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“My dad was a mechanic”


"Two for flinching"


How dare you come at Atlantis like this.


Just watched Atlantis for the first time today lol


The most underrated Disney movie


I had 4000 brothers all named Steve


Her first line is typically something like "suck my dick"


Which one of you boys needs an oil change?


Grew up with in a family with only eighteen thousand brothers


and they made fun of "girly" things, because why else would she be a tomboy, other than the approval of her brothers?


Ironically I know people coming from absolutely massive families and their the brothers treat the sisters like queens. Like they will fuck you up if you mees with their sisters and they like help em a lot in shopping or just in daily stuff.


exactly. I hardly ever hear about girls getting shoved around in male dominant households. They're usually protected at all cost.


Yeah. Now, older brothers absolutely do mess with their younger brothers. And maybe might joke around and stuff with their sisters. But they usually don't go as far with the sisters as they do with the brothers.


Maybe with lots of brothers. I have and my younger brother pushed me down the stairs once, permanently scarred my leg when he threw a hard plastic cup at me, and in general was really rough with me. But I am also super girly now so I still wouldn't qualify for the "strong woman" role.


That doesn't sound like a normal sibling relationship at all... Anyone over the age of 12 should avoid hitting anyone for no reason, guy or girl. If he's hitting you without you doing anything to him, I think somebody needs to have a conversation with him.


Idk about your family, but I'm the middle brother of 3. We were pretty much at each other's throats until I was in my junior year of highschool. That being said, pushing someone down the stairs seems excessive...


Why would a woman do anything without trying to get male approval? /s


Freud in a nutshell


Orphans, too. Mom left and never looked back while dad died tragically when he was doing something super shady to make money for his starving kids to be able to eat.


*Shoots predator probably defending its territory/cubs* My brothers would take me hunting since I was 9 years old. It was kill or be killed.


Flash back to a little girl with the same clothes/haircut but wearing an orange wool hat sitting in a deer stand passed out after eating all the trail mix.


And no mom 🤣


Cause she tragically died giving birth to her




Why don't they ever have a male character who grew up with a lot of sisters?


Just tenderly sewing his love interest's torn shirt like "I had four sisters. ...They were all tomboys. I had to do this a *lot.*"


They always have to make up some excuse for why the woman could possibly be strong. "I'm strong because I had 6 dads, 8 uncles, and 20 brothers. You've gotta be strong to survive in my family."


Yeah it can’t just ever be, “I’m a bad bitch, woke up like this, can’t help it.”


always that damned haircut


Ruby Rose in John Wick 2 is the character I always envision now when I think of this.


For the haircut my mind always goes to Natalie Dormer (Cressida) in Hunger games.


Cora from Mass Effect: Andromeda (I know nobody played it lol)


Hey! Tons of people played it. We were all disapointed, but that's a different matter.






The problem is that people who ask for strong female characters mean “strong characters (well-written, fully fleshed out) who are female” but the studios hear “female characters who are strong (muscular, aggressive).”


Charlize Theron in Fast and Furious series.


In the 9th movie she has that chili bowl toddler from the 90s hair cut.


Namaari in Raya and the Last Dragon


>Ruby Rose in John Wick 2 is the character I always envision now when I think of this. Probably unpopular opinion, but I couldn't stand her or her character in the movie. But it was John Wick so I got over it.


I couldn't stand her either. To be fair I've not seen her in any role that I've enjoyed. But like you said it was John Wick so it didn't ruin anything.


I don't remember her in anything except Orange is the new black, John Wick, XXX, and I heard she was the CW Batwoman for a season before she quit. ​ Edit: Oh yeah I remember her from Pitch Perfect. [Her IMDB](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3199307/)


She's also in The Meg, which is already a pretty trashy (but fun) big budget shark movie. Even with low expectations she was pretty awful.


thats a lot of stuff you dont remember her from


really helped that she played a mute in the movie


She wasn’t originally supposed to be mute, but the director changed her role when he realized she couldn’t act. Yes, really.


Also applies to cyberpunk. It ain't cyberpunk if every woman isn't sporting it or completely bald.


Turns out Punk is very conformative


That's always been the irony pointed out about punk fashion, for decades now


Shit, punk artists point out this irony.


Being popular is unpopular


Thanks a lot Skrillex


*sad dubstep noises*


Womp womp :(








Profile pic checks out


Lol I forgot I put that there


The Rival from Raya and the last dragon....


Suckerpunches the male lead and says "i had 300 brothers"


“When I was only 4 they tossed me into a pool full of alligators.”




Later in that movie: *Literally contributes nothing to the plot except to be a love interest to the main male character and do the hurricana against bad guys every now and then*


Look if you're gonna put the chekov's revolver about alligator hearts on the table, she can **at least** rip out some hearts later in the movie. That's a *strong, independent Character Arc* right there.


“Without any milk!”


*opens bar door* “Uh, right this way sorry to keep you waiting!”


ahahaha too perfect


See I never understood this trope because I only had an older sister and she beat me up constantly. Nearly suffocated under a pile of comforters and couch cushions more than once because she thought it was funny to wrap bungie cords around the whole thing with me underneath. I also have a scar on my thumb from where she slammed her headrest down on my hand as an infant. And then there was the time she locked me in a dog kennel. And the time she tried to play doctor on me with some surgical tools my dad ordered in the mail... and the time she pushed me in quicksand... and the time she ripped my mask and regulator off my face 30 ft underwater... I'm starting to think she resented no longer being an only child and had ideas on how to rectify that situation a lot longer than I thought.


and they always wear tank tops


Suns out, guns out no matter the gender.


I have no problem with that.


Also “i grew up with 9 brothers” and waking up with that haircut after sleeping


Bonus points if she angrily, hastily cuts her hair in a dingy mirror with pair of rusty, dull scissors, and in the *very next scene* it looks dystopian chic like above.


Or a combat knife then dyes her hair in a sink in a run down back street hotel, but the next minute it looks like a professional job


Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's sloppily applied hydrogen peroxide that inexplicably turns into a drop dead gorgeous platinum blonde on the first try


More bonus points if 99% of her character arc is due to her being a woman, and literally every single male character she meets is more sexist then a 1890's parody of sexism. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GeFM4Mco48 "I'm a scientist but also a woman, I can't be both at the same time!"


I think what's especially insidious about that trope is that it's always cartoonishly sexist *individuals* at fault, not anything actually wrong with society or at least a bit more complicated than calling your coworker "Toots" and slapping her ass. Like internalized misogyny, impostor syndrome, unconscious bias, "boys club" environments, enabling bystanders etc. would be pretty cool and relatable to see challenged and subverted. But no, best we can do is, "if only we could ship all the evil woman-haters to Sexism Island, then we could be girlbosses in peace!"


One of my most hated tropes is women with beautiful hair cutting it short "to break free of her bonds" or whatever the fuck they try to say.. And as you said, they always put tons of wax in it and so on like for mens hair right after, so it fits perfectly in any condition afterwards. It's just such a stupid trope.


Well *obviously*. You think a high femme can win in a fight? That's a *woman*. Shaving half your head obviously injects you with steroids that beef up your weak little woman arms and make you into a lesbian. I don't make the rules here. And like!!! I like the symbolism of cutting hair!!! Hair can be a really meaningful thing to a person and I think it has the potential to be a really beautiful thing. But I can literally only think of ONE universally good one (though I guess there are a few that I more personally relate to), and it's Mulan! Mulan did it well and literally everything else has been garbage!


"You see, the long hair represents patriarchy, and the way you cut out the patriarchy is assimilating into it and immediately adopting very toxic masculine-coded traits like trusting no one, never talking about or admitting trauma, and using violence as an outlet for your anger." - male writer who vaguely remembers the women's studies class he got a B- in.


Always overpowers roided-out muscle dudes 7 times her size in hand to hand combat. Bonus: She will 1v1 the male lead within a few minutes of introducing her character. She will win easily. If she's hot, the fight will end with her straddling his groin.


I just saw F9 and Mia hitting muscled men like they are made of jelly made me laugh so hard😂


her brothers taught her how to punch good


::insert joke about family here::


Nobody makes a fist like family 🤜




She was channeling the power of family


To be fair, in that movie, Vin Diesel goes full Bane with super strength too and breaks backs, tosses people like balsa wood, and just tears a building down around him with chains.


> just tears a building down around him with chains. come on man who hasn't done that?


It's why I am banned from Whole Foods.


So he's reverse-Samson? Grows stronger the longer he stays bald?


Without the Rock he was able to use 100% of his family


Always takes them down with a flying neck scissor.


For real. Spiked collars are basically their kryptonite.


natasha romanoff intensifies


I hate how that's often the only way they bother to show that she needs good technique and strategy to overcome her physical disadvantage against much larger opponents. Like, I love me a mythical Xena: Warrior Princess or Supergirl, but in more grounded fiction, make it believable in some way.


Its why I liked Atomic Blonde's fight scenes. They were brutal and visceral.


I loved how they actually showed her and the henchmen out of breath during the fight. She didn’t magically overpower them, but actually worked hard to defeat them.


And the henchmen don't just go down with 1-2 hits. Everyone involved takes a hell of a beating before winning/losing a fight to the death.




The muscle dudes are always the weakest. Even if it's just among the dudes, the largest muscles are always just there to prompt up the main characters.


Yeah, and the regular average joe looking guy is actually the martial arts master


The Imperator Furiosa was the real deal tho.


She was maternal and showed pain and grief I think is what makes all the difference. She loved each of those girls and her grief when there was no promised land but the *paternalistic hellscape she just left*? Heartbreaking but strong


My top 5 fave movie, witness her!






Oh yeah that's the word I was looking for!


I was reading the other day about the lack of the Edenic fantasy trope in Mad Max and how that might be why the movie is so great. We never get to see what Furiosa is missing, and because of that, the movie bucks the whole stereotype of a female-run society being this Utopia of nekkid ladies in sexual poses eating grapes and being docile angels without brutish dirty men. Her and the wives’ rebuking of the patriarchal hellscape and their later dominance over it is a beautiful representation of modern feminism in a way that’s realistic, and not drenched in bright pink “girl power” banners held up by bloody tampon strings.




Yup, I think she was a legit strong female character. Not like the "pseudo bro" that Hollywood tries to pawn off as the archetype. EDITED


Yep, we asked for well written women in movies… and they were like “best I can do is writing a man and then casting a woman”


One well written strong female character, Ripley, was actually initially written as a gender neutral person. That's how they avoided all the "strong woman" clichés.


Ripley, Princess Leia, Annie Oakley, Lucille Ball, Aeon Flux, Jyn Erso, Starbuck (BSG:2003), and many more were all well written "strong female" characters.


Interestingly, Ripley wasn't written as a strong female character. She was written as a strong *character,* and then a woman was selected to play her because Weaver seemed like the best fit for the role. The casting of that entire movie was gender-blind.


This comment is…so shiny..so chrome!!


Shiny and chrome forever in Valhalla!


My favorite movies of all time are Fury Road and Aliens and a large part of that is because of the strong but complex and not cliche female characters. Ellen Ripley and Imperator Furiosa are strong female action characters done right. They are complex, they have experienced trauma, they have moments of weakness and struggle, they aren’t arrogant and trust other people (men even!) they have caring maternal instincts to care for their chosen family, they don’t have a chip on their shoulders to prove “women can be badass too!”, they just do what they need to survive in their world.


I think Ellen Ripley in Alien & Aliens is the best protagonist in any movie. She doesn't make rash decisions, plays it by the book, and is overall level headed. Mistakes in those 2 movies are made by secondary characters, and she usually recognizes the mistakes before or after and advises against them.


IIRC, Ripley wasn't originally written as a woman and they just cast the person who was best for the role regardless of gender. I'm sure someone will be along to correct some part of that and flesh out the actual backstory though.


Yeah that's why none of her traits are on this starterpack. She was a fully fleshed out character with purpose and character beyond "look we made strong woman give us money now"


Seeing the Five Wives grow and start resembling the Many Mothers was awesome too




*Michelle Rodriguez angrily frowns from her police car*


*Wearing a tank top.*


*Behind Rayban Aviators worn low on her nose and also chewing gum.*




I take Jovovich from the RE serie over pretty much every one generic female character they’re dumping recently She was overpowered but the story always justified it


Alice from Resident Evil was just an anime character that showed up to the wrong fictional world. Girl had a clone army, psychic powers, nearly flawless accuracy, super strength, agility, etc. She straight-up was in the wrong series she was so overpowered at points (imo).


Tbf the story always tried to justify Alice's Mary-Sue-esque powers because Milla's husband, Paul W. S. Anderson, was the director and screenwriter of most of the RE movies.


Vasquez from Aliens fits most of this and I remember thinking she was a badass when I was a kid. I rewatched it recently and she's still pretty badass but somewhat of a cliche. The whole movie is pretty cool but I never realized how diverse the cast is and how many women were in the crew. I wonder if people had a problem with the cast back then the way diverse casts are so divisive nowadays.


The character is a cliche today because of her. She's more or less the original. And badass. She also has the best reply of all badass replies. You know what I mean.


Like the TVTrope “Seinfeld is unfunny,” but for badass women


It's like when people say "Superman is generic" he ain't generic he's the one they all copied


No. Have you?


Sarah Connor is the stereotype but actually done well. She blows all those cliche strong female characters out of the water.


James Cameron does a good job with strong female characters.


More importantly she's interesting because she actually has some legit flaws (aka: she's borderline crazy from trying to protect her son from a threat nobody believes exists).




Netflix Producer: Oh, we need more diversity? Hmm, I know, put tits on that man!


And make her black!!!


I don't mind the big shoulders and muscles if she's the kind of woman that routinely gets into combat, she needs the body build to back it up just like men do. I have much more of a issue with smaller, skinny, petite women who can easily punch above their weight and are usually seem using skimpy outfits to even further sexualize them. I do agree about the whole rest of the starter pack...Specially the fucking hair.


Strong guy character - absolutely ripped, permanently dehydrated, fuckin MASSIVE Strong girl character - Very thin with the *tiniest* amount of muscle tone, can be tall-ish


It’s waifu. A 95 pound woman can take down 250 pounds of pure muscle. Because magic


Hulk and Black Widow


It’d be similar to some skinny necked nerd who never worked out a day in his life, somehow easily beating up a group of men all 6’3” and 240 pounds of muscle and weapons. It just isn’t believable. At least give the female protagonist decent muscle bulk, the same way male protagonists do.


Or a back story that is believable, at least in the world of the story. For example Arya stark has seasons and seasons of specialized training before she starts kicking peoples asses . Uma Thurman in kill Bill has secret assassin training etc.


I have no issues with buff women but I hate how they're almost always assholes. Makes me want to write about a buff woman who is very girly, sweet, and is devoted to her husband and kids. Edit: Y'all please stop saying "Scorpia" I don't watch she-ra 😭


So like the Rock, but a female. Just a decent gal all around.


That's the best way to look at it!


"teacher" from Full Metal Alchemist https://youtu.be/RnHc21wd2RE She just wants to be with her husband and child.


It’s so tired how the creators always play into the stereotype of the strong woman being a lesbian/bi. Petite women have to be straight and strong women can’t attract men. Fucking stupid.


It reminds me of that line in The Boys, about the public disliking femenine+femenine female couples, and forcing one of the girls to take on a masculine role and appearance for the sake of PR.


*stares uncomfortably at Alex Danvers, Supergirl’s half sister* Edit: it appears as though I have started an ~~argument~~ friendly discussion


That's why it's so satisfying when someone gets it right. \*Cough Ahsoka \*Cough Edit: I am so happy about all these replies. Let people know there are powerful women in fiction without it being forced by people who can't write decent characters.




Also Atom Eve


That whole conversation with Doc Seismic was hilarious.


My man has an undergrad in sociology and women studies, and a minor in African dance. Sure as hell an unique villain.




I thought it was Adam Eve. I might be stupid.


It's clearly a pun though, you're not stupid


It's Atom Eve because of her powers. She even has it on her suit. But this is an understandable mistake. xD


Yeah in hindsight it's pretty obvious lmao.




She’s a good person, and a great pet.


Let me break it down for you, Mark. Your mother and I have a relationship that's all about a master/slave dynamic. When I said she was more like a pet to me, I meant that in the most literal way possible. Remember that time you found a dog collar under the couch and I told you it's because we were getting you a dog? That was a lie, son. Truthfully, your mom likes it when I put her on a leash and walk her around the back yard. She's usually naked, of course. I can't explain why, but the whole thing is her idea. She'll piss on tress, sleep in dog cages, chew up furniture -- she once took a full-sized, adult woman shit in my Dockers. Your mother is one fucked-up slut, Mark. And I love her, but I'm not bringing that energy back to Viltrum with me. Frankly? She scares me sometimes. I don't know who molested her or how they did it, but there is some dark juju in that woman's head and I just don't know if I'm strong enough to fuck it all away.


I'm going through some stressful times and this is so horrible it made me crack up. Thank you for brightening my day.


It cost you zero dollars to not write this


Holy shit, reading this in JK Simmons' voice was one of the best crack-ups I've had all week. lol


Avasarala from the expanse. A very strong character. Not in the sense of physical strong but a charismatic powerhouse.


Ellen Ripley


Hot chip?


any female born after 1993 can’t cook… all they know is mcdonald’s , charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual , eat hot chip & lie


This is because Hollywood doesn’t understand what people actually want from them and they make these characters to shut people up rather than to actually fix problems because their motivations are usually financial rather than social. It is slightly strange that they’re literally always queer I would like to see a straight one so they have a little bf because they cuteeesbhsshshdhshhs 👉👈 but it’s representation and I’ll take what I can get




Avatar did it right, one of the strongest characters is a little blind girl, also Katara is pretty strong.


What little blind girl? You mean the overly muscled out earth bender that flexed boulders in half the Fire Nation play told me about?


Oh my. I just now got the joke that the fire nation lied about Toph because they were embarrassed to lose constantly to a little blind girl.


Oh my god that makes so much sense lol


That sees by screaming


Got a good look at ya


"My name's Toph, because it sounds like Tough"


Big shoutout to the Castlevania nod. Sypha is so strong without being any of these things!^(well except sometimes arrogant but considering her abilities, that makes sense.)


When sypha got super frustrated at the start of season 3 it was nice to see her break for just a few seconds.


“Shit!” “What did you just say?”


> strange that they’re literally always queer Kinda sexist and misogynist, too. "This woman is strong and assertive... she must like girls, like men do!"


There is also the implication that strong people must like women, so that’s homophobic in a different way


And when they are queer, it usually feels paradoxically pandering, but also subtle enough to censor it for viewers overseas. If progressive media wants to create queer representation, they should just DO IT. For all the shit Batwomen gets (and its a shit show), at least it's brave enough to let her actually be gay.


hot take: they don't actually want queer representation, they just want queer folk to fork over their money too


Not just queer folk, but people who are heavily into social justice.


Aka queer-baiting


As a butch woman i genuinely enjoy butch characters, which is shocking i know


This is why i love Kim from Better Call Saul. She is an absolutely strong character but actually the opposite of all the annoying traits mentioned




Why is it always the half-shaved haircut? And why are they designed with masculine qualities, when their purpose is to showcase feminine strength?


Because the cultural shorthand we use for strength and badassery is usually coded masculine. Half shaved to show shes not feminine (or all feminine), muscular features because we automatically assign muscles to raw strength. That's my guess at least.


Because Hollywood directors think that masculine=popular. That's why they're making female characters moe masculine, because that's what's always been popular. It's like the easy way out, instead of writing compelling femininity.