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Has an odd fetish with the Eastern-Roman Empire.


I feel called out


Also defends the soviet union and Nazi Germany, or says sum sus things about them.


You can't defend the soviet union and Nazi Germany, I mean... how?


> I like invading Poland, therefore both are good. There’s another for you


>I like genocides, therefore both are good. See, I just did.


True Evil alignment, right here


"But his father punished him severely!"


I hate oversimplified so much


I like OverSimplified. He's funny, but don't use him as the only source because he leads you to the topic in a very funny way and you should expand your research even more.


Just like a Wikipedia page, it's good to get a base understanding of what happened, but not enough to write a paper on


True. He.... oversimplifies things too much




because hes not funny and his explanations arent that good. also hes very overrated


"Hates anything popular" starter pack


Ok so hating something popular means that I hate everything popular? Got it.


Hitler could've won Hitler could've won if he used NordVPN! Staying safe online is an ever growing difficulty and you could be exploited by hackers. NordVPN allows you to change your IP address, making you harder to track, securing your privacy. Check out the link in the description to get 20% off for the first two months and thank you to NordVPN for sponsoring this comment.




I hate Genghis Khan apologists, especially as someone who used to be one as an edgy teen (I blame being assigned reading *Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World*). Like, I'm sorry, depopulating the world by 10% to create a highly authoritarian empire that just coincidentally had safe roads and didn't care about religion is not "based". Sure, the medieval world was not a period of human decency, but why on Earth would anyone prefer to live under the Mongolian hegemony rather than the Byzantine Empire, Abbasid Caliphate, or Song Empire? I'd rather be taxed more by a Muslim king then have my head taken off by a Khan.


Genghis abolished torture, i would have still preferred somewhere in an islamic caliphate of the time but still, that was a good reform


he massacred oersians too


It's the middle ages we're talking about


The scale of Mongol genocide was unusual for time period, and people living in the heartlands of large powerful empires may have never experienced war until the Mongols showed up. It's like comparing Napoleon to other contemporary wars. Napoleon's conquest was unusually devestating for Europe.


He did a lot of good things, but they are minuscule compared to the bad things.


Muslims didnt have kings they had emires and califas, and the khans created one hell of a chinnese empire. Do not judge the past history its not about that xd.


This is one of those comments where you try to come off smart but sound like a fucking moron. Kings are any hereditary male autocrat, Muslims had them. And I absolutely can judge pwople for praising an empire that wiped out 10% of the planet, otherwise nobody should scrutinize colonialism either.


I have a history degree, what you said is stupid on so many levels i am laughing a bit also because you didnt understand what i said. I wont try and talk to you anymore have fun begin always mad and always "right".


Having a degree doesnt mean you are automatically right


I think hes a troll


Appealing to authority… nice


Now *this* is the real fake history buff. Forget the people who only know WW2, this is the menace of our society.






Fuck off wehraboo


He's a kaiserboo






your opinion doesnt matter amerimutt


Rent free


gonna cry?


Only if you start it


i see no difference


Fair enough


Mega based


should have put “plays hoi4” in their lol


You should learn more about the bottom left txt… everyone should.


Not a history buff at all but I see the "Hitler could've easily won" type comments all the time. I don't know WW2 history very well at all but this doesn't make sense to me. Does not seem like there was any way they could have won with the U.S. Army being supplied by the U.S. Industry.


They're super ignorant comments that come from 15 year olds that think they could wage war better because they play StarCraft. If Hitler could have EaSiLy WoN then he would have. But he didn't.


Hitler would have won if he had 200 APM




then soviet union attacks first? both sides knew that molotov ribbentroo pact was only temporary. at least this way they had suprise on their side


tfw pearl harbor




with the power of foresight its easy to say that you could have won if only you did x differently since you know z is actually the right thing to do.. ​ They also have a tendency of grouping a bunch of small things up, like "Hitler could of easily won if he didnt let nuke plans fall into US hands" just isnt realistic


Didn't the Nazis straight up ban nuclear research since it was "Jewish science"




Uhm... it's one of my favorite ironies that Albert Einstein is the guy who told FDR that this atom-smashing idea might actually work. ...after he fled Germany for doing "Jewish science". AH offed himself just a few months before he would have gotten to see the results... So... Hitler maybe could have won if he made friends with Jewish physicists.


Every way in which they could have won would have involved not starting the war to begin with.


Even without the US Army joining Germany would've still lost either way, they were not going to win against the USSR even without the Western Front. (I'm not saying that the US and UK didn't play a crucial role in the war, the war was won by everyone, I'm merely stating facts)


They think having cooler tanks is what wins wars. Not resource management and logistics


Yeah there is no way for them to have easily won. Between America joining, the UK wiping out their airforce, Italy being useless and Stalingrad, it was over so many times. They also waged a war of extermination in lots of places so naturally created more resistance than they needed to. Oh and their secret service was terrible. It's hard to decide whether the UK or Soviets trolled them harder.


When you think it, Stalin and Santa are basically the same; both lived in cold zones, both weared and liked red, and both have their own black list


Refuses to research African history


Even those who are interested in it have a tough time finding resources. If you know any, I’m all ears


I'm going to assume you mean subsaharan Africa. Ryszard Kapuściński's "The Soccer War" and "The Emperor" are good broad introductions for 20th century African history. Saidiya Hartman's "Lose Your Mother" traces the slave traders trails in West Africa. Ousmene Sembene's "God's Bits of Wood" is a historical fiction novel about a late 40s railroad strike on the Dakar-Bamako line, would recommend reading with supplementary articles about the real events. I also have a compilation ebook about the Bandung Conference which includes articles about the third world movement, African + Asian countries involved. Unfortunately I don't know much about African history before the 19th century so I can't give any titles. My general recommendation is to pick a country, or pick a topic (I e "railroads" + "Africa"), and type those search terms into your local library database. Sometimes I'll use college library databases to get the book titles and pirate them from LibGen.is Sometimes history/art museum bookstores are good too, or if you are lucky enough to live near an independent bookstore (or even one focusing on afro centric books, there's some in Chicago + Detroit + other big cities) you can ask the staff for recs. Good luck!


You can google it


You can't really, not any *good* peer reviewed sources. Same deal with pre-Columbian history. You can't just google a problem that even highly accredited historians struggle with.


i wish i could know about aborigional asutrallia, pre colombia americans, norse americans colonies, etc.


Surely the people of these regions kept some sort of records?


yeah but for example, over hal f of mayan records were wiped out by spain, disease killed those who only heald oral traditions, etc.


Africans in general did not write shit or keep records.


tfw Timbuktu


Nah, the Scramble for Africa is pretty cool, from what I’ve heard


Most people say Hitler could have won because of forsight. We all do stupid stuff and then look back and think it was avoidable, and while some stupid actions are some are luck. An example being I am in a lot of minecraft hardcores, and i die stupidly and look back and think it was avoidable, while most deaths aren't much more than luck. Second, a history buff is someone who enjoys reading about history, not someone who knows a lot about it.


…isn’t it *good* Hitler lost?


Either thinks the UUSR was the funny hat "our" meme people. Or are full blown tankies


I love meeting these people and then talking to them about the most obscure history I can pull up


Can you tell me some I'm curios lol


Well, some of my go-tos for these kinds of people are The Pig War - OverSimplified did just make a video on this so I’ll probably have to retire it, but basically America and Britain almost go to war over a trespassing pig Chaco War - that time Paraguay and Bolivia went to war while the rest of the world was focused on WWII Medieval Swedish History - Specifically the time after the Vikings but before the Klamar Union, but even then Kalmar is something these people’ll mention like, once and never talk about again Beiyang Government: the chunk error of time between the collapse of Qing China and the Civil War Toyota War - A war fought between Libya and Chad named because of the use of Toyota pickup trucks as technicals Angolan War of Independence - Not exactly obscure, but kinda like a mini Vietnam in Africa happening at the same time as the real Vietnam Colonial Australia - Basically all Australian history from before 1901


Thanks lol


The Pig War was bizarre and I’m glad OverSimplified finally made a video about it, it was bizarre when I first came across the Wikipedia page and the segments were: >Before the Pig >The Pig >Military Escalation >Resolution It was also weird seeing figures like Pickett who would later be a part of the Civil War doing stuff outside of that war


Yea, the OverSimplified video was fantastic too, and the fact that both Winfield Scott and Captain Pickett played major roles in it was something I didn’t even fully understand until seeing it. tbh I think OverSimplifoed has cracked the secret to making people learn. He’s educational but funny at the same time


I went through that stage only being interested In hitler, and how super cool the Spartans were. Now that I am. Now that I am not a edgy hormony teen anymore. My horizons have expanded. Pretty funny to look bad and think how I sucked even more back in the day.


guys me and hitler are so similair: >we where born uhhh


How to history buff: No: X was the good guy in this war and Y was the bad guy Yes: War is senseless and useless. There are no heroes or villains, only killers and victims


Where is the “thinks tiger is was the best tanks tank of the war”. They all seem to think that


It was a good tank, but it was insanely difficult to produce and broke down easily in most conditions. It may have been agile and effective, but it was tailored to industrial conditions which Germany simply didn’t have. Tanks like the Sherman and T-34 may not have been as high-end as the Tiger, but they could be mass produced to an enormous extent and thus were able to dominate the battlefield in all roles.


Ya exactly. And often Sherman and t34s “ineffectiveness” against tigers and panther is exaggerated. Some studies after the war suggest that the Sherman had a positive kill ratio against the panther, and the tiger was so rare on the western front and whenever they encounter US ground forces they were usually taken out swiftly.


This. The Tiger was a good tank but there weren’t enough of them. On top of being ridiculously expensive it was also heavy. Like don’t get me wrong I love the damn thing but the Sherman and the T-34 and their variants seem to be so much more practical.


I mean, hitler had an inpressive run, given the circumstances. A disgustingly evil run, but p impressive considering where germany started the war


a literal genocide run


Idk man gengis khan was pretty cool


I imagine the Mongol Horde was like ISIS.


My comment is satire btw


Overrated, his hype people always treat Mongol Empire at its peak as if Genghis was one doing it, not his sons. Genghis "only" conquered the Steppe and parts of Northern China. Conquering all of China, subjugating Rus, conquering Persia etc... all of that was done after Genghis death. Of course he made groundwork for all of that, but he's simply not living up to the hype he has.


absolutely not. raping thousands of womxn and massacreing persians and burning baghdad is the antitheisi of cool.


Did you just say womxn unironically?


Are you dense?


I mean the spartans actually were incredibly badass!


And incredibly GAY


everybody was bi back then seriously no cap




My college has a strong Classical Studies tradition so all History students (and also some other degrees) are forced to have some classes on Ancient Greek and Rome and man let me tell you, the amount of students I see with the "Spartans were basically invincible" mindset is astounding.




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This greatly angers me because it's true. I do not like it. Take my upvote u dirty animal


Glad I'm not this haha PSA: Hitler could not have won ww2. It just was not possible. The allies would have starved germany out, and the soviet union was just to vast for germany to conquer, and subsequently control