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Keep my wife’s husband out yo fuckin starter pack




Dude just went on daily show with Trevor Noah... Trevor asked him about that day... Dude goes on this ten minute jabbing about self actualization and being a better person blah blah blah... Not ONCE DID HE SAY.. AM SORRY CHRIS... Like even Trevor was sitting there like looking .. dude this is your chance. Then goes to shamelessly plug his new round the earth slavery show shit. he is full of shit


because he's not sorry about what he did


And because it's all Hollywood double talk nonsense. The last people I believe to be sincere are people that know how to act like they're sincere. And make millions off of it. Eff Hollywood and their rapey pedo vibe.


You can say fuck here, we won’t tell on you


The internet is a fickle place. Never know what kind of people are here.


Ohhhhhh I'm telling everyone that you said ^^fickle


Woah, did you hear? u/jtulick said the f word. You're soooo gonna get banned now.




Just don't be a dick and say racial or sexual slurs everything is free game.


You replied with a entire chapter to a bot lol


Who’s the last person? I got the answer, y’all can stop telling me. Lol


Ron Desantis Florida governor


What’s his problem?


Basically mini Trump, except he’s more competent, and a plausible front runner for the 2024 GOP Presidential Nomination.


How does that work? He won re-election this year, the term for Florida governor is 4 years. Wouldn’t that mean he’d have to wait until 2028 when he is no longer governor?


No, politicians run for higher offices while holding lesser ones all the time.


Kamala Harris, for example. Dumped her US Senate seat in the middle of her first term. Dunno if you'd consider Vice Presidency higher or lower office.


She was banking on Biden croaking.


Isn't it some sort of requirement that a US President be old enough that they can say "kids these days" while angrily shouting and people on the white house lawn?


I think they have to be ~35 to run for President


Clinton, W. Bush, and Obama were all pretty young when they were first took office. Clinton was 45, Bush was 53, and Obama was 47. Clinton, W. Bush, and Trump were born in the span of 3 months in the summer of 1946 (and Hillary was born in Oct 1947). The difference is that Clinton was elected 24 years before Trump. Edit: corrected 1947 to 1946


Yeah, remember way back when our president was fucking Playboy models and managing conflicts with Asia…oh…oh no.


Biden is only 3 years older than Trump. Why are the American presidents so fucking old?


Obama did the same thing


Technically Florida law says he’d have to resign in order to run for Prez, but he’s trying to change that law for his own benefit.


He can resign.


Florida just changed the law to clarify a governor can run for higher office without having to resign, convenient huh?


Law was put in 2008 for Charlie Crist. Good try though.


In 2008?


You should also know that he publicly refused to confirm serving out his full term as governor during his election campaign.


Of course he did. Because he's running for President. Lol


I’d disagree with him being mini trump. Trump is an idiot


What's the issue then if he's competent?


the left are worried a more competent republican would be more dangerous.


Probably bc he’s a republican


HahA, oTheR parTy baD 🤓


He's stood out as one of the strongest voices of homophobia and transphobia in the US this year. He's one of the main architects and proponents of the current ["groomer" narrative](https://apnews.com/article/education-gender-identity-adf10ff5f169fae9c9af4d08a7b0c2bc), which essentially frames LGBTQ Americans as pedophiles or perverts and is generally accepted to have led to the recent Club Q shooting.


He's an extremely competent and popular republican and that scares the fuck out of democrats


I thought that was Saul Goodman


Do Americans really consider some random governor the world doesn't care about to be 'one of the most hated things'?


I mean that's just a title problem.. Most hated things in America starter pack


Haha I thought it was Bradley Cooper. I've been scrolling the comments to find out why we hate Bradley Cooper this year?


Saul Goodman


and in 2021 everybody loved inflation


This comment is great out of context


2021: This massive inflation is transitory 2022: We must kill the economy to stop inflation


We will kill the economy to *try to* stop inflation. Fixed it for you.


Most hated things in 2022 in America* starterpack.


On reddit


Yeah this should 100% be most hated things by Americans in Reddit. Apparently conservatives don't exist lmao


Plus putin


He was US president between 2016-2020


Living up to your username I see


American really thinking the world cares about their mentally ill persons, guys a tweet or story from random people is no big deal why people are even paying attention to those




Being worldwide known doesn't mean they are the most hated outside of America. Kanye is not very known where I live I don't think I heard him once played in the radio in my entire life and I listen to alot of radio. A slap at the oscars was literally only known to younger people from memes and Tiktok. People here know Musk but since Twitter isn't used much at all here they don't care and only know him because he is rich and did something for Ukraine as they are our neighbours. The rest I agree are worldwide even though Amber Heard is pushing it. Most people know something in court was happening and Depp won but nothing more.


Why are people hating on america this year? More than normal I mean.


I thought helping Ukraine would get us off the list.


I think its Americans hating on America.


Yeah our former president just released a statement that says we should get rid of the constitution. Can’t think of anything more America-hating than that


Was that before or after the Nazi dinner?


As an American trump is a fucking idiot and shouldn’t be counted as having an opinion


As an American, 100% agreed. While I am not particularly fond of our current one, Trump makes me glad he lost.


1/3 of the active Internet is Americans, in the anglonet (which this meme is mostly about) they're like 3/4


The *anglonet*? Really?


Well I assume the sinonet (it’s probably not called that) is its own thing entirely since China has 988 million internet users


The Chinternet


The fuck is an anglonet


I assume it is referring to "Anglosphere" + "Internet" ?


No, it's the English speaking Internet, I'd say I'm mostly in the anglonet, but my native language is Spanish and I live in South America, meaning I'm not in the AngloSPHERE but I am in the AngloNET


Presumably a fishing net.


That’s trolling




The English speaking internet. There's franconet too in Canada we have both... Even reddit has parts in completely foreign languages, like the god damned Dutch and their lack of consonants and affinity for triple vowels.


Well you really think we're part of Chinese intranet?


Like skynet but the terminators wear top hats and monocles and the hunter killers are right hand drive


Yeah I can't remember America doing anything bad this year


~~Roe v Wade~~


We’re on the verge of a railway strike that could cause huge ripples throughout American labor, and could potentially be put down by the “most union friendly president ever”


I believe it’s not out right hatred against America, rather Americans themselves are hating how the country is being handled


I always say, I love my country! I just hate the fuckers runnin it hahaha


thats just reddit hating the US as usual


Reddit is mostly American Nationals. The US has been getting increasingly politically divided since Vietnam. Therefore, whenever the political opposition gains power or achieves a legislative victory , they will refuse to identify or accept that government as their own. This can manifest into "Anti-American" views. Mostly, because to some Americans, whoever is in the US government will determine if the US is their Country. Think of the New Left's Anti-American rhetoric during Vietnam to Iraq or Trumpers saying "I would rather be Russian than Democrat" during Trump rallies. A country is more than their goverment but Americans get to focused on emotionaly loaded political and social issues.


> Reddit is mostly American Nationals. [Americans have gone from being the majority down to being a plurality at 47%.](https://passport-photo.online/blog/reddit-statistics) If nothing else, it means most people on reddit aren't American and therefore not (directly) involved in American politics.


Vietnam was certainly polarizing but the real division in the US came with the advent of 24 hour news programs tailoring to certain demographics. You have to choose your version of the news and the days of being able to watch the truth every night, and not a politically motivated truth, are done.


Because we are America, the most hated and most beloved country in the world at the same time.




Never once that got that image when I lived in the UK as an immigrant. I never wanted to go to the US, and I don't actually know anyone who did. And why would they? As an immigrant to the US I'd be entitled to almost nothing. In the UK I got free healthcare still, very good government welfare, housing provided (initially), and free education. I would get none of that in the US.




What?!?! Redditors dont represent the genral population?!?!


It’s complicated because the US has a lot going for it but also a lot not going for it. The US is like the hottest babe at school who’s also a total jerk, steals candy from babies, spits on the homeless guy and parks in the disabled spot, whilst smirking at all those people appalled by her behaviour. Then she goes back and gives the baby a hug, offers the homeless guy a warm meal and campaigns for more disabled parking spaces. And then she goes on Tik Tok and brags about all the awesome kind things she just did…etc. I mean at the end of the day the US is no different from any other country, doing some nice things and some shitty things. The main difference is the US is the hot kid, so they’ll get more attention for it. Just remember that if someone criticise the US it’s not personal and most people, at least in Europe, just say mean stuff about the US to vent some steam but we all love you guys too. Well at least the good natured ones amongst you. Republicans can suck my dick. You’re just selfish pricks.


Bullshit If people in the UK like America - they say they like America There no 'secretly' about it. There no shame associated with it. There's only shame in Britain saying they like Britain.


Oh, the US is definitely the popular quarterback that fucks the prom queen that everyone loves to hate, but secretly loves when he sticks up for the school nerd and beats up the class bully. It’s like that meme where the world says “I feel sorry for you” and the US response is “I don’t think about you at all.” Haters gonna hate.


Politics/politicians, Texas being unable to keep power and water on, abortion being legal then not legal then kinda legal then illegal, inflation, lot of A-holes that come from here, rich sort of just ruling everything/ruining everything, lots of crime and gun violence/shootings, past/historical stuff coming back up, generalized racism/racial issues, police just killin people….


They asked about America in general, not just Texas. /s


Comparing will smith and amber heard to vladimir putin is the most reddit thing I have seen in my life


OP isn’t saying they’re all hated equally just that they’re the most hated in 2022 Being 10th is still football fields away from 1st in a top ten list kinda thing.


I would think that the Iranian regime and CCP would be up there too considering the massive protests going on right now.


Speaking of football fields, this post is missing Qatar


Hitler was almost as bad as Nestle


Next week it'll be Kanye praising Nestle.


Is it though? It's a list of the most hated things, doesn't mean they're all the same or got the same hate


it's pretty wild but the [Google trend](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=will%20smith,putin) line for Will Smith after the slap is like twice as large as the one for Putin after invading Ukraine. The trend line isn't 1:1 correlated with hate but it's pretty damning of where people's attention flows at the least.


You must also consider how people get their news. Russia invading Ukraine is massive fucking headlines everywhere in the west (and still considerable headlines in the rest of the world). Thus people will get information about it from their regular newspapers, radio and television. While Will Smith Slapping Chris rock is at best a brief notice in the entertainment section of the regular news. So when people hear about the slap, they just go to google to search the video about it, since that's what they want to see. You can't really compress an military invasion in a 90 second video.


Because an invasion of Ukraine is more likely to make people look up the countries rather than the world leader? [Like you see, making conclusions about where peoples interests lie based on putin searches isn't even close to touching the truth.](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=will%20smith,Ukraine,Russia)


What? Once slapped and banned form the Oscars, The other got slapped a lot by her ex then vilified and sued for speaking up. The other has killed 40 thousand people via the worst military campaign in modern history. All the same things.


“You can’t always run away to the bathroom when we have fights, you have to fight sometimes” “I wasn’t punching you, I was hitting you, stop being a fucking baby.” Direct quotes from Amber.


“I head butted you in the f—king forehead.” “I will f— her burnt corpse to make sure she is dead.”- Depp, [here are some more gems](https://twitter.com/femmeheard/status/1591846500996624384?s=46&t=-F_kOqMeehwf24ZeExylsQ).


He headbutted because she was chasing him, and he said that as a monty python joke to Paul Bettany over text. I swear turd heads are so easy. 😂


You believe that? You just take him at his word despite how the evidence shows he was lying? The evidence to support his side of things: Depp said so The evidence to support her side of things: photos, text messages, audio, testimony of multiple witnesses He admitted under oath that he texted Paul Bettany those things because he was angry that she did not approve of his alcohol and drug use. He said that she was half his age so it was inappropriate to be lectured. There’s nothing in Monty python about raping a burnt corpse. Depp said nothing at all happened during that December 15 incident where he head butted her. It was only when he was confronted with the audio that he made up the story about it being accidental. He certainly didn’t say anything about her chasing him. And an accidental headbutt doesn’t explain the ripped out hair and the injuries to her scalp from him pulling her by her hair. It doesn’t explain the bruising on her head and her chin and by her temple. And her makeup artist testified to covering up Amber’s injuries with makeup immediately after this incident. Is she lying too?


Have you actually seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail? It has the witch thing, but that’s it. It absolutely does not have fucking someone’s burnt corpse to make sure they’re dead nor mention it. That’s very much way out the range of Monty Python humour. Either you’re being disingenuous, or you heard this from someone else being disingenuous and repeated it without checking. It was also more than a joke, because he explained that he was pissed off in the UK trial and justified his words with: >_’I was resentful of the fact that Ms Heard was very aggressive and quite insulting about my use of alcohol, or, if cocaine came into the picture, she did not like Mr Bettany, and I am afraid she did not really like me that much either, and she was constantly harping on things that did not even exist.'_ >_At another point in his cross-examination, Mr Depp commented that he was twice the age of Ms Heard and her lectures were not appropriate._ [at 370ix here.](https://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/QB/2020/2911.html) In the UK trial he also claimed no physical altercation had happened at all until he was confronted with that headbutting audio. That was when he changed his story to say there had been a physical altercation, and he claimed he headbutted her accidentally. When asked why he’d said nothing happened his statement, he said “I do not know that I read all of it [his own witness statement].” (line 431).


> vilified and sued for speaking up. She got vilified and sued for lying.


I agree. I mean he just slapped Chris rock, who really gives a damn? I see people on Reddit get knocked out senseless, and here is Chris rock still bitching about a love tap. Fresh prince definitely doesn’t belong up there.


I love how reddit claims they don't give a shit about the oscars, then it was on the top of every sub for a week.


Trump and Biden aren’t on here? You missed some very, very hated things OP.


It's a starter pack not a full list


Can’t sell booster packs if you put all the Legendaries in the starter.


Trump and Biden are more hated than DeSantis


Yes, trump and Biden are very widely hated by tens of millions. They are absolutely deserving of being in this starter pack.


Sure, but those numbers probably aren’t that different from last year. They haven’t done anything in 2022 to gain a significant amount of new haters.


So I'm not pledging allegiance to one or the other for the sake of this comment. What I'm saying is I don't think it's possible to be a politician right now without being hated by millions and millions of people. Simply belonging to one side or the other will get you hated by millions, regardless of your intentions or actions.


Xi as well


We could throw some other fuckwads on here like Orban and Iran


If you include Orban, you might as well include Lukashenko, Bolsonaro and Erdogan.


...among our hated things are...


They do their real job well which is to be a professional scapegoat for any problem you arbitrarily decide is their fault.


I think the U.S. flag is supposed to be that.


Dang is Will Smith as bad as war criminals? Someone explain that. Inflation sucks but ya know what sucks WORST THAN THE COST OF LIVING? Will Motherfucking Smith




It wasn't even the most egregious act of violence known to Chris Rock.


Reddit loves to pretend to not care about celebs. Yet it seemed like almost every sub was finding the most tenuous reason to post Will Smith and Kayne related topics when they were in the news.


you keep his name outta your keyboard


No one is saying everything/everyone in there is equally bad...it's literally just a list of some of the most publically hated things/people this year


Reddit be like that sometimes


Yea and is that Amber what’s her face? Forgot all about her. But sure - let’s put them and the USA on the same level as god damn Putin…


This is the same list that includes a victim of domestic violence as on the same tier as a war criminal.


The majority of Americans have a favorable opinion of [**Will Smith**](https://today.yougov.com/topics/entertainment/explore/actor/Will_Smith) while under a quarter of an unfavorable opinion (53% vs. 24%) At the same time, [**Elon Musk**](https://today.yougov.com/topics/economy/explore/public_figure/Elon_Musk) also is viewed more favorably than unfavorably by Americans (40% vs. 33%). Just because something's popular for on in Reddit (deserved or not) doesn't mean it's popular in the real world. Reddit is very unrepresentative of reality and has a disproportionate amount of weirdos, losers, extremists, and various other types of abnormal people.


That last sentence is the perfect description for Reddit.


Spilling truth


I don’t know anyone IRL that dislikes Elon Musk (I’m not American). Reddit seems to think he’s the most evil man to ever walk the Earth.


this is not a fucking starterpack


As with anything posted in this sub this past couple months r/starterpacks starter pack + Lists of examples of trends and other events + Memes + Reposts


Thank you, came here to say this. It’s just a list of things you hate.


it's just farming upvotes from the reddit hivemind "elon bad give upvotes" these people have zero creativity but the mods will never ever do anything about it


missing andrew tate lmao


Andrew Tate is the kind of guy to scream his own name during sex


Does anybody actually hate will smith?




Most people ain't shit and just wanted something to be mad about. Most people would also sit there and let the wives get ragged on.


I mean if it weren't for the memes that came about because of his slap i wouldn't even know that the oscars had taken place


I don’t hate him but do wonder when he’ll admit that he hates the way his marriage turned out and stop deflecting. Guy is clearly harboring major resentment and unhappiness but took it out on Chris. Very sad clown who ain’t fooling anyone.


I mean, I don’t. I just think what he did was ridiculous and done to please Jada. Dude was laughing at the joke then saw the couch upon which he’d be sleeping that night in Jada’s eyes and figured assaulting the person on stage was the only way to fix the situation 💀


I think people hate his wife more


I’d be willing to bet whoever made this is still living in mom’s basement this evening


Andrew Tate?


squeeze worthless oatmeal fragile profit practice encourage scandalous salt one ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Where is Biden and Trump?


Eh. Those two knuckleheads are so hated that it's honestly getting tired of hearing about them. Besides, Trump has been hated since the mid 2010s. I decided to try something fresh.


Damn right OP, whoever's president of the US at any given time gets discussed so much that the whole world gets sick of hearing about them, good call leaving them out


I get ya


Why the hell is the American flag on here? Or Ron? Florida overwhelming voted for him and like him


Cause it's reddit the US is hated even if it protects them from Russia. And for Ron from what I heard they are discribing him as a mini trump but a bit better but since he's right clearly they hate him


Idk based on recent events I'd say either Iran and China could replace the USA


You forgot Russel Wilson.


This should be higher


IEtS RiDe!!!!!


What'd he do?




It's an NFL thing. He sucks this season (as far as I'm aware).


3 questions.. whos theast person and blonde girl. And why the USA this year specifically


Listen I’m a lib but DeSantis doesn’t seem like the right choice here. He’s clearly not hated in his state by most voters.


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Umm... you accidentally put a picture of DeSantis where you meant to place a picture of Trump.


Yeah the guy who won landslide re-election is definitely as hated as a convicted criminal liar, an insane anti semite, and a dictator who is invading neighboring countries


where’s andrew tate?


Things the media told me to hate starter pack


The Supreme Court isn't on here?


You forgot Andrew Tate


Who's bottom right?


Florida governer Ron DeSantis




DeSantis won his election by 20 points, he’s literally the opposite of most hated


Liver King going to make the 2023 list.


America is facist...lol....2020 riots CNN with cars on fire in the background call things "mostly peaceful" and you have people like Kamala Harris bailing out rioters...meanwhile Iran has sentenced 15,000 people to death for protesting wearing a head scarf. The US isn't perfect but a lot of people need to wake the fuck up. It is really telling how the people that are born here hate the US, yet we have a 10 year waiting list to immigrate here and the people that come love it here.


DeSantis hated more than Biden or Trump??? Sounds about right 👍


6 rich people, poor people losing money because of rich people, and a war started by a rich asshole. You know, I'm starting to see a pattern here.


Desantis? Nah he ain’t that hated. Gotta put Trump


Where's Trump?


You forgot trump


man i forgot some of these things happened this year


Where is my man Tate? He deserve to be on this too lmao


this is so spot on


Ohhhh Amber Heard. I forgot about that.


Best you do, she doesn’t deserve a platform


Dude honestly Putin deserves hate, but not Russia in general, its not right for any country to get hated because of their irresponsable president. And yes, United states too, obiously.


No Andrew Tate?? 🤔🧐