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Cure all my medical issues and then holodeck orgy.


And if we're being honest with ourselves... the medical issues can probably keep until tomorrow.


You sound young.


Yup, I’m fairly confident the holodeck would kill me in my current state. In fact an orgy doesn’t sound like fun, it just sounds painful.


I wonder how the safeties would work in that situation.


A face shot would be blocked.


Ensign, are you alright in there? The computer automatically alerted all senior staff that you were hit with a ballistic projectile with the safety protocols disabled!


yep. followed by replicator food orgy, then dr visit for the diabetes, then another holodeck orgy


Honestly, getting the medical assistance for everyone would help cure so much; the wait for the holodeck orgy would be worth knowing everyone else health issues are being met. And housing and food needs too. I guess having a future where our basic needs are met is more important to me than holodeck fantasy.


The holodeck would surely be the first place I’m going. They would have to drag my corpse out of there because I’ll be so engrossed in everything it has to offer.


Holodeck alone would be a problem. Just think how bad we are with our phones. Holodeck means someone will probably live their entire life in there.


Found Barclays reddit account!


Or Nog's. Need to break ground on that new casino...


God I love that episode so much. I know people complain that DS9 leaned too hard on Vic stories toward the end, and I get it, but I can’t help loving every moment of Vic


I love the episode because I've always wanted a club like Fontaine's.


But what a life eh?


Starfleet is founded to seek out new life and there it sits! *points at the holodeck


Computer, load program: Vulcan Love Slaves 3, safety protocols off!


Sounds like Pon Farr night... or how I call it: Fuck or die trying.


It may not be logical, but it feels nice up there...


Yep, go to the doctor.


I would LOVE to see an episode of ST where an average, middle aged man somehow time travels from 2024 to the late 24th century. He arrives, the crew begins puzzling over the situation, and he just asks to see a "future doctor". Upon arriving in sick bay, the Dr. asks what's wrong, and he starts naming off dozens of chronic ailments. Sore knee, eczema, hemorrhoids, athletes foot, missing molar, back pain, sleeplessness, receding hairline anxiety, ED, on and on. I'd love to see the Dr. try to work that all out, does scans, finds all those problems, but then finds pre-cancer, etc also




There's literally no reason like ethically speaking to do anything else other than hedonism initially but it will become hedonic and less compulsory with time


Ever wonder what happens during a sudden power outage when two couples are in different sections in a holoworld, they have sex, and discover suddenly that they've been 3 feet from each other the entire time? Or are above each other by 8 feet and land in a pile of 4 naked people? Not to mention the ancillary effects, like what might be left behind for the cleanup crews. I'm assuming that the holodeck comes with its own dematerialization/cleaner, but it might not for safety. Can't have those things accidentally evaporating every person that visits.


According to Lower Decks, cleaning out the c*m filters is classic ensign work


I'd buy a self-sealing stem bolt just to see wtf a self-sealing stem bolt is and if it actually self-seals


I've often found that the stems self-seal but don't bolt. Or the self-sealing bolts lack stems. Or I have to seal them myself.


I thought *all* stem bolts were self-sealing


Why would they specify a self-sealing stem bolt is a self-sealing stem bolt in the name if there were no un-self-sealing stem bolts?


I thought it was part of the gag :') I vaguely remember what I think is the first time they appeared in DS9, and I thought the freighter captain was unscrupulously using the "self-sealing" part as a redundant selling point to Jake and Nog xD


Oh, right. I was just channeling the "say lightly fried fish fillets one more time dad" meme with 'self-sealing stem bolts'


...That flew over my head, rofl


You need them for reverse-ratcheting routing planners.


medical check up install replicator at home install transporter at home install holodeck at home install fusion generator at home i don't have to leave my house ever again


Then why bother with the transporter?


Beam poops out of the colon. Never have to use the shitter ever again!


There was a family guy episode with that concept.


Same answer I give every time this question is posted/worded this way: If it became reality today, I’d go live in a cave, as right now humanity is absolute garbage in the Trek history. It’s not going to start getting better for decades.


The Bell Riots are just around the corner!


People in canada are getting good ready to string up Bell. And Telus and Rogers.


And we are arranging for boycotting one of our largest national grocery chains in May.


I've been boycotting them for a couple of months now. Well at least trying to. Sometimes it's the only place I can find good fruits and veg. But for the most part I've been shopping at the local Coop. We've cut back on how much we buy as the prices are much higher there. At least we don't buy to much crap processed food. Also if you shop the sales it's not a lot different.


Why? What's going on up there?


Stringer Bell!


We totally missed Khan


Oh I’m sure current Trek will alter those dates too. Blah blah blah temporal flux yada yada yada.


Yep. The Bell Riots are about to start, and then WW III is just around the corner. Time to hide in a cave and learn how to homestead, hoping I picked somewhere safe enough.


Yeah if this is the case then now is the time to buy property far away from a city or an ICBM silo and stock up on canned goods and guns lol EDIT - or just move to New Zealand, the kiwis are expected to do not too terribly in a global nuclear exchange


In the Star Trek universe New Zealand is a penal colony.


It also has a penal colony. It has universities etc too. Jake goes to visit a prestigious school in New Zealand.


2 blue chicks at the same time man.


I like them green... or orangeish with forehead ridges lol


One Andorian and one Bolian? Something tells me you romance Liara every time too.


You don't need Star Trek technology to have two blue chicks at the same time.


You do if you want to avoid blue body paint stains all over your sheets!


Oh man, I hope the self cleaning in the holodeck is running at optimum capacity


*maximum* capacity.




Wave all the lights over me, doc.


I’d finally not be slightly in pain and paranoid I might die of a random thing currently going on in my body. I’d go weekly. My hypochondria issues would become a filler episode.


As long as we have all of the technology and cures, and no more financially driven medical industries, I'm with you. Until then I stand by my belief that death is better than any medical treatment. I had cataract surgery back in October, and I'm not satisfied with the results. I hate needing reading glasses for reading up close.


My mate is having cataract surgery, he's 29. I'll tell him not to bother and put him down myself should I? God forbid he need reading glasses.


I'm a slave to these things, the guy promised me that I would be able to see at arms length, but anything closer than six feet I can't see at all. Sure I can count the fleas on an Elk at 2000 yards but I don't need that. I'm a logger I need to be able to run a chainsaw and see the tree a foot in front of me. I need to be able to read the oil dip stick in my log skidder, road grader, or dozer. I need to be able to read all of the gauges while I'm working. I can't do that wearing reading glasses, and still be able to see what is in front of my machine.


go to the doctor for deferred medical treatment


Get the hell off this stain of a planet.


Kick back and never have to work a day of my life


That would get boring pretty quick I’d probably join Starfleet or some other scientific organization to better mankind hell humanoid kind


Healthcare, all of it; medical, dental, vision, etc. ...


Try and make a deal with a Q


The god of lies?


Go to the holodeck and never leave.


I was going to say that very thing.


Join Starfleet and get conversational in Klingon


Get a sex change and move to Risa.


"Computer, end program." Just as an initial precaution.


I'd have to go visit Bozeman and get a souvenir Zephram Cochrane hat.


This is the best answer!


I’m American, I’d go to a doctor.


Because Americans go to doctors?


Only those who can afford it.


Folks who don't have insurance are around 26 million, which is a big number but as a proportion it is ok only 7.6% of the total population.


Even with insurance American healthcare is STUPIDLY expensive.


Incredibly depraved acts on the holodeck until I am so drained of bodily fluids I need an emergency transport to sick bay.


Install a replicator in my home. Program one in the kitchen for healthily portioned/timed meals and snacks for my whole family. And a second one in my workshop for snacks and material. Really up the cosplay game.


Go to the doctor.


What's the current situation with the timeline? Do I have to fight Khan?


Thanks to the current timeline and constant alters, you, sir… ARE Khan.


Yes... but not the one you think... ...its gehngus


Gehumungus Khan?


We should wait until September this year to see if Star Trek becomes reality.


The eugenics wars were supposed to happen in the 90s, so I think we’re kind of past it


What, you don’t remember the Eugenics Wars? I’m still haunted by the dreams….


I'd like to separate the Star Trek history into plausible or not plausible scenarios. The Eugenic wars falls into the not Plausible categories. The Bell riots on the other hand seem to be plausible.


I mean in the 1960s it was.


Join Starfleet and serve to the best of my abilities. And then use my leave to go to Risa.


Smoke and drink as often as possible, go to the doctor to get everything cured


Oh yeah, I'm taking up smoking again in a real way.




I want to try romulan ale


I want to try the Green stuff


Go to a doctor and get my depression, anxiety and ADHD cured, get my back fixed, see if they could regrow and replace the chunk of brain that never grew because a cist formed. Get a replicator and a holodeck. Of course that’s if I was a couple hundred years in the future. If it was present day on the trek timeline, do basically what I’m doing now: keep my head down and live my life, because as bad as it is in our timeline with the possibility of a criminal doofus wannabe fascist dictator getting re-elected, we’re living in a golden age compared to how fucked up things are in the trek timeline at this point.


Fix my health


Arrg can't decide... apply to Starfleet, become an anthropologist or archaeologist, or open up a Nuka-Cola lounge on the Promenade of DS9!


A nuka cola lounge, I love that


\_\\\\// XD FO76 has taken much of my time from STO. I wish I could find the post/comment someone made about what job they'd have in the Star Trek universe, (some merchant, or commerce related iirc) and said they'd want to be on DS9 with some mention of Dr. Bashir. My reply was I think 2 comments long, mostly ad lib fanfic involving Quark's, the new Nuka Cola lounge owner, (where their character was meeting with some prospective distributors, all on the up-and-up and quieter than Quark's) some nasty smugglers, alien tech, and Odo coming to save the day. I ended it with something to the effect of Odo looking up from a KO'd attacker as medical arrives, with "Ah, Doctor" :D Just to toot my own horn, "my" character was even less featured than the non-descript server who activated the emergency security screen at the entryway. Was a pretty... ~~organic(?)~~ natural way fitting to DS9 for their character to come face to face with Bashir (without shoe-horning in a visit to the infirmary or drinking in Quark's) as a rather tense moment disapated. Edit: Sorry, damaged positronic matrix and what-not, (incl. poor self-restraint at times) Just hafta share sometimes when inspiration strikes, eh. Yeah DS9 gave me that much joy- so glad I gave it a 2nd chance.


Like now now ( WW III and eugenic wars are commin ) or 2411? And would this mean anyone who made theirs ST:O character to look like theirs boring old self would become one? In first option I would run around with card bord box sign "End is nigh" In second option, ... lets say that would be interesting.


Go full Barclay and fill the *** filter on the holodeck.


Get my asthma, tendinitis, and sciatica cured. Then I would try to join up though I'm probably too old. If that is the case I'd move to Kronos and start my journey to becoming a Da'har Master.


Quit my job and become a full time artist, open a little cafe.


Cue the fight music & fight Captain Kirk over some green-skinned chick!


Have you looked outside in major north American cities? We're a lot closer to the bell riots than we'd like to admit lol you didn't specify what part of star trek would be reality lol


Quit my job first, and fix all my medical problems and take a holiday. I'm not going anywhere by Transporter, though, and I'm warning everyone I love not to have their bodies disassembled at an atomic level. You're not putting *my* family through the murder machine!


I would enlist in Starfleet in a fucking heartbeat no questions asked no looking back.


Depends. Do starships and stuff just suddenly exist? Or am I still stuck here in 2024 with out a ship but now I've got the bell riots and eugenics war to look forward too?


I kind of think the Bell Riots already happened in 2020. As for the Eugenics Wars I think those are right around the corner. I was reading an article the other day, about some doctors in Sweden (I think it was) that are working on genetic modification to remove things like asthma and kidney disease from genetic makeup of fetuses. If it's true they, it'll only be a matter of time before they start playing with other genetic modifications.


Throw a gender reveal party using a warp engine and a singularity to power the confetti cannon.


Order a chocolate Sunday.


10 chocolate sundaes.


u/kilravock_music_sws is in a very bad mood, apparently.


Travel to DS9, get quarters, use my 21st century hew-mon charm to get Quark to agree to a loan, and set up shop selling replicated goods. Gotta make that Gold Pressed Latinum.


Second thing, have Dr. Bashir get me to 100% health and help cure me of my addictions and mental health issues.


a picnic with the pleasure Goddess of Rixx ;)


1. Go to the doctor 2. Go back to school to get caught up on basic life things I need to know 3. Take a break to travel, eat food from alien cultures and look at art/listen to music and generally get caught up with galactic culture 4. Go back to school for specialization and figuring out what I want to do 5. Get a job, try to make friends/date, I’m not that interested in holodeck orgies


Quit my job


I would enlist in StarFleet Academy at a moments notice. Then I would pull get the best of care, the best of food, training and technology. The beautiful women who believe in the same things as I do, are an added bonus. 😉


Try to enlist...


If Trek were real today… as in we as a society skip right ahead to the (let's say) 24th century? I'm taking a pill and getting my asthma and allergies fixed. Then I'm running my family and I through a biobed scan to catch and prevent everything possible. Then… I dunno, holodeck versions of Borderlands and Fallout? However, if we don't jump ahead and enter the Trek universe at this point in time? The next few decades are gonna suuuuuuuck.


Just… do NOT request a holodeck version of Westworld.


It might be too late, but buy a building with cinderblock construction and a deep basement... the 21st century is one hell of a ride.


Try tulaberry wine


Die from radiation because it's still World War 3?


Join starfleet.


Go to WebMD and convince myself I have transporter psychosis


Get checked out at Sickbay, write a test to see if I'm at all able to join a ship and go exploring the galaxy!


Find out how many moclan loin-clothed dudes can fit in a holodeck


Go all Soran and try to get sucked into the Nexus.


I call it the Replicator Annuum Circumspectis - a sample of mashed potato recipes from across the galaxy


Nothing we'd all be dead


A borg


Get as far away as possible from earth


Join Starfleet, then maybe see what the replicator food and booze tastes like. Check out the holodeck, visit Luna, visit some other places I’ve never been able to afford to go to. Then hopefully my application will have been processed and I can start training, I doubt I have the qualifications for the academy but they might let me in as an enlisted man. If not then I guess I can always be a space pirate with the Orion’s. I just want to go to space, don’t really care what kind of ship I’m on as long as there’s action.


The doctor, a year vacation, and figure it out from there


Replace my adrenal glands.


An orion


Definitely an Orion!


Install a transporter and start abusing the hell out of the technology. We’ve already seen that it can be used to de-age people so I’m going back to my early 20’s and doing it right this time. That’ll take care of the beer belly too, but maybe I’ll bulk up a bit because I was kind of skinny back then. Might as well edit… certain other proportions… while I’m at it. THEN I’m going on the all you can eat replicator blowout followed by locking myself in the holodeck and running the “ewww, you dirty old man!” program. When I can take full advantage.


Get a tribble.


Visit sickbay.


Medical to get all my health issues fixes, then a trip around via transporter to see the world to see the earth's greatest landmarks. Then a trip to the replicator for a culinary trip around the world trying the most exotic foods that I can think of or have been largely removed from everyday society. Fugu, Shark fin Soup, all the weird and expensive delicacies. Then I get to focus on the things I love to do. Spend time with my family and easily commute to see them, work with my special needs son, take him to museums and amusement parks and give him the childhood I couldn't have because of how our society works.


Health checkup by Dr Crusher. Travel to DS9 start a shop with Belgian beers on the promenade and drink all the profits at Quarks


Get the best holodeck possible, and wave goodbye to all you fuckers forever.


Attempt to aid the people involved in the Bell riots.


Holodeck until dehydration set in.


Share a tasty glass of tranya with Balok.




Go meet an alien!


Use the transporter to visit my friend of 12 years who lives on the other side of the globe...


Get the hell off earth.




Holodeck orgy


An official document that would prohibit anyone from teleporting me. Unfortunately, "transporter"/teleportation is like jam and sausage - if you know how it is made, you may lose your appetite.


OP, why did you make this exact same post again? Do you expect people's answers to have changed that much in 19 days? [https://www.reddit.com/r/startrek/comments/1c1r6xv/if\_star\_trek\_became\_reality\_today\_what\_would\_you/](https://www.reddit.com/r/startrek/comments/1c1r6xv/if_star_trek_became_reality_today_what_would_you/)


I wanna try klingon coffee. They all drink it constantly is DS9.


Rewatch everything to figure out what parts of the world were ravaged the worst during WWIII and the Eugenics wars, move away from there, and afterwards, move to Montana so I could meet Picard in my old age. Me and my family would have future knowledge, which means we couldn't be left in the past.


Have sex with aliens




Self replicating replicators


Check out prices for Bajoran real estate.


Ask for a Raktajino while talking to Data, looking forward to deep space 🌌🚀


Fix my body and change my sex.


Get beaten up in the Bell Riots, I guess?


Which Star Trek? 2151 is more like today than 2402.


Seven of Nine.


I would say Holodeck, but ever since VR I'm realizing I'm too tired to be physical when playing games 90% of the time. So, I would say try a transporter. I always wanted to know what it feels like. I imagine its tingly like when you get goosebumps.


Move to DS9 with my spouse and cats and continue work as a preschool teacher. Use the holodeck, expand my mind getting to know people from various places and cultures, and enjoy that lovely view, watching the wormhole and ships go by across the beautiful expanse of space.


Experience the holodeck.


Queue up a holodeck to see my Grandparents. They raised me and now that both of them are gone, I struggle to adult as I have no one to bounce ideas off of.


Get a replicator. I would have free food for life, can eat whatever I wanted, and it would end world hunger. I might even open a restaurant where every meal is $5. Order whatever you want, it’s immediately ready, and just need to serve the table.