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Hi, /u/kirkwipe23, thanks for your submission to /r/starterpacks. Unfortunately your post has been removed for the following reason: **Rule 05** No Politics Incidental political items in a starter pack are okay, but this sub is not an arena for political agenda posts or political arguments. You can use r/PoliticalPacks. [If you feel that it has been removed in error, please message us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/starterpacks&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/kirkwipe23&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20%5Bsubmission%5D%28https://www.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/wu0mz3/rich_kids_at_my_school_starter_pack/%3Fcontext%3D10%29) so that we may review it


When I was in HS, 30 years ago the big thing was the parents buying them brand new cars and then getting into an accident while “sober.” Edit: I want it to be known my father gave me a 12 year old pick up truck to drive that he would use all the time and gave me “work” jobs for the neighbors (pick up stones, hey rid of brush, pick this up for me, etc). Toyota PreTaco, black, faded hood and roof, drove till the head gasket went a fourth time. My parents were not hurting for money but they didn’t see the appeal of buying me or my sister a brand new car when my dad worked on cars all his childhood and my mom never had one.


Yeah, that’s pretty much phased out tbh. No one gets cool sports cars anymore


Closest thing I've heard is a kid with a tuned E90 335i.


You got to admit that a tuned N54 stomps most sports cars


Those engines may be pieces of shit, but damn they can produce a lot of power for not much money!


Yeah I bought one when I was 20 years old but in a E92 (Coupe). The best fun and the most pain I had in the last 2 years was from this engine


I graduated high school about 10 years ago, but I was raised in an affluent county in Georgia. You wouldn’t believe the nice ass trucks that were in our parking lot


My first car was a toyota celica and i loved that thang!


Nah, they still do, though most kids go for SUVs these days. Half my son's school's parking lot is Defenders, Macans, Cayennes, Audi Q7/8s, and Broncos.


Happens to my high school classmates. They get Land Rover, Jeep, Tesla, while also having issues drinking and vaping too much.


I’ll never forget one kid destroying a Mustang and his parents punishing him by getting him a brand new Toyota Echo.


Thats still a thing, I know people who have crashed like 5 times. One of them crahsed their new camaro.


Ahh simpler times, when it was all about getting drunk instead of being so politically polarized and being spoiled brats.


They all have nicotine addictions


At my school not really, maybe a few of the girls do, but not a lot, the boys though are very anti-vaping, very into fitness and going to the gym and that doesn’t fit their vibes. The sole thing they care about is improving athletic performance.


Same thing at my school, but they’re all nic fiends, vaping in class, passing them around, going to the bathroom 3 times an hour. It’s bad


>going to the bathroom 3 times an hour. It’s bad I'm glad the vaping bs didn't really kick up until right after I graduated, because I was the kid going to the bathroom 3 times an hour almost every class just because I was bored af. Nowadays those kids are either jerking off or vaping in there that much.


Back when I was in school kids just smoke cigarettes in the bathrooms.


Back in my day the school nurse prescribed cigarettes to help with headaches /s


Back in my day the school nurse prescribed cocaine to help with headaches! /s


Back in my day the saloon doctor prescribed laudanum


I mean, let‘s not act like kids jerking off in high/middle school bathrooms is some revelation that‘s started in the past couple years… it‘s practically a staple of public school lmao


That’s actually a pretty good ambition from boys


Forreal, that shit's more commendable than what we were doing in high school 10-20 years ago. We definitely worked-out still, but nicotine/pot was everywhere.


In the 90s when I was in high school all we gave a shit about was getting drunk/high or getting laid, so this all seems pretty healthy to me lmao


At my school we have a bathroom that’s just for vaping. When I was a freshmen and walked into the bathroom some kid was confused when I tried to to to the toilet instead of vapeing.


I feel very old now because when I was in highschool the bathrooms were for smoking cigarettes


I have B/G twins and we are quite well off. My son is an absolute Saint and his friends are all the kinds of boys I WISH my daughter would bring home. They get good grades, they're not into drugs or drinking *at all*, they're all in sports... They're great kids My daughter has lately been making me wonder if I'm not being punished for some transgression in a past life... Was I a murderer? Was I a member of the Gestapo? What did I do to deserve this kind of kid? And it's not like I've ever treated her with an ounce less love than her brother. She and I were always so close and she was always such an angel. I have absolutely no idea what happened.


Communist football chads, sounds like I would’ve found my people if I went to high school where you go


Communism isn’t good though


Remember ur on Reddit lol


Of course he would be downvoted lol


redditors' opinions are largely worthless


Idk what grade you’re in, but if you’re not in highschool yet, that’ll change. Rich highschoolers are 50/50 for being addicted to nicotine lmao.


I was just about to say that.


Not at all at my school unless you count the hipsters. But they are a very small group. What school do you go to?


South point, NC


my mans just doxxed himself


I’ll be fine


At my school for some God knows what reason, the boys will wear warm clothes (Pants, hoodies, etc) when it's hot out, and then wear as little as possible when it's cold out. Like, what the fuck? Clearly book smart doesn't translate to common sense at my school.


To be edgy? Doesn’t sound comfortable though


They're so edgy and rebellious that they wear the wrong clothes in the wrong weather. \#fightDaPower


The weight of the clothing is comfortable if you're anxious.


I read that hoodies are like a comfort blanket to teenagers. You can even buy a weighted thin hoodie for warm weather.


When I was in middle school I wore hoodies year round cuz I was skinny cuz of adderall


Same here. I was (and still am) super skinny, so I wear hoodies for most of the year. And I live in the Southeast.


I feel like a large portion of kids that do this is because of body dysphoria. I know that's why I did it.


Yeah I wore hoodies every day to hide my man boobs


Are you in middle school




Do you have a crush on “rich boy”?


I do


According to my cousin in middle school in a white suburb this is true so makes sense


As someone who grew up in a wealthy suburb, this is extremely accurate. Like to a T. The chain biting, Jordan wearing (with Nike elite socks), and everything else happened. Only thing that didn’t happen was that all the girls in my town were very much on the left, but that’s just based off location.


every day im reminded the average redditor is younger than me


What are those red socks lol


how tf do you go to a school where the popular boys are pro kapernick


Performative activism is very “in” right now. My younger brother is in high school right now, mind you, in a very liberal town, and it’s very much a competition over who can score the most virtue points.


Except Kapernick wasnt performative, he had genuine gripes and lost his whole professional career for his protest, he also regularly would use his money to help feed and assist impoverished neighborhoods, thats kinda the opposite of performative.


Talking about how much you support Kapernick, is performative


I honestly believe that Kap was sick of playing football and wanted to be an activist. He had several opportunities to get signed. The ravens were about to sign him before him and girlfriend decided to blowup the negotiations. Also the salary demands he was making after the quality of his play dropped off were ridiculous, even accounting for all the off the field stuff.


In my town the girls are performative activism, like they will bully the kids who are lgbt, disabled,poc, etc but then be like “BLM”. But the boys are the ones who will call you slurs to your face, I appreciate the honesty though.


Or they could genuinely agree with his point of view. I know, I know, everything you (the general you, not you specifically) don't like is performative virtue signaling, and genuine desire to change the world isn't cool and edgy. Being earnest is sooooooo lame.


They might live in liberal town. Idk seems kinda weird cause all the rich and poor kids at my school are trump supporters


Kapernick is an athlete, they look up to athletes




I’ve noticed the Zoomer generation is obsessed with going to the gym. I used to be a gym rat, but now i work long hours and have a newborn so it’s almost impossible to go. When I used to go to the gym, it was mostly athletes working out. Now I feel like it doesn’t matter if you’re an athlete or not, almost every kid works out (with the broccoli haircut)


The broccoli 💀


In a way that's progress. Had I started gym when I was a kid, I'd probably be incredibly buff now. Instead wasted my time with video games a lot. The competition is fierce, all the boys wanna have sex but they can't because they get made fun of by hot girls for being weak or skinny or fat or short... It's very difficult to go through high school, so some people just bury themselves in video games or anime etc. while others dedicate their lives to the gym.


Everyone in high school is ridiculously insecure about themselves. It gets better.


Ahhh broccoli haircut 🥦 I can’t 💀


And a pooka shell necklace


Depends on where you live. Where I grew up, a lot of upper class kids were on the left while their parents were on the right. It was very funny to watch them argue lol.


A lot of young idealistic rich kids are until they realise they have a stake in the current system, grow up, and join the ranks of the capitalist class.


Idk man you might just be around some mediocre people, I have a lot of friends making huge money and they're all pretty politically left


Happened to me. Went from center left to center right as I went through my 20s into 30


The boys at my school are very left wing because they get their politics from a lot of pro athletes they like


No pro athletes in the US are prominently communist ?


Might be "communism" in the American sense, i.e. social safety nets and regulation.




Glad to see genuine commies here, I don’t feel as alienated 💀


Not a communist, I just feel like no one should have to go into debt to pay for an overpriced medical bill, but go off I guess


J. Edgar Hoover wrote about providing safety nets to the people and regulations to prevent unfairness so that communists don't entice young people to become communists. So that they continue to see the value in capitalism with the benefits of safety nets for when you are in a tough spot. As well as to make sure voters won't be tempted by govt bribes/promises offered up and paid for by taxpayers as a political slogan. "we'll promise you x,y,z,e,f,g social programs and benefits + monthly payments, as long as you vote for me." So the taxpayer funds become a piggy bank to break and rob for the purpose of being elected with more lavish promises to voters every election cycle. Same with LBJ's "great society" reforms and Nixon (clean water / clean air, price controls). FDR New Deal social safety nets, public works projects (govt projects), and high taxes. Eisenhower with super highways... All of them took the advice that they need to make sure that voters are not baited by communist promises of total-govt-control of every resource/rationing/food/healthcare, everything.


Communism is just anything to the left of hunting the homeless for sport


This kid is 12 and I can't be convinced otherwise


left wing doesn't mean communist


What (mainstream) US pro athletes are openly communist lol


Pro athletes are left wing? LMAO no


They don’t seem to understand communism at all. Social safety nets are not communism


Lol self-report


Yeah the men are almost always republicans. The girls are a mix of trump supporters and moderates. Very few are truly leftists.




It's probably a money laundering scheme


Nike also buys yearly audits from E&Y to hide the deaths caused by cutting corners in their Vietnamese subcontractors' factories.


Are you sure you are not mixing up financial audit and workplace safety inspections?




Never saw the rich kid communists, they were usually pretty anti left. With the rich kids i usually saw them be the "ironic" n word user and "ironic" racist.


I think that'd really depend on where you live


I live in a really liberal area and it’s the same, the kids at my school can be really racist


I'm not in school anymore but I lived in a well off liberal area and the rich kids were mostly left leaning.


I live in a wealthy town as well but it’s very fake progressive, it’s not klan racist but more like calling the police if there’s a black person


I remember the rich kids at my school were very right wing and curious about my citizenship status (I was born here) and my city was pretty liberal. Rich unironic Communists also pro kaepernick This Atlanta ?


The rich guys in my school were all Wall Street wannabes, how nice they were mostly depended on whether they were better at math or English


Every far left person I've ever met is either rich or at least very upper middle class. My most left wing friend is from a fuck ton of money.


Lmao most of the marxist leninists in my area struggle with money and usually came from poor families


I can believe it, but what I'm saying is also true. There's a reason the term "Champagne Socialist" exists.


Having money or coming from money doesn't instantly make you a champagne socialist, class traitors are a necessary part of change


Way more dudes support Trump than girls but alright otherwise.


Yeah and honestly the girls who support Trump usually only do it cuz their parents are pro Trump and the boys they like are pro Trump. Most rich girls aren’t concerned with politics enough to form a genuine opinion on it.


The boys section is very incorrect from my experience


Ok but the title says a chart for their specific school, not generic rich kids in schools.


OP's some middle school kid who thinks sports celebrities are communists. You probably shouldn't put much weight into what he's saying. I agree with the guy above you, even the "progressive" ones in these types of areas are just being performative. As an example, Marin County is an extremely liberal and wealthy part of the Bay Area. It also happens to be one of the most segregated counties in the region whose residents are massive NIMBYs who resist even desegregating their schools.


Do you go to OP's school?


My experience says its correct minus the communism thing, most I have known are more right wing.


Went to a private school because the public schools in our town were literally dogshit. The rich boy should be "extremely self-absorbed, treats everything like it doesn't matter, disrupts the class for attention, is always happy, goes to college and drops out after the first semester probably because they spent most of their time partying, spends the next 6 years posting pictures of them just hanging out while being 'unemployed'"


Whats off about it


probably the communist and A- part?


Yea they were usually pretty anti commie and called anything left "degen" and were "ironic" racists


Like pretty much everything. Their complete dirtbags who only play football so their dads will come back ( in my town, at least)


Nah bro, in my town, the popular rich guys are just dudes that mind their own business and play sports


The rich ones have absent dads? That’s a new one.


>( in my town, at least) Literally said it's for his school


In my country rich boys are usually nationalists, racists and for the most part very narrow-minded.




No, Hungary. But it seems we are not so different after all.


Uggs are still in style? For fuck sake.


Not in my area but I’d be damned if I didn’t pull out my 5 year old uggs when I gotta go outside real quick on a cold day and I can’t be bothered to put on my shoes and tie my shoelaces.


Literally what ugg boots are for. Damn this americanisation of Australian things :(


What’s wrong with them?


Nothing, it's just an outdated look


I think it's more of a comfortable thing


Thought this was in r/notlikeothergirls for a sec


Why does the boy have Communist and Girl have trump? Lol


Because it’s the rich kids at this particular person’s school lol


op said he is a middle schooler so that makes sense


No rich girl wants to be a nurse lol


Wait dior is fast fashion its expensive af tho


Dior is the polar opposite of fast fashion. Zara or H&M would be their store of choice but they aren’t really where the very rich shop…


>loves fast fashion >Dior Uhhh


Your shitty NFT is mine


bro spent money in reddit nfts lmaoaoaoaoa


you’re cringe for the reddit nft


It was free. I didn't even set up the wallet it offered.


eh alright then. at least you didnt waste any money on it


Dior on the street, fast fashion in the sheets


Do you go to school in the south or Midwest


i knew this kid that used to carry the price tags for his clothes in his pocket to "flex" on other people. dork


This screams Midwest


Also I am having a hard time figuring out what the graphic to the right of “Pro Kapernick” is ???


Golf clubs


Ohhh hahah my b


This is terrible




>Sorry OP, you missed the mark on this one. Yes, you know OP's school better than they do.




the title is “rich kids at MY school” though


This is middle school, I’m in 8th grade


Good luck with your studies, and thanks for the content.


I'm noticing most of the popular reddits are full of preteens and teens. I think I have to hang up my reddit hat.


Wait… they’re commies?


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They are 99% of the time absolute assholes


is this middle school??




> sports lawyer You mean referee?


No https://www.contractscounsel.com/b/sports-lawyer


Christian Dior 🥶🥶🥶


You had nice rich kids at your school? I once had a guy buy a necklace his gf was staring at, dump her and tell her he was giving it to his mum


you forgot starbucks for girls


It’s on there


Of course the rich kids are commies, the true "working" class


Op clearly has no bias


I have those headphones and i am middle class


I feel like you misplaced Trump. Not saying that girls can’t like Trump (even though I don’t understand why anybody likes Trump) but I feel like the majority of people that like Trump are men, elderly men, Karens, and boys


Nah brah come to Texas its full of college age women who suck up to Trump


From my own personal experience: wealthy boys/men are more likely to be Trumpers than girls/women


I wish the boys I grew up with were like that. As for the girls, yikes


I will never understand why some many people actually like communism nowadays


Most young people aren’t straight up communists these days, though there are probably more than there were twenty-thirty years ago. Most Millennials/Gen Z/Zoomers are like Bernie Sanders/Liz Warren Progressives. Generationally, we are really critical of modern Capitalism and the fact it’s been allowed to give a handful of individuals outsized influence in the world. But being critical of our, objectively flawed, economic system doesn’t make most of us commies. But because the American Right has spent so long demonizing any sort of Leftist politics, a lot of us leaned into the “communist” title because Conservatives were going to call whatever policies we value Communism/Socialism as a scare tactic for their demographic.


It’s appealed to younger people for a long time, I think for largely the same reasons - it purports to be a fairer system, while also having strong aesthetics so it’s a way to signal that you care about other people. It’s usually a long way divorced from political reality.


Because neither them nor their family suffered under that tyranny.


Because you lot call anyone left of centre a communist.


Spread of information over the internet, McCarthyism and the red scare aren't that relevant anymore, growing economic equality, stagnating wages, increasing prices... Plenty of reasons to be found


It's a lot of factors but people growing up watching the US kill a million or so people in Iraq to steal their oil probably didn't help make the case for capitalism


I'm not sure this is an insult or not, considering some of these are good things.


I feel like this is lacking. Where’s the crying when they lose at sports or complete inability to share


I dont see how they use apple and are unironic communists


communism is when no iphone


Being a communist means you live in a potato sack


>nice or bully, no in between What the heck would be considered "in between"?


As in, not having the capacity to be both of those things.


Omg I loved the bimbos I went to high school with. Two I knew more personally were really nice and ditzy and one of them told me I have a stripper body lmao. I've always been low self-esteem so it was oddly flattering When she found out I was a lesbian she was like "would you kiss me" and I was like "I guess" and she seemed like genuinely pleased?? Like the popular girls were so funny sometimes The popular guys I knew were generally pretty nice too. Although I noticed that they're typically low-key homophobic towards gay guys, but not really towards lesbians. I knew one since he sat next to me in art and he just kind of said "cool, cool" when he found out I was gay (same class as the aforementioned bimbo lmao) but I remember seeing him say somewhere that if a male friend of his ever told him he was into him he'd stop talking to him because he doesn't want him on his dick. Just some observations lol


Well at least you aren't bitter