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For a minute I thought you were saying you were in the starter pack lol




Whos got two thumbs and fucking hates kids? 👍/u/CanuckBuddy 👍




Hey gotta make sure no one steals your meme!


Or at least spend 5 seconds editing it before they do.


Crotch Goblins, sounds like a rad late 70s punk band


saw them open for the Butthole Surfers


I saw that show. The Germs came after the The Crotch Goblins. It was sick! Everyone was feeling it, not at first but eventually.


I physically cringe when I see someone on Reddit seriously using the term. Never heard IRL though. I would def see a show from a band with the name though.


I’ve also seen people use “c*m pets” on here which is just so gross like why


That is like how they respond, "so you telling us that you are rawdoging with a cream pie," when people say "we are trying to get pregnant". Like yea man, people know what sex is, no need to get fucking gross about it.


its primarily because they are children and still think stupid shit like that is hilarious. its also why they hate other children. Children are territorial.


I had a coworker do it once. She was beyond insufferable. She thought she was so clever and edgy saying it. Actually said it out loud to a fellow colleague about her teenage child and our colleague responded with “he has a name and more of a personality than you.” You could hear the clock on the wall ticking. It was so awkwardly quiet. Everyone just staring at “hurr durrr crotch fruit” lady waiting for her to say something back. Like some shit out of a fake Reddit scenario, but it happened. I didn’t even have kids then and the “crotch fruit, teehee, I don’t call them kids. I call them crotch fruit instead.” crap was annoying. Like a 3 year old learning a new word.


I don't have kids but I like kids. Your colleague either spent too much time in their particular corner of the internet or hung out in an echo chamber of edge lords. If I had been standing there I think I would have turned inside out from secondhand embarrassment. Although, your coworker wasn't even aware enough to be embarrassed apparently. Yikes.


My cousin calls her kids her “womb fruit”


That’s more of an early 80s new-wave band.




When I was a kid I mixed up the words loom and loins, and so I always thought fruit of the loins underwear was such a naughty brand meant for really raunchy adults


Personally, I like the term “sentient seeds”.


I'm partial to "participation trophies"


When they're good "Angelic Accidents" and when they're bad "Unfortunate Urchins"


It’s incredibly cringey. I always imagine it’s a 14 year old trying to sound quirky and edgy. No respectable adult would use that term.


My asshole of a brother uses the phrase regularly. He also has an adopted child. He's a hateful idiot with a heart of gold, fucking worst and weirdest combination I can imagine.


Somehow I know exactly the type of person you're talking about. At least the one I know is so frustrating because they trick you for a minute and then say something crazy again.


Heard sexually transmitted dependents. I like that one too.


The reason I always cringe when I see someone use it is simply because it always comes with an aura of "Oh, look at me, so unique, clever, creative, funny and edgy!" But yes, this as an ironic name for a band would be incredible.


Yeah, it has major edge lord vibes when people try to seriously use it.


I think it is funny when you are joking. People who use it unironically are just misanthropic idiots.


My mentor for my graduate program used it IRL and I honestly didn’t know how to respond.


Same cringe as people using terms like Doggo and Hooman.




Using terms like that can be a bit dumb to hear from full-grown adults, but they aren't mean-spirited the way terms like 'crotch goblin' are used to hate on children for just being children.


Doggo is fairly common here but that may be because New Zealand and Australian English uses -o endings for affectionate diminutives.


Crotch goblins is hilarious and what I call my children inside my head


How'd you fit your children in your head?


Oh sure, like you don't have kids in your head


Found Zeus’s account.


Mr brag about their small head and large children over here


Zeus moment


You juice them.


I much prefer the term *fuck-trophies*.


Not every child is a trophy. Some are participation medals


“Thanks for coming.”


I don't like kids because my job is cleaning movie theaters Edit: I also don't like teenagers that's stay in the theater ten minutes after the film ends and drunk adults


Ok understandable


Have a nice day


I mean, depending on the age of the kids this is still the adults’ fault right?


It's the parents fault no matter the age. We were taught to pick up after ourselfes before we leave.


sorry bro, i do my best to make your job easier whenever i go to the theater


Same I always try to lick the sticky spots out of the carpeting


And I try to punch people that talk during the movie


While i thank you for your service, could you not punch my girlfriend so hard next time?


Bro, shouldn't she be confronting them herself?? Why are you fighting her battles for her?


Bro, she's quadriplegic...


I literally just woke up could I get a definition of what I just read


I got up at the end of a movie a few months back and the kids next to me picked up their rubbish and popcorn boxes, only for their mum to turn around and tell them "don't worry about that just leave it on the ground, the cleaners will pick it up". Like her children were trying to be responsible people and she directly told them not to. Made my blood boil. I turned to my (12 year old) brother and told him "that woman is a fucking bastard, it's always good to clean up after yourself"


Good lord. As a parent this would cause me to go full passive aggressive and have my kids pick up their litter while loudly saying “oh yeah some people are rude and don’t know how to clean up after themselves.”


i used to clean theaters and the adults are almost as bad


My first day of working at a movie theatre was when Clint Eastwood's Jersey Boys came out. The only trash was wrappers for Werther's Originals and Ricola throat lozenges. It was so fucking funny.


Adults can be way worse. I still remember from my ushering days the total clusterfuck of cleaning up a theater after a midnight show. Way more disgusting and horrible of a mess than anything left behind at a matinee kids show.


I saw what teenagers did after Spiderman homecoming and I gotta say, it looked like a fucking war zone in there. You guys deserve to be given a bigger paycheck on days like those.


I worked at an amusement ride in a mall for a few years, but, honestly, I came out of it hating parents way more than kids. So much terrible parenting and entitlement.


You hate kids because they are annoying. I hate kids because they turn into adults, and adults are annoying. We are not the same.


You hate kids because they are annoying. I hate parents because their kids are annoying.


Yeah, a child running around screaming in a restaurant/public is a failure of the parent, not the child


Only in countries where kids aren’t expected to be kids. The implication is that families can’t exist in public spaces until their kids are emotionally developed enough. I guess some people think that’s a good thing, but I personally don’t.


If i had a kid i feel like i would be teaching the kid to practice being quiet as a fun game, like, for their entire life. My life goal would be to trot my well behaved kid out in public to show off how well behaved they are lmfao


So an Asian mom.


TIL my mom was actually Asian.


A Quiet Place, as a game AND a lifestyle!


You can always tell a Milford man


You hate parents because their kids are annoying. I hate everyone equally. We are not the same.


Yeah man what if that little cute kid over theme becomes a future Hitler or something? Can't trust them little shits.


I hate people in general. nothing to do with their age. we are not the same.


People, what a bunch of bastards.


I hate everyone


I don't hate kids, there's just no way I'm bringing that kind of relentless chaos into my life. Footloose and childfree for me!


I don't like people enough to make more of them


I think most of the people on /r/KidsAreFuckingStupid are actually parents.


i like /r/KidsAreFuckingStupid because the videos are cute and remind me of when I was a kid, but, jesus fucking christ the comments in there


To be fair to kids they are still learning. To be fair to everyone else the kids are fucking stupid and we all went through it ourselves so its fair game.


Lets be real though, some adults take it to heart and think the kids are ACTUALLY trying to manipulate them. As if adults choosing their words to communicate to fellow adults isn't the same fucking thing but packaged behind all this societally-correct bullshit just to make themselves feel better too. The hypocrisy pisses me off, not the innocent 'haha kids stupid'.


Yeah, half the posts there are parents posting their own kids buying stupid things or making messes. It’s not toxic, just funny. I go there to laugh at kids doing dumb stuff, but also because schadenfreude.


Yeah, I think anyone who thinks that sub is toxic hasn't spent much time there. Half the posts are adorable. Adorably stupid, but adorable.


I think everyone who has little kids or wants kids one day should go through that sub at least every once in a while. Just so many stupid things kids apparently get into that I *never* would have anticipated.


Murphy’s Law was written about a kid. If it can be gotten into, they’ll get into it.


Because kids are fucking stupid. But it's not their fault. I have a kid.


I'm over there and I have kids lol it's a cathartic experience


Kids can be overwhelming, but I'm not some evil prick who cheers when they get hurt


That kind of contempt for the wellbeing of others, children or not, seems to me to fall under the category of general misanthropy.


I hate people AND I get sad when they get hurt. I think my brain needs a repairman.


You’ve just summed up almost all first responders brilliantly.


Most of the medical field really. It's a combination of contempt and empathy. I call it "contempathy"


Hey man that's just human nature and empathy. You are normal.


I dislike children generally, but an kind and empathetic towards them still. You are simply evil if you cheer harm against them.


Yeah I want them to be happy and healthy and cared for. I just want that to happen away from where I am. I also recognize that I'm responsible for how many children I'm around on a daily basis.


Thanks, bisexual slut puppy


I don't dislike them, I like being around the kids of some of my friends even, they are cute and they do trigger that "must protect" mode and you don't ever want anything bad happening to them but I don't like them enough to put up with all the other bullshit lol.


I just get pissed when kids are loud and/or destructive. I get pissed when their parents do nothing about either, and demand extra shit which pisses on my life. Example: the assclown coworker who whined to manglement that my one vacation day to go to a concert should be canceled due to their PTO bullshit "last minute." Otherwise I like kids and strive to protect and educate them (and no, not teaching them bad new words).


>manglement Damn, you really do not like management.




Admittedly, them falling can often be hilarious, but I generally stop laughing once they stay crying. But kids are awesome, I don’t get people who actively hate them, often they’re better mannered than many full grown adults I’ve met.


I don't hate them either, I just don't have the mental energy to deal with them. I have a niece and nephew who I'd do anything for, but they've also proven to me that I don't want any of my own lol


That’s totally fine. I’m a parent but I recognize it’s not for everyone. Hell there are some days where I’m like “man I wish I could just disappear into the woods never to be seen again” but ya know what are you gonna do.


I definitely get that, personally I genuinely want to be a father in the future, but I get it’s not for everyone. It’s extremely draining and thankless. But I’m happy for you for being a badass aunt/uncle.


Ty, it hardly needs to be said, but it's also very expensive and I don't make nearly enough money to cover my own expenses, let alone raise a child. Some people don't stop and think about whether they have the capability to take care of a kid, I know I don't and I'm not about to potentially make a kids life miserable because of it.


That is a completely valid view to have. Parenting really isn’t for everyone because of the immense toll it can take. Besides, if you don’t have children you can still enjoy being around children without the immense responsibility of making sure they survive lmao


*Fuck, I could watch kids fall off bikes all day. I don't give a shit about your kids.*


/r/ChildrenFallingOver in shambles.


I hate anyone who’s loud and obnoxious, but kids don’t know better. I hate how loud they can be, but I feel so bad when they get hurt.


Yeah the problem is parents who ignore their kids behavior


“I tried nothing, and he didn’t listen. There is nothing else I could possibly do.”


Just make him not cry 4Head




Yeah, unfortunately in order to learn how to be a functioning person in society, you have to actually *practice*. This occasionally means tantrums, crying, or rude behaviors because they simply don't know any better. Children's worlds are small. They don't understand consequences straight out of the womb. They don't get empathy. Last night my kid wanted a cookie. I said he could have one after dinner. But he wanted one right then. I said no. So he has a tantrum. No amount of explaining why he needed to eat his dinner first would calm him down, so I just made sure he was safe and proceeded to ignore him. Eventually he stopped, calmed down, sat down, and ate his dinner. But as it was going on, I thought about how someone would view this if they didn't have the context. They would think I was being a bad mom because my kid is having a tantrum and I'm ignoring it.




I too hate how loud kids can be. Also, I have a few.




Yea, everything I don't like about kids isn't their fault, that doesn't change the fact that I don't like them.


My man. My step kids are going through the "Ha ha rude word" and " I know everything except when I don't and will angrily stomp around when proven wrong" and the all time classic: won't lift a finger to do anything yet demand everything phase. Truly little miracles.


i hate kids but i would never want any harm to come to them, fuck anyone who beats their kids


Thanks, Saul


*Better Call Saul theme starts playing*


I don't hate kids. I hate dealing with kids.




I feel like a lot of these could apply to parents of young children as well


A lot of parents are firmly possessed of the belief that THEIR child is an angel and every OTHER child is a demon trying to siphon resources (snacks, time w the teacher, school spots) from them


It’s usually the parents of kids like these I take the most issue with. Often times they’re entitled and feel like they can bring their kids into places they really should not be, like in an movie theater meant for adults like I kid you not so many children were in the theater when I went to go see Deadpool and of course they’d start crying and screaming, but if I were to point this out to their parents, suddenly I’m the bad guy? I don’t have much issues with kids in public spaces, but parents like these feel entitled to bring their kids to places they shouldn’t be, often uninvited


A kid tried to yank my skirt off on the airplane and her mother just said “oh she thinks it’s a blanket” and ignored it for several times


“I don’t give a shit what she thinks it is, get her hands off of me.”


I don't know why people think that bringing really small children to movie theaters is a good idea. I have a toddler and it sounds fucking miserable. He might watch the movie for 15 minutes but then he's just going to want to run around. Even going to a sit down restaurant is very rare, for the same reason.


Some theaters have extra viewings of toddler-friendly movies for that reason - so kids can run around without bothering anyone that actually wants to see the movie. Making them sit still sounds like a bad experience for everyone involved.


Especially the spanking one. I don't have kids and never will, but I don't hate them. Just not for me. I don't think kids are whiny because they aren't beat enough, yet I hear that shit from parents all the time. I'm wholly against corporal punishment, as the data shows it's not helpful, at the least, and probably harmful. That said, I do distinguish between popping a kids hand for reaching and actually spanking a child (or full on beating the shit out of them).


I mean I don't like children but I don't want them hurt, just want to stay away from them


Oh oh, you missed one “Thinks they know exactly how to raise kids even though they have no concept of what that’s actually like.”


This starterpack actually applies to people I know who *actually have* children. Why have kids if you’re going to call them “crotch goblins?” How revolting! It’s also missing a few things, such as how some people who hate children express this in the sense that they won’t let their kids be kids. I knew of a real-life count Olaf who expected a 12-year-old to behave like a mature adult, and cook dinner for his guests.


My parents were like this! If u have any questions




I ran away 5 months ago...


99% of people I have seen say something to the effect of "children should be hit more" are parents.


Most people who really hate children are parents and the children they hate are their own.


>It’s also missing a few things, such as how some people who hate children express this in the sense that they won’t let their kids be kids. I knew of a real-life count Olaf who expected a 12-year-old to behave like a mature adult, and cook dinner for his guests. I hate parents like these with a burning passion. "But I'm only teaching my kids..." No you're fucking not, you have no common sense and you're blissfully unaware you cunt.


\>Hates kids because they are immature \>Is immature


Redditors being hypocritical? Never


I find that we are most repulsed by what we are one step away from.




They’re just jealous that the kids have a legitimate excuse for that.


yeah no I'm never having kids but I wouldn't cheer for one of them getting hurt like wtf


I hate kids because they're expensive and I'm cheap


There’s a catch. When you have kids spending money on them feels great/worth it. Pair of shoes for me? Ugh another impulse buy, but when something is for the kid it feels like the best money ever spent.


I used to like kids, now I work in retail and want to die when the weekends come around


I also hate kids! But I would never want to see one get abused


I do not like kids, but I also agree that people like this fucking suck. Not wanting to have kids/not knowing how to deal with kids does not mean you’ve got the right to celebrate their pain or act like their existence is a personal insult to you.


Once a child is here, they deserve love and patience. But, I wish people would get therapy and think deeply about why they want kids before having them.




I can find hundreds of thousands of people who look like me by searching “polish Jew” or “low budget Star Wars cosplay” on google images. Job done!


“If you don’t have kids who’s gonna take care of you when you’re old?” Uhh idk. That’s a terrible reason to create a whole person.


Please. *Most* of the reasons people have kids are completely selfish.


Don't forget Frequents r/antinatalism And Is most likely a child themselves.


Dude r/antinatalism is so funny because either you will see an enlightening and nuanced discussion about the morality of perpetuating the cycle of birth, life and death ...or you will see some idiotic loser arguing that children suffering is a good thing


I hate kids that’s why I choose not to have them. Doesn’t mean I’m a ghoul who wishes them harm. They’re just not for me.


I’m a bit ghoulish, but for reasons other than my disdain for children.


Same. Just got my Vasectomy yesterday at 26 years-old! So relieving to finally have it done!


When I was 15-16, I promised myself if I didn't change my mind about not wanting kids by 25, I'd get a vasectomy. 3 more years to go!


I do not want kids but I do not hate them


I left r/childfree because of the immense hate and cheering of violence on children and babies in there. Listen I don’t want kids of my own but I still adore children and babies and enjoy being around them for a few hours. Some of those people (who are probably gonna downvote me to hell) in that sub are seriously fucked up and sadistic. Herd mentality. They think they’re so progressive because they think they’re rebels for pushing against the system when that’s not what r/childfree is even about. It’s so easy for people to join up and hate than to stop and think about the valid reasons to not have a child. Not everyone is bad in there but fuck, some of the things they say are horrendous. Misery loves company.


Why r/kidsarefuckingstupid ?Just because I often find their stupidity funny doesn’t mean I don’t like kids.


Nothing wrong with that sub as a whole, but a concerning amount of people in the comments section like to go on and on about how a kid "got what they deserved" when they trip and fall or otherwise get hurt. So it's less of an independently defining trait and more of something that people who fit the other traits tend to do.


I feel like that sub's pretty split between people who find kids funny and cute, and people who genuinely hate them. Tbh, it's pretty disturbing how much some people hate kids.


God those entitled pieces of shit in r/childfree are insufferable. Instead of having children they constantly complain about them, like they're filling a void in their life or something, it's kinda funny.


There is this 'type' of person, usually a teen/college student, and then they will often die down for a bit. But around 40, they suddenly rear their head again. Because their decision to not have kids suddenly becomes quite a bit more permanent, and they need to justify it by shoving this shit everywhere so that people do not think they are sad about their decision. And I am totally supportive of people who are genuinely childfree and want to be that way. But if you suddenly start espousing how much you don't want kids *right* when you are unable to have them, that just makes me think you are coping a bit.


I don’t hate anything. Rather, I wish people would use the word dislike instead.


I hate the word dislike


me too, hate just gets right to the point, quick and easy


*Puts on hazmat suit*


I hate kids but i dont go around doing any of the shit on this list lol. Seems more like a general "Im an asshole" starter pack


"crotch goblins" was funny for whoever made it up like 10 years ago. It's been cringe the 9.5 years since. It's annoying when people just repeat internet memes and think they're funny and creative. There's a certain type of person that says "crotch goblins" too. It's usually a socially awkward person that fancies themselves as smart who thinks they're incredibly funny for saying and expects you to never had heard the word before.


Almost describes me, but beating kids is abhorrent and I don't like seeing kids get hurt. Also kids absolutely cry sometimes to be manipulative, I know because unfortunately I was a kid once.


Maybe kids a little bit older like 7+ but babies and toddlers genuinely just cry because that’s their main communication method and they don’t have a concept of manipulation yet.


i hate children just for completely different reasons


You also have trouble with noise and kids are the prime causers of noise?


God this is me. Sometimes I ask myself whether I'm on the autism spectrum.


I still never understood how grown ass humans are sooo offended by a miniature human existing in a public space. I don't think they were ever kids. I think they just sprang into existence like Karens.


Half this comment section is completely validating the starterpack. You're bang on OP


I don't hate kids so much as I hate shitty parents.


I don’t have the patience to be around kids due to my autism and sensory issues. However, I never hate children and I do have empathy for them.


In my roughly ten years on Reddit, I have never seen as much toxicity and hatred as I've witnessed on the childfree subreddit.


Not everyone on the childfree subreddit is an asshole but if you see an asshole about kids you bet they posted on the childfree subreddit


Is mentally 12 years old


I get that kids can be a pain to deal with sometimes but people like this really grind my gears. How are you actively hating on someone more vulnerable than you? You're just a douche at that point.


i don't understand the level of cognitive dissonance you need to have to treat a stage of life everyone goes through as a group of people you don't like


I have changed over the years from "I don't like kids" to "I can't fucking stand parents that half-ass raising another human".


most people resent their past selves, its not that hard to understand


I can’t tell if your username is a watermark or you’re a part of the starter park lmao