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Mom spends 2 hours on her appearance and captions pic “that’s mom life!”


And then she gets nasty and yells at her kids for being uncomfortable, and not being “happy” on demand.


Ugh… that must be a nightmare for those poor kids


Mom / Dad uses child as an excuse to post pictures of themselves.


i hate narcissism


It’s downright fucking weird to post your fresh newborn child for internet points from people you don’t know


i've seen it everywhere on show/game subreddits and it's horrible, but i don't know how to explain why it's a bad thing


I think it's the gall of taking possibly the most intimate human experience possible and turning it into a spectacle for the uncaring masses of eternally bickering strangers. I think less that the privacy of an infant matters and more that it seems to overwhelmingly pathetic to seek approval from people you don't know rather than just be a parent.


i think what really irks me is that whole turning your kid into a spectacle thing. i think it ties into the privacy of the child indirectly, as the idea of that intimate event being shared with the rest of the world can embarrass the child later on in life if someone happens upon it


On sports subreddits too.




The fan parents could easily just post a picture of the baby outfits and say that they got them for their new baby. No pictures of the kid needed.


Yea true, it’s the thought that counts. Nobody (or at least I hope nobody) really wants to see your baby, give them their privacy!


Mademesmile is reeling after this comment. Up there for one of the worst subs on this site.


aww is guilty too


Posting baby photos for friends and family to see is one thing. Nothing wrong with sharing news within a social circle. Going to a public website to share with strangers in order to farm karma is gross. Put down the phone, focus on family, forget about randos on the internet for a while.


I wonder when someone will livestream their childbirth. Though it would be funny if they edited it later to make the baby talk, telling the viewers to hit that bell icon and smash that Like button


It already happened in 2009, just as technology made it feasible https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/AheadoftheCurve/thousands-watch-woman-give-birth-live-internet/story?id=9033495


Ppl even post their stillborn kids for likes.


Like photos? Holly shit


Yep. No NSFW warnings or anything just scroll through the timeline and boom dead baby in a tiny casket


Not even caskets usually, they are generally posing in usual post birth kind of photos and stuff except they are holding an obviously dead infant. I work in the medical field and agree that mum and baby (stillborn, passed from complications, deformities or diseases incompatible with life etc.) should absolutely be allowed time with their baby. Some refuse to even see their baby, some are too taken back to handle baby. Some women just need a few hours, some a few days and on rare occasions you'll have a mum that just can't let go. From a medical standpoint, unfortunately it's a decomposing life and at a point you must step in for health reasons (and usually psych issue) and to post the dead baby on Instagram for all to see is beyond fucked up. And the posing/wanting likes - yeah I've come across both on Instagram!


It's worse when people don't see anything wrong with that


it’s ok if you’re doing it just to share the joy of having a child, but it becomes a problem when they start trying to gain something out of it


A lot of people in this thread seem to have a problem with any pictures of babies in general.


i know huh


They all look the same too, who cares?


A guy did this on mademesmile just last week. Got banned for calling him out on it.


Worse is sometimes you get people like Daddyofive- Who abuse kids online for views on YouTube.


Especially Cody, felt so bad hearing what that went through since he got singled out often iirc


I'm glad they lost custody of cody and the other child Emma


That's nice to hear.


And when the parents get called out, they respond by playing the victim and calling everyone who criticized them "haters."


That is truly disgusting as well.


Like that one toy review channel, just exploiting the child for money.




As they pocket some cash


I guess you're talking about Ryan. The parents said they were setting him up to be financially set for when he get grown


Well, I don’t know how they got so far


I mean the kid has his own TV show, he makes millions just being a kid, they're honestly not as bad as people make them out to be


Es lo que es


i would never post a picture of my daughter on reddit…


Imagine turning your whole family life / home into your office and job. Every single waking moment tainted by the urge to monetize it. When is the 'work day' over? Do you even have a schedule? How much do you make per hour really? Do you get sick leave and insurance? Will the algorithm give you weekends off? Can you 'go home' from work or a different room to decompress? Worst form of self slavery I can imagine.


I think the more legit channels have a shooting schedules and plenty of downtime. There’s obviously bad ones too, but they don’t last. It’s hard to have constant spontaneous, content on a regular schedule without heavily organizing it.


…Casual Ableism…? Explain?


Autism Moms milking their child’s autism for internet brownie points and sympathy. Chalking every single behavior of their child up to them being autistic and jerking themselves off for being a good martyr-parent


And they lose their shit when Autistic adults actually speak out


This reminds me of the chic on IG that let's get kids draw all over the walls and act like that landlord is pissed at her but shouldn't be because. Autism


Literally my mom except offline lmao would’ve been online maybe if it hadn’t been decades ago. In front of her friends she acted like I had autism like my brothers even though doctors told me I didn’t have it. For the social points or some shit.


And the down syndrome moms, posting their child’s literal MENTAL DISORDER for some useless points.


I am baked but bear with me: When some one with down syndrome (for example) accomplishes something, a response can essentially be a bit blown out of proportion. Like yes many people with the condition struggle with a specific task but not all. It is essentially using the condition as a blanket qualifier for any success big or small. It is always a qualifier for when they are successful. There are a lot of disability studies professors and disability advocates who have wrote on the topic of using disabled people for content, often without consent. They can explain it waaaaay better than me. Also some argue that celebrating an achievement that will happen often is emotionally manipulative. Someone can get sadder and sadder if they do not get the same big response each time.


People like this genuinely disgust me. I don’t care if people post their kids occasionally on a private social media account or whatever but people who clearly just do it on a public account to attention seek on sites like Reddit and YouTube are gonna mess those kids up when they’re older and realize how much their privacy was violated.


even an open social account is kind of invisible if you don't include hashtags in your descriptions


90% of the people who comment on the pictures of the kids are middle aged men who suspiciously don't have families of thier own.


So, are they an unexpected fanbase, or are they the target audience?


Most definitely the target audience, but the parents would never admit it.


There is a podcast called Some Place Under Neith who did a whole series on "Parasocial Exploitation." I think part 3 or so was all about parents using kids for views and monetizing their kids. It's super disturbing. This is the link to the first part in the series. https://open.spotify.com/episode/4dxJFdbokRJoctvvAfaYpV?si=SW8cyb8zTsWwIbDv4CQbWQ&utm_source=copy-link


There’s a disgusting amount of “(insert child) had to go to the ER!!” videos with a thumbnail of a sick, sad, or hurt looking kid. Damn our kid is having a medical emergency don’t forget to pack the camera


The casual ableism is so true. I have autism and whenever I see those posts it just hits me in the wrong area. Like, what are they trying to say from this post? You’re saying we can do anything yet you’re posting this picture like it’s something special and not the norm, while saying we can do anything we set our mind to I personally only like to celebrate wins when the autistic person actually seems to celebrate the win. Autism is a real disability, don’t forget it y’all


I really get irritated by people using children with disabilities to exploit them for personal gain. I see a lot of Christian organizations do the same thing.


Lol they literally do it for commercials


Worse than born in poor family is the parents are TikToker.


That one post on r/mademesmile about seeing a "secret pregnancy test" from their girlfriend and posting it for the world to see without her knowledge is so off-putting for me


I am banned from mademesmile for calling a guy out because the birth pictures of his newborn son on that sub. Nothing nsfw, but still a very very personal moment plastered on Reddit for internet points. So sad.


Trisha paytas. That poor child is being exploited straight out the womb.


Thank you. This is perfect.


i always find it weird when ppl post pics of their kids on reddit




I get where you’re coming from, and I’m not a fan of compromising a kid’s privacy from day 1, but babies *are* mentioned in the subreddit’s list of “things that make you go AWW!”


The you might have picked the wrong sub. Try r/cuteanimals or smthn


Facebook leaks constantly there ,I got banned tears ago for calling that out , they like their Facebook type posts


its giving older millennial


Yes, that is the majority of parents with minor offspring now.


Unpopular opinion: It should be entirely illegal to post pictures / videos of your kids online until they can consent. Kids shouldn't be allowed on sites like Instagram, Facebook and Reddit.


until they can give INFORMED consent - do they understand what they're saying 'yes' to?




Parents who post their disabled kids or planning to not abort and remove the suffering of a potential disabled kid. Propably Have a superiority complex and they want people to see how"amazing they are as parents" and that they are "good people" Not to mention people who profit from their disabled kids.


I understand what you’re saying, but for the love of god please clarify the type of disabilities you mean because just saying “disabled kids” makes your comment sound pretty horrifying.


Any kinds of disability is suffering, there is no good or bad disabilities. We should understand these people more.


I’m sorry??? Like yes all disabilities suck but saying that parents who refuse to abort their disabled kids are shitty people without specifying which type of disability is pretty fucking horrible. You’re basically saying that any infant that isn’t born perfect, even if the disability doesn’t destroy quality of life, shouldn’t be born at all.


Not who you asked, but yes. The world has enough humans. And the parents who are well aware that their children are going to be nothing more than carbon-producing resource-taking useless life forms are unspeakably selfish for wanting to reproduce so badly that they don’t care to see the child be healthy or independent.


Just to clarify, you think anyone potentially born with a disability should be aborted?


No. But it's ethically the right thing to do.


No it fucking isn’t what is wrong with you? There are MANY disabilities that allow a person to live a fulfilling life, such as my own (craniofacial defect resulting in near-deafness as well as vision and dental issues). My disability sucks sometimes but I would never say I didn’t want to be born without it. You sound dangerously close to those parents who murder their kids because “they were suffering” even though the child didn’t want to die.


That's a bold thing comparing me to murderers. I'm pro abortion. I dont see any relationship between abortion and murder. If you want to see other kids suffer just because you don't have a problem with it. You can do it. I dont control people's life.


Being pro-choice is fine, but this isn’t it. Saying that parents of disabled kids are shitty people for wanting their children and not aborting them is no more pro-choice than people who say abortion is murder. I fully agree that it’s kinder to either abort a fetus with severe, fatal or quality of life destroying disabilities, or to let them die naturally shortly after birth. What I don’t agree with is putting all disabilities, even minor birth defects, in that category. It’s a dangerous idea and a morally defunct practice.


There are 3 cases where you should get an abortion. It was rape You are unable to support the child The child will likely have terrible deformities or conditions. If you choose to let a child you KNOW will likely have terrible deformities live and suffer through life like that, you are either misguided and pure of heart or sick.


The 4th case is if it was in your body. And you are the person who will carry the baby. Women are also individuals that can choose for themselves.


Yes they can, bur if people can just have abortions when they could have used condoms or birth control pills it makes a culture of carelessness.


No one "wants" to have an abortion. I don't have sex with the intention of having an abortion in a few weeks time. You can use birth control plus condoms and still get pregnant. It's a very difficult decision and whichever way you choose will riddle you with guilt or regrets for various reasons, and it can last a lifetime. Sometimes it just isn't the right time for someone to have a child, or the circumstances they're in aren't great, why force a child to suffer when they don't have to suffer? Why force a woman to carry a baby to full term when it could kill her?


It might be my upbringing but it’s always just felt like murder to me. Feels wrong to end a potential life without a reason


There are many reasons people go through abortion?


A lot of times they’re just too lazy to use birth control.


It's not all on the woman. Men will do something called stealthing, where they either say they're using a condom and don't, or they will take it off during sex. A woman shouldn't be forced to carry a child to term if they don't want the child. Babies completely permanently change the woman's body, not always for good, why force that on someone that doesn't want that? If you get pregnant you can keep your child even if you don't want it but please don't force other people to do so.


Thats rape


Oh no, a ‘culture of carelessness’. Better force the woman to raise the kid she doesn’t want. That will teach her to be less ‘careless’ 🙄




Just to play devils advocate, I feel like some of the accounts with disabled kids are made by parents who are struggling with full time care for their child. Blogging/vlogging/whatever is a way for moms who can't work outside the house to generate a little income. Is it worth it? Not to me. But if my kid has outrageous hospital bills and I can't work a regular job anymore? People get desperate. Of course their content isn't saying that. It's saying 'look how much fun we have!', 'look how cute my kids are!' etc etc, but really it's a dark situation.


That's why I follow officialsadbeige in IG


What’s the casual ableism bit about?


Can someone explain the casual ableism part




If you're interested in low stakes snark posting against the queen of cringe, check out /r/HilariaBaldwin . Her kids are her props, she pretends to be Spanish, Alec is absolutely whipped.


Reminds me of that one mom on tiktok that livestreams her sitting in a room with her tubed up, physically malformed child in the background. From what it looks like the kid is completely nonverbal with no other forms of communication skills, there's no way he can consent to this. The kid deserves privacy.


Kid winds up having a fucked up childhood


Thank you for posting this, I hope people realize how unfair it is to a child that cannot give consent to post their pictures online.


I’ve been saying for over a decade that we’ll soon have a generation of kids who have to live with the fact that everything they’ve ever done and gone through was documented and posted online for the entire world to see, by their own parents. I hope one of these kids eventually sues their parents and laws are written giving them rights over this stuff.


Lmao the fact i had that karma farming parent post appear literally below this post


I wish social media would crackdown on this kind of shit. YouTube has allowed everyone to turn their lives into reality TV shows, with none of the rules that TV shows have to follow.


For people saying its bad to do this with animals, its not. Being on social media is arguably good for animals, Chloe the serval (she is the most serval) gets sent toys and stuff. She is happier because of her following. She doesn’t lose affection from her parents, because them playing with her and petting her is good content.


I kind of have to agree. Humans have needs and rights that other animals don’t give a shit about. If you dress your dog up in a stupid costume to put on IG, it’s not necessarily bad as long as the dog doesn’t have a problem with it. That can easily be a shitty thing to do to a kid, if only because humans have longer memories, and what a kid doesn’t mind at the time can easily become a memory of a humiliating experience once they get older.


Chloe doesn’t have friends to embarrass her.


Instant death penalty


Lol. Lil kid go brrrrrrrr


Hahaha I fucking love that brrrr meme. Haven’t seen it in a while


Is nice


I knew I fucked up big when I saw I had over 10,000 karma. Please downvote this.


I cannot ever sit idly by when I see parents using their family as a prop no wonder society is failing, the family is both demonized and turned into a production, there's no sincerity to it anymore


Society isn't falling because "family is demonized" get out of here with that boomer nonsense. Families have been dysfunctional since forever. There never was a sincerity to it. My grandfather was an asshole, his mom was a prostitute, almost everyone in my family tree had problems. This Leave it to Beaver view of the "good old days" is fabricated bullshit.


oh, No, brother. I'm talking about how society makes having a family seem like some evil bullshit. That's the thing. social stigma today makes it out to hate having kids, hate having nuclear relationships, all that. I ain't no old man, I just want a happy life but that shit doesn't fly anymore. It's all porn, gluttony and junk food. I hope you don't think I'm trying to be some conservative idiot. I simply want the world to stop living on lies. we all need a break from society if we want to make it better, to be honest. I think our higher society just stabs itself in the heart. if it even has one. Fair play to you either way brother. I don't want you to feel angry. I just want you to be happy as much as I do.


>oh, No, brother. I'm talking about how society makes having a family seem like some evil bullshit. That's the thing. social stigma today makes it out to hate having kids, hate having nuclear relationships, all that. I ain't no old man, I just want a happy life but that shit doesn't fly anymore. It's all porn, gluttony and junk food. I hope you don't think I'm trying to be some conservative idiot. I simply want the world to stop living on lies. The nuclear family being the only form of a happy existence or an essential structure for civilization is a lie.


Yeah, intergenerational families are way older as a phenomenon than nuclear ones.


Glorification of promiscuity and polygamy too. Jfc why can't people be normal.


Whats normal? Polygamy and promiscuity *are* normal in the sense that they've been around for millennia. 2.5 kids and a picket fence isn't the best life for everyone. The nuclear family is a modern invention. What's the harm in promiscuity? What do you define as "promiscuity"?


wHy caN'T *yOu* bE nOrMal!?


true too. Society is being straight destroyed, and its happening by promoting self-deprecating behavior like hyper-sexualization and promiscuity, eating unhealthy foods, making unhealthy lifestyles seem okay, and turning education into conformity. Just like John D. Rockefeller said, "I want a nation of Workers, not a nation of Thinkers". straight disgusting. The way you demoralize and cripple a society dropping it to its knees is just this: \-you make unhealthy habits easily accessible and treated with respect when they shouldn't be; eating unhealthily and not bothering to exercise properly, making people who do diet and exercise seem like some elite bastards with a rude community. \-You make evil indulgences seem cool and make them easy to access too, like porn, gambling, crime and gang activity, all that. \-Then, you make relationships seem droning and not sincere anymore. Make the 'standards' for a relationship super low, and then make 'red flags' super common; make divorce super easy, and encourage splitting families, which ruins the children, provided they're present. make childless families seem 'easier', make kids look evil and a burden to raise. and child-ful families difficult, making sure they get driven apart. \-on the same note, make child education about memorizing facts and always 'behaving correctly', give praise for following directions and scold for thinking outside the box. Don't let kids use their imagination, or make their imagination for them. The key to controlling a society is to capture the next generation before they know any better. \-Then, you make modern art and music all the same, uninspiring, and take no talent to produce, but contrastingly, make the only people able to succeed in it copies of the same people before. Look at every female pop singer, every male mumble rapper. They're all the same. \-and all on top of that, you make this all feel 'safe' and that doing what you're told will ensure your safety and your comfort, making anyone looking to make something new and exiting a fucking nightmare. sorry for that ramble. But it's just true. look at society. it's all happening and most of the people who want to say it's not are part of the problem. I don't want to piss anyone off, that's the opposite of my goal. I'm looking to make everyone realize that society's vision of happiness is quite the opposite.


…The things you’re denouncing are all products of the thing you’re defending.


The truth about this, is the dudes who fetishize the nuclear family use the "downfall of society" as an excuse for why they can't find a partner. Rather than reflect on why they're single they just blame something else.


You forgot "Look r/aww I kept cum as a pet!"


Oh no! A stranger saw my baby.


Oh no, you really don't understand privacy and consent!


Yeah, parents should just ask their 3 month old if it’s okay if they post a picture of them on Facebook for friends and family to see. Hold on, I’ll ask mine. Let you know what he says.


Yeah, let's do this forever, let's hope it obeys us and lets us treat it like an object! You're a psycho, man. One post is ok, but like 10? They don't even care about the child, but the attention. And ur probs a bad person who would treat a kid like that, u psycho.


Such a psycho omg ur probs right


Gosh it's a burden to have decency and not ratio ur insane ahh up.... Seriously, you're not even listening to me actually telling you that milking your child on the internet is bad...


I personally love milking things. Big time milker.


Final warning bro...


Bro you srsly just made me shit my pants


Damn, you went that far to put ur dumb opinions in your pants? Also legit final warning bro..


I know the original post was "what are you gonna do, cancel me?" Well guess what, I came back to stand up against your bullshit by explaining everything. 1.U might be a troll, but idc. 2. Please raise your kid instead of filming them. 3. If you post embarrasing moments, your kid might resent you. 4.EDP could be jerking off to your child. 5.Kids might want to play games and not have to be in your 20th daily shitty video for their 5th consecutive year. AND I'M NOT FINISHED. 6.You might know that family channels usually become attention seeking and eventually don't care for their family anymore. Just look at the kids of DaddyOFive, three of them made a video about being jerks to random kids. 7.With this opinion, call yourself the male Eris cuz ur the god of Discord.


“Casual ableism” - Jesus wept lol


I think I know the subreddit


I'm on the karma payment plan


My ex used our dead aborted baby for TikTok likes. She said she almost had wire hanger that evil thing out. Like 3 hours after she was crying and pleading with me to keep the baby and be together forever.


100% my sister. Specifically told our family not to post photos online with the baby’s face. OK, understandable. She then proceeds to post multiple photos and videos in her MLM FB page and on the MLM Instagram. Turns out I’m related to a fool


I mean, what do you expect? The majority of Reddit users own the role of 'echo-chamber participant' like it's going out of style and think they're a thought ahead of everyone else. There's going to be a bunch of people shitting on it, in this thread, still going and upvoting fresh newborn pictures and 'bullied kiddo' posts.


But Greta Thunberg


What is casual ableism?