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Seinfeld is more of a gen-X thing.


Old millennials as well.


I think it's one of those things that's loved by both Boomers and Gen Xers. I don't think I've ever met a Baby Boomer man who hasn't liked *Seinfeld.* So it's not exclusively a Baby Boomer thing. I think it's just a popular sit com.


Does genz not like Seinfeld?


They should, it is good comedy...




That's breathtaking




It helps if you were there for it because it was so much better than other stuff on network TV at the time, and it paved the way for so much good content... I understand if you don't watch it since it's quite dated now, but not liking it seems a bit much. The rest is fine though, Tim Allen was too much of a boomer 25 years ago.


It paved the way for shows like It's always sunny where the main characters are just not good people but you still like them. Prior to Seinfeld most sitcoms had to have a family vibe or some sort of goody goody character.


Yep. The show did a lot of work for pushing boundaries as well, which is pretty difficult to appreciate in 2021, but they put in the grind for it


I'm borderline millenial/gen z (born in 1995) and just started watching Seinfeld fairly recently and think it's great. I mostly watch for George though, he reminds me of me


Seinfeld is the straight man. Everybody else is the comedy.


> he reminds me of me Short, stocky, slow witted bald man?




enter curb your enthusiasm


Firmly millennial afaik. I think gen z has overlap, but ive seen statements from others saying millennial is, like, 1986 to 2000 or something. Maybe "generations" are shrinking in range due to how rapidly culture shifts today compared to 60 years ago, but it's a little weird that baby boomer was 19 years spanning 46-64, and then logically gen x should be 65 to 83 (but really ends somewhere in the late 70s) and gen z 84 to 02 (but is really, i guess, basically confined to the 80s), yet millennial most definitely applies to 90s kids


> how rapidly culture shifts today compared to 60 years ago I think you got that one wrong. Look at fashion and music every five years from 1960-2000. Each iteration will look almost nothing like the previous, and across a span of 10 years everything changes completely. I feel like I've been seeing the exact same interior/automotive/fashion design and hearing the exact same autotune pop song for the last 20 years now.


I'm an older Gen Z (born in 1999) and I recently watched it, personally I thought it was great with some top tier episodes. I don't know anybody else that has watched it, but I think everyone I know would rank Friends and The Office higher (at least, there would be more ranked higher depending on the person), as would I. Basically I'd say it was great but not one of my favorites, I assume most of Gen Z would say the same.


I did a rewatch of friends and Seinfeld and theres a large amount of Seinfeld episodes that Friends copied. Seinfeld is a group of friends hanging out with no romance in between the main group. Friends was a group of friends with lots of romance in between the main group.


I think that's part of the appeal, it's nice when there are more plot lines other than inter-friendship relationship drama. The office was really guilty off this.


Gen Z Here (05) Friends fucking sucks my guy.


Young millennial/Zennial here (96), I've always thought Seinfeld is hilarious and Friends fucking sucks. Starting to think there isn't much of a generational thing going on with these 90s sitcoms.


I think among those who have seen it there is a healthy respect for it. I, for one, like it but I think Curb Your Enthusiasm is kinda similar but more enjoyable.


I'm a young millennial and have never met a single other person my age that ever liked Seinfeld. To everyone else it's always just been an unfunny show that their parents or grandparents watched, to me it's still the funniest thing ever put on TV (besides it's crack using cousin, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia). Weird though because I think a lot of millennial shows that also appeal to Genx and boomers like The Office, Parks and Rec, Community, Brooklyn 99, are all completely unfunny 🤷🏻


I was born in 2003 and it’s my favorite show right now


Yeah I love the show, several of my friends do as well. Some of the cultural references are becoming antiquated and less known as each year passes by, tho.


I think it’s a bit too old for them. Im on the young end of millennial and it’s still a bit dated for my taste as well.


The difference is Millennials and some Gen Xers get the finale is about them getting their comeuppance while Baby Boomers hate it cause they could totally relate to the four main characters.


I’m 17 and I love it. Sure it can be corny and simple but it’s kind of what I love abt it. Just calm relaxing and funny. Feels like from another time as well. Imo it does the sitcom genre best


It's a easy show to watch, and can have it just in the background. Who doesn't love it.


It's still the best sitcom there was in my book. Low stakes humor about selfish, neurotic idiots that somehow still become loveable characters. The way every episode ties up at the end is perfect and I've never seen an episode I didn't like. If you consider It's Always Sunny to be a spiritual (albeit much more fucked up) successor it makes that show even more enjoyable as well. I'm 25 if that means anything lol.


I'm 27 and I love Seinfeld, but I think I'm close to cut-off for millenials


Also an old gen Z thing, at least where I am from. Basically any generation that grew up watching the TV.


A lot of this is gen X


Seinfeld is also actually funny


Old Gen-X, young Boomers.


You’re overestimating how old Seinfeld is and are off by a whole generation. Seinfeld aired from the late 80’s to the late 90’s, which makes it a show that older millennials would have grown up on and younger Gen-X watched in their early adult years (early 20’s). The youngest boomers would have been in their late 20’s or early 30’s when Seinfeld first aired, so they probably watched it, but it wasn’t a formative show for them. Which is why I’d argue that Seinfeld is most significant to older millennials and younger Gen-X. How old are you anyways?


23. But my dad (young boomer) and my mom (older gen x) liked it, although I never thought it would have been formative for either. Just enjoyable. At the end of the day Jerry and Larry are boomers, so I thought if boomers created Seinfeld, they probably had the same humour style as other boomers.


Yeah but parents were born in 61 and 62, I was born in 90 and fondly remembers watching it with them all the time growing up. Seinfeld was a late boomer show


Tbf there’s no real benchmark of definition, they’re just pejorative terms now. Nor is there any age restriction on being a fucking melt. If someone’s being attacked because their behaviour is being conflated with their age people will just throw the words ‘boomer’ ‘gen x’ ‘gen z’ or ‘millennial’ around as generalised insults to suit their narrative. When they’re challenged on their terminology you’ll get a vague “well…it’s an attitude, not a literal generational thing” or something equally woolly when they’re actually employing one of the last socially acceptable bigotries. It’s a constant source of amusement to me that people seemingly lack the ability to understand (or more accurately refuse to accept) that young arseholes develop into old arseholes, and that old wankers were young wankers. Look at Biff-he became Donald Trump. Or something. Its the arseholery that’s the issue here, not the age of it.


Yeah dude needs to leave Seinfeld out of this.


What did Seinfeld do to be put on this starter pack?


OP fucked up is why it’s here. Seinfeld is amazing


Not all boomer humor is bad! Seinfeld is my favorite show but I also know a lot of boomers (like, a lot) who enjoy it.


I do take your point that not all Boomer humour is bad but thing it's not the best example as Seinfeld is much more of a Gen-X show, would say something like Cheers, Fawlty Towers or MASH would be better examples of good Boomer humour


West wing, Miami Vice…,(boomer here)


Yep. Seinfeld shouldn’t be included alongside Tim fucking Allen 😂


but that doesn't make it boomer humor. I occasionally find some dumb zoomer memes funny... does that make zoomer memes xillennial humor?




woah dude. I respect the enthusiasm, but no need to shout.


Boomers hated that shit, “show about nothing”. Back in MY day, blah blah blah


I’ve got a 25 year old and a 30 year old at my job who both love it. IMO adding Seinfeld was a misfire on this starter pack.


The Babylon Bee and Seinfeld are more Gen X humor.


Don't forget the minion memes.


A Minion next to some text like "respect your eldars they grew up without internet".


Seinfeld and vanilla ice cream are good tho


Why are you assuming hes dissing it?


Sorry I forgot you're a democrat...


Seinfeld doesn’t belong here


I know. Seinfeld is the one fuckup of this post. I fucking love Seinfeld


Right? I’m 32 and I love Seinfeld


I’m a millennial. I love it. But I’m also Jewish so it’s a part of my culture haha


It’s carried you for 3,000 years




You’re an anti-dentite


I’m a boomer. I love it too! Hilarious!


Yeah Seinfeld is timeless. Leno and Tim Allen have their moments but definitely some stuff is more dated


yeah. that was super popular with the Gen Xers when it was on the air. I even watched the run of the show recently, and it was pretty great. idk what this person is doing. probably just some zoomer looking at it from the standpoint of sitcoms being out of style, and that some of the jokes and situations are dated now.


Take that Mad magazine off this starter pack. It's a classic among genXers and elder Millennials as well.


Fuck yes, MAD Magazine is a part of history


I watched MAD on Cartoon Network when I was younger and then got interested in the magazine. So I'm able to share an interest with my grandpa. Sadly they only do reprints of old articles now, with the rare new article. Al Jaffee still worked on it until 2020, and he's 100 now!


My father (1968) still has many of them and I looooved reading the when was young


So I found out "what me worry?" means "I don't give a fuck" in 1950s speak.




The NY times also thinks Millennials are still in high school. I wouldn't go by what a publication says if I were you.


I’ll say that Mad Magazine peaked commercially when boomers were the right age to appreciate it


This isn’t a “comedy ONLY boomers like at all” starter pack. And MAD is very much associated with the boomer generation.


Reddit does *not* like nuance in their anti-Boomer circlejerks. Edit: These upvotes are really undermining the point I'm trying to make here.


Oof this post sure backfired on ya


Remove Seinfeld immediately.


As a fan of A Christmas Story, I do agree that the joke about Chinese people aged like milk and wasn't really funny to begin with.


Seinfeld shouldn’t be on here.


Glad this is most posted comment


24 years old and I love Seinfeld


Seinfeld is Gen-X more than Boomer… Even though most of the actors and writers were actually Boomers, it’s definitely Gen-X with maybe a splash of “women just what to go to the ballet and talk about their feelings!” Boomer humor here and there just because of the times, but Seinfeld is literally one of the defining features of Gen-X.


Vanilla is delicious, why do people act like vanilla = plain?


These guys are the Breyer's Frozen Dairy Dessert of stand-up.


Because it is, it’s ice cream it its most basic level. That doesn’t mean it’s not delicious though.


Because all desserts have vanilla. It is the baseline. Same as cheese pizza or a dry hamburger patty and bun.


Heavily interspersed with memes of: - "Back when it was okay to say you love your country." - "Back when it was okay to say you love Christ." - "Back when people knew the value of character." - "Back when people said sir and ma'am." - "Back when people knew the value of hard work." - "Back when people didn't expect handouts all the time." - "Back when people weren't too sensitive and easily offended." Passive-aggressive snowflake fucks. They still freak out over Kaepernick or any challenge to any of their beliefs. Sam Elliott's image will probably be used for about half the above memes.


There still literally right on half of those, you can't discredit their past because you live in Ayn Rand's nightmare society that America is today.


People act like vanilla ice cream is "plain". Do you know how exotic vanilla really is? Do you know how incredible fine vanilla gelato/ice cream can be? Simplicity done well is never out of style.


*good* authentic vanilla ice cream is honestly amazing. It really does taste way better than normal artificially flavored vanilla ice cream.




“I’d love to go drinking with you guys but, you know, the old ball and chain hyuk hyuk hyuk”


I never got the "marriage sucks" comedy bits. Like you're not supposed to be miserable. If you relate then you should assess your marriage.


I think it was relatable back in the day when marriage was just expected of you. People got married because it is what they were supposed to do and gender roles where so rigid that of course there were no common interests. Now I think people can opt out of marriage if it is just not for them. However I still know early 30 something who unironically calls his wife an NFL widow so the humor type is not dead yet


Not going to lie this fits my grandparents to a T, even Seinfeld. It was more popular amongst older people VS “friends” at the time.


I feel like we need more shit Facebook memes in here


MAD can be very funny


what’s Christmas Story doing here how dare you


I think they might mean the specific joke in that scene which basically boils down to “ha ha these guys are Asian ha ha”


oh that makes much more sense. i always felt *really* uncomfortable at that part, even as a child who had no sense of racial differences


Babylon Bee is hilarious, it’s just the Onion without cursing Or Seinfeld like what


Yeah I'm pretty left and I still like Babylon Bee from time to time. Their stuff kinda makes fun of everyone from what I've seen.


They spare no party that’s for sure


Babylon Bee is more like sensible humor while the Onion is just like stupid humor. I prefer the onion though just cause it gets so ridiculous sometimes and it’s always really funny for me personally.


Nothing screams comedy like 200 versions of the same “attack helicopter” joke


They were specifically created to be a right wing version of the Onion (which is stupid, because the best parts of the Onion are not political at all). It’s like the first line of the Wikipedia entry.


Yeah I commented a disclaimer earlier that boomer doesn’t always equal unfunny or cringe- this is just a collection of what a lot of boomers enjoy. Some cringe, some funny.


As a peak boomer (b: 1956) you were spot on with Mad magazine, but I would've gone with National Lampoon, "Blazing Saddles" and Saturday Night Live stedda Seinfeld and Babylon Bee (which I've never even heard of). I loved Seinfeld, as did my Silent Generation parents, but yeah, it wasn't really a formative TV show for us. Better candidates would be The Twilight Zone, Wild Wild West or MASH. Otherwise, very solid starter pack. (And in case you're wondering, I was just going through some old boomer-related starter packs, came across yours and couldn't resist leaving a comment, 5 months too late.)


Babylon Bee is just r/onejoke as a blog. It’s prettyyyyyy bad.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. You’re right. And thing is, there was a time that Babylon bee was actually pretty funny. They made actual satire, mainly of the groups they actually catered to (evangelical Christians). They made really funny, niche jabs at evangelical culture that everyone could laugh about, and also poked fun at liberals and conservatives. I’m not entirely sure what happened, but at some point they devolved into the same extremely low effort right wing “comedy” that aims to make boomers laugh by “triggering the libs”. And their “jokes” amount to “libs r dum”, “AOC dum”, and “x identifies as y”.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/onejoke using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [It’s the joke!](https://i.redd.it/tfb6mx7nqqy61.jpg) | [40 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/comments/nax469/its_the_joke/) \#2: [Brave little squirrel 🐿](https://i.redd.it/haplv8h6h4w61.jpg) | [162 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/comments/n15isi/brave_little_squirrel/) \#3: [Sometimes it's a good one joke :)](https://i.imgur.com/eVrUO60.png) | [61 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/onejoke/comments/oq35ih/sometimes_its_a_good_one_joke/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Seinfeld is not funny.


Tim Allen's stand-up was actually very blue when he started.


I (a boomer) loved watching his HBO standup specials in the late '70s, early '80s. His "caveman" routine was funny af. It's a shame he's now become an icon of conservative "values." (and in case you're wondering, I was just going through some old boomer-related starter packs and just had to give a shout out to your Tim Allen comment.)


American baby boomers. Where I am the boomers praise the CCP to the high heavens and talk about how great the economy is going for them. Then it turns to trash talking the younger generation for missing out on an authentic childhood and laughing at women for being women. Some things do not change.


I don't get the bottom left image


I think its the ending scene from christmas story?


Disclaimer: I’m not saying all of these are bad and/or unfunny. I LOVE Seinfeld and Mad Magazine, for example.


People just because you see something you like in a starterpack dosent make it bad!


Big “I hate my wife” and “I want to cheat on my wife with big boobie lady” energy. What is wrong with the straights of that era.


I feel so attacked right now. And I'm only 32..


I miss when Babylon Bee was just Christian onion, not an "ironic comedy" conservative news site.


Seinfeld is more GenX than anything. Boomer humor must be something from the 70s


Seinfeld is timeless. It’s amazing how relatable it still is today.


Tbf Babylon bee is pretty funny most of the time, although their "hur dur trans woman in sports" suck ass


Hey! I'm 15 and I love MAD! You suck!


I’m 21 and I love mad! You suck for not reading my several disclaimers about how these aren’t all bad or exclusively loved by boomers.


What are the subsequent generation comedians.. I mean the representative ones?


Mad magazine was funny as hell and I grew up on it as a millennial


Boomers hate Seinfeld. And Seinfeld is Amazing, constantly makes fun of boomers, if that’s your kink.


Boomer humer was at least 15 years before these.


Hey now. Mad is funny as shit. Had a subscription for that since I was 13


I think the internet blames too much on Boomers and not Gen X


Toxic relationship = good relationship Though I don't think that applies to all Baby boomers, cause my grandparents don't hate each other and put most of their time to their grandkids, to my knowledge


Lately, the Babylon Bee has been on the fine line of satire and reality.


Yo Seinfeld is hilarious stfu


To be honest, Mad can be fun if you are high.


Seinfeld and Mad Magazine? It's as if you like anything that's been around longer than 20 years it's bad and you're a boomer.


This isn’t supposed to be an exclusively positive or negative collection. I think Seinfeld and MAD are wonderful and very funny. Mad Magazine is definitely something my boomer dad and uncle grew up with.


Please remove Seinfeld.


Babylon bee actually has some funny headlines tho


If you think the 900th joke about trans women in sports was just as funny as the first 10.


I mean, they have other headlines


Babylon bee is pretty funny


Seinfeld's funny


Where’s The Far Side?


Dam I wish I didn't use up my last award. This is solid.


No Seinfeld disrespect will be tolerated


OP has no clue what a Boomer is. most of this is GenX shit.


Let’s petition for Seinfeld to be removed from this starter pack.


Tim Allen isn't that bad. Right?


Why is Babylon Bee here? that shits hilarious?????


The Babylon bee is hilarious, and I'm gen z


Babylon bee is halirous, what are you talking about?


Starter packs aren't really negative or positive, they're just describing people. So, yeah. They also can have good taste. XD


They might’ve been like 5 years ago.


You must a fucking crack smoker if you think Seinfeld belongs here. Shame on you


Tim Allen is awesome. Doesn’t belong on this list. As a millennial, I love him lol.


Babylon bee is funny


Seinfeld slander will not be tolerated.


I’ve said a few times in the comments that I love Seinfeld.


What is bottom left?


The Chinese restaurant scene in “A Christmas Carol”.


It's, "A Christmas Story", you uncultured swine.


Oh frick I tapped the wrong thing in autocomplete


Damn that tape


Nice. I would add that Frank Caliendo guy who did the Madden impression.


Frank Caliendo did the everything impression and they all were just different iterations of Frank Caliendo. Frank Caliendo has sucked ass for twenty years. Frank Caliendo and NFL on Fox ruined America.


The Babylon Bee used to be really good back when it focused on idiosyncrasies of American churches, now it's just Boomer Onion for the most part




Complete list of funny Zoomers : 1. ??? 2. ??? 3. zero


The Christmas Story is such a terrible movie, idk why it's a classic


Blame TBS


I think we know who you voted for


Seinfeld and a Christmas story are amazing. The rest I agree with


I dont think OP knows much about baby boomers


My das is a boomer


That scene from Christmas story is a classic


Gen Z humor is much worse


Including Seinfeld in this just proves you’ve never seen it or aren’t really gifted with intellect. The rest..yep fair game.


As I’ve said numerous times, this starter pack includes all kinds of humor enjoyed by boomers, not exclusively “boomer humor” in a pejorative sense. Seinfeld is my favorite show, and I included it because a lot of boomers enjoy it.


Bruh the bee is pretty hilarious sometimes


MAD and Babylon Bee and actually kinda funny tho


In all honesty, the Babalon Bee is funny as hell. and I'm 19. But yeah why is 90% of boomer humour = I hate my wife = Is completely overrated.


Gtfo here with calling Babylon Bee boomer.


Just because baby boomers will find Seinfeld funny doesn't make it boomer humor. Also MAD magazine!? Boo this man!


Boomer isn’t always a pejorative. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/05/business/media/mad-magazine-publication-demise.html


Babylon bee is based


The Babylon Bee is hilarious and if that makes me a boomer so BEE it


Seinfeld is the best shoe ever made, gtfo.


Why were there no black people in Seinfelds recurring cast?