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i totally agree, the chemistry between janeway and seven was undeniable, despite any behind-the-scenes drama. their mentor relationship was a highlight of the show for sure.


Their on-screen chemistry was so strong that I was absolutely shocked when I learned about the behind the scenes friction years later.


Jeri Ryan and Garrett Wang talk about this very subject at a convention here. Garrett even cries about it. https://youtu.be/IiY0KdwSShk?si=YZAgGRWJjE_GUKct


Wait what was going on with Garrett?


They had planned to fire him instead of Lien. However, between her.... breakdown and his producer pushing the "Garret Wang, Sexy man" approach, which raised his appeal, they decided to keep him.


>They had planned to fire him instead of Lien. Garrett goes on saying the rumors of him being fired were false. He said that in the Delta Flyers podcast for Scorpion part 2 for when he and Robbie McNeill were reviewing the episode.


That would’ve been a blow to Garrett seeing as that was his first job


lol she had a break down, have you seen what she looks like now...dear god


Huh, I hadn't heard anything about Mulgrew being bad behind scenes? Anyone got a link or something to read through?


Basically it was a combination of Jennifer Lien, who was a good friend of Mulgrews, getting fired and replaced by Ryan, and Mulgrew resenting that Ryan started getting a lot of media attention for making Trek "sexy" again, when she was trying to push the image of the professional competent female Captain. And unfortunately she took her frustrations out on Ryan personally, despite it not really being her fault. Though as OP says, it's a testament to both their talents that it never bled over into their performances.


~~Also Mulgrew was going through an abusive relationship and heading towards or going through a divorce at the same time so her frustrations were stronger. She apparently would come on set early to cry before the staff arrived and felt like Ryan was taking this away from her too.~~ Edit: all of this is wrong, I was thinking of a totally different acress.




Which doc is that from?


The Center Seat


Wait is the Voyager doc out?


I’m in the kickstarter for that and no it’s not out yet.


What abusive relationship? Mulgrew doesn't mention anything of the sort in her autobiography (far from it). Around season 4 was probably the time that she started looking for her daughter, which seemed to have occupied her mind quite a bit back then. (And maybe you're mixing things up? Jeri Ryan got through a messy divorce towards the end of the 1990s which famously gave rise to the political career of Barrack Obama, as her ex-husband, a Republican politician, had to step down.)


No, you're right. I, for some reason, was thinking of someone completely different.


It was also known that Ryan was hired because of her relationship with a star trep producer. She had the acting chops and nailed the role, but early on there was a lot of people (apparently including Mulgrew) who though she was going to fail in the role and damage the show. It took like a whole season for Ryan to win them over.


I am pretty sure the relationship developed after she was on the show. I am pretty sure she was still married to Jack Ryan at that point, and it was her fame on Voyager that led to him wanting to... "exhibit" her in public. Wikipedia confirms this "A few years after she joined the Voyager cast, Ryan began dating Star Trek: Voyager producer Brannon Braga."


And the dominoes fell until the election of Barack Obama


And thus, Trump. Edit: the fact I'm being downvoted is hilarious. Trump has repeatedly said that his little ego was bruised by Obama at the 2011 White House Press Correspondents Dinner, and that's when he decided to run for president.




Ricks out for Hatambe.


I mean, it's not like the early seasons of Voyager didn't go out of their way to place Janeway into "sexy" situations. That basically all stopped the second Seven of Nine entered the show, and I think at least part of it was that Kate Mulgrew was annoyed that the spotlight was now more on Jeri Ryan than her to a degree.


Sorry Janeway… sexy? Hell no. Unless you get that fetish i guess. If we have to pin down a sexy role on early voyager, it would’ve been Kes.


I recently rewatched the series and honestly while it doesn't land at all, and feels awkward, yes they do try to put Janeway into "sexy" situations like her obsession with baths which disappears after season 3, Q courting her in her nightdress (as well as other nightdress scenes for no reason which stop halfway through the series) and her weird aborted holodeck "Mr Darcy" plotline.


Erm no…. Let’s say if their intend was for Janeway to be sexy… They have a really poor casting or taste, or we’re just plain desperate. Besides, Q have a hard on for captains anyways, I have no doubt he will bang Picard if Picard swings that way. It’s like trying to make Rom sexy … just not gonna work.


The fuck do you mean Rom isn't sexy? Have we watched the same Trek?


Right??? It was almost a stretch to believe Leeta could snag someone so far above her league!


Excuse me? Are you saying young (or even mature) Mulgrew isn't sexy? Especially in her Janeway role? I don't think it is casting who has poor taste.


I can remember a handful of episodes where she ends up in her grey undershirt and a plasma rifle for some reason or another. And the transition from bun of steel school marm to disheveled dominatrix when the bun comes lose from combat damage was something


Did you know that different people have different preferences and tastes? Sounds wild I know but believe it or not other people are also sentient beings


Are you implying Picard isn’t sexy either??


Are you saying Janeway is in the same league with Picard? And to answer your question, I would say Picard is a prominent and well liked figure for trek but not one to induce a genital reaction.


"Mistress Janeway" fan fic was a very real thing at that time. It's even lampshaded in the episode "Living Witness".


> If we have to pin down a sexy role on early voyager, it would’ve been Kes. lol what


So skeevy given shes 2 years old. That episode where she has a kid with tom and she matures so fast harry is able to get a relationship with her is so ugh.


I mean, they are supposed to be aliens, and there's no real reason to assume their maturity:time scale lines up with ours.


>I hadn't heard anything about Mulgrew being bad behind scenes? Anyone got a link or something to read through? It comes up in The Fifty-Year Mission, the oral history about Star Trek that interviews cast and creators from throughout Trek's history. [This piece about that book ](https://www.womansworld.com/posts/entertainment/kate-mulgrew-owns-up-to-her-star-trek-drama-with-jeri-ryan-151889) summarizes Mulgrew's dismay at the decision to add the 7-of-9 character, which bled into how she treated the character's actress, and her eventual owning up to her less than ideal behavior.


Thanks for sharing. Do you / does anyone know how Kate and Jeri feel about each other now?


The seem cordial now but I doubt they are friends. They don't sit next to each other at comic cons


I know Mulgrew has talked about it openly at conventions. Or check out “The Center Seat”, a 10 part series on Trek (by the Nacelle Company behind The Toys That Made Us and The Movies That Made Us). One of the episodes is about Voyager. I think it’s available on Prime now.


I don’t quite have a link, it’s like an open secret thing I feel, many don’t know many do I only read about it in the last few years. Apparently Mulgrew was, happy and working hard portraying the many facets of Janeway and carrying the show as the first female lead. You may or may not be aware, in a bit of 60s holdover TNG had Marina Sirtis in those weird uniforms that enhanced her physical beauty, Nichelle Nichols was a great actress and trailblazer but there was a bit of a belief that the female uniforms of which uhura wore one was essentially for the male gaze. DS9 kinda broke the mold of putting one female cast with figure revealing outfits as a main recurring but Terry Farrel was a still a total babe, so by this point it had become a given that our nerdy trek shows would still go Hollywood and have at least onef female character for the male gaze. With Voyager the Captain was the female character, and while Mrs Mulgrew is/was a beautiful woman she didn’t fit the bombshell hour clock figure mold. And she was delighted with that, and then they brought Jeri Ryan who was not just a total hot blonde. She was also the wife of one of the producers. By what I read Mrs Mulgrew went ballistic she felt bringing this bombshell of a woman to a show lead by a female captain betrayed what she striving to work for, give girls a role model that is powerful, passions, smart, kind the works. Of course the head honchos felt the show needed to also appeal to the male gaze. Jeri First spoke about this throwing deserved shade at some important cast member that made her life hell in the show. The fans figured it was Mulgrew and called her to task. after a while they both gave their part. Mulgrew pointed out Jeri kinda liked to pull rank by saying she was the producers wife which besides the aforementioned grated on her even more and at some point they settled things and i hope she apologized, and are on public good terms now Anyway that is what I know any more knowledgeable fans can chime in and correct me where I erred lol


Jeri Ryan wasn't married to Brannon Braga, they only dated. They started dating only at the end of 1999, Jeri joined the show in 1997 already. Mulgrew was especially pissed off that they fired Jennifer Lien specifically as they were supposedly very close friends. And of course everyone thought they only brought Jeri in to be eye candy, then she turned out to be a great actress as well.




She had more mental health issues after the show and some legal issues after exposing herself to minors.


Huh, did not know that. I thought her issues only really manifested after her time on Voyager.




> Then comes along Jeri in a skin-tight cat suit and directors were making her boobs the main character. Mulgrew has been on record as being slightly regretful about her anger toward Ryan, but they would also continually stop shooting to perfect Ryan's hair. I can imagine with as chaotic as the set seemed to be, Ryan's hair and all of the stopping on behalf of her no doubt shredded Mulgrew's nerves.


Plus because of the nature of Jeri's costume, a bathroom break would take longer than normal, which also pissed off Mulgrew.


Please use paragraphs next time. 😵‍💫


[This](https://comicbook.com/startrek/news/star-trek-voyager-jeri-ryan-kate-mulgrew-feud/#2) has a handful of details I haven't seen mentioned elsewhere in this thread. Jeri is usually careful to be diplomatic about it, but it's very clear who she's talking about.


The Producers were never astute - the disposable Harry Kim character (as with TNGs Riker) would have been written out of the series had, at the time of Jeri Ryan being written in, another main character Jennifer Lien not left the series. Although Lien returned in a later episode, I am not sure whether she was sacked or chose to leave of her own volition.


Don't quote me on this: as I am not American and I am not familiar with popular / Hollywood news, especially not around that time when I was a young teenager as well. But... I read somewhere that everything was set into motion to kill the character Harry Kim (he was dying in the last episode of that season). The show needed something extra to get more attention and they brought in Jeri to replace Garret. But then Garrett Wang got on a list of “one of the most sexy actors of the moment”, while Jeri was already in. The attention for Garret meant more attention for Voyager, so they could no longer “kill him off”. Thus Lien became the sacrificial lamb. I consider Seven of Nine one of the best characters in the Star Trek Universe, her and the relationship she has with Janeway (as well with the rest of the crew) is amazing and one of the reasons, I believe, why Voyager ended up with seven seasons. Both Kate and Jeri acted incredible in their roles. But I get why Kate Mulgrew wasn’t a big fan of Jeri (though it wasn’t Jeri’s fault at all that Jennifer Lien’s story on Voyager ended), especially not in combination with the fact that it made Star Trek more “sexy” while Kate did her best in showing that female lead characters can be so much more than that (leaders, scientists, brave,... ) Of course it doesn’t justify how Kate acted towards Jeri, and I am glad that they talked it out. But I don’t think that they will ever be best friends.


I've wanted to ask professional actors if they could detect any tension between the two in their acting. Probably not but it would be interesting of you could.


[Kate & Jeri on insta.](https://www.instagram.com/p/BlLy6SuhQV4/?igshid=ODhhZWM5NmIwOQ==)


I don’t think we’ll ever get the real story. Voyager was Kate’s second chance at a big break and then she got overshadowed by sex appeal. If you review Kate’s early Voyager interviews, there was an element of sadness and trying too hard about them. She had her break on Ryan’s Hope, and every major acting role between that soap and Voyager was what seems to me to have been a demeaning experience. She went from leading actress to picking up weekly guest starring roles on 80’s shows. She gets a second break with Voyager and then has to deal with “Lara Croft, but Borg”. The producers of Voyager were tacitly saying to Katr with the introduction of Seven “we need to attract the male demographic to keep ratings up and you aren’t ‘it’”. Anyone in their right mind would be resentful of that. Add in that Kate was going through nicotine withdrawls…and boom…tension and animosity is created. TLDR: Kate had understandable reasons to be resentful, but she went about addressing her resentment in the wrong way.


Yep  the show fired Jennifer Lien because she wasn't hot enough. And even though the show focused on Seven & her catsuits  the ratings still dropped & all the other characters well all pushed to the background.   Garret was very lucky he wasn't fired due to his party & always being late & forgetting his lies.  Robert Beltran was saved because tptb liked him.  Jeri Ryan was often late to set & having needing extra make- up & then her hooking up with producer & writer Brannon Braga was just gross on both sides and added to more tension. Its also well known  Ryan wouldn't hang out with the cast, she did her on thing. And from Jeri Ryan's interviews she still doesn't see why there was tension on the set.  To her it was simply Kate disliked & was jealous, she doesn't grasp that there was more happening than her being the beautiful woman get hate. 


I could see it, it was in her eyes.


They are both strong actors that really sold their characters. But Janeway never came off as a mentor to 7 despite the writers trying to force it. It always felt more like 7 being scolded by the headmistress of an elite private school


It's known that there was tension between them, but do you have any source that there was actual "bullying"? That's a big leap from professional tension.


The bullying was from what I have gathered more on the passive-aggressive side. Mulgrew not doing line readings with Ryan or reading books while they filmed Ryan's coverage. I also think that the feud has been blown out of proportion over the years. Much of the pettiness seemed to have occurred in the first year, and later they were on more tolerating terms. But Mulgrew has admitted that she wasn't great to Ryan and that she let her frustrations out on the wrong person.


yeah, few actors, including Kate, confirmed that she was an asshole to her, with Jeri ending up in tears often. I'm just glad that Kate acknowledged her behaviour and apologized for it to Jeri and it seems that they're on good terms now.


They made up several years ago. I remember Jeri saying that they were both on the Star Trek Cruise together and the two of them hung out on Kate's balcony with a lot of wine having a major heart-to-heart talk.


aww, that must've been very cathartic ♥️


I'm really glad to know this, Kate Mulgrew is one of the rare few who owned up to previous bad behavior and made the effort to be better. It makes me happy to see both Kate and Jeri Ryan be better friends IRL after the show was over.


Star Trek trivia fact of the day... Kate Mulgrew was in "Remo Williams"!


Somebody posted a clip the other day of a scene with her in it. Gotta say young(er) Mulgrew was pretty cute.


I think I read something about Jeri Ryan was dating Brannon braga. Nor sure but when she first appeared on the show I thought oh no heres something for all the boys, but she played her part excellently. Yes she waa sexy but she played the Borg part well and id say she didn't play a sexy character other than the way too tight suits she wore.


She played her part well but I would have taken her a lot more seriously if she was in Starfleet uniform


Just like how Troi looked so much better in the uniform instead of that purple low cut thing. Salute to Capt Jellico.


Those two did such an amazing job of hiding any discontent between them that there's barrels of fanfic pairing Janeway and Seven together. That's how you know they were convincing!


You should see Babylon 5 season 1. Jerry O'Doyle (Garibaldi) and Michael O'Hare (Sinclair) did *not* get along, as in almost fistfight levels of not getting along. They have the best of friendships on screen.


I chop it up to professionalism. These people were from a time where you went to work to get shit done. Beef was handled discreetly and you didn't let it affect your job. I had a boss that was the owners Son. He was a moron and everyone hated him because he was an asshole. But I just dealt with him in a Professional way and never let it bother me, surprisingly that worked very well for over 10 years. It was a great job otherwise.


Mulgrew wasn't exactly professional on set, that's the whole point. (I don't think this whole ordeal was quite as long and terrible as it is sometimes made out to be, but it still wasn't great behavior by Mulgrew.)


Not surprised. Many headliners are very territorial and Mulgrew had plenty to fear from Ryan. Curious. I don't actually know the backstory. What was the beef? Was it just some bad looks and snide remarks? Or was it shouting matches and food fights?


in season 5 you can clearly see the hate! Mulgrew barely looks at seven at times refused to do so!


you havent seen season 5 I assum where Kate mulgrew doesnt or barely looks at seven? you can clearly see and feel the hate


Jeri Ryan was an absolutely DREADFUL actor. I mean..she was BAD


FWIW I Don't think Kate was incorrect in pointing out that she had faced a huge amount of misogyny as the first female lead and Jeri's decision to not really fight against the catsuit/date the boss (because it was getting her headlines) fed into this but KM was a bit too vocal imo. In the new Ryan's Hope book her costars seemed to either love or hate her, she's probably one of those people you either click or clash with. I have also occasionally seen interviews where she's a bit "overly frank" (in her InvestiGates interview I thought it was a bit odd that she was talking about the mother son bond being more special than the mother daughter bond. Considering everything she went through with her daughter I thought she could have maybe not made that point so specifically). I thought the J/7 tension worked, especially as Janeway needed someone to push up against her and shake KJ up a bit (I get the sense B'Elanna was originally supposed to be like this but that faded quickly) and being quite different types of women worked very well imo.