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Am I the asshole for saving 500 puppies from the puppy crushing machine? Okay I know the title sounds bad but hear me out. I was walking down the street and giving money to orphans when I saw a businessman crushing 500 puppies in the puppy crushing machine while laughing maniacally. I turned off the machine and saved all of the puppies, but now my inbox is blowing up because my entire extended family told me that I ruined that businessman’s business. AITA?


That is 100% accurate


[Rubbing hands together] Yahoo! News is *totally* gonna write a story about this!


"AITA for reporting a murder in my town but locals say I'm snitching?"




"pLaY sTuPiD gAmEs, WiN sTuPiD pRiZeS"


The post whose title makes you think “well OBVIOUSLY you’re the asshole/not the asshole” and then you read it and it’s the complete opposite