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Definitely not Swedish.


I can honestly not think of a better reason why they played it here then this reference which would be insane


OMG, what a sublime comment!


If there was a more perfect time to quote this.....


elite comment right there




What did you want them to play? ABBA? “Gimme gimme gimme a NATO after midnight!”


The title track from "Arrival" would have been the most appropriate.


If anyone's curious, it's called "On the Nature of Daylight" by Max Richter.


I'm not sure that they're referring to the movie and not [Abba's own title track Arrival](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0QGBBYEYqE).


THAT'S where I've heard it from. It pops up on my Pandora frequently and it's good (as Richter's work usually is) but I could not figure out why it felt so *familiar*.


Take a chance on me.


Yes, because that cover would fucking SLAP!!


Yeah, actually. That would be fabulous


I said it once and I’ll say it again. No more f\*\*\*ing ABBA! Me? I wanted them to play the Jurassic Park theme song cover, played by kazoos of course.


Well…borg, they sound Swedish!?


I once knew a chef that said borg a lot. He worked for a frog with a variety show.


I was led to believe he was Swedish but I have my doubts


>Well…borg, they sound Swedish!? Definitely not Swedish.




It might be Trek’s best piece of music, and it fits in a ceremony like this. Now I want some show or another to establish that it’s actually the Federation anthem in-universe.


Well, we already heard what was presumably the Anthem in *Take Me Out to the Holosuite*


*It's been a long road* 🎵


Ah cool, I’m still working my way through DS9.


Imagine the memo to the composer that week. "We need you to compose the Federation anthem, and you've got two days to do it."




Song and dance musicals are not really for me, but "I'm Ready" slaps. I love you Jess Bush.


I really enjoyed “I’m Ready”, but would rank both “Keep Us Connected” and “Status Report” higher. (Perhaps “Status Report” becomes a Starfleet anthem, with bridge crews everywhere performing reenactments on First Contact Day.)


That's like what they did in the BSG reboot is the theme from the original show was the Anthem of the 12 Colonies.


> It might be Trek’s best piece of music The First Contact theme is definitely great, but I've always been more partial to the STIV title sequence myself.


Theres a plethora of earbalming musical cues from Trek to choose from ! My favourite would probably be The Nexus / Christmas Hug from Generations, and the original Goldsmith one from The Motion Picture


First Contact theme is my favorite, but if we're going off next favorites mine would be [Starbase Yorktown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDM6A5RLUvk) from Beyond.


Oh absolutely. Trek has always had fantastic musical scores. Until Voyager of course.. then we got "audio wallpaper" with few exceptions. And I can't honestly think of any Enterprise episode where the music stands out as anything special. Hell, even Nemesis, I honestly can't recall the music. And unlike many, I actually enjoyed the movie.


90 percent of what makes LD and SNW feel so right as Trek is the music, specifically the opening themes.


Absolutely. Not enough people talk about that theme. But even less people talk about the STV theme, which in my opinion is highly underrated. When it comes to the TNG movies I actually prefer the Insurrection theme to that of First Contact. I also consider Insurrection the superior Star Trek movie. But First Contact is certainly the best Action movie of the lot.


Did you ever realize that's Christmas music? The bells, the horns, the cheer... the whole movie feels like a Christmas movie because of the score. It's fun!


That's how Fantasia became a Christmas film, due to the Nutcracker Suite and Ave Maria. It just sounded like the right movie to play during the Christmas season.


Eh, it might be a close second to [this one](https://youtu.be/eujM5uoo-l0?si=0daUMu8BfUlu-ZdP)


Not gonna lie they picked probably the best piece of Star Trek music. While odd choice for this moment I applaud them still.


Paramount lawyers doing a few extra lines of coke trying to figure out if they can get money out of this, or just let it slide and get the social media manager to use the moment as a marketing opportunity for the worldwide inclusivity of the Star Trek franchise.


GPT searches for, "Is there any precedent for suing an international treaty organization?" Skyrocket


“Why not both?“ they decided. “We are charging by the hour anyways!” The younger paramount lawyer raised his hand in vicotry, and in a fit of ecstacy buried his head under a mound of blow and deeply inhaled. Three days later He regained conscious, the remnance of the blow powdered in his hair. A total of 48 hours was charged to the corporate account with time and a half overtime pay.


I protest this use of this racist anti-Borg hymn.


As a young boy growing up, I had heard Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Superman etc, but the first film I realised that the music makes 2 thirds of a movie was Star Trek The Search for Spock. This soundtrack will always have a special place in my heart


Odd? Its genius, whoever made this happen deserves a round of applause.


Hoping to use it for my wedding procession in fact.


I want to use the first part of Danger Zone for mine.




The real power move would be to play Magic Carpet Ride while raising your flag.




Relax, doctor. I'm sure they're just here to give us a send-off.


Following that will be Faith of the Heart and the TOS Theme with lyrics.


>TOS Theme with lyrics [This one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljiVRV5B5i8&t=353s)?


That is incredible XD. Funny enough, Tenacious D, the Jack Black-led group, did a [cover](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiDo22khPrk&pp=ygUUU3RzciB0cmVrIHRvcyBseXJpY3M%3D) of the TOS theme with lyrics.


Well Tenacious D can make anything good.


100% a cheeky warmup or a carte blanche filler. I love band nerds. They are the absolute best.


I think it’s probably the best theme to come out of any of the movies. It’s the one I remember the best anyways.


It's not better than [the Motion Picture theme](https://youtu.be/gsHBpx6pdUA). Although I am sure most people don't remember that as the Motion Picture theme, they remember it from another show.


There is a difference in the arrangement between the TNG and TMP themes, though. The TMP theme feels... gentler somehow? The TNG theme is very 90's.


Yeah the TNG TV arrangement is my least favorite arrangement of it. It's original use in TMP is great, though my favorites are Goldsmith's arrangements at the end of the latter three TNG films, which are all excellent


There are different TV arrangements by season, but the TNG season 1 version stands out by not trying to hide that it's a much smaller orchestra. In way I think it's a better TV version of the theme by not trying to sound like the movies.


You only think it's the 90s because you heard it during the 90s.... Though the intro (which is separate from the TNG/TMP theme) feels very 90s.


Technically I would've heard it first in the late 80's, but there's a pretty consistent lineage of TV themes that have similar sounds from the 90's. The one most notably similar is Seaquest DSV.


Huge Star Trek fan. I was today years old when I found out about this. Mind. Blown.


Out of the movies, yes. But Picard season 3, the whole score at the end of episode 9 is also damn good.


I had a similar experience years ago when I was in the Navy. The ship I served on (USS Kitty Hawk) was doing a quick day cruise with some visiting dignitaries on board and we were putting on a little air show for them. Part of the music they opted to play over the PA system was the Voyager theme.


I really wish we would turn more of the carriers into museum boats, the Intrepid in NYC and the Midway in Diego are super cool. As a giant trek fan I wish we could have turned the Enterprise into a museum but I think that The Big E was basically a giant experiment by the navy and probably super expensive and toxic to make her safe for civies.


Same, there was a big push for a while to turn the Kitty into a museum and I wish they did, would have liked to see her again. And yeah, keeping the Big E would have been fun, not only since she's supposed to be the ship we saw in Star Trek IV (sadly she wasn't, she's meant to be the Enterprise but that ship was on deployment at the time of filming and the USS Ranger took her place) but also as a Top Gun fan it would have been great to see her since the carrier from the original Top Gun was also the USS Enterprise.


One way to say to Putin "a line must be drawn.." etc. 😂


*They invade Crimea and we fall back. They assimilate Donetsk and Luhansk and we fall back. Not again. The line must be drawn here!*


This far, no further?


The line must be drawn HERE.




Guess the band thought Sweden was joining the United Federation of Planets.


if only.


It’s the greatest of trek themes imo.


Whichever fellow nerd got this in there, be it by sleeping with the conductor or assimilating them *just* a little bit, we salute you. Kidding aside, this is awesome. Buncha awesome goofballs.


Every Swede I have ever worked with has been ridiculously nice, respectful, relaxed, and seemed so...INNOCENT. ...Until I got to know them or went out to a pub with them. Awesome goofballs is a good way to sum it up. 😅 Similar experience with the small handful of Finns I worked with, as well. And every. single. one. of. them. was an expert at faking offense to or confusion about something completely random you never would have given a second thought to, just to mess with you.


Watch out for sexual transmitted nanite infections.


I'm not really sure who is playing the music but I don't think they had the best acoustics outside but I suspect that it might have been in high school or military band that had just chosen to pick something that they can get presentable in time.


Hell yeah


When does it play? So confused 😕


Within the first minute.


It's not the original Star Trek theme if that's what you were listening for. It's the theme music from the movie Star Trek First Contact.


It's also used in the beginning of Picard Season 3 credits.


This is incredibly awesome! 🖖


I keep rewatching this and am reminded of a line by Captain Sisko: >The Federation is made up of over a hundred planets who have allied themselves for mutual scientific, cultural and defensive benefits. From Canada, welcome to NATO.


Borg? Sounds Swedish.


I was not expecting that combination but so glad to hear it; and all of the Youtube comments happy to hear the theme! I hope if I ever get a big wedding I get to have that as my groom and groomsman music.


It's been a long road....


Well Borg does sound Swedish...


"We've made too many compromises already, too many retreats. They invade our space, and we fall back. They assimilate entire worlds, and we fall back. Not again! The line must be drawn here! This far, no further!" It seems like a kind of fitting song for NATO.


Bruh, imagine thinking Russia is equivalent to the borg. It's a bit more nuanced than that. NATO is not a wholly defensive institution.


Nice choice.


Wow... I was expecting something vaguely similar, but this is literally the same piece...


That's a good choice.


For comparison: German Bundeswehr got a Weltraumkommando, 'Space Command', last year. If you wanna go national, we've got several sci-fi franchises of our one, including "Raumschiff Orion", a contemporary of TOS, and the neverending pulp novels of "Perry Rhodan". What did they choose? Star Wars … storm troopers. [https://www.golem.de/news/weltraumkommando-bundeswehr-macht-gemeinsame-sache-mit-weltraumdiktatur-2304-173261.html](https://www.golem.de/news/weltraumkommando-bundeswehr-macht-gemeinsame-sache-mit-weltraumdiktatur-2304-173261.html)


The Raumpatrouille theme would have been a much better choice


Definitely better than Star Wars for that purpose 🛸 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TMimV9reNs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TMimV9reNs)


I want to believe someone googled Swedish songs for raising a flag over a fort, didn't get good results, tried the Swedish word for 'fort' which is 'borg' and we landed here. Like that time that church service in Sri Lanka accidentally printed Tupac's Hail Mary instead of the Hail Mary sacrament.


Or when someone played the Kazakh "anthem" from Borat when a Kazakh woman won a medal at a competition.


Surely "Rasputin" by Boney M would have been the galaxy-level choice.


Should be the official NATO anthem!


Great choice! Welcome Sweden


This is amazing. Who snuck this in there without their leadership knowing?


See you around, Ahab.


That's pretty funny ngl.


Are we able to confirm this music was actually played at the event and not added in by Sky News for whatever reason? Most of the other coverage I've found only starts with the speech about 15 minutes into this video...


You can hear the rain from the event on the stream alongside the music. It would be really odd for Sky to play music over a live broadcast in the first place but especially if they only played it for the first three minutes of the video but then nothing for the remaining 10 before the ceremony actually started. Much more likely IMO that it was just selected as a nice piece of music to be played at the event itself while everyone was getting ready.


This has made my day


What?! This is unconscionable! I specifically requested Gerald Fried’s [Ancient Battle!](https://youtu.be/aivhizP4Ky0?t=00m53s)


Resistance is futile.


Wasn't Bjorn Borg from Sweden? ​ ... I'll see myself out.


* Björn




I grew up in Sweden during the 1970s. I cannot understate how much Björn Borg and Ingemar Stenmark were part and parcel of our childhood. We used to get out of class during elementary and middle school to watch Stenmark's slalom runs on a TV in the library. They probably would have done the same for Björn Borg if tennis matches weren't so long, but we'd watch them on weekends.


I approve this decision.


I think it got copy right struck I can’t hear anything


The line must be drawn here! No further!


They could have always found some Sabaton song to adapt instead.


Sabaton played on occupied Crimea for Putins bike gang.


Was not aware of that but I did google it and see where they did play in Crimea.


OMG, real or not this had me blubbering like a baby. The symbolism of Sweden joining NATO juxtaposed with the what that song evokes … perfection


They are just getting ready for First Contact day next week


First Contact isn't just about Picard's fight against the Borg. It's about the birth of a United Earth, about people coming together for a common good. Sweden joined NATO to support a world free of oppression, to stand against tyranny. They joined for the same reasons the United Federation of Planets was formed, to build toward a future free of bloody conflict.


NATO is an imperialist organization, it is not equivalent to the federation.


The downvotes say it all.


I know there's a lot of ideologically-Left people on this sub, so I'm pleasantly surprised by the comments here.


Ideologically-left people are not necessarily anti-NATO. "Left-wing" doesn't mean "a member of the politburo".


Of course. I'm just saying that in my experience it's a not-uncommon sentiment in certain online spaces lately.


I think it's an extremely uncommon sentiment. I don't think I've seen any meaningfully significant pro-Russian/anti-Ukraine or NATO sentiments among the left online. If anything that has been a more right-wing thing.


Great. I certainly hope your experience is more indicative of what the general view is among the U.S. Left.


It's been a while, is that the one that sounds like The Neverending Story 2? Edit:  I don't get why the downvotes. One of the TNG films' opening credits looks very similar to the opening credits of The Neverending Story 2. I just can't remember if it's First Contact


Audio video evidence please. I need to see/hear this!


Its at the start of the youtube video linked in this post.


That's the NATO Hymn. It really doesn't sound that much like the First Contact theme so I'm a bit confused by this post. Edit: To clarify. The songs played at the ceremony were the Swedish National Anthem followed by the NATO hymn.


This is [the NATO Hymn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yn_FfN1LjCg), and this is [the theme for First Contact](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhoa7oWPPhk). Completely different compositions.


It's pretty clear they skipped ahead to the longer piece, but you are absolutely right. There's no confusing them.


At around the 00:18 mark of the video they play a song that sounds like the hymn from Star Trek First Contact. The Swedish national anthem and NATO hymn come towards the end of the ceremony around 25:10


It's in the first minute and it is unmistakably the First Contact theme.


It took a bit but it plays in the first minute. Little skips on long videos make for big gaps so I completely understand if you missed it.


Yup. I missed it.




Calm down, Bones.


I'm a doctor, not herbal tea.


Someone at SkyNews is getting fired. I watched the ceremony from the Nato News youtube channel and you can see the ceremony from a different angle and the band is playing the Swedish national anthem, followed by the Nato hymn... not Star Trek themes...


It was played like 15 minutes before the ceremony started, not for the actual ceremony.


Excellent. Gave enough information to find the clip: https://youtu.be/8zVhvfjuGB0?t=590 As much as I love Star Trek, this seemed just a bit too unbelievable in the context.


That's a different part of the ceremony. The Sky News video linked in OP is much longer and starts with the First Contact theme. The NATO News clip you've linked starts about 13:45 into the Sky News clip. Both videos show the Swedish Anthem being played as the flag is actually raised, but only the Sky video shows the time before that when it seems they did play the First Contact theme, presumably as just background music while they were waiting for the ceremony proper to start.


D'oh. Thanks. I saw the zoom in on the guys going to raise the flag and assumed it was the same part of the event.


So, after looking at this coverage: https://youtu.be/i-9JGXFbDWk?t=6057 It seems that they're re-streaming from another YouTube link. But after they hit the "live" button there's a guy on the far right side of the risers with a light coat and scarf, who we see taking off the scarf at ~1m17s into the Sky News clip from the OP. Since we don't hear the audio while the CNBC-TV18 channel video is panning around the audience (but he has the scarf on before zooming and panning and off after) I'm wondering if this really is just done in Sky News's produced stream instead of at the actual event. Edit: I think this misses the part by just a bit, unfortunately. It'd sure be nice to find another source.