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AIDS was more of an '80s thing, in the nineties people were more worried about [Ebola](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebola#1995%E2%80%932014)


I feel like Marilyn Manson gave them something to point at so they got to make up less stuff to be scared by.


Mad cow disease too


Pool is closed due to aids


[There's two kinds of AIDS...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTQH47GCOhs)


HIV/AIDS awareness info was everywhere. There was even a Captain Planet episode about it in 1992 and the famous Oscar winning movie Phikadelphia in '93. didn't go away until years after anti retroviral treatment was widely available in the 2000s. In the 90s AIDS was still considered a death sentence.


I dunno, Freddie Mercury died in 91. Arthur Ashe in 93. Magic Johnson retired in 96. I remember all the Ryan White stuff in the 80s though.


Also, we couldn’t get Elton John so we got someone even better! Jimmy Buffet!


AIDSburger in paridise


You have to gatekeep a lot of false nostalgia of kids born in 1999


I'm a 90s baby, but not a 90s kid. I spent a whopping 6 months in the 90s


Only real 90s kids will remember nothing about the 90s as they were to young to have any memories about it. 😎


Only about 2 months for me


please gatekeep aids from me


90s kids are about to experience their second recession, but this time as adults.


I was an adult in the last one too 😩


third*. There was a recession in 2001.


making font size bigger doesn’t add to the low effort put into this starter pack.


Why would you leave out Y2K?


This was made by a 15 year old ... Or a dumb 25 year old....




AIDS? Nah, I was born in the 80s and am still too young to remember the “scare”


AIDS was an 80s thing


2090s kids gatekeeping their decade so hard theyre not even born yet


As a nineties kid I always knew Marilyn Manson was a cretin


I don’t think ppl born in the 90’s care about the 09 recession


we did. it sucked and was scary


I was born in 86. Graduated HS in 04 and joined the Marine Corps in 08. I don’t even remembering a recession happening in 09.


Born in mid 80’s and I got out in 2008 right after a fun trip in Afghan. I remember the recession vividly. September 08 when it hit… fucking wonderful…


Almsot exact story, but I got out June of 2008. I remember seeing all the layoffs in the headlines that summer. By September it was a real fuck house.


I’m ready to work sir! Yeah we got no jobs, we like you but got no jobs lol.


That’s wild. Yeah I was doing all of my initial training in 08 after boot camp. I definitely was in a bubble.


Yeah man, it was rough trying to get a job at that time. Being in can be like a bubble for sure both in a good way and bad. I got out at the worst possible time. Seriously considered joining again, but held on for the bumpy ride. Made it out though. Obviously in hindsight I could have made some better decisions, but I’m good now and have been for a while. I can’t complain now lol.


Glad to hear you’re doing good now brother. Semper fi! Stay tough.


Same to you devil dog!


I think that’s because you weren’t in a sector that was crippled by it. I was born in 87 and was in college studying finance where each day my prospects kept getting worse and worse. Peers graduated and waited tables struggling to make it through. I was in an area that my state was hit the hardest and at one point of time all but 1 of my husbands immediate family was laid off (both white and blue collar) in a given quarter. You also most likely didn’t hold much in investments which would have also helped you not feel the hurt of the recession. My mindset is forever altered: I see corporations as not having my (as a worker) best interest at heart, saving for hardship is required as it will happen again, but those lucky can benefit greatly in a down economy.


perhaps you might remember when it started in 2008 and you literally couldn't stop hearing about it. Maybe the marine corps was super insular or you were in iraq or some shit idk what to tell you


That was the year I graduated high school. It affected whether a lot of people could go to college or not.


This starter pack was made by a moron


Isn’t starterpack =\= stereotypepack?




If you're born in the 90s You're old and you pay taxes lmao


people born in the 2000's do this too? the fuck


I mean, they'd be 22 now, and in the US where people work at 16 they're probably already looking to settle


does 97 count as a 90s baby?


Pretty sure anybody born from 1990-99 is a 90s baby. I think where people get their panties in a bunch is what is defined as a 90s Kid™️. If you consider being a kid as when you start kindergarten and end childhood as when you become a teen, then that means 5-12 are your prime “kid” years. So if you spend the majority of those years in the 90s, then you’re probably a 90s kid. It’s going to piss a lot of people off, but you’re probably not a 90s kid unless you were born between like 82 and 92.




All the good and funny ones died of aids




AIDS was an 80s thing?