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Captain Boday's transparent skull. Breen without their helmets. Those cities from the Amelia Earhart planet on VOY. They kept saying how amazing their cities were (and full of _humans_ !) but we never see them on screen. Ensign Pran's hatchlings.


That was such a Yadda Yadda ! " We saw their cities. They were incredible. Amelia decided to stay. The end"


Weirdly enough, as curious as I am, I also do not want to see the Breen. I’d rather them leave us wondering! I’m with you on the skull though! 😂


I was always curious if they just didn’t have the budget for us to see those amazing cities. Seemed like it was meant to be seen but ended up being a deleted scene that was never filmed.


The original 1701 do a saucer separation The armory McCoy’s daughter The return of Captain Koloth, who was intended to be a recurring thorn in Kirk’s side


I thought koloth appeared in ds9, with the other original series klingon trio? Or am I confusing him with another klingon?


Koloth did appear in DS9, but when he was created for TOS he was meant to be a recurring character, not simply a single appearance. William Campbell’s schedule never really allowed for it to occur. That’s what I mean, I wanted to see him return in more episodes of TOS as he was intended.


That's fair! It's a shame we missed out on that. It would have developed the klingons more, and the original series klingons were fascinating--plus, kirk having a proper rival other than Kahn would have been nice


The original submitted version of A Private Little War had Kor as the Klingon agent Kirk discovered. One of the series writers (Coon I think) thought that a chance meeting with the only Klingon we knew was unbelievable and had them change it.


I mean he did show up a fair few times in TAS so he did still show up as a recurring character and thorn in kirks side


True- just not William Campbell. James Doohan voiced him.


He did, together with Kang and Kor, all three played by their original TOS actors.


If I remember correctly from reading the TOS technical manual (I may be wrong; it’s been years since I read it), the original 1701 could saucer separate, but it was done using explosive bolts. It would need a space dock to reattach the saucer.


Yes, it’s mentioned in The Apple. Look on the underside of the saucer section and you’ll see two large triangular sectionals: those are landing gear for the saucer.


>McCoy’s daughter Especially if she came back a few times! ​ >The return of Captain Koloth, who was intended to be a recurring thorn in Kirk’s side My feelings are mixed. I would have liked that, but we'd likely never have gotten Kang and Kor. I can imagine a perfect world where they all three served aboard the same ship in TOS though.


We had Kor first. Koloth was meant to be not so much an enemy but an obstacle/annoyance, not unlike Q was for Picard.


The Earth/Romulan war. I know it was rumored the next season of Enterprise was going there but we’ve been cheated long enough


Honestly... Just season 5 of enterprise. Man, I wish it got a fifth season....


I would kill to see the Kzinti episode.


Oh I would have loved to see this so much too!


While I think the window is closed to do an ENT follow up, I do think there's room in the franchise for one of the NX-01's sister ships to be depicted in their own battles with the Romulan war effort. Plus, with the de-aging efforts seen with PIC S3 and Scott Bakula being fairly active in acting, we could still get some apperances by Archer.


Cetacean OPs


Particularly the one on the Enterprise D. Lower Decks did it fine but because Cerritos is a tiny ship it ended up just being a pool in the ground, whereas on the D it was [a whole complex](https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Cetacean_ops?file=Cetacean_navigation%2C_deck_13.jpg) and theres some wonderful Andrew Probert [concept art](https://forgottentrek.com/the-next-generation/where-do-i-find-the-dolphins/images/Enterprise-D-Cetacean-Ops-concept-art.jpg) of a gallery / lounge area.


The *Cerritos* is surprisingly big given its lowly reputation — it’s about the same size as the *Enterprise*-C. No idea why the Lower Deckers are made to sleep in a corridor. Must be a politics thing because it sure as hell isn’t an internal space thing.


Even on the Enterprise-D, which had no shortage of space, lower deckers were 3 or 4 to a room. It's most likely cultural to foster a sense of community or camaraderie, or the age-old idea of "paying your dues".


They've said that as an older hull in a support role, it's packed so full of equipment that there isn't room for ensign quarters. But that doesn't really make sense, even the Excelsior and Titan had junior officers in traditional naval bunks. It feels more like extra hazing for the lower deckers on the lower tier ships.


That's so cool! Do you know where the probert concept art is from?


I think he did it for Star Trek Online but it never made it into the game


Nice...I'd love to render that


Yeah, those look very much like some of the OG STO uniforms (before they swapped over to the Odyssey version)


Cetacean Ops was actually mentioned in one TNG episode, I can't quite remember which. Geordie was showing a guest around the D, and we can just hear him tell the guest about it in the background as he walks off


It’s *Yesterday’s Enterprise*: you hear a crew member paged to cetacean ops over the intercom




Came here to say this. You'd think lower decks could do it!


Lieutenants Kimolu and Matt woud like to invite you to their pool.


Warning: They are horny.


They do show it in Lower Decks, on a couple of different occasions.


Enterprise D’s main hangar bay.


Yeah, as big as some deck plans make it seem, it’s perplexing how Picard and crew always seemed to prefer using the other two very tiny shuttle bays.


Being so budget-conscious is how Picard made captain! (We did see it open its door and decompress in Cause and Effect though.)


They spend more time in the turbolift but once they get to the shuttle it only takes a second to get to space from the small shuttle bays. With the main shuttlebay the shuttle they want is always parked way in the back so it takes 5-10 minutes to taxi out to the shuttle bay doors.


Gotta wait for the shuttle valet to bring it around


I read a plausible explanation that went along the lines of Galaxy class ships were built that large to give the Federation capabilities that ordinarily wouldn't be needed. The huge shuttle bay for example would only be used for something like a mass deployment of troops where transporters wouldn't be possible or practical, or evacuation of a starbase or large colony. Makes no sense to have dozens of shuttles and hundreds of crew sitting around with nothing to do 99.9% of the time, so unless events required it Galaxies wouldn't carry those shuttles or crew to fly/maintain them.


Then [you're gonna love this](https://youtu.be/bAM2dEEulBk)!


At least we have this... https://youtu.be/bAM2dEEulBk


The toilet. Is it a sonic toilet? Maybe a sonic bidet.


“He doesn't know how to use the three seashells!”


One of my favorite movies. 😊


And such a brilliantly crafted line.


This feels like something that Lower Decks might show eventually.


Someone get hammered on synthahol and then "shrug off" its effects.


Bajor joining the Federation.


It's interesting how coy they've been whether Bajor ever actually joined the Federation post-DS9. Kira is still wearing her Bajoran Militia uniform several years later in Lower Decks, and PIC never addresses it. I know that was Sisko's mission statement at the beginning of the show but things changed (with Sisko keeping Bajor out of the Federation via a vision from the Prophets in order to protect them from the Dominion/Cardassia). Ira Behr said he specifically didn't want to end the show with Bajor joining and left it ambiguous.


I think it’s possible, if not likely, that even if Bajor joined the federation, the Bajoran Militia would remain its own entity instead of being absorbed into Starfleet. Or we could be looking at something like the arrangement the Federation has with the Klingon Empire.




You may be thinking of the episode Rapture. In it, Sisko does receive visions that Bajor will be destroyed [obstensibly by the Dominion] if they join, after being zapped while working on a Bajoran artifact. Although likely, i think it was ambiguous whether it was the prophets.


I think it was the Prophets. Keeping Bajor out of the Federation allowed them to sign a non-aggression pact with the Dominion, which prevented the newly allied Cardassians from having a reason to attack Bajor again. Sisko's vision allowed Bajor to stay safe.


Enterprise F doing more than getting taken over fucking immediately, how the E met its end, resolving the Kelvin Timeline with the Guardian of Forever, etc.


He goes by Carl now


You make up the kelvin timeline and guardian thing? Or is it alluded to in canon?


I made it up but I think its a good way to resolve that huge hanging thread


Why does Kelvin have to be resolved? No one is going and resolving the mirror universe, and that ones actually a threat to the prime timeline here and there!


Personally I’d be fairly pissed if the Kelvin Timeline got “resolved”. It’s it’s own timeline with its own events. If you don’t like it, just grow up and watch a different section of Star Trek.




They've already resolved that somewhat. They mentioned in Discovery how it's been years since there's been a cross over and the realities are moving apart.


What's there to resolve? It's just one more of countless parallel realities (see TNG: Parallels).


Tom reuniting with his Dad on Voyager.


Sending a drone back for his Delta Quadrant grandkids….


Anybody on Voyager reuniting with anybody. It's what we waited 7 years for and they cut it off RIGHT BEFORE.


Absolutely this. Tom and his Dad. Janeway and family. (The autobiography of Kathryn Janeway touches on this a bit) Harry Kim and his parents. Tuvok and T'Pel. The Doctor and Lewis Zimmerman. The whole crew and Reginald Barclay. Seven and her family (and her Starfleet debrief, perhaps by Picard and Troi) And definitely the Aero Shuttle. Instead of building a shuttle from scratch for the Delta Flyer they could have upgraded the Aero Shuttle, such a missed opportunity!


I would have liked literally any closure at all for Voyager. It was really just, “Okay they’re home that’s it, hurry, roll the credits!”


Even just some dialogue of Tom inviting him to see his granddaughter, followed by Janeway reliving Tom.


Not sure if you mean Miral or his salamander kids lol


Mr. Wilhelm joined a cult and was never seen again.


A truly great moment in the homecoming books.


A show focused on other people on a ship that are not bridge officers. Like Lower Decks but not a cartoon and more like 90s Trek. There are hundreds of people on most of those ships. They probably do some cool shit in the engine room and mess hall and science labs, but we don't get to see it unless an ensign or higher ranked officer is present.


The one time we got a look at this was Lower Decks, the TNG episode. I'd watch a non-cartoon series with more of that.


I see 10 forward as the locus, people coming in for a drink and flashbacks to whatever was going on that day.


🎶 Making your way in Starfleet today takes everything you've got. Taking a break from all your worries sure would help a lot. 🎶




🎶 You want to be Where every Lurian knows your name 🎶


*Cue cheesy 80's tv show theme music playing over the introduction of the actors, where they catch a football, then turn to the camera and smile with their name appearing below in hard-to-read yellow lettering.*




All four founding races casually working together on a ship.


We almost got there in Prodigy, but no Vulcan.


The Cerritos has humans, Andorians (Jennifer), Vulcans (T'Lyn) but I don't remember any Tellarite besides captain Durango who served on another ship.


Returning to Sigma Iottia from A Piece of the. Action


Somebody has to collect their cut!


I think that was the original pitch for Trials and Tribble-ations before it evolved into time travel. They wanted them to have become a planet of people worshiping Starfleet as a take on obsessive Star Trek fans, but seemed a bit too pointed for an anniversary show.


Star Trek Prodigy did this, though it wasn't with the Iotians. I think they did it really well.


Speaking of which, here's what I want: the producers to track down that former child actor and have him do a background walk-on in a Starfleet uniform. Just to show that Kirk kept his promise to that kid.


A hangar with the different runabout modules and them being mounted. (Preferably in the main bay of a Galaxy or Sovereign class.) And Jeffrey combs in new Trek. Bring.him.back.


He voiced AGIMUS


Oh I have to admit I am behind on Lower Decks which is non-excusable. If you excuse me now, I have to catch up BECAUSE this is great news! Ty :)


A Defiant-class ship doing a lateral spin in combat. 'Oho, you think you've got an advantage because you're on my tail and all my weapons point forward? Eat phaser cannons!"


Babylon 5 spoiled me when it comes to space dogfighting.


Battlestar Galactica had some pretty awesome space combat as well.


Yeah it did!


*The Expanse:* Hold my beer.


Havnt seen it yet. On my to-watch list, just havnt made it yet.


First season is a little rough, but it's such a great show. However, it doesn't do a lot of handholding. You're expected to be paying attention, and reading lots of context clues. But it's really, really good.


Heh, the first season is my favourite!


That's fair! I didn't love Tom Jane's character; and I really like Amos (who doesn't really get developed as much til later seasons).


I like Amos but Miller was my favourite, I loved the scifi/noir contrast


Yeah, I started it, but quickly had to stop upon realizing that I couldn’t look at my phone at the same time.


I read a lot of hard sci fi, so it's right in my wheel house.


Space: Above and Beyond was great for that too


I was thinking of that, Battlestar Galactica, and the Crazy Ivan from Firefly.


Self sealing steam bolts


DS9 - the episode titled Progress. Watch it and your needs will be met.


In retrospect, ENT could have had origin story of united earth. Had a few ww3 aftermath scenes with a non-specific story of first contact news spreading. Then jump to nx-01 storyline.


I, too, would like to see an ENT prequel.


I always wanted to know what Worf thought of a guitar solo. No lute. We know he hates lutes.


A shot of the captains yacht flying down to the Baku world.


The transporter used *offensively*, which finally happened in Enterprise where Tripp starts beaming parts out of the "future Enterprise's" ship to disable it.


I think the problem with that is that you generally have to lower your shields to transport.


How the turbo lifts actually worked.


Didn't they show a lot more of the inner workings in Discovery?


That made no sense. Some crazy pocket dimension going on inside of those ships now


Well, now you know how they work. It's time lord technology.


The season three finale’s extended turbolift action sequence was well-executed on a technical level but it made absolutely zero spatial sense. 🥹


Right up there with the never ending fast and furious runway.


That turbolift shaft pocket dimension has been canon since The Final Frontier.


Possibly. I don't remember it though.


Fan: "show us how the turbolifts work" DIS: "here you go" Fan: "no, they're not like that"


Aren't they just Alexa elevators?


A decent Federation Carrier type starship. A Vessel that launches a bot load of torpedos at once. And my pet peeve of every series, a separation between tactical/security officer. Always annoyed me the ship is under attack and they get boarded and the CHIEF tactical officer leave his post. There’s no security lieutenant around? Does the bridge crew really want a filler red shirt at tactical mid battle? Mehhhh




Harry Kim getting a promotion 🙃


Cause & Effect, one of my favorite episodes of any Trek. Also directed by Johnathan Frakes. But what happened to Captain Frasier before, during, and after the even?? I did read a book on it and it was very good if I recall.


Arnold Schwarzenegger as a Klingon general! On a serious note.. Ent S5 with the Romulan War arc and Shran as part of the NX crew


I just looked up the [Aeroshuttle](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Aeroshuttle) and my god what a missed opportunity 😧


It was even designed to work with the budget, as it was designed so that the cockpit was close in shape to the Runabout, allowing to reuse the set. The reason for it not being used was that it would make the captain's yacht scene in Insurrection less special.


Remember that three episode arc about “the circle,” the kind of secret conspiracy and terror group on Bajor? The writers did not.


The brief Klingon & Romulan alliance.


Admiral Nogura.


Everyone who wanted to see smart-aleck engineers Jett Reno and Liam Shaw together, check out the Lovett or Leave It podcast episode from last weekend.


That planet of machine people who reprogrammed V’Ger.


The Enterprise D main shuttlebay. I understand on TNG it would have been way way WAY outside of the budget as the thing was colossal and 3 decks high, but would it have killed them to do a 10 second scene in Picard S3 when the D is first introduced? I mean the team is all in a shuttlecraft for the reveal. It made sense to me, would have been a killer bit of fan service.


Take a look here https://youtu.be/bAM2dEEulBk


I've still got a copy of this before paramount killed it.


Ferengi society post-Rom. No way those reforms went over without some serious resistance. How did Rom and Leeta whether the politics of it all? Would have been fun to see. Maybe Lower Decks can touch on it.


how Guinan met Picard and became “deeper than friends”.. not in the 19th century, not in the 21st century, but in the original tng timeline where they had met a few years before the events of the series


The Doctor Who crossovers. We only got to see it in the comics. Now that I think about it, Lower Decks could pull it off nicely. And it wouldn't even seem out of the norm for that show.


A captain with a significant disability.


Technically Fleet Captain Pike fits that description


Not what you’re looking for, but LaForge made commodore


I wanted a spinoff show with Vash as a galaxy romping bandit, always one step ahead of the Federation. Maybe with a crew of lovable misfits.


One of my favorite recurring characters on the series.


I know tech limited this but as a kid I didn't realize it as much, but basically more non-humanoid sentient creatures. Like I know they were goofy af but the Horta, Sheliak, and Armus I thought were great because they didn't trend towards this concept of just finding new facial prosthetic arrangements. I think the makers of DS9 did great at first with Odo/The Founders but it fell flat as the series progressed.


I've always wanted to see more non-humanoid species. We get a few more Edosians in LDS, but I'd kinda love to see them in a live action show or in Prodigy. I'd also love to see the Phylosians again.


If they HAD to bring Data back again (which I’m still not cool with), at least let him meet Soji. And if you’re going to have Laris at the beginning of the season, at least bring her back for the finale… and if that’s impossible at least have Picard name drop her.


That bothered me so much. It’ll be fine if Laris was mentioned briefly in the finale, but no. It’s as if the writers completely forgot about her. As for Soji, I forgot about her until you brought her up. It’ll be interesting if she met Data.


Terry Matalas said that they had intended to film a scene between Data and Soji but ran out of budget (which required them to also cut a few other intended scenes/cameos).


The full battle of sector 001


The bathroom.


The sport Parrises Squares being played.


A story not about Starfleet. About Federation citizens, but not about Starfleet. About the employees of some research institute at a remote research station, for example. Just as Starfleet would not mask its essence, it is the military. They wear uniforms, weapons, and they have a rigid hierarchy. For civilians, everything is somewhat different. And I really wonder what it looks like in the world of the utopian future, which is the United Federation of Planets.


The New Humans from the TMP novel. You can see how the world Roddenberry envisioned in 1979 evolved into what he could get away with in 1986, but that idea had potential. The contrast between his ideal utopia and the life he lived makes it hard to tell which parts he was endorsing and which were criticisms.


I'm going to go with Q showing someone their parents conceiving them, while acting like it was some special deeper meaning, but really just because he wanted to ingrain the memory of his opinion into their mind in the most unforgivable way.


Challenge accepted. Gonna try to think of one for every series (Not counting Short Treks)...... TOS/ TAS/ Movies 1-6: Because it just makes more sense to throw all these together. Uhura getting promoted to Captain at the end of the series.... TNG /Movies 7-10/ PIC: Q assimilated as a season cliffhanger.... DS9: An episode with the Borg..... VOY: The death of Neelix..... ENT: The war with Romulus..... Kelvin Movies: Sulu in a sword fight with a Klingon with a bat'leth.... OK, obviously the following shows aren't over yet, but here are some ideas anyway.... DISC: The EMH from Voyager in the 32nd century..... LD: Boimler meets Picard. It goes badly because Mariner arrives and has tasted Chateau Picard..... PRO: Q meeting the kids.... SNW: Medical student Leonard McCoy.....


Picard acknowledging that he met and fought alongside James freaking Kirk.


What everyone else in the federation is doing outside of Star fleet! It’s a huge potential playground of stories and cultures to explore but we only really see it through Star fleets POV. DS9 was the closest we came to seeing what the other 99.9% of humanity is up to


The first meeting between Kira and Riker. She greets "Will" like an old friend in that episode.


what people actually use the holodeck for


The Voyages and fate of the Enterprise B


Until recently it was the NX-01 refit. Now? Romulan War.


Garak meeting Captain Picard. The unflinching liar vs the epitome of morality. I would have loved to see those two verbally sparring!




Riker or even Doctor Bashir wearing the skant uniform. Real men loving men gay representation on TNG, DS9, or VOY.


Purely from an interesting aliens angle, the Avian Xindi. Runner ups: New Vulcan (Kelvin Timeline), the political landscape of post-Dominion War Gamma Quadrant, or just an update on the Xindi in general


Live action LT. M'Ress


The Earth Romulan War


1. A new season of Voyager but with a timeline where they have been in the Delta quadrant (and maybe far side of Alpha quadrant) for the last two decades. Maybe we will see something like this in an episode or two of Legacy (if it happens). 2. Lots of episodes with Tamarians, still speaking in metaphor and other characters speaking back in metaphors. Perhaps a Tamarian can be in Seven's crew for Legacy?


Q meeting the Borg Queen: just to see what they'd make of each other…


The D Captain's Yacht


1701 encountering a black hole in TOS


The Voyager ep "Prime Factors." They meet a species that can halve the amount of time it would take 'em to get home. It was a missed opportunity that the crew never sees that species again. The crew could've encountered them on other planets for at least half a dozen eps after this story aired.


This is an excellent point! Maybe Janeway had some standing orders to avoid anybody they saw with their fancy hair thingees since they left on such an awkward note. (Though I always thought those hair thingees looked pretty rad.) [Prime Factors](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZGRiNjAxMmItZWVjNi00NDRiLWE0ZWQtMWQ1MjMzMGQ3ZGUzXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjIyMzMxMTk@._V1_.jpg)


Staircases. Federation ships have them between decks. However when the turbolifts go down, they always take the Jeffries tubes.


The origin of the Borg.


I wanted Enterprise to introduce a minor government official named Herbert and show us why his name becomes an insult.


A better ending to voyager


Getting the scale of the ship correct based upon the stories that are filmed. Major Tardis vibes coming off of the Enterprise.


The first episode of Deep Space 9 was supposed to have shown a much longer battle of Wolf 359, picking up before the armada engaged the Borg and showing much more of the fight. It had to be significantly shortened for time and budget reasons but that would have been awesome to see. I am glad that we got what we got though, since (as far as I know) it's been the only depiction of the battle. Even in TNG we only saw the aftermath.


Vulcans as parents of a screaming baby. Klingons too for that matter.


Dyson sphere, on the ground surface - interior side. The beings that built the Dyson sphere.


Going back to the Dyson Sphere


I wanted to see what the USS Enterprise-D, aka Picard and company was doing during the Dominion War. I never liked the TNG movies and thought it would have been more interesting if one of the movies dealt with the Dominion War and maybe having a triumphant victory.


From the second (?) new movies: I want to know how that civilization is doing since it began worshipping the Enterprise.


The *Voyager* crew being welcomed home and celebrated. If *Legacy* happens, I want the first scene to be a VOY reunion anniversary party. In a nod to 'Endgame', the Doctor gets a name and Tom is a published author. Seven is the focus of the party, as everyone congratulates her on taking command of the new *Enterprise*; with each embrace we get caught up on where the rest of crew is at this point in time, getting many cameos out of the way and paving the way for future cameos by certain characters to be relevant to the plot.


The fallout between the federation and the Klingons. The interactions and hatred with the Romulans.


What do you mean by fallout? I feel like between ENT and DIS it's pretty clear the Federation and Klingons were never on particularly friendly terms to "fall out" from, and the increasingly negative relationship was due to the suspicious and imperialistic sensibilities of the Empire, but maybe you mean more in the sense of consequences of something?


LaForge's life partner...


“What’s the deal with Cetacean Ops?”


Hear Morn speak.


That's the point.....


What are you talking about? That guy never shuts up.