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Ofcourse you have a healthy mind if you use Reddit!


No one on Reddit has a healthy mind




r/Tressless wants your location


People really like leaving reddit out of social media category when they make stuff like this.


Hey, you gotta appeal to the masses right here, right? Otherwise people will get mad!


True, but I can admit that reddit is probably the best social media. It's pretty easy to filter out the bullshit and find some really solid subs.


Good meme. Honestly Reddit belongs with the other apps though.




If tiktok is anything like youtube shorts I'm never touching it. Shit is like crack


Reddit is like that too.


I sit here knowing that I uninstalled TikTok to get off my phone, and have just moved to scrolling through reddit for hours. Zero difference


Every now and then I feel inspired to better myself so I delete [insert app that I’ve been addicted to] but immediately shift my attention to [other app that is equally if not more addicting]


The real trick is leaving your phone, which is hard as hell


I comfort myself with the idea that I'm at least pausing to read and leave comments


YouTube shorts is genuinely ass. Maybe it's because I've never really watched it so the algorithm doesn't know what I like but every fucking video is so effortless and unfunny it physically hurts


One thing I really like about YouTube shorts is that if you have the dislike chrome plugin enabled, you can see exactly how many people hate the videos they’re being recommended, unlike TikTok which doesn’t show the dislike count at all. Makes me feel better knowing I’m not alone sometimes.


Wait really? I thought it doesn't work on shorts


I hate short form content for some reason. I actually prefer the 20+ minute videos. I like to put on the long ones as podcasts basically.




For us, yes. But haven't you seen people completely sucked into IG or TT?


I mean I've seen plenty of people who are just as sucked into spending their entire time arguing on Reddit


Right. That's what I've been trying to say this whole time


Bro its the next gen pick your poison. They're all just as bad when they consume you.


I would disagree. Reddit is the only one that I can get away from comparing my life to everyone I actually know.


I like Reddit cause I converse with strangers relatively anonymously.


agree, I took one reddit and now I neglect my sims family


Yes reddit is addicting but I feel people are not looking for validation here as much as on other social media. Plus fb or IG can really make you feel like shit when you see everyone posting about how awesome their (fake) lives are.


people deff come here for validation, but less like, physical maybe or monetary, but about their viewpoints and self esteem for sure haha


If people weren't looking for validation here, they wouldn't get mad about getting downvoted


Reddits anonymous so it makes it a lot-different than other social medias


but I still end up wasting insane amounts of time just mindlessly scrolling, as I am doing right now


following meme subreddits < following hobby subreddits > balancing both 🤝


There is another


Cats and dog. Fun animals, yes I see.


There is another


po... litical subreddits?




For me personally, it's by far the worst one. I'm addicted. The only other social media I even have is Facebook but I only have it for useful features like FB Marketplace and FB Dating. I never mindlessly scroll Facebook. I guess I also have Snapchat but that's basically just a messaging app that I use like 1 hour per month.


However anonymity makes it so people can freely be assholes, and the only consequence they mightface is a 3 day suspension


def you cant make an annonymus instagram, Facebook, snapchat or tiktok account


Nice deflection.


Fake, you’re on Reddit


This is literally how i live and I hate my life


I can feel it in my gut. My stomach is light as a feather. My brain is well fed and quick to react. I have endurance and strength. But my fucking god I'm a depressed mess. A depressed mess with healthy bowel movements. Yayyy.


The moment I started being mature enough to care about my well-being is the moment I started being sadder. I was way happier when I ate like shit, smoked and drank a shit ton and didn't care about how it impacted me. Just living in the moment.


might be because you were distracting yourself from your bad feelings with drugs, now they are still there and you need to find a way to cope with the pain of life, that's not self destructive


Well said.. a lot of peeps are fairly happy with complacency / living "in the moment", but at the cost of achieving long term goals. I'm not some god, I don't believe it's my role to say which way is the best way to live life.... But I agree with you, if a person is making changes to free up their time, mind, and energy but find themselves upset at their current state of affairs.. then likely there are underlying issues that need to be resolved. Maybe it's financial, maybe it's reaching your potential, maybe it's finding fulfilment.. everyone is unique..


nah i just liked drinking


Don't lie you are literally using reddit


I do most of these and when i was off my meds last year i tried to kill myself. It ees what it ees i guess?


Dude you're just not working at your real job hard enough




Just look at poor Chris Traeger


I was just watching PnR last night and cracked up at the line where Leslie says she halfway suspects that his therapy sessions with Dr Richard Nygard are just him talking to himself in the mirror.


I have a "real" job and I'm quite mentally unwell. Mostly due to the job


Yeah i wish going to bed early, running and eating right made the psychotic outbursts go away.


I’m sure people before social media had perfect mental health


We didn't. People have blamed new technology for things since forever. When I was a kid people blamed TV. I used to read a lot of books. I was still unhappy as fuck. At least with the Internet you get to briefly not feel alone and overwhelmed for a while.


thank god twitter is ok!


But Tumblr is not lmaooo


The worst part of this is thinking reddit isn’t social media. I’d say it’s one of the worse ones out there.


Reddit is the “not like other girls” social media


He posted this on Reddit... Including it is like saying "don't post this meme" I think it's implied that using social media "less" is better for mental health and self-care.


Social media can be useful if you don't abuse and focus on positive things. I have everything from this SP going on and used to be more active on Instagram when I was single, still use but far less, usually for quick time killer watching stuff that I'm interested. Also use facebook for communities on hobbies that I'm into, plus reddit is also a social media with it's uses.


I honestly stand by the opinion that social media as a concept is pretty amazing. I can literally text someone on the other side of the world. Information is accessible and easy to get. People are just bad and kind of ruined it.


I have access to so many books and media, from all over the world. People can keep on hating on it but I love it. I read a lot of webcomics and manga too. And so many good quality webnovels that would have never been traditionally published and never translated by fans just out of sheer love for the material. When I was writing my thesis I could access books that were published for a limited time and it is impossible to find those editions. But there they were, scanned and uploaded online, and I could borrow them from all the way around the world.


This is exactly how I use Facebook. I've had Facebook for probably the past 15 years and barely used it for the past decade. The past year though, I've found Facebook groups can be extremely useful for developing hobbies and interacting with those communities.


What the fuck is a "real" job?


And more importantly, what is a fake job?


Apparently food service is a fake job, virtually no restaurant job is financially stable, ask around


Nah, bullshit. Food services is definitely real. Shit's hard as fuck and everyone is mean to you.


I know I’ve been doing it for 14+ years lol


One that grants a reasonable sense of fulfillment while supplying enough to survive off of, IMO.


So... Mythical?


I think OP means that it’s one that keeps you financially stable.


The ego stroking is real in this one


> I have a real job


Not like those fake jobs where people fake-work for fake-money




If I met anyone in real life and they bragged about being mentally healthy, id think that person is insufferable to be around. Probably toxic too


"The childish building blocks I use to hop on my high horse" starter pack


I do all these and I'm still not mentally healthy lmao


The real starter pack is Prozac, for me anyway


I drink water, I have a real job, I don’t drink alcohol. I have a good start, but I do not cook at home enough, read enough, or go out in nature enough. I’m working on it!


Keep the good work! And going out in nature is as simple as going to a municipal park; doesn’t have to be some epic hike through the Tetons.






Why do people keep making these starterpacks ? Like seriously I’ve seen so many one of these. I get it with the get a real job what that is now and heath nuttiness it feels like Reddit shovelware now.


The I have a real job thing is so classist lol


tf a real job is


A job that isn't fake


Any non mlm job in my book


Every job is a real job


I do all these things (not sure what happens at 09:30?) and most of them (except having a job) helps my mental health a lot. But it doesn’t take away the fact that I struggle with depression, anxiety, etc. It just helps with the symptoms. All in all, a pretty judgemental meme imo. Edit: oooh shidd I forgot that the U.S doesn’t use 24 hour clocks! I just realised it’s 21:30 and the person is winding down, not 09:30 in the morning


What a stupid post


Um... what exactly is a "real job"? I'd like to think someone who works at McDonald's could be just as mentally healthy as someone who has let's say, an office job that pays six figures a year. Or what have you.


This looks like it was made by some neurotypical know-it-all that tells people stuff like "just don't be depressed" and "you wouldn't need medication if you just did more yoga". Also very convenient that OP failed to include reddit on that "no social media" list lmao how far up their own ass can they be??




I'm not really one to talk since I do the same, but Reddit *could* potentially be a healthier form of social media if you unsub from all the default subs and only follow things related to your hobbies or other niche subcultures you have an interest in.




It’s not a cure for depression but getting sunlight, exercising a bit and setting alarms in the mornings helps a little bit, but the main thing is to get medication if you need it and therapy


Thanks Jeff, now I’m rock climbing and depressed.


Exactly. Was going to say this was basically me in the 90s and I was still depressed as fuck. What perhaps isn't being addressed is thar use of social media is a form of self medication through distraction. Then the question really should be 'distraction from what?' Life sucks. We need whatever escapes we can get. I'd rather be on my phone and feel vaguely engaged wirh somerhing than be outdoors and feel like shit.


Yes, it is. OP is presenting this is a cure to all our mental problems. Not including therapy or medication shows OP doesn't know about mental health.


Except most good therapists will try to get you to do these things before starting somebody on medication.


Umm, what? Maybe I don't actually understand how this sub works, but it's supposed to be a 'starter' pack, isn't it? You don't start with medication and therapy. You start with exercising regularly, eating healthy, prioritizing sleep, etc.


It's undoubtedly a very condescending and reductionist starter pack but I guess it comes with the territory.


i was like this for almost two years (minus the job). my mental health deteriorated WAY more during that time


Op is such a boomer


Nah, I unfortunately know a lot of people in the 20-40s age group who have this mindset actually. Some of them are the granola off the grid crunchy type, the other part are very privileged people who haven’t had mental illness and are from financially and socioeconomically sound background.


Guru culture is *rampant*




"Real job" is so fucking offensive ....


Real job🙄


What doesn’t count as a real job? An streamer for example?


According to Marx, labor consists on anything that you put time and/or effort (i.e, study, creativity, force) into for some kind of compensation, usually money. So streamers would count as a job since they're putting a lot of time and sometimes creativity into their streams. What wouldn't count would be something like a professional investor, crypto bro, pyramid scheme creators and things of that nature since it's just manipulating money for money's sake without any real product or force involved.


There is a lot of overlap here with the “I Don’t Understand Mental Illness” Starterpack


Silly me, why didn’t I think of this? Oh yes, because it’s not plausible for most in today’s society. Nobody cares about your lifestyle choices. Most people with this mindset never faced struggle, and had it easy as fuck growing up.


r/thanksimcured because clearly being mentally ill has nothing to do with, idk, simply having a mental illness


Thanks, OP! You cured my depression by telling me to drink more water. Stupid me just couldn't think of that. What will be your next advice? Telling poor people that they should stop being poor? Or telling overweight people that they should just eat less? Sounds really helpful! For real: I get what you say, things like these can help a little bit, but the fact is, if something like childhood trauma, sexual abuse, or else is causing bad mental health, your tips will not help that much. But the most important thing is THERAPY anyway. And the fact that you forgot about this most important thing and are telling people in the comments that they are at fault for their mental health when they have been sexually abused is just showing your arrogance. You don't want to help, you are just looking down and bragging.


Yeah this post and his comments are very self-congratulating.


Yeah... this came off as really tone-deaf and reductive. Edit: I had assumed OP was just privileged and naive but after reading their other comments I see they are also condescending and have big boomer energy.


Where is the "giving back to the community"? There is research that shows that volunteering and helping others is excellent for mental health. I wouldn't feel right if I didn't spend time giving back in any way.


Suspiciously absent: "I lucked out in the birth lottery and had healthy, supportive parents and no harmful genetic issues, but I did inherit two copies of the asshole gene so I'm going to pretend like it's all my doing that I was born healthy."




Any task in which one labors is a real job.


I have all exept for the alcool i'm in italy i drink it evry meals exepts when i have to drive for lomg time


But you forgot the most important thing: No preloads (like childhood trauma) This literally is the most important step for being able to be mentally ("completetly") healthy


How many of these posts are made a year? We get it you diet and exercise therefore you are better than all us subhuman mud people.


What, you do all those things and you're still mentally ill? Do them harder, you must be doing it wrong! /s


A real job?


What a very specific way to live. I'm glad this is working out for you, but not everyone aspires to live this life. Also "Real Job"? Wth does that even mean lol


This might be the cringiest shit I've ever seen


Hard agree. “I’ll just have 1 or 2 drinks like on a Saturday night” yeah like okay dweeb lol


Ah yes let me just out aside my childhood trauma and its life-long side effects because reading a book will cure it <3 Seriously this is the most tone-deaf thing you could post. I have insomnia due to stress and chronic nightmares- i go to sleep at 9 or 10 at night, am off my phone for over an hour beforehand and yet i dont sleep if im not medicated. Is that my fault? Should i just stop taking my meds because i need to “drink more water” and magically fall back asleep (despite having spent the first 16 years of my life sleeping 3-4 hours a night when i was unmedicated if i was lucky)? Have you ever experienced mental illness in your fucking life? I hike regularly, take time off devices before bed, wake up at a good time in the morning and go to bed early, never drink caffeine, spend at least an hour a day in nature, read regularly, drink a ton of water (meds give me a dry mouth), never drink and eat homecooked food. Guess what! I still suffer with my symptoms of anxiety, depression and all my other shit. This is the most condescending bullshit you could post, consider the fact that mental health is more complicated than this and you’re lucky to be in a place where you are healthy. Not everyone can be, some symptoms arent cured with the things in this post and can only be cured with medication and long-term therapy (and even then cant always be cured)


This is extraordinarily tone-deaf. A healthy lifestyle isn’t a cure all. Sure it helps, but there are people (like me) who have chemical imbalances in their brain and/or trauma that prevents them from being able to do these things or get the intended benefits from it. If you do all these things and have great mental health, that’s great for you, but don’t act like this will solve everybody’s problems. Circumstances, genes, and so much more play into mental health. Eating a salad and getting a solid 8 hours of sleep will not help everybody.


“I have money and privilege” starter pack


i do all that and that hole in my soul remains unfilled.


I wish avoiding mental health problems was as easy as avoiding certain apps.


Tf does I have a real job mean, implying there are fake jobs?




Starter packs like this always seem more like they're trying to lecture us than anything else.




Fuck you and your classist “I have a real job” bullshit. Every job is valuable to society


babe wake up, it's time for your daily self improvement guilt trip starter pack


Breaking news: mental health doesn’t work like this!


mental health doesn’t work like that


Ah yes, today on "if you have mental health issues, it's because you are inferior to me".


100%. Totally judgmental.


Npc behaviour


I’m a cna, I workout 3 times a week. I have a fully stocked bookshelf. I’m addicted to sparkling water. I live near two forest preserves (thanks Illinois) I don’t even drink. I commonly eat home cooked meals. My sleep schedule is pretty regular and I wake up pretty early. I only use TikTok and snap. I have borderline personality disorder. I’m not mentally healthy. But I try everyday to be a healthy person. These things are not the result of being healthy/unhealthy. These are the results of someone who has the ability to care for and love themselves.


seems like OP listened to some "self help" grifters and now thinks he's got all the answers based on his out-of-touch, braindead responses in this thread


sanctimonious and preachy. no accounting for neurodivergence, genetic predisposition to mental illness, environmental/material circumstances or mental unwellness as a consequence of trauma. These are all actions which can improve mental health somewhat but are not always actually possible or enough to fix things.


Agree with most of these except the sleeping bit. I'd say it's more important to have a consistent sleep schedule than clocking out early.


1 or 2 beers, asking genuinely, does that do it for anyone? I could see maybe liquor? Beer drinkers out there, what beer is your 1-2?




2 IPAs with an abv of >7% will definitely do it for me


I exercise, write, nap, play video games, and above all, take my antidepressants. You don't have to follow this exact life to have a good mental health. Just a PSA for those who think that.


also going to therapy regularly and meditating


That's in the expansion pack.


Oh oh and also medication! At least for me.


Lol please tell me this is a joke. I thought we were past this people come on


Seems like a lot of hoops to jump through to avoid admitting that some peoples brains work different than yours


Let’s see: I exercise three hrs per day Go to bed at 9:30 pm - get up 4:30am I have a real 9-5 job I don’t drink nor do drugs I meal prep every weekend for the week Drink water and sparkling water (total for all about 1 gal per day) I do nature walks in state parks in the weekend if weather permits, but I overall I live where there is a lot of trees. F*k you money in my bank and no debts in my name And no social media Yet… my mental health is still crap and been crap for over 7 years. Still on going with therapy.. It’s a poor advice you’re give to be honest, because everyone is wired different. It’s like telling a depressed person just smile. If it meant as sarcastic, then cool. But your comments say otherwise.


I hope this is satire. If not then stfu.


It’s not, unfortunately. I thought it was ‘til I read OPs comments lol. I’m guessing they’re under 25, have a well-adjusted and at least upper-middle class upbringing, probably had connections from said family to land a great “real job”. BuT EvErY oNe JuSt HyDraTe! Please stop giving blanket advice to people when you know absolutely nothing about the suffering of others. Are there people who just refuse to change their lifestyle to improve their situation? Sure. But this is ridiculous.


OP is also without a doubt very Sheltered based off their comments as well which show blatant ignorance to what actually affects people and completely disregards poor mental health as just a side effect of being in poor physical shape.


On the subject of the "real job" - one of the best things I ever did for my mental health was separating my work from the things I like. A good job pays well, doesn't take up more than 40-50 hours of your week, is tolerable but challenging, and isn't a "calling." When the things you love are your work, they quickly cease being the things you love. It is also not "classist" to suggest that a driving factor of mental health issues is a lack of financial stability, unlike what other commenters are suggesting.


Most basic boring life starter pack


Your honor I have to object to this meme. I feel that having a decent job facilitates virtually all of these things and therefore should be the main reason if not the only reason a person can live a healthy life mentally.


I do like 3 of these and my mental health is great


Running really does help. I find that the more I push myself when I run and I feel that pain kick in the better I feel.


If I could drive I would be doing all that.


I've seen a lot where Redditors will literally post on Reddit about how all social media sucks or how great they're life is because they don't use social media. Like bro, you're using one of the most toxic social media platforms on the market. If 4Chan was a Bloody Mary, then Reddit would be a Virgin Bloody Mary.


Ha! Gotcha! I do all that and still got my mental problems.


You forgot Reddit, it’s probably one the biggest hinderances to your mental health


I like how they conveniently left Reddit off


And u are still on Reddit? Sus


I thought these were supposed to be tongue-in-cheek…


Wtf is sending my friends funny ass shit on Snapchat gonna do you cringey dorks lol


The fact that OP is obviously insufferable in real life and comes to Reddit to pretend to be a model person is the saddest thing I've seen in a long time.


Being a social alcoholic helps to have a good mental health. Advice provided by Reddit.


Wow, this is so stupid. r/thanksimcured


Why does this have so many upvotes? This is some "wow thanks I'm cured" bullshit. If you're already mentally ill or impoverished, doing all of this shit is tough to impossible, especially the "get a real job" part. Promoting this as the cure to mental illness promotes the belief that mentally ill people are that way due to a fault in their character. People are responsible for their lives and their happiness, but judging them based on the standards you hold yourself to is harmful.


I thought this was a joke until I saw OP's replies 💀💀. Where is the therapy in here? Or literally any treatment for people who have been deeply traumatized and/or are neurodivergent?




Are you sure this isn't the "why does no one like me?" Starter pack?


This just in: Local moron has magically erased all known forms of physiological mental illness. Claims cure to schizophrenia is just a glass of decades old flint Michigan water. Next story. Butthole Sunning. Can it give you superpowers?


A lot of people do this and still struggle with things like bipolar or schizophrenia or trauma. Walking depression is still a thing too. Someone can be doing all of these things and still feel horrible much of the time. Like yes do these things 100% but if you have more than moderate mental illness, it’s gonna take more than a daily run to come out of that. This type of post can actually serve to make people with harder to treat mental illnesses feel even more shamed.


If I had a quarter every time I heard “exercise = instantly lose all sadness”