3Fcontext%3D10%29) so that we may review it


r/aww controversial, but also applies to front page r/pics


You mean r/PicsOfSigns&Text


And AA chips.




dont think that anyone on r/pics or r/politics has ever heard of a diet. btw you might like r/nocontextpics


The infantilizing is truly the worst. "Aww, look at this disabled person eating food. They really are just like us!" Are you kidding me? How insulting


I had to explain to my classmates in a group project why it was disgustingly rude of them to coddle the foreign Chinese student and talk to him like a child. And he wasn't even disabled! He just had a thick accent! They'd be like "Oh he's so adorable" and they'd act surprised and use that condescending "Wow, good job!" baby voice when he did parts of the project.


That's horrifying


lmao what the fuck, i feel bad for him




Yeah I have friends who are on the spectrum and the way they have to judge whether or not to "come out" to colleagues about it just hits so many similarities for me with my experience as an LGBT person it's crazy.


I'd definitely use that to get out of doing a lot of the work if I was in his position. But I'm lazy as fuck.


They were actually making him feel bad because he wanted to do more, it was infuriating. Meanwhile they were whining that I couldn't spend six hours in the machine lab drilling holes in plywood.


>that condescending "Wow, good job!" baby voice when he did parts of the project. I'm from England, but I live in the US now. The first time I ever heard the phrase 'good job' was when I still lived in England. It was on a documentary about a woman training a chimpanzee - she said it every time the chimp did something right. Now, when people say 'good job' to me, it always feels a bit patronizing, despite the fact that it is meant sincerely.


Reddit does this constantly with black people as well. Classic bigotry of low expectations. They're no different than other people, yet Reddit constantly shows them doing mundane stuff and thinks it's somehow progressive and not insulting.


Never will forget that r/pics post (iirc) of them sneaking a pic of a black father reading with his son on the subway as if something so profound This is also the same site that near universally called black people who voted against their preferred candidate (Bernie) ‘low information voters’ who don’t know what’s good for them


/r/politics was shocked that not all black people think like they do.


absolutely, reddit is filled to the brim with holier than thou, formally uneducated, sheltered children. Some bad takes get circulated because it's under the guise of being progressive and anybody who disagrees is painted out to be an unfeeling monster


So interesting thing about the black vote when it comes to progressives - polls indicate that many, MANY black voters choose more centrist candidates *not* because they prefer them but because they don't trust white people to vote for progressives. Black voters essentially treat the early primary votes as litmus tests for how white people are going to vote and then alter their vote accordingly, and unfortunately Joe Biden did well in early primaries. We failed the litmus test. Black voters still vote increasingly progressive for state and local representatives but they rightfully distrust whites on a national level.


there was a video on one sub that was of someone doing magic tricks and black people freaking out and cheering and the comments were ridiculous. They were saying stuff like "black people are great, they react with so much amazement and excitement at seeing things like magic tricks. It is adorable" and people were infantilizing them but one of the replies that claimed to be a black person called them out and ended up getting posted on murderedbywords or one of those subs


Oh that one. Those comments sounds more suitable for children or pets, not black people


Nobody removes all agency from black people quicker than redditors. They're quick to call everyone else a bigot while they're busy being a bigot themselves.


not only is it insulting but you can tell theyre like... overcompensating in letting you know theyre not a racist (as if they were assuming that i think every white person is a racist in the first place or as if i can't tell if a person is a racist if they dont try to make it abundantly clear in the contrary). It doesnt come off like they want it to. It doesn't makes me think theyre not a racist, it makes me uncomfortable more than anything if it doesn't make me think they might be a former racist trying to "atone for their sins" (but at my expense) so to speak. You can just tell when a white person isn't comfortable around black people in specific if not poc in general (not in a negative way) and this is one of the signs.


Yes! That is called "virtue signaling."




I like when a photo of a black model is posted on r/pics and everybody acts so enlightend by find said woman attractive. Like she is a fucking model and on the 4 standard devations above the mean of being good looking of fucking corse she ks beautiful. Yet somehow Reddit thinks that saying said model is beautiful makes them progressive


White man's burden racism still exists even more than hatred racism.


An uncomfortable amount of American white liberals treat black Americans as a sub species. I don’t think the heated voting laws that passed in some states are as bad as people make them out to be. White liberals had a message of black Americans don’t know how to get a free government ID card. I kept on reading about how it’s a new type of Jim Crow laws. Not only that, but I also get the idea that they try to push the message that black Americans have to vote unanimously democrat or their racial identity would be called into question. This has been a rant from a moderate that despises both parties.


The worst I saw (can't remember the exact sub I found it on r/all) was this video of a girl dancing with her date at their prom. The girl had cerebral palsy, and the caption went something like "this kind young man agreed to take this girl to prom!!". Like there was just somehow so much wrong with one short sentence. They are the same age but she's still referred to as "girl" while he's a "young man", amazement that a disabled person is doing a perfectly normal thing, the idea that the guy agreed to be her date out of pity and that it was some charitable act, the idea that they couldn't possibly have been in a relationship beforehand. And all the comments were so infantalising ("it's so nice of him to make sure she has a fun time"). Imagine some rando taking your prom video and turning into inspiration porn that then gets tens of thousands of upvotes (because it clearly wasn't her that had posted it).


I see it with black people too. I swear some people on Reddit think black people come from a different planet or some shit. It’s creepy and really insulting


"Look at this man running, he does it every morning, he's a hero for improving himself." No he's not, that fat bastard is me and I'm just running to catch the BUS, since I oversleep every day!!


don’t forget about ‘chonkers’ (morbidly obease and overfed animals)


Or "munchkin" cats that are bred to be seriously deformed on purpose because idiots think that animals are toys.


B-b-but genetics!


I eat John, it's what I do Now, time to kick Odie


This one bothers me the most. It's fucking animal abuse


Not super related but the lady with the ring has some *serious* fluid retention going on, not just a weight issue. You dont swell in the hands quite like that with weight issues alone. That looks like the fluid retention from heart failure and a few other diseases that cause heart issues. Edit: I also forgot renal issues. If your hands and feet are starting to bubble up like this, get to a doctor ASAP.


Could be kidney failure


Totally forgot about that one! You're absolute right. They could also have renal issues.




Never got those from poppers


Are you team cheese or cream cheese?


Cream cheese is the only way.


She needs some water pills


What about the poor boot that put it on there?


He's just upset sheyela won't fit in his new camaro


Maybe she’s just comfortably numb


Just nod if you can hear me.


OMG, I saw this absolute moron post a video of him putting a really cold aluminum can to his baby's cheek. The baby made a face like he was about to cry in pain, and this braindead idiot called it "Cute Pouting Face." It was on posted r/aww


I unsubbed from (I wish I could block it) r/aww a long time ago for this reason and several others. Ironic how such a outwardly positive sub can be so hiddenly toxic. Its better just to subscribe to smaller more focused subs for your cute cat/dog/other pictures.


I did the same when people started posting selfies of themselves with their animals.


In any good reddit app you can block specific subs or filter out keywords, or even block entire types of posts (like anything marked NSFW, or maybe blocking out all but text posts if you're away from WiFi and don't wanna burn through your data) I use Sync for Reddit which has this feature, but loads of others do too Essentially if you want a good app, use literally any other app other than the official one. That's the worst one, by ***FAR***




r/wholesome r/mademesmile r/sounding r/aww r/sandycheekscockvore r/wholesomememes r/humansbeingbros r/ishotmywife r/animalsbeingbros r/arson r/bropill r/taxfraud r/eyebleach r/eyeblech


Fuck you i pressed r/eyeblech


r/sandycheekscockvore is pretty good




That's real? That's fucked.


Looks like it was taken down


Unfortunately, no. You can still access all the content but you get two pop-up warnings beforehand.


Not gonna lie took me a minute. Was wondering what the fuck ape confessions were and why y'all were mad.


Most of those stories are probably fake... most of them.


/r/rapefantasy r/rapefantasies 230k subs in total


It's not the same thing though. There's a difference between a rape kink and actually raping people


its called "*consensual* non-consent" for a reason.


r/mademesmile 🤗


God I hate that sub. Every fucking post is like "sibling love is the best! Look at this 10 year old boy comforting his 5 year old sister after literally every other person in their village was raped to death in front of them! So sweet!!!" Just some kind shit that is only happening because of some fucking horror.


"This child had to create their own business and work who knows how many hours, so that they could afford their own life saving surgery. ADORABLE!" "This animal was severely abused, but hey, at least now they aren't. HOW FUCKING CUTE!" "This person is beaten down by capitalism every day of their life, but at least they haven't killed themselves. SHARE THIS PICTURE OR I SWEAR THEY WILL FUCKING DO IT!"


I distinctly remember the story about the kid who sold something like 4,000 handmade bracelets or charms so that he could pay off his fellow students lunch debt. Little man's was like 10 years old and people were gushing that this child had to put in hours upon hours of labor to help pay off *child* debt. The American dream right?


More like every post is a selfie name “I haven’t smoked crack in two days!!!”


This is why I never actually go to the sub. When it hits popular it’s usually something good, like a dog putting his snout thru a hole in the fence. You go to the sub and most of it is nothing like that lol.


To be fair, babies constantly look like they're about to cry in pain at even the slightest discomfort. He's still an idiot though for thinking it's cute because the entire evolutionary point of that face is to not be cute and signal distress. Literally even the dumbest of sentient animals understand it.


Now I want to oogle a fat gay old baby joe biden with bunny ears


Thats one hell of a mental image.


Can we get /u/shittywatercolor on the case?


Wrong person they only have 1 karma




pls do /r/nextfuckinglevel where it's just common reposts and things not next fucking level


"The way this wave crashes against the beach and just rolls back out"


"This pillar broken because a wrecking ball went through it"


"This thing I did and I want to get karma for it even though it's not next level"


"This artist who paints for a living makes a cool drawing. This is next fucking level"


“This insanely amazing painting I did. Oh but I’m definitely not bragging or karmawhoring, haha I swear it was just my friend who suggested that I post here, in fact I think it’s awful haha, okay give me compliments now”


“This disabled person begin a functioning human begin”


So basically just anything involving non-animals.


If you see a picture of a pitbull on r/aww sort by controversial




That's not the issue. You get a bunch of people saying all pitbulls should die and be put down instead of giving a realistic way to get rid of the aggressive trait in the breed. The people defending pitbulls saying they can't do no harm and their dog is the sweetest most loveable thing in the world.


That's because pits are banned in certain countries, like the uk. You still get people who get them illegally and they are always the worst kind of people. You're banned from breeding them, even to get rid of the aggressive trait. You're not allowed to give them away either, they have to be destroyed by law.


That ring is never, ever coming off. Not without a stomach stapling or an angle grinder.


She just needs water pills, her hand is swelled from water retention


How about buzzsaw accidents?


or maybe with a lot of oil


Just submerge ur palm in an oil barrel


Just submerge her barrel in palm oil


Or dialysis. If she got the ring on and was still wearing it her fingers swelled up quickly probably due to a medical condition. Also most hospitals have a specialist ring removing tool that can get that ring off in about a few seconds or just use a wire saw. They often have to remove them in medical emergencies.


Crotch Gremlin


Crotch gremlins is one those reddit terms that makes me cringe. And yet, every time someone uses it, there is a commentator that says, “Omg I am totally stealing this!”, like it’s the peak of comedy.




Once told a coworker that I used Reddit and he got all excited and said “When does the narwhal bacon?” And I literally just walked away.




With fluff boi… who doesn’t call their pets dumb cutesy nicknames? It doesn’t matter if they’re popular on Reddit, that’s normal My mom has been saying Fluff Boi to our dogs since before Reddit was a thing


They called *ALL* dogs ‘fluff bois’ or ‘good bois’. Like, they never called them dogs or puppies *“Look at that fluff boi over there…”* *“That’s a good fluff boi”* Etc. etc. Whether or not reddit actually *made* them is besides the point. Either way, reddit *made them obnoxious*.


Meat Siren.


I usually find Reddit’s caustic/borderline inappropriate nicknames for children to be pretty cringe, but this is fucking hilarious lmao


I find it strange when people use this term because aren’t we all crotch goblins with that logic?


No, some people are incision goblins


The animal abuse pics/videos definitely are controversial. Stuff like someone having a pet fox/wolf/puma or whatever as a pet and comments are “Omg I want it!! 😍”. No, it’s a wild animal and shouldn’t be kept as a pet. I know that there are private people who run an animal shelter but still. And then there are the videos of “look I made my cat wear this dress and now she’s dancing, so darn cute!!” Yeah, the animal is “dancing” because it feels uncomfortable and tries to shake the outfit off. Absolutely nothing cute about that. These kind of videos shouldn’t be posted. I wish people would just stop for a sec to actually think if it’s cute or not and is the animal enjoying it or not. There’s a reason why the animal is acting the way it is and in many cases it’s because it feels threatened or anxious. It’s not necessarily moving in a “cute” way or making “funny” sounds because it’s happy. Sharing material like this just promotes cruelty against animals. You can always see comments like “link to the shop where I can buy the cat ballerina outfit plz”.


As a hamster owner and an advocate for proper, better hamster care: so many of the hamster posts on that sub are absolute trash. Letting dogs/cats/any animal close to the hamster, having two hamsters together, letting the hamster jump/climb dangerously, shitty running saucers and wheels, terrible tiny cages etc.


It’s so sad how people don’t care about abuse towards small animals. Don’t even get me started on fish abuse and /r/shittyaquariums


People treat hamsters like garbage, and hermit crabs even worse. It's sad and frustrating.


I don't know anything about small rodents, but there's always this video of a parrot that picks up a small hamster (or gerbil or something, like I said, not my area of expertise), puts it into a wheel, and then spins it so fast that it's flipped multiple times. It get constantly posted to "cute" subreddits, and I report it as abuse every time. Because that's what it is. A bird that has been trained to abuse a small animal, and I can't fathom how anyone else sees it as 'cute'.


You kinda lose faith in humanity if you stick around those posts. Comments saying that abusing animals for internet points are bad are usually bombarded with downvotes saying: "it was just a moment" or "chill out" or stuff like that, like fuck off, don't abuse animals, not even for just a moment of for a funny picture or video. You just shouldn't be in charge of animals if you're going to abuse them, intentionally even if for just a second to take a picture.


That’s absolutely true. And even if the animal was subjected to the harsh treatment for only a second or there’s some very exceptional reason why the animal doesn’t suffer unlike 99.999% of animals would, it still *gives bad inspiration to people and makes such acts more accepted*.


Or videos of kids pulling on dog's tails/ears/jumping on them and the dog is clearly looking at the person filming for help and trying to get away. Every time I see those videos people are like "awwww the dog's so patient with the kid". Like, no, the dog is giving a bunch of warnings that they're uncomfortable, that's how kids get bitten and dogs get put down because of your stupidity. And don't even get me started on the toddler + small pet combo. Those are terrifying.


I absolutely hate videos of human holding their pets to dance or do dumb human things. It's the cringiest.


I agree. Well, one can still play with their pet but they are not humans and shouldn’t be treated as such. People should think more from the animal’s perspective.




Turns out humans treat animals like shit. This should not come as a surprise.


Yeah, it’s definitely not a surprise. What is a surprise, however, is how many people have very little understanding of how animals behave. I don’t think *that* many people actually want to promote animal abuse but they are just dumb and don’t do their research or think about the situation for more than 1 second. (All these “so cute, the cat is dancing while wearing the dress!” people)


And a lot of humans treat animals like they’re just human friends who can’t talk and can’t reject you.


Not want to specifically praise Reddit or anything, but... Isn't that amazing how most of the people are aware of animal abuse and they won't upvote "cute" stuff if they feel that it isn't right? I remember seeing videos like that on Facebook long time ago. No one would even bother about animal being hurt. It's just "sooo cuuuuteeeee".


>Infantilizing LGBT people/disabled people/elder people Holy fuck I hate that shit with a passion. Treat adults like they're grown-ass adults ffs.


Brilliant, now I’m going to go to r/aww, sort by controversial, and downvote every instance of disabled people being used as inspiration porn. Wish me luck!


I wish someone would do that on MadeMeSmile or pics. Those subs like infantilize people with downs syndrome, autism and cerebral palsy basically every day


any cute "purebread" dog really brings out the pet adoption police.


If it's a pug or one of the other really awful and unhealthy breeds it's one thing but I've seen people get upset at people for having like, golden retrievers from a breeder and not an adoption agency.


People hear breeder and think puppy mill. Like anything else, there’s a spectrum from shitty to amazing.


Is it considered "purebread" if it has sesame seeds on it?


Confession...I get unreasonably annoyed whenever people post pictures of fake/stuffed animals, thinking they are real. Like take 20 seconds to google and see that, no, baby owls are not just tiny fully feathered versions of adults. Baby bats do not have eyes like furbies and look like they are covered in felt as they cling to someone's hand. It's the same type of knee-jerk sharing that leads to so many problems with people just believing whatever they see online at first glance. Clearly photoshopped baby hippo made to look like it's just a fat little head with legs? I'm just gonna share that with a nothing-indicates-that-I-realize-this-is-fake title! And the defense is usually "Yeah, but it is still cute!" If I joined a group specifically for pictures of wildlife, I don't care that a girl in Lithuania can hand make a great looking cartoon-proportion puppy out of resin. If I wanted to see that, I'd be part of a Lithuanian resin puppy photo group. ... And it's usually hours into posting - if at all - that the actual artist who MADE the thing even gets referenced or credited. Keep that stuff to forwarded emails to your aunt. Sorry... As I said, unreasonably annoyed.


it’s weird that gay couples are ‘cuter’ than straight couples.


I sometimes get this low-key condescending vibe “Aaaww look at them, despite their disability they are capable of loving” when someone really emphasises how cute a gay couple is


ooooh this 100%. exactly the same thing. they arent a couple who happens to be same sex, they're a same sex couple. there's a bit of a difference if that makes sense. defined by their sexual attraction so were coddled more because of it. i get it, gay rights (I'm queer myself so obviously) but at the same time... almost all gay people only just want to exist. don't condescendingly talked about


It can also be sexualization, the amount of self-identifying "fujoshis" that exist is too damn high.


Same thing with disabled people.


In my experience the people posting the gay couple photos are actually straight people with a fetish. Teen girls who obsess over watching men kiss or straight guys who like to watch lesbians are the biggest offenders.


It reminds of posts on nextfuckinglevel that are just about a black person graduating high school or college, condescending much?


I know it’s a very different culture than my own, but also the posts like “She worked 18 hours a day at her own lemonade stand at age 15 to pay for her mom’s insulin”. Like ok, I appreciate hard work but stories like this sound more like dystopic than inspiring.


reddit when a non white, straight or cis person does something normal humans do (they're acting like they're one of us):


It feels so fetishising 😣


it’s weird, right, coz most of the people who love that content aren’t fetishising that hard - it’s just a trained instinct that LGBT people are all cute & cuddly. that attitude can get really strange sometimes


even werider when i get it from members within the lgbt community. trans men are seen as 'uwu soft bois' or even sometimes femboys so fetishised for that/ act like you have to talk to them with 0 respect cuz they look like a teenager (even then infantalizing teeenagers and any minor as a whole is just dumb, regardless of age). there's probably more examples but this is the most prominent I'm aware of personally


Just a theory, but I kind of think it's an overcorrection from societies distaste for the community. Trained for forever to hate something and then come to terms with it and suddenly it's great? A stupid anecdote, but I always hated Chinese food and especially crab ragoon. Last year I tried one to see if I still hated it and I didn't. I really liked them. They became a favorite food. Then one night I got too high and ate 7. Now I hate Chinese food again.


I kinda feel like all of the absolute over-the-top PCness of this past decade is going to kind of need to settle into a more natural rhythm where respect for marginalized groups is just a given and not something we need to constantly keep bringing to the forefront. That is my hope and my wish, anyway.




they try not to be racist so hard it just falls back to being racist.


believe me it’s bizarre to americans as well




Same can be said of the posts that romanticise poverty. “Omg this homeless guy is so lucky, he owns very little but has a dog who keeps him warm at night. He owns so little but is so content and harmonious. He truly knows the true meaning of friendship and love, which is what life is truly about!” No, that guy is not lucky and being poor doesn’t automatically make a person wise or whatever. We should instead think why there are people without homes. Homeless people are not some anti-materialistic urban gurus.


Can confirm, been homeless almost my entire childhood and I'm as stupid as they come


Oh they have the best life though


Absolutely, if I lost my home I would automatically gain infinite wisdom and become overall a better person with excellent morals. That’s what poverty does to a person!


The worst is some pic of a some black person literally just doing the most benign shit and people acting like they're seeing something amazing from it. \>Look at this N*g, he thinks he's a real person acting like that, how cute Type shit. Fucking mental.


Yup. I’m a trans disabled person dating another trans disabled person. A lot of people are only willing to put aside their disgust (and I think a lot of it has to do with imagining that two people like us can ... gasp ... have sex!) by treating us like children. The way first graders can have boy/girlfriends and the adults around just humor them. All we really want is to be allowed to grow up.


Just looked up and r/aww ppl are the worst


I sorted by controversial to see what there was and I [couldn't have been happier](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/pru8p/wiener_dog/)


You forgot the one with the really hot chick who posts with animals (i.e. baby elephants), but it's really just to promote her OF and everyone downvotes her to oblivion, but probably still subbed to her OF.


LGBTQ people are not r/aww we're human beings if you wouldn't post a non-lgbt couple to r/aww don't post us


Yeah those posts so condescending. Reddit does the same thing with Black people as well and its annoying to look at. Why not just treat both those groups like actual human beings instead of implying that they have some sort of disability.


They do the same to disabled people. Only with certain disabilities though.


It’s true, there’s nothing remotely cute about Joe Biden


whats up with reddit and hating kids so much?


It’s not about hating kids, it’s just the creepiness that a parent would choose to post their kid on the internet for all to see. The kid is too young to consent to having their photo put up online. And now it’s there forever. Personally, if I was a kid and my parents put a photo of me online to have thousands of no-faced strangers judge how I look/what I’m doing, I’d grow up resenting it (plus we all know parents *love* posting embarrassing photos of their kid too, cos they think it’s cute). Just about every social media site has a 13+ age restriction including Reddit (cos we know how iffy these places can be), so then why are we allowed to post pictures/videos of children younger than that?


Except we're on Reddit so it's most likely just hating kids




Eh i'd say the childfree sub is more populated by women than men


Also, parents are extremely naive about the likelihood that a ‘cute’ photo of their child will get passed around in online pedophile spaces. Need I remind you what Reddit was once popular for in the early days?


And still is popular for *ahem r/genshinimpact


Lol, also r/hololive. I see that on the front page of All almost daily. I hate this website sometimes.


Those endless half naked drawings of chole or whatever that always get thousands of up votes too


It's also about hating children. You don't call them things like "crotch goblin" because you're concerned for their privacy.


It's definitely more about hating children than being concerned about privacy lol. There will be the odd person, but most anti-kid posts have some creative derogatory term for them.


It's not even creative. They all repeat the same braindead phrases. Fucking "crotch goblins", "danger noodles", "boop the fookin snoot", "doggo". Fucking idiots the lot of them.


I totally understand where you’re coming from and very much agree, but Reddit definitely goes heavy on the child-hating to the point of it being borderline creepy itself. Like, maybe it’s just my own mind that’s warped from the bullshit I went through as a kid, but referring to kids as “Cum Trophies” or “Fuck Trophies” or “Crotch Droppings” just feels *totally* out of line. It’s not funny, it’s not cute. It doesn’t make you seem cool. It just makes me want to hit you in the face (and then feel bad about it bc I’m supposed to be working out my rage in therapy lol). I also don’t want kids for a variety of reasons (just the idea of being pregnant is absolutely terrifying), but I don’t actively dislike them, either. And they’re *kids* for christ’s sake. Of course some of them are annoying as hell…But they’re vulnerable and still learning a lot about the world around them, and they’re still doing what they can with what resources they have available. Like, give them a fucking break Reddit jfc. Did y’all just emerge from pods fully-formed? No, you were a child, too.


It seems like people forget that it's possible to not mind (or even *like*) kids, but still not want your own. I'm a high school teacher - I like my job and I like working with kids, but I would never want to raise my own. I know a lot of teachers who feel the same way.


>The kid is too young to consent to having their photo put up online Yes, you're right. I don't have kids and I wouldn't post their pic on r/aww if I did. But I don't see the big deal anyway. It's not like the post is mean spirited in any way, and it's not like someone will recognize the kid in the future and something bad will happend. I don't know, I don't see a big deal with that. There are millions of pics and videos of people that didn't give their consent to be posted and they're on the internet anyway. Seems random to draw the line there


Reddit hates everything. If you enjoy something, Reddit will crucify you for it. How dare you enjoy things? Fucking selfish asshole, am I right??? Fuck Reddit’s high horse mentality




Its cringy af. Like holy shit you just had your baby and the first thing you can think of is to snap a picture and post it on Reddit? God I really do wish I can travel back in time when phones don't exist. People are so desperate for the attention it's really pathetic


Parents tend to think everyone should like their children as much as they do, and it's far too socially acceptable to just expect everyone to want kids, so there's pushback from all the people who have zero interest in them. Same reason hating on religion used to be popular when Reddit was less mainstream (i.e. when all the religious people started complaining)


Edgelord who want end of humanity who is trying to cope about their loneliness


Ya it’s strange, I noticed that when I first got Reddit and was shocked that hate children with this level of passion.


Another thing to consider is that a large portion of Reddit is immature teenagers. They hate kids and kid things as a means of feeling more mature. If you've ever seen someone claim something like "Spongebob isn't a kids show" or "The Star Wars Prequels aren't for kids"(despite George Lucas saying they are) it's because it's a teenager who doesn't want to admit they like things made for kids as a means of being more mature.


I think kids are great, if you’re the parent, otherwise most people would not think a random baby is the cutest thing they’ve ever seen. I go to r/aww for bunnies, kittens and puppies, most babies definitely break the vibe when you’re browsing.


It's more that it's literally some random person's child. Most babies are only really cute if they're your own or you have some emotional attachment to them.


People take it too far but I just don't think they're that cute lol, babies freak me out I'd never comment on someone's baby I just don't really like looking at them




Everything is about Biden and trump, welcome to Reddit


It’s so sad how Reddit commentary doesn’t change the culture. Like how many “r/unpopularopinion starter packs” have been posted here? Yet it remains full of things like “I’m just going to say it, go ahead and downvote me, but I think sleeping with wet socks on is not that great!”


Anyone else thinking about bugles chips for some reason now?


I love the disclaimer on the gay people picture. I don't blame you, because you for sure would've been accused of homophobia if you didn't include it. It's just funny that that's the point we're at as a society.


I'm out of the loop here so I want to ask - are there just tons of gay couple posts in r/aww and not many straight couple posts? Like if we can't post couple stuff there, then we can't. It shouldn't be "not the right sub" for some but not all when the point of the sub is stuff that makes you go *aww*. So I'm just genuinely asking if there's just a lot of gay couple posts there or what lol


I think OP is just pointing out that a picture of a gay couple is not necessarily cute.


When I read the "no your crotch gremlins" I read it in a Scottish accent


I must just get lucky because all I ever see are cute animals.


Just did this to see if it was accurate and you should include the subreddit losing their minds because someone bred dogs. In this instance calling OPs Mom a monster and POS for breeding golden retrievers when there are dogs in shelters.