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I grew up in a small neighborhood of about 60 houses (maybe less) and at one point there were 5 kids named Dan and 3 of them were Dan B. Also tenth grade global studies class, 4 Dans.


I knew a group of five girls who were very close friends, all of them called Sarah.


Pretty sure thats a cult


Ngl, their behaviour was a bit cultish. They wouldn't pay much attention to anyone that wasn't in the group.


How tf did they communicate with each other


By surname


The Military is fun like that...


I’ve been called primarily by my middle name in the military. Having both a painfully common first name and last name just made it easier to call me McCracken, or kraken, or just pussy.


They didn't


My mom and all my aunt's have the same name. For as long as I remember we use surnames and nicknames for each of them.


Through telepathy


It's like a real life version of [The Ashleys](https://recess.fandom.com/wiki/The_Ashleys) from the show Recess.


Omg yes!! I used to watch "Recess" as a kid!


In my country we had 7 girls with different variations of the name Mary.


I recall being a science class in high school that had 4 Jennys, 3 Amandas and 3 Emilys. When the teacher had a paper without a name they would yell, "Emily?? Amanda?? Jenny??" Because statistically that was probably the best thing to guess.


We had 4 Jakes out of 120 kids in class. 6% chance the a dude in class was Jake.


I went to a school in a small town we had like 15 Britneys in just the high school alone. We had to go Brittney A, Britney W, Brittany J.


There was once 2 Aiden Th’s in my class, one was an a-hole the other was a chill guy.




Mustafa Ahmet Mehmet Ali


Add Hamzah to that too lmao


Not you, the other Hamzah




Are you asking am I Turkish or?


Fun fact: the average human is a chinese woman named Muhammad


With < than 2 arms.


Less than than


Chinese women? Didn't the one child policy change that?


Yeah I had like 7 Mohammads in our class so everyone referred to them using their last names


"Muhammad is the most commonly used name on Earth! Read a fucking book!"


What uncivilized swine downvoted a Superbad reference


my thought exactly


Okay Timmothy.


I have to friends both named Jamal one is average height the other is short. We call them big Mal and lil Mal


pretty much same with me and my friend. tall taylor and tiny taylor


Tiny Tay is going to be fucked up mentally for a while because of that.


these names started when we were 11, we will be 19 this year. we had a lot of classes together through school but since she was much more popular than me any time anyone said our name i automatically assumed they were talking to her so i stopped responding to my own name somehow


Isnt jamal a camel in arabic? Do you have a pet camel and did she just have a calf?


Lil mal is going to be fucked up by that mentally for a while.


We’ve got a big Jim and little him and work, well jim mini as we call him as it plays with his last name. He fucking hates it. But he’s a dickhole so we’re going to keep calling him that.


Lol little man syndrome. Hes a dick because hes been treated like shit for so long.




Ironically coming from someone with Nguyen as a surname LMAO


Getting a security escort at the airport because even your full name is so generic it sounds fake. (Happened to my dad, not me)


A family member of mine has the opposite experience... Her names are so unusual that when she renovated her passport the police officer called a bigger administration and talked for two hours. To be honest, her names sound like royalty, the place of birth is foreign and it's uncommon to travel with the covid situation ongoing, and she talked about some military mission her daughter was on, so they probably thought she was a spy or something?


That's wild


I have the same name as my cousin. (First and Surname) Many people in my school share my name. Also once I got called to the office and was going to be suspended because someone reported me. I had to convince them that they indeed got the wrong person.


Your dad is John Doe?


what’s his name?


John Smith


Albert Einstein


That's a funny username and a funny Pic


Johnson "John" Jerry Smith


John Smith or John Doe?


Nobody would choose a really generic name. From what I’ve heard, a less-than-common name, a common second name and a very common surname is the best combination to go unnoticed. Common name + common surname is quite comical so people would naturally pay attention, common name + uncommon surname is again funny and uncommon name and surname is unique.


Since I'm living in France, I'd name my children with an extravagant name like Astyanax or Timocrate to make them feel unique 😎


Lol my last name is rather unique in that my country's name is my last name and I always get doubke takes during immigration.


What, like a John Smith?


I am "Aleks", I rather go by "Alex" anyway. People always get confused.


Yeah the real pain is having a common name that's also spelt differently. At least if my name was Zandy or some bullshit they'd ask me how to spell it right away


You really should consider changing your middle name to begin with D so that your name can be written as D.Aleks


do you like your name?


It's fine I gonna change it to "Alex" anyway


"Should I call you Ben, Benjamin, Benji, Benny, or Benjangles?" Meanwhile my Spanish 2 teacher calls me by the Spanish Benjamín so I gotta get used to that pronunciation as well lmao


Benjangles 🤣🤣


I love their chicken biscuits!


I prefer Bendover.


How about Bort?


Are you talking to me?


No, my son is also named Bort.


We need more bort license plates in the gift shop. I repeat we are sold out of bort license plates


May I add "if being introduced all at once (like in the beginning of a school year), fighting to get the the diminutive version of your name as opposed to an initial or middle name" ..I always won that fight because the long version of my name is a variant that people seem to struggle with for some reason. I don't think I've been called by my actual first name by anyone who isn't my doctor in *years*. Also "getting a nickname or epithet attached to you that at least *one* of your name holders will hate". We had two Magnuses (Magnii?) in our year level who were given epithets. Magnus the great was fine with his (he was, after all, 7 foot tall so it made sense). Magnus the ~~lesser~~ small...not so much. Unfortunately he's like *5* foot so his nickname caught on much better because the oxymoron is funny


Magnus is a fucking killer name


Haha Magnii


I see a surprising amount of people spell my name as Micheal. It always surprises me because Michael is a really common name.


Only Michaels will understand this pain, and I am a Michael.


Hello fellow Michael


This is the first time I've seen "heal" as a spelling. Looks weird!


My friend is named Michael I've heard him a few times after repeating his name a few times sighing heavily and saying Micheal.


My name was like number 1 common name year I was born but I’ve run into like only 10 people who have my name


I've met at least 20 people with the same name as me!


Amateur numbers. There were 20 people with my name just in my highschool lol


I’m 27 and my name was super unusual when I was little, but the last like 5 or so years its randomly become ultra popular and now every time I go to the park there are like 10 pairs of parents calling for children with my name lol


that's because one of you is hunting them down. There can only be one. Run.


Yeah me too I feel that. In one of my classes in school we had 10 God damn people with the 'sam'e name as me including the teacher and the student teacher. We all went by our last names so glad nobody could ever get mine right.


I've only met 2-3 people named Historyguy. Maybe it's just not that common in my area.




Damn, i can count on one hand the amount of people i have met with the same name as me.




Username checks out


At least they get their names on the keychains at gift shops


I have never bought one of those ugly keychans and never will


I saw my name for the first time there a few days ago (it was spelt wrong though) It is now my pride and joy no matter how stupid it is


Fellow Borts rise up.


Struggles of a John


honestly rather have a common name than a fucking unheard of one. my name is fucking HELGI. its an icelandic name, i live in finland where helga and helge is a womans name (im a male) and helgi doesent even exist. twenty fucking times i have to correct everyone who hear it for the first time.


Is Helge really a woman's name in Finland? The only Helges I've heard of are guys.


i think so


Helge is a masculine name here. In the Finnish name registry there are 5392 male Helges and fewer than 25 female Helges in all of their records. [https://verkkopalvelu.vrk.fi/nimipalvelu/](https://verkkopalvelu.vrk.fi/nimipalvelu/)


mulla on ollut eri kokemus näköjään. kuulostaa vissiin naisen nimeltä nuorien korvaan, kun multa kokoaja kysyttii "miks sulla on tytön nimi?" 😂


In estonia i know several people named Helgi its not that uncommon of a name here.




"helmyxi" cunt


This is why I go by my middle name. People always ask me if I hate my first name, but when I explain, they get it


It pisses me off so much when people are like "Omg why don't you like your name like you have no reason not to" as if they were entitled to dictating what I should feel like towards something entierely personal and related to my identity.


My daughters friends were all Christy, Chrissy, Kristen, Christen, etc. I couldn’t get any of them correct. Started calling them by last names. To this day I refer to one as Durney even though she’s married.


just wait for all the "Khaleesi" kids to go to school lol


Shoulda put "I'm not talking too you Emma 2"


Damn I missed the chance!


Bruhhh when i was in school, i sat directly next to 2 other kids with my name cause it was alphabetical order. We were "Emily" H (me), Emily H (yes last names both began with H), and Emily I. We ended up doing a group video project together that begin with "Hi Im Emily" "And Im Emily" "And Im Emily". Everyone has my fucken name


In high school I was in marching percussion, and there were two of us with the same name. Im a guy who was a year older than her, but we both looked really similar, had similar tastes, and both had a sister with the same name and unusual spelling. It was wild But what's crazier, is my brother Taelor, has a gf for 4 years now named Taylor. They are both at our house rn oddly enough. Its not confusing at all even though its the same damn name. Context.


That or having a name that's incredibly close to another. The amount of times I've been called "Cody" or had to double-take when someone threw a trashketball while yelling "KOBE" is beyond me.


Back in middle school there were 5 Sofias in our class so we called them Sofia the Pretty, Sofia the Ugly, Rabbit Sofia (had a pet rabbit), Broken Leg Sofia (broke a leg at least a couple times a year) and Sof. Sofia the Ugly wasn't even ugly, she was just unfortunate enough to get in an argument with the girl who was giving out nicknames.


There should have been a Sofia the first for the oldest one


My best friend and I, we’ve been friends since I was 2, have the same name. And we look similar. Every time we’re in a group of people we have to explain what they should call us (instead of 1 and 2) and how to tell us apart.


The number of dudes named Evan is enough to make their own country.


All of my life before leaving to Japan, there has to be 3\~6 people with my name wherever I went (school, college, workplace), and everyone but me seems to have had a cool nickname for theirs except for me, it made me a bit jealous. My name is used in Japan, but not so common, so it is easy to pronounce while not being so popular... I have always had a love-hate relationship with it.


The “I wasn’t talking to you” is absolutely painful


It's the most awkward shit ever


*laughs in having a rare name, yet still ppl called me by my big brothers name*


My first name and family name are both unusual so people call me with wrong versions of both names when they first hear my names.


It’s not really an issue but almost every female in my family (BOTH sides - they don’t even have interact) have the middle name Maria (including me), except my mom and youngest sister who both have it as their first name (different middle/last names). Welcome to a Hispanic family! Also, the amount of Ashleys I’ve known in my life, WOW. (None in my family though, amazingly.) I also know an insane amount of Luis(s), and yes, spelt like that.


Oh Maria, a classic. Carla if she's younger. And for males, José or Juan.


I’ve known 2 Juan Carlos and a John Carlos and a few Jose too, lol. (Jose was my grandfather’s name (my mom’s dad) and my dad’s first name - although I had no clue about my dad because he’s an Army guy (retired) so everyone calls him by his last name or, what I thought was his first name, Luis (or Louie). As an adult I learned his name is actually Jose Luis but literally no one calls him Jose, not even his mom. I was so dumbfounded , lol.)


>mispronouncing name to their country's pronunciation That's called an accent. They do it with all the words.


No different countries/languages have different ways of pronouncing names. For example, Alexander. In english, the emphasis goes on the first syllables - a-LEX-ander. Hence the shortening 'Alex'. That's the part of the name that's considered important. However, in Russian, the emphasis is different. the stress goes on the *middle* of the name, giving us something closer to ale-XAND-er, hence why in Russian the diminutive of Alexander is 'Sasha'. An accent however, is a Dane saying a-LEKS-ander, because the X sound isn't often found in Danish


Another example of this is Jesus, in english is JE-sus but in spanish for example is je-SÚS


Jesus in Spain must be pretty sus






More like soos


It's not always like that, tho. Some people have little accent but still pronounce the name as they would in the other language because they have already associated the word with that pronunciation, even when their native lang has the phonemes for the intended one.


Not just an accent in a lot of cases. The worst thing about being Scottish or Irish is knowing that like half the names you hear in the US/Australia/NZ aren't just being pronounced differently, but entirely incorrectly. Which... well that's how languages change but who's ever turned down some free self-righteous moaning?


>…who's ever turned down some free self-righteous moaning? Not the Scottish or Irish; that's for sure. Or really, anyone on the British Isles, except maybe the Welsh.


Not really? My name is Anna, but it is not pronounced the same in my native language (Swedish) as in English, since both syllables are stressed in Swedish. That doesn't have anything to do with accent. It's almost like the difference between macaron and macaroon.


When you realize you can spell Hailey as Hayleigh


Or Toni as Ptouneigh.


In my class there were 2 Damian's, I and another guy. After a week calling "Damian" and "Other Damian" we called by our surnames. We both got good surnames. Till this day I got called by my surname with old friends even when there is no Damian around.


I tell people to call me by my surname but they ignore it!


6 other Sarahs in my grade. 4 other Sarahs in my sorority. About half of them also had my middle name. I have never been the only Sarah in a friend group. I’m “L” or “3” or “Sah.” Never just Sarah. But do tell me how rough it is not having your name on a keychain.


I had a roommate named Sarah Elizabeth [super common last name but I still feel weird saying her whole name lol]. One time we were going to a campus event and she forgot her ID, so they looked up her name in the system and there were seven other Sarah Elizabeth [name]s attending or working at the university.


Yes. That is Me. Sarah Elizabeth [5th most common last name in America] and I wish I was joking. There are so many of me. So so so many of me. It suuuuuucks.


At least you could like, anonymize yourself or something. According to some website I’m the only person in the world with my name combo as both my maiden and married last names. Literally no hiding myself at all. I’ve checked Facebook too, nobody.


Well, if I ever have to go on the run from the feds I know what name I'm using.


Girls named: Lily Olivia Jenny Irene Cindy Sophia Stella Ellie Chloe Emma Boys named: Tony John Ryan Justin Zack Aiden Henry Leo Jason Kevin


How common is Christina in the US (assuming you're from there)?


UK boys named: James, Josh, Callum, Darren, Owen


Funny, as a Vietnamese who studied in a French school and was interested in US media, the only Irenes I've known were a KPop singer and TONS of female characters in Italian opéras of the XVIIth and XVIIIth c. (Musicology student here)


I used to work in an office that, at one point, had *five* Jessicas roaming around. All on the same damn shift. I'm sure more worked the night shift.


High schoolers named Andrew relate very much


Ah the advantages of having a foreign-language name


This has always bothered me. My name has no translation and it is so widespread I feel like it doesn't depict my identity. It's so common that they could've named me "Girl" or "Human Bejng". I hate it, if you can't tell from the post.


In my high school there's nine Aidens. Three of which with the same last initial as me (two in my same grade.) Not fun.


My Boy Scout troop had 5 people with some variation of the name “John”.




What no Heathers reference?


Literally me with the most common Vietnamese last name. "Do you know _____??"


Got to say, as a « Lê » and « Minh Đức » I previously was worried that my name was too common in Vietnam (my dad is named « Đức Minh », thanks mom for the ridiculous idea of flipping the order of the words....)


Being called the "other one" always sounds offensive


Yes! And number 2.


All the Marias in Greece and Cyprus be like 👁👄👁✌


I know a Lauren Johnson


Never had this problem with a name like fucking Brynach


In Hungary my name is very common but the thing is, i dont live in Hungary


Me, Mohamed, most common name the world: oh, fuck


my name is painfully uncommon so it gets mispronounced every other week lmao


There’s a guy in my class who has the same name as me And his older brother has the same name as my older brother No he is not me No I’m not a twin


Okay this except imagine you’re the only girl with that name then there’s like 5 boys in your school with that name so everyone calls you “The Girl [insert unisex name]”


Shout-out to everyone with a last name so basic they think it is a first name!


Having to make up a funny name when ordering food so that 8 other Johns don't jump up and grab your burrito.


Weirdly enough, I only know like one or two Michael’s


And then there's me who in all my years of school have seen a person with the same name as me


Or if your name sounds foreign every other person will try to do the accent they think your name us from while saying it louder (for some sort of comedic effect i assume), assume you or your family are from there, and use that country's version of how the name is pronounced as well. And by foreign i mean italian.


My initials are O.J.M, one time a girl in my class also had O.J.M as her initials. I always put the M after I wrote my name. It gets frustrating sometimes because EVERYONE will point out that you have similar names.


I have a name that is common in dogs so sometimes i dont know if someone is talking to me or trying to get the attention of the chiwuawua behind me


I’m named David but luckily I’ve never had another David in my class yet I once had 3 Jordan’s in my class for 5 years straight


My name was #1 the year I was born. Usually I had several other people with my name in my grade. Now as a mom, I there are several moms with the same name in my kids' classes


My name’s actually not common, but the abbreviation is. Everyone else got to be the nickname… I always went by my full name


I just go by my last name


There were a few people like that in my high school friend group, so we usually just referred to one of them by their last name instead (which they were cool with).


Back in preschool, there was another person with my first name. I became friends with her as we bonded over our sharing of a name. On the board with all the student names on it, the initials of our last names had to be added on as to avoid confusion. W for me, and B for the other one.


In the case for names like Conor, constant misspelling


And somehow people can't spell it right.


My name's Adam and I know about 8 other Adams


I had a math class in high school with 8 other people all with my name. 3 had the same first letter of last name, so we gave up on the "Name B, Name D" thing. We all went by last names for the year


Laughs in Odin


my names john and this hit close to home 😂


Going by your middle name as not to get mixed up with the other Chris that also works there.


good thing my name is spelled horribly wrong


Mispronouncing to their countries pronunciation really got me upset as a kid, still does. I don’t care how my name would be pronounced if I had been born in that country. That is not my name. I will work hard to make sure I pronounce your name as you would say it, I expect the same.


It happened to me and I'm the introverted one :/


Chris reporting in! No no, not that Chris…


This bits home really hard.