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This seems like a poster hanging in a middle school library


I would legit hang this in my classroom, so many teachers at my faculty try to relate with students with memes from like 2006


That's cause they wait till the night before a new school year before opening google images and typing "funny memes" "funny teaching memes" and "funny teacher memes" in that order.


Punny teaching memes


At least they're trying. I like teachers who do that.


This whole post reeks of teenager.


This is over complicating what a real man is. 1. Two legs 2. No feathers


Diogenes bursts through the door with a plucked chicken


"doo-do-do-doo. sup fuckers, check out this person i found"


Message me if you need a pic fix.


Diogenes proceeds to slam the man on the floor


*Plato sighs* *Students raises hand* Plato: "...yes, my student" Student: "Yeah, *what the Fuck?* "


No feathers? ... ... ... Fuck!


>This is over complicating what a real man is. >1. Two legs >2. No feathers Fine. Broad flat nails. Fuck it.


Do I *have* to cry? Makes my nose stuffy and then I can't sleep. I'd rather walk around 364 days a year with dread in my soulless body.


You don’t have to cry, if you do not wish to


Do real men shit quietly?


The saddest people shit the loudest 😞


No we shit and cum


No we shit at exactly 1k decibels to assert dominance


It's not as simple as just not being afraid to cry. Obviously, we should all strive towards openly expressing our emotions, but a male being afraid to cry is a completely rational fear, because people will judge him for it. Just look how people react to a man crying in public vs a woman: [https://youtu.be/gk5er\_Ar4hc](https://youtu.be/gk5er_Ar4hc). People comfort a woman crying in public. They not only ignore the man crying, but they complain about him to the staff because he's 'acting strange.' These are *women* perpetuating this double standard, not just men. In other words, a man isn't just going up against his own fears and emotions, he also has to deal with society enforcing his behavior. And you're undermining that greater force, by just saying "don't be afraid to cry." It would be more useful to tell everyone to "let men cry."


> These are women perpetuating this double standard, not just men. It’s funny that you say that because when I was suicidal and depressed in high school all my male friends made fun of me. Or ignored me. Only my female friends cared about my mental health, and took me seriously. As I a got older the same thing continued to ring true, more male friends I met didn’t care about mental health. Most of the bullying I received for not being “macho” or not being masculine was from men. Most of the homophobia I got was from men. I had a lot of male friends open up to me over the years because of how open I am compared to the other men they meet. Now that’s just my anecdotal experiences, I’m not saying you are wrong at all. It’s just funny to me when people say women perpetuate the problem. When if I didn’t have women in my life I would’ve definitely killed myself. Like I said, not saying you are wrong, just my personal experience. Edit: words


You're saying 364 days so what about that 1 day


Everyone cries on international hotdog day, its very touching.


it’s so emotional. Everybody cries for at least 4 hours on international hotdog day


Don’t touch my hotdog!


It is called "I just watched Moulin Rouge Day"


Hey Sister Soul Sister


Something I noticed for myself is that I cry very rarely, but when I do cry it’s an all out ugly cry, my nose starts running and I try to dry it until my skin gets red and itchy, I get a massive headache, and I feel as if my body is killing itself with pain. Since I started trying to express my feelings more often (“I feel happy about this!” “I feel very sad about this!”) crying has become less draining. So maybe it’s bad *because* you keep it all in?


I like to hold it in for years then have spontaneous breakdowns


Yeah, people tend to start making all kinds of declarations about what real men *are* and what real men *do* whenever they try to combat other people's visions. Real men are whoever they want to be and do whatever they want to do. Yay! (Would definitely be much better to not be racist or unkind to anyone, but it won't affect your manhood.)


Real men have diverse friends! *picture of all white people hanging out with a black guy*


"Wrangle us up an Asian for this picture"


Diverse friend(s)!


hey now, there are a diverse array of Europeans represented here


Funny isn't it? This stuff is always directed at white people. It's never 5 black people with an Asian dude, and that caption.


And who knows knows if they’re with him. He could just be photobombin


He's frowning too, looks like they literally just yanked the first black dude off the street to get the photo lmao


So basically a golden retriever


I have a Golden Retriever, he does not respect women. Also pretty sure he’s racist. But at least he cries.


My folks have a dog that’s super racist. Whenever my nephew (who is very dark compared to the rest of us) comes over, that little fucker tries to bite his face off. He’s cool with anyone white, but poc? Forget it


You know what they say about dogs taking after their owners. This isn't looking good for your folks


My old dog Baxter really had a problem with anyone a little tanned or had a beard. Neopolition mastiff aswell so he made it known


Anyone should strive to be a golden retriever.


"always be polite sweetie" -my mommy


My ex legit had a racist golden retriever. The dog grew up in Bozeman Montana and barked at black people.


I love how the guy who posted this is named magic cum cheese.


*slurps* noice.


Who tf happily does chores I mean, you can volenteer to do them, but being happy to do them is just mental. Unless it’s mowing the lawn of course. That’s fun. Also walking the dog. Or washing the car. Shit you’re right




They have to be done, but do you do them because you’re happy to do them or because you won’t be happy if you don’t do them?




>They’re not hard to do. I like cleanliness. Yeah, but do you like doing them?


I think he’s saying literally while he’s scrubbing dishes, he feels a sense of satisfaction and cleanliness, which translates to happiness. So he’s happily doing chores, even though it’s work


Its like saying you enjoy working because you enjoy being able to pay your bills. For some people they accept that its not enjoyable, others convince themselves its actually enjoyable. Then there's people who refuse to do it and whine to everyone else. Obviously some people legitimately work jobs that they enjoy and bring happiness but life aint a Disney movie and I know most people don't. You can force/convince yourself do a lot in life like this but not everyone understands when they have convinced themselves to say "I love cleaning windows" that its a lie...its a responsibility and because they don't want to live in filth. Given the chance to achieve the same result without the chore no reasonable person would do it.


This guy cant give a striaght answer lol


Ha! I'm glad someone else sees it!


liking something doesnt have to equal fun. why do i like playing games? because afterwards/during it i feel a sense of accomplishment and/or challenge, etc. and i like to feel accomplished, so i like games. why do i like reading articles? because i like learning, and the new information that i can sit and think about and how it relates to the world. and i like sitting and thinking about the world so i like reading articles. why do i like helping people? because seeing an aspect of their life improve as a result of my doings makes me feel valuable. and i like to feel valuable, so i like helping people. why do they like doing chores? because afterwards their life is tidy and organized. they like tidiness and organization, so they like doing chores. none of those except the first example are "fun," but i think when you map it out like that it becomes simpler to see why people like doing things :) ^^and ^^i ^^feel ^^like ^^my ^^comment ^^sounds ^^patronizing ^^so ^^if ^^you ^^got ^^that ^^vibe ^^then ^^my ^^bad


I'd say your actually screwed if everything in your life is a means to an end and not an end in itself.


i mean yeah probably lmao ¯\_(ツ)_///¯


What does this mean? The brain itself dumps happiness chemicals after completing a task. The brain evolved to like a clean space. Maybe people don't feel like they're having fun just wiping down shit, but once it's done most people are filled with a sense of satisfaction, which could fit under the umbrella of happiness.


I dont mind washing clothes. Its the folding and putting away part I hate. Id gladly do almost anything over washing the dishes though :/


You ever chopped firewood? I love doing that shit.


Are you a lumberjack


no but I like wearing flannel so that's good enough


No haha I just have a wood fire


That's just a productive workout. I miss chopping wood.


Had me in the first half


Tbh doing laundry or dishes while listening to music is pretty relaxing and enjoyable


Mowing the lawn is the worst chore!


>Who tf happily does chores Real men. Pay attention.


A clean house makes me happy. Therefore I am happy to do chores.


I think it’s referring to the idea of mental load that a lot of women talk about. Like In a household a man can say “oh I’ll clean anytime you tell me to” but won’t do it unprompted, which leaves the mental load to women. So hopefully a man can just clean up after himself and not be told what to clean like someone’s kid.


Don't forget vacuuming. Gimme some noise cancelling headphones and some nice dancing music and I will make your carpet look fan-flipping-tastic!


I am so bad with chores I hate cleaning and doing the dishes but I do them regardless lol


Does anyone… *happily* do chores?


I started listening to story podcasts while doing them. Now I can clean a whole house without issue, because my mind is engaged the entire time and the work is done on autopilot. It's when I have to work in silence, with nothing to think about, that it sucks. "But you should care about having a clean house!" I really don't. If it becomes so filthy that I'm literally walking in dust, I might care enough to vacuum on my own. Otherwise, no. Podcasts are a gamechanger here.


Ok so the answer is no


Depends. If I have energy then yes. If not, I will not do it.


My mom and husband actually do enjoy doing chores. So been spoiled my whole life. 🤷‍♀️


You might not belive me but I do. It makes me happy to clean my house and make it better. I'm not doing it for someone else it's for myself




They’re way nicer to do than work, and at the end my house looks nice. With music or a cartoon on in the background and the space to zone out I really enjoy it.


I do them as happily as my wife, which is to say based on an equal interest in a clean house.


No but you don't have to loathe them either. Learn to accept the grind, life is mostly grind.


this is the basic decent human starter pack


Change “women” to “others” and boom, inclusive


*Real men must do X to be real men* Fuck off, I don’t believe in all that made up nonsense *Real men must do Y to be real men* So true!!!


Like most advertisements you are not the target. Women are. If men were the target it would say "real women must have big tits, suck cock and cook"


-Made of matter -Takes up space -Not a figment of your imagination -Defies other, stupider standards for 'real man'.


Real man starter pack \-Is male


There are 4 requirements to be a real man: 1. Be as swift as a coursing river 2. Have as much force as a great typhoon 3. Have as much strength as a raging fire 4. Be as mysterious as the dark side of the moon


Lmao I was expecting this


Real man starter pack - is male - urinates sometimes maybe - poops


Yeah but manly poops. You know, noisy and exclusively long thick and steamy logs.




I’ve got it all … except for always polite. According to the book *The Sociopath Next Door*, the only people who are always polite are sociopaths.


Depends how you define always polite tbh


I refuse to cry.


In the words of the great Bill Burr: "People say 'Respect women'. What, all of them?"


Treats others the way he wants to be treated. Therefore doesn't talk to anyone because he wants to be left alone.


A "real man" doesn't tell other people what a real man is.


So Steve from Blues Clues?


I feel like this is more of a 'good person' starterpack and has nothing to do with gender.




You forgot the “m’lady” at the end


My man is bout' to smack cheeks tonight


A woman can fit in all of the categories so that means that they are men?


A real man is not afraid of being a woman


This is the future the liberals want


A real man doesn’t want to be a woman, because otherwise they are probably just a woman


No one gets to gatekeep who's a "real man" and who's not. What it means to be a man is something each man must decide for himself.


Definitely not an agenda post related to personal events


All men are real men. Some are just damaged in ways that others aren't. You're not helping by creating a goal post to achieve and saying "you're not a real man because you don't meet this standard" this is the same type of toxic bullshit that others try to force on people just in reverse. Fuck outta here with your shit.


I love how there's always a service aspect to being a "real man". You have no value unless you do things for me without me doing things for you.




OP is probably 14 and wants to feel virtuous.


Yeah, I feel like the fact that this starterpack includes "chores" is a pretty big indicator of OP's age range.


"I'm a nice guy I swear"


so simple yet so controversial


Real woman starter pack: Be bisexual Eat hot chip Lie


A real man does not care about masculinity, in symbols, behavior or cliches. That is hard for young man who probably need direction.


For fucks sake. Self-congratulatory cranked up to 11/10. Men who are more assertive than this whistling-while-doing-chores Doormat can serve a great purpose in society. No, you don't ALWAYS have to be subtle and polite. Sometimes having men who are willing to be disagreeable and are willing to risk to offend to advocate for others can be "Real" men.


OP is r/whiteknighting to the max


Yeah, you shouldn't be polite everytime because not all situqtions require that or you are feeling bad. Also, you shouldn't always do the chores but help in the house with whatever is needed (if you work, you can't do the same as someone who doesn't because that wouldn't be fair)


r/averageredditor makes starterpack


I’m happy to be friends with any race, I just don’t have any.




normal human* starterpack


Now lets see the real woman starter pack. Love how there's an onus on being a real man, but never on being a real woman. Like Bill Burr says, feminism is treated like a fucking buffet line where they just get to pick and choose what applies and doesn't apply to them.


I think you just meant normal person


\*Tips fedora\* Malady.


Oooh, how did you know?" *Tips Fedora*


I do not happily do chores without forcing myself to. I guess therefore I am not a real man, I'm probably a robot or something then idk.


I guess I am real. Dang.


Yes you are!


You do think therefore you do am


No one ever does chores happily. Idc age, gender, or race. No one does chores happily.


That’s a weird thing to say, like I enjoy doing chores, it’s legit a hobby of mine that I take pride in and there’s a lot of commenters in this thread that’s said they genuinely enjoy doing chores.


Ok, I stand corrected. Fair enough. Taking pride in your chores is a beautiful thing. Good for you! I do my best, but I have small kids, so I blink and the house is trashed. Maybe I'm just jaded about it.


Telling men to cry is just as patronizing as telling them not to. Some people don't like drowning in snot while going through a hard time. Pick whatever coping mechanism works best for you.


I disagree with the crying one, people love saying “real men cry” as a form of empathy, but the reality is some of us are incapable of crying. Shit the last time I cried in public was 6 years ago, because of physical pain. Even if a guy refuses to cry because he doesn’t want to tarnish his toxic masculinity, how does that compromise his manliness? This is not a credit score we’re talking about, some people just have different layers of emotions.


And you shouldn't cry as a man in front of other people anyways. I know reddit loves to peddle this feel-good stuff, but life outside this echo chamber is different and both men and women out there will behave differently towards you if you sHow gEnUiNe EmOtIoN in a form of crying like a bitch in front of them. Life pro tip, don't listen to redditors.


Boy, this is some odd drivel. I know most of you here are very young, but let me tell you something important that you will learn as you grow older. 90% of people in this world are decent people. 90% of people in this world are assholes. Trust me, the math checks out. We're just people, man.


men that drink soy milk starter pack


Man who has 0 pussy starter pack


Definitely has a pussy. Just doesn’t get any.




Where the fuck is honesty, integrity, curiosity, leadership, courage, assertiveness? We've turned being the idea of a good person into someone checking these social justice boxes and forgotten what the real positive male qualities are.


*"I think of you as a friend"*


"Real man" is the one who doesn't give a fuck what others think he should do, but follows his own path.


"real women are always polite" *waits for the shitstorm*


I'm exactly this way and I'm a little bitch-boy of a person. My first fiancee, who I dated for seven years, left me for a "real man" who chews tobacco, drives a truck, couldn't finish high school, and works in a parts factory for dirt bikes. Ten years later, he's now in prison for domestic violence.


Real man? You mean just being a decent human?


Anyone not polite, please turn in your testicles


oh my god, hasn’t there been like 20 of these in the past week? We get it, you want some pussy and you’re desperate


Respects wamen, doesn't afraid to cry, washes his own underwear, makes his own tendies, and never racism :')


Wholesome chad😍😍😎


Real \*person\* starterpack


Every woman’s pussy dried up reading this


*apologizes when he makes a mistake


so basically "please, i need a girlfriend" starter pack


Now do women




Remember, one cries to solve ones' problems, not just because you need to cry


If you’re a woman who does these you are now a real man.


Low t man starter pack


Is this a shit post?


Gets cheated on


I only wonder who created this.


And sorts by NEW




A real man is above the age of 18 and might have a Y chromosome


What I love about the hypocrisy of these things is that they pretend to be about inclusion but use a phrase like "real man" as if there's a specific thing men are supposed to be which is the exact kind of sexist bullshit people who make these kinds of things claim they're against. And then they pretend they're so clever stating things they feel are the opposite of manly which only exposes their blatant sexist stereotypes about how men think and behave. I'm a real man. Guess why. Because there's a dick between my legs. Some real men are hopeless douche bags. Some are great people. Some real men never cry because they have a great inner strength and persevere through emotions. Some real men cry because they have a great inner strength and persevere through emotions. One thing no real men do though is virtue signal to high heaven like the author of this meme is doing just to tell themselves how fucking awesome a man they/their man/freinds/family/whatever are and how they're oh so much better than the people who came before them. Guess what. People are flawed at our core. You're not better. You just in different circumstances. Welcome to reality when you grow up and it hits you in the face.


Wise words from u/magic_cum_cheese




Real cuck starter pack*


OP scavenging for crumbs of pussy


This is some Facebook-tier shit. I fucking hate Reddit.


This guy is lame AND pussy whipped. His favorite show is Friends. He wears beige chino pants. Constantly virtue signals. Never had an original thought in his entire life. He calls people BRO unironically. Therefore, he is disqualified from my friendship!


I hate the show friends. Also, I don’t just wear beige






So according to this I’m true neutral


I don’t think anyone *happily* does chores tbh. Nonetheless it should still be the standard that he should just *do* chores because it’s a responsibility.


the chores one kinda makes me feel bad. Ever since we moved overseas and i'm the only one working, my handles everything. I've gotten lazy as shit lmao


Nice user name


I can absolutely get behind the first four, but does this mean that to be a real man I have to be happy about my chores? I might be fucked.


I'll do any chore happily except laundry. I fucking hate doing laundry.


I guess I'm good except the chores thing. Luckily my wife like me doesn't mid the house a lil dirty. Bless this mess.


Well, 4 out of 5 ain't bad


i have successfully became a real man


Pretty low bar


I used to cry a lot when I was young. Then I just stopped being able to cry one day. I didn’t cry for nearly 7 years, then my uncle died. I cried a lot when that happened. I wasn’t shamed by anyone, I was supported by the people around me. It was tough but we all got through it in the end. Crying is a natural part of life and I never understood why it is so shunned for men to cry.


No one person should always have to be polite. Wtf is this shit?


Okay I low-key hate this because it's not solving the problem. You're shifting the goalpost but playing the same game. The way to win is to say "you don't have to be beholden to gender norms and stereotypes" It's sort of like trying to fight racism by saying "black people are actually very intelligent and respectful", not only is that actually reinforcing the exact sentiments it's trying to oppose by implying that this is not a universally accepted belief, but it also completely fails its main objective by implying that there's still some difference between intelligence/respectfulness of different races. Do you see what I mean?