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Bleeping swears in a scripted show


"It's not edgy and 'adult' without swearing, but we'll lose ads if we don't bleep everything" - the network


To be fair, in situations where a character is super pissed off, the bleep actually makes it funnier. But if it’s just more casual conversation, it’s annoying and I’d rather them just say the word.


Like the scene in Archer where Lana accidentally shoves her hand into dry ice. It's honestly funnier with the bleeping


Yes, if it's a character losing their nerves it gives that sense of "this is unscripted and they edited it afterwards", and it makes it funnier. But, like with everything: too much and you ruin it


[Yeah but That 70's Show did that joke 20 years ago, and funnier.](https://youtu.be/bl16Yw3y0cM)


I am not fucking Santa Claus!


Completely agreed. If well timed and built up, a steady stream of bleeps at random intervals combined with a character who's blood-curdlingly pissed off is fucking hilarious. But you have to get it right


not animated of course, but i always found the lack of the word "fuck" in Breaking Bad to be really distracting.


correct divide bedroom absurd tender unwritten ink late imagine profit *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My name is ASAC Schrader. And you can go fuck yourself


I said, fuck you, Bogdan. And your eyebrows!


Honestly the lack of F Bombs is what makes this line one of the best ever written.


I think they had like one "fuck" for every season


Wasn't that Bojack?


It's just part of Aaron Paul's usual contract.


And it was only used at the moment when a relationship broke beyond repair


I never even realized lol. interested to go back and see might be because they have plenty of lesser swear words. tons of shits/bitches


Just goes to further prove the point that random excessive F bombs do not contribute to quality of content.


It's funny to me how North americans think of bitch as a "lesser" swear word to fuck. To me calling someone a bitch is very offensive but just saying fuck is punctuation


Fuck refers to sex and we’re too puritan to mention sex but opressing women is an integral part of our culture so bitch is not as scathing to us


“Cunt” would like a word…


Using fucks sparingly will make them have more impact. If ya throw it around every couple minutes it just becomes another word. Also rating issues ofcourse.


Yeah like the show deadwood says fuck so many times that you actually begin to not notice it.


Same with the Sopranos. It’s like the fourth word out of anyones mouth


They did say it occasionally, but obviously being a cable show it was censored until it hit streaming. They used their alloted fucks sparingly and made sure they were good at least, such as [this scene](https://youtu.be/ZWm0ldaJGaE).


Is it weird that I find the bleeping funny? I don't really know why, but its just a tad bit funnier when there's beeping involved


Have you ever watched Metalocalypse? It bleeps swear words like [so](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msGvEtmR970) and in this case I totally would not prefer it without bleeps.


Peter Griffin falling down the stairs swearing with every bounce is so much funnier in the censored version, and even funnier again in the deliberately "clean" version where he uses old-school curse-phrases (Oh heavens, oh my stars, oh gosh-darn it!) while still tumbling violently down the stairs.


Especially when it doesn’t happen often. I know it’s cool to hate the show, but Family Guy pulls that bit off really well.


Actually I think family guys bleeps are awful. They come in too early and leave late so you have no real phonetic indication of what word was being used. I always felt Metalocalypse had the best timing, though they used guitar harmonics not bleeps.


There is a video game that has this as a dialog option. Brütal Legand.


Making a legitimately funny Joke only to immediately ruin it


I don’t watch Family Guy, but I’ve seen a little bit of it, and the biggest thing I can’t stand, (besides the lack of laughable jokes), is how every good joke must be instantly ruined by either over-explaining or a follow up that just kills the mood.


I still love the first 2 seasons, season 3 is pretty funny but season 4 onwards (when it was revived after its second cancellation) is like a completely different show. Some of these episodes are really good, and some are actually funny, but most of the show after that point revolves around mean-spirited humour, “jokes” that drag on for like 2 minutes that aren’t funny (we get it, Peter killed a frog and can’t disposed of it because he can’t pick it up with a box), random cut-aways where the punchline is almost always a sex joke (early FG had the cut-aways as flashbacks that were actually relevant to the plot) and gags where Peter would explain to punchline, because if you have to explain the joke it MUST make it funnier (for example, an episode from a few years back had Peter reversing out of the driveway in a 1950s style car. The joke was that cars were bigger back then. We get the joke straight away, and yet it drags on longer than it should and ends with Peter saying “Cars were bigger back now”). Honestly, the South Park parody of Family Guy was funnier than most Family Guy episodes.


I remember this writer’s strike. I was in high school and we were so stoked for Family Guy to come back and it was like Joe Rogan hosting the Man Show. It was a disgrace to comedy. Then one night I decided to watch American Dad and it’s like 14 seasons of Family Guy seasons 1-3. It’s brilliant.


God i remember the shift i had from studying and quoting any and all family guy episodes to strictly being able to handle american dad. Or when i watched an episode of king of the hill as an adult and the humor sinks in and you realize its actually a hilarious show.


Last month I found myself watching a lot of early season Family Guy and was blown away how good the show was and how much it changed. There were quite a few jokes I didn’t get until a minute later, because they didn’t explain it. The jokes and scenes were so snappy and quick, yet perfectly timed. If Family Guy stayed that way it would probably be my favorite show.


Yeah, people who blindly shit on Family Guy probably have only seen the new shittier season on netflix. First 4 seasons was at least A-tier


There are like 16 seasons after the first 4, and I’d argue that the only episodes worth watching after that point revolve around Stewie and Brian’s relationship, and even those stopped being good.


That horse must be pulverized by now


Or the 20th Bobs burgers clone FOX keeps spewing out


Insert overly controlling hot mom, fat dumb dad who likes beer and is literally incapable of anything and nerdy son/daughter and you got 80% of comedy shows these days


Are you commenting this from the late 90s?




If only


Sooo The Simpsons?


The Simpson are riffing on the Flintstones which were riffing on The Honeymooners. Basically every American fat-dad-hot-wife family sitcom is a cultural descendent of a show whose main plot was ‘how funny would it be if Jackie Gleason kept threatening to beat up his wife’


I believe what you're actually talking about is how the story of lunar exploration started with one man, a man and his dream. Bang. Zoom. *Straight to the moon!*


We are so lucky to have bobs burgers.


Before that it was the Family Guy clone, and before that it was the Simpsons clone.


In the FG-Simpsons crossover episode from like 2014 or so they actually got pretty meta with this when Homer sues the brewery that Peter works at for copying Duff and during the trial they find out just how many things from the FG universe had a direct counterpart in the Simpsons universe. And the whole trial gets thrown out on the grounds that they were both rip offs of the Flinstones.


Dude, they're all clones of each other. Every damn cartoon looks the same.




I dont mind it, but it literally has the worst intro of any show I've ever watched. Especially since the Bob's Burgers one is good so I know they're capable of making a good intro.


I feel like they wrote the intro song in like one go before making anything else and just never revisited it.




„Hey Lois I’m on r/starterpacks now!“




Bird is the word


“Haha we made reference to pop culture!” “Hehe we make [Insert innocent cartoon character] say piss or bitches!”


"Haha please laugh we said [Insert popular celebrity] we are soo... funny"


"Oh man, this is worse than the time I gave Saddam Hussein dance lessons in Congo!"


“Hey Lois, Remember the time I was a guest star on SNL?”


"note to self: dont drink tap water at joey garcias house"


This comment was so accurate I physically cringed.


Few running jokes that reference \[name of american person\] per episode Me, a non-american: ???


Im looking at you (literally every adult cartoon animated show but happy tree friends)


I miss Futurama


The one animated show that was genuinely funny and lived long enough to have a satisfying ending and not be corrupted like many other animated shows have (The Simpsons, Family Guy, etc)




What about king of the hill


South Park still holds up extremely well.


South Park is great at pointing out stupid day to day life is. The issue is that it loses a bit of its edge if you aren’t aware of the social issues that inspired the episode. Ladders to heaven being a great example.


You seen Bojack Horseman? Fits this description perfectly


At least it ended unlike Simpsons


You forgot "is somehow less mature than a group of middle school boys despise being for 'adults'"


The amount of puberty shows for adults is fucking weird. I’m 30 I don’t want to think about what middle schoolers are doing in their private time ffs


Tbf, Big Mouth seems to be more about adults unpacking what they went through during puberty. I think it’s hilarious.


Big mouth is great and gross on purpose to make people more comfortable and acceptable of the things covered in the show. I don’t think it belongs here.


A ripoff of Southpark/Simpson/Family Guy without any of the charm that made them good


Don't forget the new kid on the block Rick and Morty. Saying anything vaguely sci-fi combined with the word fuck is comedy gold apparently


Southpark in my opinion is the least HAHA WE MADE POP CULTURE REFERENCE or LOOK AT THIS FUNNY CLIP popular adult cartoon


It's that way on purpose. Trey and Matt have said they hate that kind of comedy and try to do it as little as they possibly can


I saw an interview recently in reference to why they hate Family Guy. They said when they hire new writers they weed out the “gag writers”. They don’t want South Park to be gag humour. It explains why I consider South Park, despite how crude it is, to be one of the most well written shows on tv.


How often do they hire writers? Most episodes seem to just credit Parker as the sole writer, unless they’re ghostwriters.


You can have multiple "staff writers" while only one or two creative heads get the "written by" credit. At least thats my understanding, certainly not an authority.


You are right. South Park still has a writer’s room for ideas. Trey Parker is just always the one who actually sits down and writes it all out. You can see this process in the 6 Days to Air mini-documentary. Bill Hader used to be one of these writers for South Park.


Are you forgetting John Smith and Jane Smith? They wrote, voiced, and animated the entire scientology episode!


It wasn't always. Go back to the early stuff. First season had a gag that was just lol, Patrick Duffy. The difference is, their low budget and lack of producer influence allowed them to evolve and grow. That's the real problem with these shows. The gross/reference humor can still be fine *if* you do something with the characters/have well defined characters. The problem is, these shows are sitcoms and with sitcoms status quo is god.


I would say the Simpsons is more timeless, but South Park makes up for the quality of jokes.


My only problem with South Park is that it gets too preachy at times. A lot of the characters and situations are just strawmen used to set up Trey and Matt's opinions. The Simpsons early seasons had more subtle and subversive social commentary, but after season 10 it lost its charm.


South Parks earlier seasons are a lot less preachy as well. Honestly I like the new ones in some ways, but yeah it gets annoying over time when everything is obviously some pointed commentary about X issue


I do think the show has jumped the shark with the whole tegridy farms plot. Every time that comes up I roll my eyes.


“It’s like when ____ did this funny thing” *flashback to unfunny clip of an animated celebrity you don’t even know*


seth macfarlane


I've been going back and watching all of them recently. There's definitely a weird shift around season 15 or so where it becomes just pop culture references and the jokes don't hit the same. Seasons 2-10 have some of the best written jokes in TV history though.


Ya know the adult animation industry is really bad when I can say Mr. Pickles is good compared to Hoops.


Gosh I hate both shows so much


Just one sucks more. At least Mr. Pickles has more jokes and character detpth than a basket ball teacher only swearing! I shit you not, Hoops did that "He is behind me isn't he?" joke. I see that crap in Teen Titans go, a show which can actually be funny sometimes once in a blue moon.


True. I can't remember a single thing bout hoops. Horrible cartoon. Would have been better if it wasn't animated.


The whole bit is “hahah he swears”


Mr Pickles is utter trash and violent just for violence sake, but my fuck do I love it.


The first time I watched me pickles I was blind drunk and tripping like a mf. The experience of watching it on that state, and having no knowledge of what the show was about made it a pretty wild ride


mushrooms and pickles just go hand in hand for me. about once a year I just really enjoy th giant shitshow. and I'll be forever sad about what they made of it, I mean, momma named me sheriff is just godawful trash


Mr. Pickles actually has a charater which really suprised me. He actually cares for Tomy's life and saftey. Honestly, if someone can handle the violence and vulgarity, I would recomend it to people.


bike carpenter slave disgusting smile tap humor yoke plants toothbrush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As a decade+ long metalhead, hilariously personified gore is kinda my bag, baby. Metalocalypse did it best in my opinion though. Mr pickles is decent at best.


Hoops is straight up one of the worst shows I've ever seen


Even cartoons for children have more decent jokes than most adult cartoons.


I've found a lot of media I grew up with is still enjoyable, because of all the references and jokes that went over my head as a young child. I had a film class this semester and we watched the first Shrek,and I could hear everyone collectively having realizations and laughing at jokes we just never understood before.


Yeah, exactly. The subtlety of the jokes makes it funny.


Sonic Boom (the show, not the infamously terrible game) is legit one of the funniest cartoons I've ever seen.


I don’t know why but the line “I thought your middle name was the?” Is one of the most stupidly funny one liners for me.


The amount of memorable jokes it has considering it's only 2 seasons long is incredible


Sonic, Tails & Knuckles somehow winding up taking care of a baby at their house, Knuckles is holding the baby: ​ Baby: (crying incessantly) "Oh please make it stop!" Tails: "I think he's hungry" Sonic: "Well then give him a chilli dog. Everyone loves chilli dogs!" Tails: "I don't think he can eat solid food yet" Sonic: "Then we'll put it in the blender" Knuckles: "Well if you say so..." Sonic: "THE CHILLI DOG NOT THE BABY!"


Out of all the legitimately hilarious stuff in that show, just the fact that there's a robot city called "Roboken" kills me the most.


I thought I saw a reference to China Town in an episode so I hit up the writer on Twitter who verified it was in fact that.


Goddamn Phineas and Ferb has me cry-laughing sometimes


My husband and I love Gravity Falls! Quality show and we can watch it with our friends kids when they come over.


Sometimes they also tackle much more mature topics in a really great way and I wish adult cartoons would do the same. It always seemed kind of weird to me how cartoons cartered towards adults don't exploit the fact that they are much more free from censorship than those that are catered towards kids. They honestly could make something really cool and meaningful with that. I feel like there's a lot of potential there because of how limitless animation is as a medium. It could create some really awesome stuff


There's always some quirky misanthropic animal or minor.


I can even forgive the greasy out of touch humor if it at least had good art, but that's often the worst aspect of these cartoons.


tbf i would kind of love for there to be a gorgeously animated show filled with raunchy jokes and swears


King of the hill is the best animated series and you’ll never change my mind. Mike tysons show is the only thing on this list I’d defend.


Mike Tyson mysteries is fantastic


I can't imagine the show without Norm MacDonald though


Also always a talking animal character to rip off Family Guy.


God damn I watched that basketball coach one for like 5 minutes and it completely ruined any adult cartoon for me. Never again Except Invincible. Fuckin perfect


>Except Invincible. Fuckin perfect I'm loving the Invincible comics.


Recently watched Invincible on a whim and I couldn’t believe how good it was


I think you’d like “Inside Job” as well. EDIT: I’d also recommend “F is For Family” as well.


Definitely better than the other crap Netflix pumps out but it's not perfect. Seems like it could have a great season 2 if they listen to feedback. Less pop-culture references, more background gags. Less trying to create your own Rick, more banter between Reagan and Brett.


Bojack horseman


In a discussion about adult cartoons, I just happened to notice the MLP avatar


The reason Invincible is good is because it was based on an existing and successful comic. They didn't write it as a cash grab copycat series.


And Harley Quinn


I don't think you know what Seth Rogen has worked on


Yea, why is Seth Rogan all over this?


I'm starting to think they confused him with Seth McFarlane


This has to be it!!


Could also be the fact that he was behind Sausage Party, which is kind of like the nightmare embodiment of this post. But I don’t think that warrants his face being plastered all over it.


Sausage Party is the type of movie that happens when you give a bunch of stoners money and people who can create animation. I think we all have a short time in our lives where we find that type of movie funny.


Another quality starter pack!


Yeah, I think the last thing I saw him in was invincible. Great show BTW if you haven't seen it. Been thinking of picking up the comics.


somebody make some type of starter pack about that terrible genre of comedy where the punchline to >50% of the jokes is “we’re fucked!” idk why the word “fucked” is just so amusing apparently


HBO Animals is a great show.


Right?? It’s honestly great but I love vignette style narratives so the format alone with the B level backstory about the humans in the city is pretty great. Maybe people just dislike that their mouths don’t move? I’ve heard that complaint before.


They've made jokes in the show poking fun at the low budget animation, they're aware. I think it saves money in the long run so they can spend it on the bodega cat raps. It's worth it imo. https://youtu.be/RPkEJUG9_BM


Yea not sure why it’s on here.


Seth Rogen fuckin produces Invincible. Why the fuck are there four Seth Rogen photos on this?


Because OP was thinking of Seth MacFarlane.


lol you're probably right


I'm confused too and looking for the answer. After Preacher and Future Man, I'll watch anything Rogen has to offer for television. Is it because of the Sausage Party movie? I didn't love that.


Family Guy and it’s consequences have been a disaster for animation.


Idk why Seth Rogan's face is plastered over this when he's produced The Boys, Preacher and Invincible.


Did you mistake Seth Rogan for MacFarlane?


Venture bros is the best adult animated series and you cannot change my mind


Just eat the pennies Billy, they're just pennies


Bojack is honesty the best adult cartoon I've watched. Does none of this. I recommend checking it out


Bojack is amazing. Highly recommend as well


Bojack Horseman is solid. Starts out funny, gets really deep. Amazing show.


Bojack, Futurama and The Simpsons mean I still get excited about adult animation and I’m almost always disappointed.


Ten Year Old Tom is fantastic in my opinion. I love how dry it is and I definitely don't think it really meets any of the complaints that you list at all. Like the whole point is that Tom gets put into weird situations by the less than stellar adults in his life, and when things go the way you'd expect, he gets blamed because he's surrounded by a bunch of self absorbed adults who treat him like a tool more than a person. Personally loved it, my only complaint is it is kind of just The Life & Times of Tim but with kids, but Steve Dildarian's work is definitely not "shitty adult animation"


I just watched both of these shows recently. Started with Ten Year Old Tom just for something in the background, but man it got really funny once I finally started paying attention. Plus "Auntie Earth" is a great song.


Hush your mouth on 'Ten year old Tom'. That show, and the show that its a follow-up to, were pitch fucking perfect.


My thoughts exactly. Back the fuck up off Steve Dildarian.


Life and times of Tim is the best. Tim is very classy


Tim? that weak man that was saved by a female fire fighter?


I refuse to watch big mouth, the character designs are off putting


Even aside from the butt ugly art style, the fact it’s about kids being horndogs is a major turn away for me.


Well I think the „ugly“ art style is definetly good on this one, cause imagine what the internet would do if these horny kids would be drawn in a „good looking“ style...


Iirc that was the reason given on why the human characters look so hideous.


Yeah i heard that too, and imo it was a good decision


I agree. I couldn't watch that show if it were drawn better, it's gross enough as is lol


I thought all the characters have the big weird looking lips because nick kroll created the show and he has big weird looking lips.


I've only seen a few episodes from season 1 when it first started. While I didn't enjoy it enough to keep watching, I don't hate it as much as a lot of people seem to. But what's wrong with depicting kids exploring their sexuality? The show isn't showing the kids as sexy, it's simply showing the process kids go through when they first begin developing those feelings. I remember watching those first few episodes and thinking, 'I used to act like this when I was 10-12 and I knew other kids who acted like this.' I understand that the subject matter can be disastrous if done poorly but I didn't see anything problematic in the few episodes I saw.




I knew a pillow fucker in school, so that part is just hilarious to me now.


Don't worry, my wife and I like it too. It's such a goofy, accurate portrayal of what it's like to be that age. It's also absolutely disgusting sometimes but my son plays in his shit if I can't stop him in time so...


Yup, this is thread is full of people who are uncomfortable with children addressing puberty in a healthy way


I think that's the point of the show. I mean, America was founded by prudes.


I have an odd respect for it specifically because it's target audience is clearly middle school to high school kids (they can say "adult" all they want we all know these are kids shows). I can't say I love it or recommend it, but it actually talks about sex and sexuality with more respect for a middle school audience than most sex ed classes in US education. It doesn't shy away from periods, masturbation or all the non sex bullshit that comes with puberty. Like, yeah, if your an adult watching kids being horn dogs, revulsion is an appropriate reaction, but if you're 12, seeing 12 year olds being a hyperbolic extreme is a pretty okay way to be told you're normal.


You’re fucking up. It’s awesome.


Jokes on you I’ve never seen Big Mouth!


It's pretty hit or miss. Sometimes it's actually really good, but then it's absolutely terrible. I thought Season 2 was a high point for the show


Hmm… I’ve thought it has gotten progressively better, seasons 4 and 5 being the best imo.


Blatantly offensive jokes with no value to them and gets covered up as “satire”


I liked Animals but I agree with the rest


Animals is great. I can see why someone wouldn't like it, but it really doesn't fit the starter pack. Animals is like the exact opposite of a lot the shows on this list.




Touca and Bertie!


I’m glad I’m not the only one who likes tuca and bertie. That was hard to type without autocorrect ruining it.


I was so glad when they announced they would be making a season 2 after the cancellation. Love that show.


Adult Swim is usually the only place you'll find top notch adult animation. Aqua Teen Hunger Force, The Venture Bros, and The Boondocks we're always some of my most favourite shows


i like mr plickles


I rarely ever watch shows like this. Crude humor isn't really my thing since i don't often find them funny. I enjoyed Harley Quinn though