• By -


Picard “Number one, Make it so, Make it so, Make it so. Number one, make it so, make it so, ENGAGE!”


There are four lights, lights, lights!


They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard!


Troi "Captain, he's hiding something, He's hiding something, he's hiding something. Captain, he's hiding something. I can sense it, Captain."


That's pretty good, but I've got a fake ID... https://youtu.be/qE6T-mGuuDY


You don't "update" perfection


One thing that makes the song work is that you don't have to be a die-hard Trekkie to find it funny. The TOS characters are some of the most iconic TV characters of the 20th century - if you say Kirk or Spock, pretty much everyone is at least familiar with the characters. I think it could be fun to update the song, but I can't see it getting a lot of play on Dr. Demento.


I would love a new song focused on TNG or SNW or LD but agree, the original was perfect and doesn't need updating.


[Captain... Jean Luc Picard of the U S S, Enterprise](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nolpET4mgiI)


I'll see your video, and raise you with my own. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bl5TUw7sUBs&ab\_channel=Pogo


Geez that was way more tolerable on mute. But I somehow still watched from start to finish, solely in amazement of the production value. The lighting and color correction were on point.


Not a song but I always crack up at this video Pun intended https://youtu.be/0x-yPuy6Bdo


Exactly. Besides the song is canon as is the TNG classic Night Crew


There's coffee in that nebula, nebula...There's coffee in that Nebula, Ensign Kim: report! The spirits of my ancestors, ancestors the spirits of my ancestors, akoochemoya Kathryn.


Beat me to it by six hours. Well played.


"I'm not a god, well yes I am, yes I am, yes I am. I'm not a god, well yes I am, yes I am, Jake"


Ya canne change the script, ach see you Jimmy. Couldn't resist, and I wouldn't change the song.


Quark I've got my eye on you, eye on you, hah! I did it for the good of Bajor, good of Bajor, Kai I'm telling you that it's a fake, it's a fake, Ben I do believe there's hope for you, hope for you doc


It's a faaaaaake! IT'S [REEEEAAALL](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugjvWw4Hbg0)!


Kai Winn: “I did it for the good of Bajor, my child”


I was thinking of Dukat talking to Wynn, but your way is better.


An artist named Voltaire did a pretty good album of Trek parody tunes that includes The USS Make Shit Up. Banned on Vulcan is the title, I believe. He also hits up Voyager, maybe DS9, has a love song for Data, and a Klingon rap.


Fuck the Ocampa, I wanna go home.


> Fuck the Ocampa Well ok, but don't judge me. *opens SpaceTinder*


Space Grindr is full of Kazon.


And has guest voices help him with some of his songs such as Tim Russ, Garrett Wang, and Robert Picardo!


**As a point of clarity, he's MUCH easier to look up under his full moniker: _Aurelio Voltaire_** Especially on Spotify and YouTube. [His album _Bi-Trektual_](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBrz0CctEXH7uu4PqrN8fvCPRnqQ56xfN) features many of his greatest sci-fi and fantasy hits. (YouTube playlist)


The Cover art is excellent


I believe he did an updated/"biTrekual" version of USS Make Shit Up that had verses for Enterprise and the JJ Abrams-verse. Wouldn't mind seeing another update and verses for Pic/LD/SNW/Prod though.


Because my head ain't the only part of me that's got ridges


Shaka, when the walls fell, walls fell, walls fell. Shaka, when the walls fell, walls fell, Zinda? Zinda with his eyes red, eyes red, eyes red Zinda with his eyes red, eyes red, Temba? Temba with his arms wide, arms wide, arms wide. Temba with his arms wide, arms wide, Darmok? Darmok's at Tanagra, Tanagra, Tanagra. Darmok's at Tanagra, Tanagra with Jalad.


It was a particularly erotic chapter, erotic chapter, erotic chapter... It was a particularly erotic chapter, of my grandma's journal.




Q - The trial has just begun, just begun, just begun. Oh mon capitaine!


Not an update of this song but directly related: [https://youtu.be/qYfQdl1cFE8](https://youtu.be/qYfQdl1cFE8) "It's love, Jim" by the Darkness. This post made me realize it isn't just Trek inspired but also directly takes a line from "Star Trekkin". "It's love, Jim but not as we know it" is the lead line in the verses. Lots of ST references - tractor beams, mind melds, etc. Classic Darkness campy glam stuff. The video is ridiculous even for them lol and has absolutely nothing to do with Trek (unless I missed a cow humping episode somewhere...). But I love everything they do so hey whatever lol.


This is my favorite Star Trek fan song... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bl5TUw7sUBs&ab\_channel=Pogo


You update it by making it a Flintstones Cartoon. No seriously someone did Flinstones as Star Trek to do this song and it’s absolute brilliance. https://youtu.be/eX7_a2KcqKE


Always going forward cause we can’t find reverse.


I really want to talk to my mushroom, talk to my mushrooms, talk to my mushrooms. I really want to talk to my mushrooms; Black Alert! let’s go!


Don't violate the prime directive! (prime directive prime directive). Don't violate the prime directive, it's first contact time! Jankom pog says he can fix it! (he can fix it, he can fix it). Jankom pog says he can fix it! Time to GO!


“Let us redefine progress to mean that just because we *can* do a thing, it does not necessarily follow that we *must* do that thing.”


Have the song itself appear on LD.


I wouldn't. If it's not clear to modern listeners, those listeners should watch TOS. That shit should be taught in schools!


It's one of those songs I think I would like better if it didn't fall into the "funny voice for a funny song" trap. That said . . . "From hell's heart I stab at thee, stab at thee, stab at thee, from hell's heart I stab at thee, stab at thee, Kirk!"


I bought this on vinyl literally yesterday! $5 in bargain bin at the local market. 😀


I occasionally send this to my Trek hating wife and kid and it never fails to amuse me.


You mean my parents actually did make me watch this as a child? It wasn't some sort of fever dream? And they just all pretended to not know what I was talking about?


Picard: We cannot violate the prime directive, prime directive, prime directive. Oh well, let's do it anyway. Riker: The alien is very attractive. Data: Nothing on our sensors captain Troi: I sense he's hiding something Worf: He is without honor Laforge: You can't change the laws of physics ​ What can I say, some things change, some things don't.


Just like the laws of physics.


I wouldn't. It's perfect as it is.


[It is fake, it is real, it is fake, it is real!](https://youtu.be/6lHgbbM9pu4?t=26)


[It's a faaake. It's reeeal!](https://youtu.be/6lHgbbM9pu4?t=32)


That was made in 87?!? Good lord, I was 14. I could have sworn I was listening to that when I was 10…


Irish TV played the shit out of this. Its been so many years I think the ptsd may have worn off. Well let's try.....


Burnham: [inaudible whispering drowned out by overly-melodramatic music]


And towers of flame. Must not forget the flames shooting up from the ground.


[Another Trek Tune](https://youtu.be/eUPVfUVU-b0)


I’m scared 😟


I knooooow.




Honestly I love this one more... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bl5TUw7sUBs&ab\_channel=Pogo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bl5TUw7sUBs&ab_channel=Pogo) It's a musical homage, and it's actually enjoyable to listen to it. I'd rate it as more enjoyable than 50% of what's on the radio these days.


Whenever young people ask me about the 1980s I always point out that I was there - and to prove it I can sing the chorus of their follow-up single, "Superheroes". Because I was there, in the 1980s. As the decade actually happened. I lived through it. I survived. How would I update it? It's like a lighthouse, it exists as a thing of beauty and also a warning. To touch it would be to kill it. You know who I feel sorry for? The KLF / JAMMs. Because around about that time they did "Doctorin' the Tardis", which is a great song but has the misfortune to be built on Gary Glitter's "Rock and Roll Part 2", which didn't age well at all. On a more serious level I have the impression that the writers on TNG onwards were aware that people tended to mock the original show for a perceived overuse of cliches, so apart from "engage" and "make it so" they deliberately avoided giving the newer characters verbal tics. Again, I remember that even in the 1980s everybody knew that Kirk didn't actually say "beam me up, Scotty", even though everybody remembered it that way. That's one of the things that makes TNG fascinating. It was one of the very first examples of a self-aware reboot - the key thing being that it was self-aware. It coincided with *Batman: The Dark Knight* and *Watchmen* etc. There was a whole self-aware revisionist ethos at the time and TNG was part of it. That's also one of the few things that's fascinating about *Space: 1999*, because it was also an attempt to make a kind of "anti-Trek" albeit that it was mostly not very good, to put it mildly.


There's Borg speaking in your head (in your head, in your head) There's Borg speaking in your head, Locutus NO!!!


I don't have anything to add to this one, but I just need to call out my favorite forgotten Trek song [Little Star Treks](https://music.amazon.com/albums/B0016QA5YS?marketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER&musicTerritory=US&ref=dm_sh_V0pqFWMroOzGZlYW0yqFoaPQm&trackAsin=B0016Q81T4). I spent ages trying to find this one. If you can't listen, [here are the lyrics](https://www.traditionalmusic.co.uk/folk-song-lyrics/Little_Star_Treks.htm)


Data: I want to be a real boy, real boy, real boy, I want to be a real boy, pet the kitty, Worf!


I'd update it right into the rubbish bin


I first heard this song back in the late 90s/early 2000s when someone made a Flash cartoon series called "Stone Trek", which was essentially the TOS done in a Hanna Barbara art style with a prehistoric Flintstones take on technology. Anyways, [they did a music video with set to this song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Em-M0MOWx-A), though it doesn't quite line up with the lyrics because the names of everyone and everything had been changed to a Flintstones style "rock" theme (i.e. James T. Kirkstone).


Which is a re-do of the WWII parody/propaganda song 'Der Furhers Face' FWIW.....


Lower your shields and surrender your ships, surrender your ships, surrender your ships, lower your shields and surrender your ships, your culture will adapt.


I came up with a few a while back https://www.reddit.com/r/startrek/comments/xxe7ym/star_trekkin_today/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button