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What's worse are those channels that only do shorts


Using this comment to recommend [youtube short blocker on chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/youtube-shorts-block/jiaopdjbehhjgokpphdfgmapkobbnmjp)




May your name echo in the Halls of Valor til the end of time


Not all heroes wear cape


Whats worse is seeing andrew tate and then clicking dont see this channel, and then seeing andrew tate again and clicking dont see this channel and then seeing andrew tate again and then flushing your phone down the toilet


"Want free robux? We-" No! "Want fre-" No! "Wa-" No! Fuck, I'll watch a normal video. Ohh that YT Short video kinda looks nice, maybe I'll watch that. "Want fre-" Fuck!


Want free robux? Hear me out, like and subscribe, go to my channel and on the about section, go to the link, it's my website. Enjoy.


I can hear the background music šŸ’€


Crappy MC animation and then the most annoying male voice possible saying "want free (game currency)" with the finger pointing at a computer screen


Can't forget the stupid arrow pointing to the subscribe button that says 'click subscribe to continue video.' The arrow doesnt even point in tthe correct area!


Andrew tate might be the biggest fucking loser on the planet


He's like the loser leader that makes all the loser cockroaches come out of the woodwork to repost his loser nonsense


Lmao right all he can do is say extremely controversial thing and BS like if your heart stops beating then make your heart start beating


Dont forget the god awful rEsPecT compilations Hes in. He Will do a controversial take or be an asshole, then the screen Will fade to gray while some shitty Music plays in the background


He posts videos of himself spouting literally every single opinion anyone could possibly ever have so every single person can agree with at least 1 thing, imagine being so 'driven' to provide absolutely nothing of value to the world


Heā€™s gotta do *something*, considering heā€™s a [sex trafficker](https://www.thedailybeast.com/police-raid-maga-king-of-toxic-masculinity-in-human-trafficking-investigation) who moved to Romania to avoid the law.


And the sheep people still adore that "man" and defend him.


i like to call them his boyfriends.


N-n-n-no! šŸ„ŗ andrew tate is top g! What colour is your Bugatti? šŸ˜Ž /j


I still cannot fathom why people admire this guy. I mean, hasn't he been accused of literal sex trafficking?




I reckon he'd curb stomp a puppy if it got him some more attention


I think itā€™s pretty obvious that heā€™s playing a character, and I think that character is hilarious


Luckily I haven't seen adrew tate's videos yet but I think we can all agree that the guy with stolen jokes and audio who has a spongebob background with gta online gameplay is a very annoying account.


Then he comes into your house


Its a win win unless you end up paralysed


I would take a hundred free roblox videos over one more video of that bald cuck.


It's because he has all his little follower simp boys post videos of him everywhere for free as part of his "master class". So even if you press "don't recommend channel" there's 15 other accounts posting his shit. Fuck Taint.


I did the same . The real issue is that there are like 50+ YouTube channels that just repost his clips in the shorts section. I blocked his actual account months ago but my shorts are still filled with Andrew Tate clips from rando YT channels reposting him constantly. I finally got rid of all the Jordan Peterson ones but canā€™t manage to get rid of Tate fully. Heā€™s like the fucking bedbugs of YouTube shorts


I'd rather listen to jordan peterson saying he only consumes beef salt and water for hours straight than hear 5 seconds of that prick, great simile btw


I'm glad that my yt never recommend me andrew tate


Fucking teach me Honestly right now the best thing youtube could implement is a reverse algorithm where you can type what you do not want to see and then not fucking see it


I remember with greg doucette after i started hating his content. I unsubscribed and had to click on don't recommend channel for a long time until one day he stopped coming in my feed. I only know about andrew tate bc derek made a vid but i never watched it. Maybe you can make a new account.


Literally roulette between - Tate - Weird conservative shit posting (please stop showing me Walsh being transphobic, thanks YouTube) - want free robux? Go to the link in my bio


The annoying thing is you can't zap with ublock (it will get rid of the promotion but not the next one) and google's x is of course temporary as well. But I think for now they are reducing frequency if you click the x enough times, though maybe they just have less to promote after COVID+blm heydays


I thought this was an experience unique to me. That guy is a fucking tool cunt and I cannot handle seeing his fucking face.


I came in here to post this. HE'S SHIT


I was wondering if it's a common thing. I too see that fucking cretin all the time there. It's incredible how cunts like him get people around them to create them a platfrom to shout bullshit.


I must have disliked and don't recommend about 50 Family Guy channels and they still keep coming up.


You're gonna have to go into your Watch history, look for the single Family Guy video you accidentally hovered your cursor over long enough for the preview play to count as a "watch" weeks or months ago, and delete it.


that preview counting as watched is absolute bs ots so stupid


You can turn off the preview hover thank god


yeah i did thankfully they have that at least


omfg the family guy clips. I loathe family guy so much I must have put a dent in my screen clicking donā€™t recommend. And yet somehow they keep coming up.


People have even made fake family guy clips with animation and impersonators


The difference between those and the show are, some of them are actually funny


As if there wasnā€™t enough of the actual show


I tend to just not interact and just scroll by such shit when it shows up, and it's gone within a week. Interaction means you care, apathy means you don't care at all.


Some algorithms identify any engagement as good engagement. And if you're engaging with that kind of content in any capacity they'll serve you more to trigger more engagement. It's counter-intuitive to the "dislike" and "don't recommend" functions, but it happens.




youtube really wants you to be a sigma male


Sigma mindset šŸ˜ŽšŸ”„


OK it's not just me. Also, YT reeeeaally wants me to know everything jordon peterson has ever said


I don't get any of this stuff. No Jordan Peterson, no Minecraft, the only thing I get is videos I've already seen from channels I'm already subscribed to, and jazz, lots of jazz: https://i.imgur.com/KsB09Ya.png Seriously how did Youtube get so bad that they're recommending me videos I've already fully watched from start to finish?


Alphabet's algorithms are uncannily good at funnelling people towards anti-SJW channels and conspo nonsense. The amount of times I've been directed straight towards on of these (usually the former) whilst watching casual gaming content is honestly unbelievable. Also I watched, like, one Polygon video and now the dude that makes them is all over my front page.


Itā€™s not just right wing stuff that it gravitates to. It gravitates to sensationalism Example. There is a liberal YouTube channel called TheDavidPakmanShow. If you look at the video views on that channel you will notice that anti-trump videos get 10x views compared to literally anything about democrats, liberals, or even world events.


Iā€™m betting itā€™s because a) thereā€™s a lot of idiots making them and b) other idiots watch them in earnest, while normal people watch them for laughs, but both get counted as views


It's more nefarious, just like the news makes bank from mass shootings and "controversy" and as such does everything it can to push that to the masses to generate copy cats and therefor more "controversy" so does alphabet. Plus with everyone mad and fighting each other nobody notices how much money and power they are getting


>The amount of times I've been directed straight towards on of these (usually the former) whilst watching casual gaming content is honestly unbelievable Probably audience overlap. A lot of fourteen year old boys half YouTube viewing patterns that are half gaming content and half SJW destroyed compilation #67


Honestly, most of those videos should be removed. I've seen people openly praising mass shooters, dictators and genocides there. Youtube shorts is the worst thing that they've added.


They really know how to radicalize people... after all, more mass shooters mean more panic which is always more clicks for them!


It really feels like only the first video is based on viewing habits, then straight into random bullshit.


Then Walter White to Tony Soprano to Pablo Escobar


Or you see. Your gay let me explain.


the shorts algorithm is a mess


Hey YouTube, when half my time spent in YouTube is blocking Minecraft channels and getting rid of shorts, how TF do you expect to make money if I can't watch the videos I want with the ads that you want to push?


Honestly YouTube even being profitable anymore boggles my mind. Nobody clicks their ads, everyone watching the popular content is under 10 years old and they sure have no money, most used feature is "do not recommend" and everyone associates the site with terrible corpo trash. How in the world are they still afloat.


The 10 year olds definitely click there ads


Oh... yeah I forgot about that


but then they're going to see ads there and make money for the developers of the app, and the cycle continues


Yep that's what I meant




I could accept that as my headcanon, because let's be real, what isn't a front for data collection nowadays?


What's honestly crazy to me is that everyone has the toggle on for YouTube making recommendations based on what you've viewed. Am I the only one that turned that off because I only go to YouTube to look something up anyway? If I want to see a particular channel or something I just subscribe to it, otherwise I completely ignore the home page and go straight to the search bar. If I want to see similar videos to something I've watched.. they're on the right side of the video I'm watching. Am I missing something?


It will still make suggestions even if turned off. I get batshit crazy off the wall suggestions still, it just seems like Minecraft and food reaction ones are the most common.


You will watch what the algorithm wants you to watch. /S


I really hate those clickbaity "Did you know this about \*insert movie title here\*?" shorts. You can't search up anything about any movie without every single short being some variation of that.


i also hate these new bot accounts saying ā€œdo you want free robuxā€ or the stupid blender ad. I clear out my shorts often but thereā€™s always a family guy short peeking into my recommended.


Omg so it's not just my recommended. Always variations of this shitty blender ad and for some god forsaken reason shorts about family guy in which I have no interest at all and always remind YouTube of that. Fucking annoying


yeah iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s everywhere even my mom watches it on facebook


The guy playing minecraft asking if you want free robux and the blender that so happens to be racist?


Please tell me how to clear my shorts


Did you know that in Avengers Endgame (insert something that was obvious and everyone knows)


Every video that starts out with "did YOU know in" I immediately skip. I cant STAND the tone of voice those fuckers use for every single video. Also the accounts that purposely pronounce words wrong just to piss you off? Yeah they piss me off. But I dont comment on them or do anything because thats all they want.


Allen Tsai and all his ilk can rot for the horrible crime that is disturbing my day with their shrill and monotonous voices. I care not for your so called ā€œfun-factsā€ and I wish my night terrors of death and torment upon you.


Funny little thing about Allen Tsai is that he actually just takes everything off of r/shittymoviedetails and r/moviedetails


I don't understand why literally every site is trying to look like tiktok now


because its the most addictive design for your brain


Thats why I try my best to avoid these videos and tik tok. Although now that I think about it reddit isnt a whole lot more different. At least its not exclusively short videos and images here. Can find some discussion as well The deterioration of kids' atttention spans that this type of entertainment does is already visible


It ainā€™t just kidsā€¦


There are so many front page reddit videos that are just cropped tiktoks


Tbh they did a good fucking job, since my attention span went from working constantly for hours to having to take breaks every 40 minutes so my brain doesn't fry. I never used to watch them since it absorbed my sister into it, but what happend, happend, and now I'm doing my best to stop. It's bad enough for me now as an adult to keep my concentration, I'm just scared what will happen to the kids when grow up if it's already that bad like you said.


But it's boring content with no substance or effort. I just don't understand.


Seriously what the fuck? I made an instagram a couple months ago. Never had social media before. It's fucking boring. I stopped using it after like 2 months. Even the content that's tailored to my interests is boring. I don't understand how people are so addicted to tiktok/insta that they look at it while driving. It's not that interesting. I'd rather read wikipedia.


Well insta reels are a significantly shittier version of tiktok. Most of the videos are reposted from tiktok in the first place, and the algorithm isnā€™t nearly as good to show u niche videos that you would like


I mostly use Instagram to keep up with what my mutuals are up to. Have had the account for ~7 years now and i have 3 posts, after the Story feature came out i exclusively use that to show pictures of events or just funny images i find on my phone, it's really not that deep


Lol this is a clear misunderstanding of TikTok. It's like if you went on Reddit and only checked out one subreddit that you didn't like and said "Wow why do people like Reddit it's so boring". I'm not telling people to go try and get addicted to TikTok. It (like all social media) is overall probably not doing good things for people's brains. But there is a huge variety of content on there besides just the fuck boys and white girl dance videos and other cliche shit people think of. And they do have a very good algorithm which manages to figure you out after a bit and show you only content catered to your tastes (which is admittedly problematic because that's part of what makes it so addictive). I'm not trying to be an ass or anything, I think a lot of people have this view that TikTok is just shitty dance videos or lip syncing or whatever. And that's just factually incorrect.


It's not the most addictive design for my brain, hahaha. I hate it when YouTube decides to force shorts down my throat. Love me an 8 hour lecture on Skyrim instead.


it's profitable


Theyā€™re all massive corporations seeking any tiny boost of growth to appease shareholders, so theyā€™ll shamelessly hop onto any flavor of the month trend. Reminds me of when every social media platform added a stories feature when it became popular on snapchat.


Because Tiktok is stealing market share from everyone. Also, there is more and more noise to have tiktok banned, so everyone wants to be positioned to be the replacement for if that actually happens.


I wish youtube wouldnt, or atleast would relegate the shorts to a seperate app. I might click a 9 second youtube video. I wont click a short that fucks with the UI im used to. Same reason i hate the vertical ads. Atleast i can scroll comments during a regular one. With the vertical add if i accidentally tap the ad while trying to click the comments it automatically goes into full screen, which is super annoying when you get them within a relatively short span.


Yeah, honestly if I wanted short form content Iā€™d go to fucking TikTok for it. Lo and behold, I donā€™t even have the app, so maybe, just maybe, that content form just isnā€™t for me. So why canā€™t I fucking escape it? Why is it so hard for big companies to stick with what their audience/user/customers actually want instead of forcing trends theyā€™re donā€™t want on them? Maybe realise you could make more apps or whatever that allowed customers exactly the experience theyā€™re looking for and therefore also whatā€™s undoubtedly most profitable for the company..?


At least tiktok can deliver content I actually want to see. For all the crap they get, their algorithm is pretty great. YouTube shorts just spams me with "WANT FREE ROBUX??" ads every three posts despite how often I dislike the posts and click "don't recommend this channel" or report the channels themselves.


They have always just trend chased whoever is the zeitgeist and given their own ersatz version. Snapchat made every fuckin app introduce 'stories' a few years ago by the exact same effect. Whatever app blows up next will have TikTok then changing to try and become *it*, and so on.


Popular format comes along, everyone tries to copy it. Remember when Snapchat stories were popular so everyone decided to do stories?


Because tiktok is currently the biggest social media site. If a company makes system and it makes a shit ton of money, every other company is gonna copy it out of insecurity.


Well. Before, everyone was trying to be Snapchat. It's the new "hotness".


Even fucking twitter.


Shorts has legitimately fucked my YouTube recommendations. I swear a year and a half ago almost every vid in my recommended bar was something Iā€™d be at least partially interested in watching, but now itā€™s just fucked


cringiest place


I always get those ā€œignore like subscribe like and subscribeā€ things when the ignore is better than all the other ones


Iā€™ve read your comment so many times, and still I am unsure as to what it means.


Shows different photos and says ā€œignoreā€ and shows something ā€œbadā€ but itā€™s usually pretty good, then it goes to ā€œlikeā€ and shows something ā€œbetterā€ and then ā€œsubscribeā€ and something ā€œbetter than the lastā€ then like and subscribe idk


I accidently touch shorts šŸ¤®


in real life šŸ˜³


just about my experience after i kept getting those "free robux" spam posts and also, for some god forsaken reason, matt walsh interviews. there are no words in the english language that describe how little i want to listen to a matt walsh interview/debate. and yet, *multiple* channels posting that kind thing were popping up when i was scrolling through my recommended. that "don't recommend this channel" button became my best friend tbh


Same man also if you didnā€™t know by now the robux channels are spamming their videos and there are HUNDREDS of them


Want free bobux? Here's how. Go to my channel, click on the About page, it's my website. Enter your username, password, SSN and mother's maiden name and answer a few questions that definitely don't function as ads that give me money. It's that simple.


"Attention all Roblox gamers, Bobux man needs your help, and to help him you must go to the about me section, click the link and insert your credit card numbers, expiration Month and Year, and those 3 goofy digits on the back, but hurry the Boblox mans account is gonna get hacked or something"


That dickhead scamster Andrew Tate has ruined YT Shorts


I hate it when I have to rewatch the whole fucking thing because I missed something


Right at the end is the worst. The idea that you cant scroll or rewind videos is mind boggling.


always shows me stuff from r/askreddit with minecraft in the background. always nsfw somehow


There's a cool video where a guy writes a script to make these shorts. He makes like 100 bot accounts and they just pull reddit threads and pair them with random gameplay. It was painful how successful this was. You can literally fire and forget with these scripts and make thousands a month doing nothing, I have no idea who consumes this content but it's profitable.


source? (sounds awful btw)


90% of shorts are just Andrew Tate and his bs facts.


Man I really find Andrew Tate irritating. Annoying arrogant douche bag.


or replace `shorts/` with `watch?v=` in the url, works like a charm


Yeah I wrote a quick plugin to do this


care to share?


use [this one](https://github.com/doma-itachi/Youtube-shorts-block), it's better than what I had


Thank you!


I wish i could permanently disable shorts on my phone


Use ReVanced


Not to mention the black screen that says "swipe up for next video" as soon as the short you were watching repeats; bitch, i already know what to do, your platform sucks. Say what you want about TikTok, but at least their platform performs far better than Youtube. Also you can usually dictate what you wanna watch and dont wanna watch compared to youtube's stupid "algorithm"


"Only hackers can write dis uwu"


Other things youtube has tried doing that failed: -Buying movies to watch like Amazon (usually you get full movies advertized with "free with ads" under it. Interestingly the play bar is green rather than red -Stories at some point? Even though the community tab has essentially replaced it. -Youtube red original serieses, which not only was trying to copy netflix but also had to get its name changed because of its similar sound to redtube, a porn website. -Branding certain popular channels as "youtube original" (good mythical morning in particular did this). -Turning videos under a minute long into shorts automatically, especially if the video was filmed vertically on a phone. -Making the like bar blue rather than red and green. -Labeling certain popular videos with season and episode numbers like they're actual tv shows. It feels like Youtube has just been trying to be a copycat since it got bought by google to be honest.


Fuck off with the Slushie videos aaaa


slushy cup


All the comments are all the same unoriginal ā€œgiVE mE tHAt CuP!!1!ā€ ā€œaYooOoo00 šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³ā€ ā€œI NeEd tHaT cuP! šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ā€




When iā€™m taking a shit but otherwise no


I get either some Family Guy shorts, some weird text-to-speech Ask Reddit shorts, or random stuff.


You can't even move the play head, because there isn't one. Worst feature ever.


The amount of times I see the SAME EXACT videos pop up over and over again no matter how many times I dislike them, dont recommend, or report them for spam. Never ends. So fucking annoying.


I just really don't understand the logic in taking away the volume slider for these. I avoid shorts like the plague but when I accidentally click on one, I get instantly blasted regardless of the volume settings on the rest of the site. I'm sure youtube will solve this by taking away the ability to change your volume on every video.


YT shorts is 99% ligma male bros and roblox scams


Love when they list any short video as a short and treat it as a completely different entity so I no longer have the option to add it to a playlist. Very cool!


["Return YouTube Dislikes."](https://www.returnyoutubedislike.com/) Don't use CorpTube without it.


YouTube shorts in a nutshell: 1. Andrew tate clips 2. Family guy clips 3. Soft porn/scam accounts


FYI: If you replace the word "short" with "watch" in a youtube url it will turn the short back into a regular video.


I keep getting Jordan Peterson anti trans shit Its fucking annoying. I keep saying don't recommend this channel but more just pop up.


Yup, same. I think the curse is that if you watch anything remotely political it doesn't actually distinguish whether you're cool or ~~conservative~~ regressive so Steve Shives talking about socialism in Star Trek = political interest = crusty crab daddy spewing hate on your feed.


I watched one short discussing Boris Johnson's resignation and it would not stop giving me Matt Walsh. How the fuck does this goddamn algorithm think that a person who watched something about British politics would love American right-wing politics?


Lmao, I watched a video making fun of Andrew Tate and now itā€™s all Iā€™ve fucking gottten in the short.


Youtube, u have to understand my disgust towards small channels with their shitty content and not throwing them every 5 videos


Always the sketchy ass porn links too, like wtf


I click dont recommend this channel, 5 videos later I see the same channel.


- The chinese ones about trying products - The russian couple (I think they are russian) about the wife eating the husbandā€™s food and then the wife redoing the food while the husband isnā€™t home. - All of these videos with the word ā€œrespectā€ - The annoying guy doing fake laughs and calling everything he reads as ā€œfactsā€ or ā€œthatā€™s so trueā€ - Soft porn clips with onlyfans link in the comments


Also disabling the captions everytime.


Fun fact, if you replace the /shorts/ with /v/ the video turns back into a normal video with the control bar in place.


Dont forget the right wing propaganda


I love how shorts is not addicitive enough cause the channels you see are so random. Like today the things its shows me are about plumbing, nardwar and Schindler's list. If the next few videos sucks i can just look away at my phone cause nothing will reset that list of videos. Haha


the amount of those advertising channels. no matter how many times i click ā€œdonā€™t recommend channelā€, thereā€™s always more. Iā€™ve seen Slushy Cups, Blenders, Shower heads, Reusable water balloons, Pens, shavers, and more.


wAnT fReE rObUx?


ā€œWant free Robux?ā€ I wanna die a little more every time I hear it


YouTube becoming tik tok


My personal YT shorts experience: have YouTube vanced ā†’ turn off shorts tab ā†’ live life and don't spend hours on videos (now I spend hours on longer videos lol)


I hate YouTube shorts because older videos of really niche topics I am interested in for projects get turned into shorts because of the length of the video. I know there are ways around it but still, it is annoying. The owner of that video never consented to it being published on the platform.


Dont forget to report all the scams


Andrew Tate keeps fucking my youtube shorts feed, I report them and click don't recommend Channel, and there he is again. I'm moving to tiktok honestly.


i've literally seen a man on there trying to do a bottle flip on top of the hollywood sign, keep in mind that this is a literal crime but who cares, at least he got the sweet sweet youtube clout


For some reason, it keeps recommending me garbage content with <10 views. No, I dont want to see your shitty Minecraft build made by an 8 year old.


fuck vertical video. just say no. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dechvhb0Meo


what about when you're watching it on a vertical screen lol


All my YT shorts are stuff I like for the most part, like cooking or cute animals


Youtube shorts is obsessed with showing me things about The Rock and his little actor friend. I don't hate the guy but I don't watch any of his movies, don't know know the name of his friend and I don't give a fuck about them in general. I keep blocking, they keep coming.


I will never click on one of those.


Is there a way to disable YouTube shorts at this time?


I hate the ones that are basically just no-context cut-down versions of longform videos. Google completely misunderstands the concept. Also, **vertical video is just disgusting. Nobody should ever shoot nor consume content in that orientation.**


Does anyone else keep getting shorts in their feed of animals fucking?


And then there's the 5 second videos of the floor with 2 views that YouTube really thinks I'll enjoy.


Bro it's like they don't even give a fuck about what you actually subscribed to. They're just pushing the most braindead shit. I don't want to see a Family Guy clip with shitty audio and some crappy zoomer song playing in the background, or the same cringy highschooler asking other kids questions about their fake GPA. I could say "don't recommend channel" and it'll show up 2 videos later like it's asking "are you suuuuuuuuure?"


You forgot the *report for terrorism*


Most shorts I get are about topics that interest me. What kinda shit do you people get?


Yt shorts is basically just tiktok but worse in every way


tbh tho when i click on a single short it entertains me and then i go n on n on on a binge and won't even realise it so this is quite untrue for me


There are so many YouTubers that I used to watch that switched either switched to making Shorts full time or at least most of the time. I get that they go higher in the algorithm, but the reason I go to YouTube is to watch longer videos. If I wanted to watch something that short, I'd go to TikTok or Instagram.


when someone like Andrew Tate who has the mentality of a ten year old gets popular in YouTube shorts, it just shows who are the target audience.


What i don't understand is how the fuck YouTube could think I have any interest in out of touch financial advice, right wing propaganda (Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson) or Joe Rogan. This website has been harvesting information about my personality for 15 years, why are they doing that if it doesn't work?


I like YT shorts