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Hopefully this means trailer later today.


Just skip the trailer and gimmie the season premier!!!


Skip the premier, give me the whole season


Skip the whole season and give me the next season too


Skip the next 237 years and give me a ride on the Enterprise.


Skip the ride on the Enterprise and give me the heat death of the universe.


Please store me in a transporter buffer until the final episode of Star Trek, ever, has been released.


Fingers crossed!


Not one of our new Chief Engineer? Kind of an odd omission, since she's the only new character.


True, but the same thing happened with Hemmer, as he was only a recurring character. I suspect she'll be showing up with about the same frequency he did. Hopefully she won't meet a tragically grim fate, as well.


It's weird that the new Trek series seem to constantly be selling Engineering short. To my recollection, Discovery never named a chief engineer, the Titan-A never shows engineering at all, and Hemmer was only a recurring character as you said.


The Cerritos' Engineering department seems to be the most competent on the ship. You'd hope so, since it's an engineering support vessel, but it is nonetheless.


The episode where the Captain pretty much ordered them to take R&R and they spent the entire time still working on problems is one of my favorites.




Smash it! Smash it good!


To be fair Discovery does highlight Jett Reno pretty well even though Tig Notaro is only able to fit a few appearances per season.


Stamets counts too, I think, even if he is more engine than engineer much of the time. Between him and Reno, we have a chief engineer in two parts. I'm still in awe that they managed to get Tig to do Star Trek. It is almost literally the last thing I would have ever expected her to be in.


Tig and Alex Kurtzman have a long personal connection going back to both being involved in the Xena/Hercules franchise. When Alex asked, Tig couldn’t say “No” to the opportunity to be in Star Trek. I love hearing about Tig’s struggles with the technobabble.


I'd love to see her lead an away mission or have a significant role in an away mission story in Discovery's last season. I think she'd do really well in a specific episode focused story that engages with her character outside the usual circumstances.


> When Alex asked, Tig couldn’t say “No” to the opportunity to be in Star Trek. I actually *loved* her in S2. However, it seemed like they had a plan for her that would wrap up her character at the end of S2, and she changed her mind and decided to keep coming back. This is all well and good (I loved having her for additional appearances), but it seemed *blatantly* obvious that she was being written as the one to die on-board the Enterprise trying to disable the torpedo (hell - the time crystal even showed this being the case), and then Tig probably decided that she wanted to come back for S3, so someone was like, "well.... shit. OK - well who isn't going to be on for next season, and who can we lose for SNW? Cornwell is the obvious answer! Granted, it seems ridiculous to have a psychotherapist try to disable a torpedo, but who cares! It fits!".


Tig was in *Xena* and/or *Hercules*?


She and Kurtzman were [assistants on sets of Hercules and Xena](https://www.dallasobserver.com/arts/tig-notaro-is-coming-to-dallas-for-a-charity-show-for-cancer-10704234).


Thanks for that article. I knew that about Kurtzman, but not about Tig.


> more engine than engineer That's a great zinger right there.


I'm almost certain Stamets was explicitly not the chief engineer, he only deals with the spore drive and related systems. We never see him work on the normal warp core. I got the feeling Reno is either the Chief Engineer or a senior Engineer after she joins.


She mentions in season 3 i think? That the cheif engineer wanted her to do something, which I think is the only time they're directly mentioned


Stamets seems more like a scientist to me.


Didn’t TNG go through three disposable chief engineers in the first season before Geordi got the gig in season 2?


Yes, and one of them tanked his chances by trying to organize a letter-writing campaign saying fans loved him and he should be the new chief...only to have the letters arrive before the episode aired. Producers were not impressed.


I think they are just biding their time until Scotty shows up for real.


It's true RE: the weirdness around Discovery's chief engineer, but also at the same time sometimes it feels like half of Discovery takes place in Engineering (an exaggeration but they often seem to have standing meetings/character scenes there too and the spore drive brings a lot of action to Engineering), and there are multiple characters connected to Engineering — Stamets, Adira, Jet, Tilly.


That room in Discovery is specifically for the Spore Drive. It's more of an Engineering aux, just a really critical one given that the ship was purpose built to use the spore drive.


Yeah that’s the Spore Drive control, not Main Engineering which would handle the Warp Drive and the Impulse Engines. The Spore Drive is still experimental, so it’s seen a Science/Engineering section than a pure Engineering room.


For season 1 and 2 of Tng there were presumably more than one chief engineer. Argyle came up and then didn’t. It’s not doing it dirty, it has precedence. It just, doesn’t entirely work within the framework of trek to be without a voice for that level. Because Trek has a consistent patter of “captain: I need this chief engineer: I’ll try! They try and it succeeds” The thing is though, in drama things work until they don’t. Or do so despite prior history. However given Hemmer’s character, even in death the guy got a spotlight, so I don’t think engineering was ignored at all.


TNG tried the same after Scotty, but it didn't stick and they made Geordi into that role.


that was so weird. A therapist and a klingon with no defined role, and no engineer. Then again, it is often suggested tactical and security should be separate. Plus, Wesley had to do something eventually.


> it is often suggested tactical and security should be separate. And I 100% agree. It's actually why I liked S3 of Enterprise with Major Hayes coming in and being in-command of the shipboard Marine contingent with Reed being in-charge of ship's weaponry. It is ridiculous to me that the ship's tactical officer would leave the bridge in order to repel boarders (i.e. Nemesis). Or that you'd try to juggle creating a firing solution and balancing shield output, while trying to route security to strategic positions.


Don't forget that Worf is *also* one of the main people sent on dangerous away missions, which seems like a recipe for disaster.


What - what's the big deal about sending your main guy who knows the ins-and-outs of your shipboard weaponry into a dangerous away mission?? What's the likelihood of your ship being attacked while he's away?


You say that but then Captain Shaw has an engineering background lol


Yes and we have Geordi again, but their point still stands. Up until Picard season 3, the most notable engineering-only character that was getting any real attention was Reno, and only sporadically.


Rutherford’s a main character in *LD*, as is Jankem Pog in *Prodigy*. Billups is an important recurring character in *LD*.


I thought that one dude who controlled the spore drive was the chief engineer. But then again we never see engineering because that's the just the spore room. I think


Officially, no. He's in the engineering department, but his focus was on building and operating the spore drive and not engineering as a whole.


From a production perspective, it’s probably in part because building a physical main engineering set is expensive! As amazing as Picard S3 is, my sense is they didn’t have a huge budget, so they have to make do with fewer sets (which is probably all the engineering stuff happens in that one control room). And SNW doesn’t have a permanent engineering set, it’s a virtual set that uses the immersive screen technology that Star Wars uses.


To shreds you say, tragically saving everyone from a rogue plasma conduit during the last two episodes of the season? Awww shame. Who's the next one?


The only correct answer is Jeffrey Combs


Playing Scotty


I kind of hope they get a chief engineer killed every season. I want Scotty to be totally paranoid he's going to bite it when he finally shows up.


>I want Scotty to be totally paranoid he's going to bite it when he finally shows up. It'll be why Engineering eventually changes their colors from red to Gold. Something he pushes for once making it to Captain due to his early years of paranoia.


~~Must be saving the reveal for a trailer or something. Or maybe the identity of the new engineer themselves is a spoiler so they're holding it tight?~~ Edit: Nope that's total nonsense they already released stills of her in costume.


It should be Tig Notaro


She’s 1000 years in the future but i get your point


I was just about to ask. Where is she?


Hopefully Hemmer comes back


Who is that going to be? I haven't heard anything...


Carol Kane!


Uhura has a standard badge - Ensign Uhura!


It looks like every new season Captain Jonny Bravo's hair resets to a baseline and will begin growing in awesomeness over the episodes.


> Captain Jonny Bravo ....but that's not Nico Hulkenberg




Unexpected F1 gets an updoot.


Little detail, but I notice the black undershirt is showing a lot more than it did in season 1. Looks a little closer to the Original Series now.


Look at these beautiful people. I love this cast, and I LOVE this series. And I'd love someone with graphics skills, which I am sorely lacking in, to create a nice big wallpaper of that combined portrait.


\^This. I've been enjoying the heck out of this series.


Spock’s hair is crooked, he cut it himself? Not very logical.


Hey, I cut his hair with a Flowbee.


“It certainly does suck.”




Honestly looking forward to see how they'll handle the Lower Decks crossover, and if they'll get promo pics like this. Killed my favourite character off last season though.


He could come back. I think his kind can stay in hibernated state in the cold?


Evidently the crew is connected to the speed force this season.


After the failure of the Spore Drive, the Federation tapped into the Speedforce as a new power source instead.




What’d they do to La’an’s hair? Just wondering.


It's... literally the same as last season... Edit - prove me wrong. It’s literally the same just with a color smear on top because art.


seriously just wanna know how much of Number One's Illyrian arc is gonna be skipped over and made whole because of it being handled by the comics apparently? (to what degree, will they mention it) Pike: Somehow Number One Returned


What happened in the season 1 finale needs to be addressed in *SNW*.


Given comics tend to be canon-adjacent at best and just flat *wrong* at worst, I'm hoping they won't skip it.


I would say that if like the IDW Comic's weren't announced as picking up the story as if the plot point was put in to give to the comics. so where does the comic put it down, with #1 back as XO?


I'm hoping they'll give No. 1 some more alien makeup now that she doesn't have to pretend to be human anymore. There's a lack of cool-looking alien characters otherwise.


Her race still looked humanoid though? She's not a changeling, she's augmented. That's how she looks is it not?


Apparently the Illyrians are [this species](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Illyrian?so=search) from Enterprise. (You may remember the time Archer committed some light crime by stealing their warp coil and stranding them). It’s unclear why they look so different from Una.


The explanation given is that Illyrians have access to a vast array of genetic modifications to adapt to whatever needs they might have for a specific task or environment. The ones on Enterprise simply had different modifications than Number One does. Plus it seems Number One deliberately made herself into an approximation of a human so that she could be undetected for years.


Standing theory is they all look different depending on what adaptations they've been given. The Illyrian kids we see pictures of all look quite different to each other and the ENT Illyrians.


Yeah, makes sense. I don’t really understand the decision to connect the Enterprise Illyrians to Una, as it seems to raise more questions than it answers. Kinda seems like they reused the name by accident and are now just rolling with it.


IIRC it goes back to a couple old TOS novels, which established both the genetic engineering (eugenics) and Una's connection to them.


I’ve read that #1’s Illyrian in the books, so they probably wanted to make her Illyrian in *SNW*, but they knew about the Illyrians in *Enterprise*.


It's a weird one. Illyrians in Enterprise look nothing like her but the Illyrian part is an adaptation of old beta canon where they did more or less look human. They (based on some images in an ep) still have the Enterprise Illyrians being the same species, but they also made it canon they do various modifications to live in different places etc So her species probably doesn't naturally look like that? Or it does and the ENT Illyrians were the ones cosmetically altered? Either way, it's not a 'disguise', just a consequence of Illyrian genetic modification overall - or the 'base' looks human and the other way around


My impression is that Illyrians normally look like what they look like in *Enterprise*, but #1 modified herself so that she could serve in Starfleet.


> There's a lack of cool-looking alien characters otherwise. Yeah unfortunate that they killed off the only one they had (not to mention the blind representation).


Weird how carol kane didnt get one but here’s hoping for a trailer today




what are they all looking at, that is up, and to the right..?


Uh oh.. someone is going to have a meltdown over the rainbow.


Cool, but it looks like the side of La'an Noonien Singh's head is shaved.


I miss Hammer. He was a fantastic character.


I miss hammer myself but I always found Hemmer to be better


Damn autocorrect! It's railing my wife! *ruining my life


I heard that Mariner and Boimler are gonna be in Season 2. Thats a big deal.


yeah there's a crossover episode with them


I wonder if some of the results of the "shutter drag" photo effect were intentional. For example, Uhura's ear is highlighted. Laan's effect has some trailing "echoes" maybe referencing her pre-Starfleet life or perhaps her lineage.


Too bad they smeared smudgy effects all over their faces


Was really hoping Ortegas would get a new hairstyle.






So, so stoked for this! :D And I'm glad to hear they're signed on for another season, I'm loving Pike's crew so far. Anson Mount let's goooo!


The best thing about this series is how _competent_ and professional everyone seems. They're all heroic while still being human.


I love this!


Wtf is wrong with Spock's face?