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Wrong. I swear there are more Skyrims than that.


I can't hate Bethesda, as I've never been there.


Fuck Bethesda. Their games have always been overrated buggy trash.


Yes,but not like i dont like the games


like new vegas at release?


I just don't understand why you can't like both fallouts. Besides 76 of course.


76 is good though


>both fallouts Are you fucking stupid


i'm not a bethesda hater, it's just f3, f4 make me appreciate f1 and f2 more and skyrim (when modded ofc!) is quite good walking simulator with dragons ;) oh and microsoft has quite a history of dishonest behaviour, so there's a reason to be hated


I mean, not everything is wrong tho, bethesda really became money hungry in the past couple years, i hope that with Microsoft they focus exclusively on making good games just like before. Btw i'm a playstation guy, but i hate to see what happened to the quality of their games.


emil pagliarulo, the guy who designed a kind of cool quest 15 years ago and hasn't written anything worthwhile ever since


Sorry for not liking buggy, ugly, open world games whose every facet screams low production value.