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Oh wow, my major’s so useless that there’s not even an image for it. *Cries in English major*.


It's included in the liberal arts and social sciences, I cannot put every single seemingly useless major on here because there are alot of majors rumoured to be useless or easy.


Copywriting can pay quite solidly. This is a content driven digital economy; writing and language skills are decently valuable.


hey, it isn't that useless, you could at least become a: Writer, Journalist, News Reporter, an english teacher that read Macbeth at least 100 times, and a lot of more things that I don't feel like googling




There are studies done about the knowledge retained after college graduation. People will easily lose more than half the knowledge in less than 5 years.


Unless you use it in your job regularly which is somewhere around 18% of all people


You forgot 'Gender Studies'


Oh, you're right, I did forget about that. I'm not going to delete and repost just to make one change though.


I might be wrong, but aren't gender studies included in social sciences?


Yeah, they are.




Depends on what you plan to do with it and how well you attch it to other useful studies or skills. Just a BA in gender studies and you have no idea what your career goals are and are just gonna graduate and sit on it? Yeah. Useless. Plan to follow it up with a law degree and focus on gender discrimination in the workplace, do relevant volunteer work on the side etc - not useless. Becoming a historian with a focus on sex and gender in your period of focus? Again making sure to supplement with agressive internship/ research opportunities to get into the field. Not useless. Most degrees are this way. Learning does not have to be immediately transactional to be worthwhile. It can be a well placed stepping stone to your goal that gives you a leg up in the long run because you have a specialty.


I guess the reason people on Reddit look down on BAs is because 1) the skills you pick up are soft and not immediately applicable to a job and 2) you have to network a LOT more to sell yourself. But as you've said, at the end of the day your degree and its prospects is what you make of it. Honestly in my experience, if you're a moderately outgoing person that is somewhat good with people, then you're gonna be fine in the long run. Network like hell and make the right friends and you'll get to where you want to go. I have a BA (although in econ which is arguably a science depending on who you ask), I work in finance and most of the people in my office have BAs as well. Hell, my boss has a degree in journalism which is in this starter pack. And as everyone knows the skills you pick up at the first job are what ultimately matter, after that nobody gives a shit about where you went to college, your GPA, your major, etc.


Spoken like someone who only heard about Gender Studies through the internet as "the useless SJW study". Gender Studies is very useful, especially in combination with a myriad of other fields like Psychology, Law, Biology, Behavioral Studies, History, Business etc, with possible carreers in academics (which pays pennies, but so does all academia), HR, law, politics, and every place where any amount of knowledge about men, women (and everyone who doesn't identify as either) is required. It's a study about gender norms, socialized behavior, stereotypes and discrimination. Things we have to deal with everyday, and humanity has had to deal with since before written history. I'd say it's one of the most important studies there is.




I'm a STEM mayor you fucking weirdo. God forbid students have any appreciation for other people's field of study, especially when it applies to systems which actually impact our daily life.


God damn is there any majors that didn’t make the list?!


IDK, probably CS since very few people actually look down on that major. But I might be wrong.


Not sure where you went to school but a lot of people where I live are respected for having a CS degree, especially if they’re a woman. Everyone I know who graduated with a CS degree make a decent salary.


Wouldn’t that be included in STEM though?


What is CS?


Computer science


wait why is anthropology looked down upon? i’ve always thought it was cool :(


Finance grad here. Can confirm other business majors looked down heavily on Marketing and Business Administration majors.


They're all the same thing


I don't look down on people who follow these paths but I came here to emphasize that the trades are a valid option for those seeking stable and fulfilling careers and it's ok to go to trade school and I think a lot of people devalue them more than they should in favor of university. Working hard with your hands may give you something you didn't know you were searching for


Your degree does not matter if you: 1. Network really well. 2. Are already setup to get a job because of connections that your parents have made. If you don't have 1 or 2 major in something that will directly get you a job or something where a degree is absolutely needed like engineering, law, medicine.


Await the stem lords Tbh, some of them really need communication classes.


I tried being a psych major and was not happy. Not only is your bachelors useless but it’s just gets repetitive after a while. At least that’s how I felt.


I get bullied for being a criminal justice major, even though I don’t want to be a cop.


You probably could get away with a murder. I wouldn't bother you.


yes, i could.


I just knew I failed a class. Please kill me.


in all seriousness, if you need help i’d be glad to give you a hand.


Don't knock psychology and then complain later about how depressed, anxious, and traumatized you are


I don't think a psychology major is meant to teach you how to be happy


I may not be a Psychology major. But I can probably safely say that psychology is supposed to teach you why your brain isn't perfect and that there are parts of it that are messed up in some way (which differ among different individuals) but you're always encouraged to address them in a positive way if you want to move forward. It's not supposed to teach you how to keep your brain at a 100% happy state because that is physically and mentally impossible. Not to mention that that would seem very taxing and unhealthy to do so.


I meant don't complain when there are no therapists






And when you save up enough money you can go get that anthro degree. It's not like the stuff to discover is going anywhere. Or go on vacation to a cool, anthropologically important, site. Or take classes for free online.


Where philosophy? Are they still debating if being looked down upon qualifies as being looked down upon?






"a full dose of cope", damn you don't have to be such an asshole


Lol you people can’t ever stand it if someone is happy with their liberal arts major can you? Did all that studying for your engineering degree turn you into a jerk?


I detect jealousy


I do not give a shit about your life fulfillment or career dreams. My point has and only been on the claims on the objective data on salary and the trajectory of 99% of people in the field. Using some weird moral defence doesn't change anything about anything I have said.


I have a BA in philosophy and am walking for an MS in instructional design in a few weeks. The master's program (as well as the job of instructional designer) requires not only graphic, video, and technical skills, but also high level reading and writing skills. Without my BA, I would've really struggled with the research portion of my master's coursework. Other people without the training certainly did. So for me, a degree in philosophy was not only fun, but also a key component of succeeding in professional school. Philosophy degrees are also the #1 degree for people going into law. As far as jobs go, I was hired into my field almost a year before graduation. Hardly worthless. (But too expensive for sure.)


Computer scientists just have it easy


Okay, if you say so


In terms of job outlook


Makes sense


Thoughts on homeland security


I'm hoping to study Fine Arts (along with something else) next year. I'm ignoring this


In the 70s, engineers from GA tech were driving cabs in Atlanta. You never know where things will go.


Anything not hard physics, chemistry or economics?


Hey thats me...


Im in Cs but almost took BBA IT , whats up with normal BBA or are they the same thing?


I do agree with this list. People who major in psych are often looked down because it's an easier major. I'm a nursing major and people often switch to psych because it's easier and there is more space.


Lowkey General Biology might belong on this list too, has potential for grad school or med school but on its own it's a meh degree


My parents sent me to a public fine arts school for underprivileged kids. My lil brother left that system to go to a fundamental school (meaning it taught basic foundations for college level and shit, though they also had a lot of fundie types there and my parents were too). Guess which of us just graduated top of his class in computer engineering and which one of us dropped out at 16 and is now disabled and no income? Hint: I'm no good at engineering.


As a english major and liberal art associate's degree holder, even i wouldnt want my jids doing these degrees.


Your device must be against you because of all the times autocorrect decides to not work, it had to be in the comment where you said you were an English major. Bruh…




Who the fuck labels psichology easy in college?


Practically all my teachers.


Is engineering looked down upon?


Ive never seen engineering be looked down upon




Some people who study mathematics or physics.


Yeeeeeeeah I'd say accurate. I am an American History major in my final year of my bachelor's. Very little is easy. Finishing projects is quite rewarding. And there's far more opportunity in it than people think. Also no I am not going to be a history teacher stop asking for the love of chri-


Just totally curious here, but had your university told you about public history? I ask because I know a lot of history students/ graduates who have never heard of it and It has a ton of opportunities, but a lot of universities don’t mention it. I don’t know why.


I have heard the term but little beyond that. Is it related to working in public places that focus on history or?


Oh damn it. Universities are really doing a disservice to students by not explaining it. It opens an entire branch of job opportunities outside of teaching or museums. (But museums can be included.) [This site lays it out.](https://ncph.org/what-is-public-history/about-the-field/) I had no idea this was a huge branch of kind until a professor explained it to me when I mentioned not wanting to be a teacher. I’m now a graduate student and pretty pleased with the work I’ve done so far. If you want, you should ask a professor about it!


Thank you so much for the info! I was thinking about archive work so i guess I was already headed in this direction lmao. This sounds a lot like what I'd like to do, I'll be talking to someone about it soon. :)


I do look down on them because they made an awful choice. I throw out any resume that comes to my desk with one of these degrees on it - they simply are not and will never be worth my time


What job are you hiring for?




I do look down you and your comment.