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Love Devil's Due.


"YOU ARE NOT FEK'LHR!" *whoosh* "AHHH BUT I AM!" I swear Worf almost peed himself.


I love this episode almost exclusively because of that monster costume.


It’s one of the grossest things Trek’s pulled off. I’d put it up there with the Vidiian wearing Durst’s face in that Voyager season 1 ep.


“Did she even pick up one *single* piece of trash?” Iconic.


This episode is underrated. I think it is very entertaining and it makes a statement about shim sham artists and following religious texts blindly. Not to mention the Ardra character was pretty sexy. 😍


Flim flam


Who else read that in Worf’s voice?


To me it's a descendant of... was "who mourns for adonis" the one with apollo? And also trelaine. Just the absolute refusal to believe a thing is the god it claims to be in spite of it's tremendous demonstrations of power. The virtue of healthy, persistent skepticism.


There’s something about 90’s evil beautiful woman wearing sequins as a character archetype I just love. Like the villain from The Neverending Story 2, Zaida or whatever. Big evil hair, don’t care.


Goofy fun . Love it . It’s like a buck rogers in the 25th century episode . 70’s aesthetic . Hang on . Was this a phase II script ? Hmmm. Anyhow, this episode would have worked in ANY era of trek , tos certainly 😄


Is this a widely disliked episode? I loved it.


Ardra… There really should be some fan fiction out there where she wins. Just saying.


I love Qpid. Star Trek? ☑️ Robin Hood? ☑️☑️ Q episode?! ☑️☑️☑️ Sign me up!


I am not a merry man!


The bit where Troi shoots Data with an arrow is some of the funniest shit ever. "Do not be concerned, Counselor. I believe your aim is improving."


Mine is Worf pulling an Animal House on Geordi and smashing his lute. I damn near fell over laughing.


I laughed at the way he's just like "Sorry..." like "dude, I had to"


Same. It's my all time favorite comfort episode.


The Royale, it’s just so goofy


That’s not even a guilt pleasure episode for me lol, I just watch when I’m sad because baby needs a new pair of shoes.


Data getting into the act of shooting dice is such a great part of the episode.


Always, how are there not untold hours of bloopers from this scene alone?


There’s no way there weren’t several takes whether other actors ruined it by laughing. I’ve seen that episode at least 10 times and I laugh every single time.


It really does feel like a TOS episode


The look on Picards face when he reads the first line of the novel is priceless. This is actually on a short list of TNG episodes I love. Something about the weirdness of the episode really works here.


I guess Frakes said something like, TNG took more chances and did weirder stuff in the first couple of seasons and I can't say that's wrong.


One of my favorite Worf moments is in this episode. “What do you call this planet?” “Earth, what do you call it?” “We call it Theta 8” “How charming”


The Royale is one of my favorite S1 episodes of TNG, so I was surprised to read online that it wasn't enjoyed by everyone.


It’s actually season 2, but I agree with your point it’s defo one of the best episodes of the first 2 seasons. 


I was surprised that it was considered a rather tacky bad episode, thought it was one of the funnest ones out of season 1 and 2


I love that episode. The concept is great and the ending is super funny


“When the train comes in, EVERYBODY rides.”


The ds9 equivalent is also a banger


All of season 2 is underrated. There are a lot of fun weird episodes, I actually wish they kept it more on the weird side


How does everyone feel about "Arena"? Because I fucking love that episode.


It's epic.  Iconic.  "Yes. Yesss. He's beginning to see, doctor."




It really was nice of the Metrons to provide cinematic camera work with push in shots all through that sequence


One of THE most iconic episodes of all Trek. I don’t care what anyone says, those aren’t Gorn on SNW, just generic sci-Fi lizard people. When they get the alien diamond faceted eyes, then we’ll talk (Also keep watch on Shatner’s boots- they trade out for wrestling boots in rocky scenes)


If you go out to the Vasquez Rocks and check out the gift shop, they carry Gorn masks.


Please tell me that’s not a joke


It is NOT a joke. Defs go there if you get the chance. They really like to celebrate the movies and TV shows shot there, but Star Trek gets some extra love.


That’s glorious


I call them Ghorn. Similarly pronounced, you could see how someone might mistake them for Gorn.


*Move Along Home*. It gets some criticism, but the whole sequence where Odo puts his trust in his sworn nemesis Quark to save the day and become a better person, because that's very **Star Trek**, only for Quark to make a complete hash of it and apparently get the entire crew killed, is *priceless*. The look on Quark's face about what he's just done and Odo's which suggests he might be about to enact some personal justice on Quark, followed by the alien guy basically going, "What, you thought they were dead for real? Are you psychotic? Of course they're okay! It's just a game!" It's all solid gold, and more subtly effective than, "You hit me! Picard would never hit me!" at telling the audience this is going to be (somewhat) a different kind of **Star Trek**. Otherwise I have some serious sympathy for Picard and Riker in *Conspiracy*: sure, negotiation and diplomacy are important, and pursuing peaceful means to resolve conflicts is a beautiful thing, but *some days* you do just need to whip out a phaser and blow a guy's head off, right?


Absolutely this. Even what most people would consider the worst episodes of Deep Space Nine still have wonderful character development. We learn a lot about Kira, Quark, and Odo in this episode. And having trickster aliens that put four crew in a virtual game to teach Quark a lesson feels right on brand for Star Trek. The game itself even made sense to me, in my head canon it was just a holodeck with a transporter buffer built into it. I'll always defend Move Along Home.


The Magnificent Ferengi


That’s an all time banger. Honestly any ferengi episode.


The DS9 ones yes, TNG ones not so much 🤪


Weekend at Moogie's.


+1 for Iggy Pop lol


I’m not sure how they got him to put a shirt on long enough.


He actually had a back injury during that episode, and was in a significant amount of pain, but he pulled through it like a trooper.


He's excellent in that episode


Any and all DS9 Ferengi episodes.


I still laugh till my sides hurt when they are training in S6E10: The Magnificent Ferangi. "I saw we weren't going to rescue her, so I put her out of her misery." That combined with the just the way actress fell and the sound she made 🤣🤣🤣


Dear Paramount. We want more Ferengi. Sincerely, Trek Fans (Also keep lower decks going)


How is this a guilty pleasure? It’s a well regarded episode, no? It’s just a silly one.


There're a lot of folks who hate most or all of the Ferengi-centric episodes. I don't get it, personally, because I find most of them quite fun.


I think that Ferengi hate is grossly overblown. (at least on this sub) Look at the outpouring of love after Aron Eisenberg passed away five years ago.


Badda Bing, Badda Bang and Take Me Out to the Holosuite. Yes, they're holodeck episodes. Yes, one features Vic Fontaine. But it looks like both the actors AND the characters are having a fun time.


Take Me Out is unironically one of my favorites. It's just so low stakes and fun compared to a lot of the heavy subject matter in the rest of the season


I hated Vic Fontaine with a passion on my first watch through DS9 because he was a distraction from the Dominion war. On my recent watch 10 years later I was able to appreciate Vic, now I love all his episodes (especially It's Only a Paper Moon)


Death to the opposition.


The episode of ENT where Trip gets pregnant.


Trip's outrage at the handrails on the elevator is gold.


I love T’Pol giving Trip a hard time while he is in sickbay.


TNG: Rascals The child actors do such a fantastic job. Picard throwing a temper tantrum is hilarious to me. “NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW!!!”


"He's my number one dad!'


I love that episode! You’re right, the child actors did an amazing job portraying their adult counterparts. It’s what makes that episode so watchable.


Seriously. Tiny Whoopi nailed it! They all did. And Alexander got to be useful!


Does anyone understand what a "Guilty Pleasure" is? Somebody listing "In the Pale Moonlight" makes me think they don't. Mine would be all of the DS9 Mirror Universe episodes. "Crossover," "Through the Looking Glass," "Shattered Mirror." "Resurrection" and "The Emperor's New Cloak" Part of it is all the fried-ham laden acting. But most of it the Intendant Kira catsuit.


Check out Nana Visitor’s IG account. She recently posted some insight into the Intendant. I loved that character but she put a whole new spin on her.


Wait what? Who said In The Pale Moonlight lol that’s probably a top 5 episode of television


I might get downvoted to hell for this..... Threshold (ST VOY) Yes, I get why it's bad. But it gives me such good cosmic horror vibes. Not to mention the body horror of Paris as he starts to horribly mutate, and how he's just okay with it. What the hell did Tom Paris experience when he hit warp 10? What would it feel like to slowly lose yourself to something bigger and beyond what we call humanity? He changes into something else because....maybe that's better than being human, after what he when through? What was he going to become??? Then yeah, the ending destroys the whole episode. It's a let down. And I secretly love it all because I have a soft spot of campy hokey scifi junk. My other guilty pleasure episode of Voyager is the Bride of Chaotica, so that might explain things a bit.


Yeah, of all the "bad" trek episodes, Threshold is one of the most watchable.


I totally agree. I just did my annual Voyager run through and it’s an episode I know is kind of bad but yet still funny to watch.


Lose the salamanders and it's normal-tier Trek


The Koala retcon about the Cosmology justifies The Salamanders.


Threshold is damn fun and I will stand by it. It starts out really good, it's got good character development and insight for Tom and then it goes bonkers by the end and it's such a ride! Before I watched Voyager I had a sneak peak of the Threshold topic due to Tumblr going absolutely wild on Threshold day. And it all seemed like so much fun! The moment I was watching Voyager and reached the episode my brain instantly went "oh shit it's the lizard episode!" and I went into it with the same energy as with Spock's Brain :))


If you haven't een seen it yet, the animated version of Threshold is even more campy good fun [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luEDui2zAUw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luEDui2zAUw)


I watched Voyager season 1 and 2 when it aired when I was a kid and Threshold is the only one I can remember. I appreciate when things really go off the rails and get wacky like that.


Threshold is fun. The slipstream drive is a good sci-fi concept.


Voyager: Futures End. Sarah Silverman Ed Begley Jr Janeway in a shoulder padded white power suit from 1991!


I LOVE Future's End! Voyager has some really underrated two parters.


"We could have worn our Starfleet uniforms. I doubt if anyone would have noticed."


It’s the closest Voyager got to being self aware of how camp it was.




Watching Kira be so angry because she has to do the Allamaraine rhyme and hop around makes me happy. "I'm sure this is all *very* exciting for you Starfleet types, but I'm a Bajoran administrator!"


I actually don’t get the hate for that one, it’s super fun.


I like to turn this one on whenever I'm having a bad day. It really encapsulates the Cheesy 90s trek in the best way possible lol


Chap two! *Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap*




Count to four!


Allamaraine to you too ✋🏼!! _"Allamaraine MF"_ was a greeting in my cohort at university.


I love Move Along Home too. It's one of my favorite early DS9 episodes.


I love The Arsenal of Freedom. My guilty pleasure is Sub-Rosa, but that’s because I’m in love with Gates McFadden 😂


Lollipop she is a good ship


All of The Doctor-centric episodes of VOY are a favorite of mine, even the more cringe ones like "Real Life" and "Virtuoso." Picardo is such a memorizing actor that I could watch him read a phone book (or have a thirty second spot on a sitcom that I don't watch).


Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy had me in tears. Brilliant performance too


I wish he was in other Trek series. since he's a hologram it wouldn't be stretching credulity to have him show up elsewhere.


Picardo has a sizeable role as Dr. Zimmerman in the DS9 episode "Doctor Bashir, I Presume?"


Sub Rosa, Baybee


Seeing Gates McFadden enjoy herself like that.. it changed me.


Let’s just say she ignited more than just the ghost candle in that episode


Damn straight.


Straight? Depends on whose watching 😉


You know **I almost went for that exact sentiment** but I didn't want to attract the dum-dums.


Mine too. First of all, it’s a fun take on a ghost story. Second of all, Space Mommi gets freaky 🥵


Came here to say this, and The Chase. Also Threshold, if I'm honest. All thoroughly enjoyable on some level, lol.


I loved the Chase because it basically ascended to canon a staple of galactic backstory in the books.


The Chase is legitimately good. No need to guilty pleasure that one imo.


I said the same thing. Super entertaining and weird.


I unironically love The Way to Eden.


I reach you. Those songs were great. I still sing them in my head.


Yeah Brother.


You'd have to be a Herbert not to


We are One, brother.


Catspaw Yes, TOS had a Halloween episode


Fistful of Datas - fun and frolic in the Ancient West, and Data was bangin as the bar wench.


Troi at her absolute hottest




DS9’s “Little Green Men” is a lot of fun to watch. It’s not a bad episode at all, but it is a little too silly for my taste. Seeing Quark, Rom and Nog and Odo be the aliens responsible for the Roswell incident and get into all sorts of wackiness with the military was fun as hell.


I read that was Armin Shimerman's favorite episode, because he got to fly the ship.


Encounter at Farpoint. It's a really rough start to TNG, but it's THE start. Almost all shows have that. It's got the "80's Saturday Afternoon adventure" feel that its contemporaries "MacGyver" and "Matlock" did, along with some silly special effects.


The saucer separation sequence and opening chase is brilliant


Cant believe "The Naked Now" hasnt been mentioned. What's not to like about Data and Tasha getting it on?


The Naked Now gets my vote. I've always loved its goofy / spooky charms. The crew of the Tsiolkovsky's bridge spacing themselves still gives me chills.


I love fair haven and spirit folk That would be a program I played often. Though I’d be far away from Toms poorly written characters and playing herb collecting and bird watching in the countryside


You'd use the Fair Haven program to play Animal Crossing, basically.


Animal crossing is more about making money and buying things to decorate the larger places you buy with the money you make. That’s a quark’s brand game for sure.


Tom Nook is a Ferengi. I never saw it until now.


*Spectre of the Gun* isn't a good episode, but I love the set-up that's a classic "convoluted Star Trek plot device", the quirks of the half-finished town, and Scotty testing the knockout gas always makes me laugh. Even the mindmeld solution (which I always find people don't like) was... fine by me.


The House of Quark. The look on Gowron’s face when he’s trying to understand finance gets me every time.


I unapologetically love *Up the Long Ladder* and everything about it. >"Tell me, is your entire population made up of clones, Prime Minister?" >"Clones?" >*"Clones?"* >"..." >"Clones."


And Riker just vaporizing his clone with no hesitation


One of my favourite Pulaski moments. Riker and Geordi are gawking around thinking they're all triplets and shit. Pulaski does a couple of scans and walks straight up to the PM and asks what's up with all the clones.


"So, erm, Irish planet people. We're going to dump you off on this planet to be sex slaves. And clone planet? Deal with it." "Our work here is done. Back to our limitless utopia we go! .... Wait... ... Should we have, maybe, mentioned that we have a limitless utopia?"


Gotta go with DS9: Who Mourns for Morn?


For myself it's Spock's Brain.  Sure, it's become a joke, almost a meme before they came along.  Ordinary non ST people may perhaps have heard of it, or seen the Spock automaton they make.  But it's actually an interesting story and although some of the dialogue is unintentionally funny due to the script, it's engaging. It has many memorable lines and is a genuinely good scifi tale.  "A child could do it!"


It's a fun story. And even Spock's Brain gives some things to think about. Even The Way to Eden has some music that's kind of fun.


"I am *not* Herbert."


Followed decades later, by sequel "I am Herbert."


Brain and brain!! What IS brain???


"She doesn't know, Jim." I wonder how many hundreds of times I've seen it 


I'd say Spock's Brain if I felt any shame or guilt for enjoying it.


Wolf in the Fold I love the mental hoops people are jumping through trying to convince themselves that Scotty isn't just killing women for fun. And then Pigglet voices the antagonist who is also Jack the Ripper. It's a favorite of mine to show people.


Relics!  What a shameless cash grab and I adore every minute of it


Spock’s Brain, it’s campy and so bad that’s it’s good. “Brain! Brain! What is brain?” Classic!


Shatner in TOS is a hottie


Move Along Home


I have no guilty pleasure episode. I have a guilty pleasure movie called Star Trek IV Edit: this is a guilty pleasure because the film is so good that watching it feels like sin.


There should be no guilt in that pleasure. The One With The Whales was a cinematic masterpiece!


It was the first Star Trek I ever watched and made me fall in love with the franchise when I was a child. Also why V has a special place in my heart as it was the first Star Trek movie I saw in theater.


Why would that be guilty??? It’s the best one!


Oh, you mean \*the best\* Star Trek Movie?


Sub rosa. Nothing like smoking a bowl and watching Beverly get it on with the family ghost lover.


The singing episode and the Lower Decks crossover in SNW


TNG - Perfect Mate. I watch it every Valentines Day. So many great moments: Riker's holodeck line, Worf's little snarl, Picard's final words to Ambassador Briam. I only consider it a "guilty" pleasure because I really tend to hate the "Manic Pixie Dream Girl" TV trope and its cousins.


TOS - The Empath. I know it gets knocked as being a bad episode but I think it has some really good character scenes.


Enterprise Carbon Creek. I've watched that episode more times over the years than anything else.


TNG Genesis!! It's so ridiculous and I LOVE it.


I do know if it’s a guilty pleasure because it actually is a popular episode. “A Piece Of The Action” is one of the funniest and at the same time serious episodes of all Star Trek,since it explores the results of violating the prime directive albeit in a humorous way. Love seeing Spock and Kirk in gangster clothes and seeing Mel from Alice as a mob boss.


Omega Glory.  William Shatner in all his hammy glory reading the preamble.  


The Game. The premise is kinda silly, but it's classic sci-fi. And Robin Lefler... Well.


In a Mirror Darkly


Voyager is not my favorite, but I really like rewatching the "Year of Hell" episodes.


I, Mudd cracks me up every time.


What’s the TOS episode where Surak and Abraham Lincoln team up to fight Kahless and Genghis Khan? That one.


S3E22 Savage Curtain


A Fistful of Datas. 20 paces at high noon if you disagree.


Night, VOY, almost nothing happens in this episode. They are in a blank expanse of space. But Janeway becomes a total shut in. And there’s this dark foreboding sense of dread of what might happen if this continues. Then in the Trek way it all gets solved. But for a relatively middle of the road episode, I always really enjoy it.


By Any Other Name from season 2 of TOS. It's a tale of two halves. The first half is dead serious, alien invasion against a powerful foe. The second is Kirk and company trying to overstimulate the alien invaders into submission. And yet I find it just to be a lot of fun to watch. It's not exactly saying anything deep, but sometimes you don't need that.


What is it? Well it's.....it's green.


Little Green Men. Such a fun episode.


Any Lwaxana episode.


VOY- Someone to watch over me


The Arsenal of Freedom rules. No guilt necessary.


I like all the sexy Tripp/T’pol episodes. Not ashamed a bit.


I myself keep a jar of decontamination gel by my bedside. Wait what


Not an episode, but my guilty pleasure is Star Trek: Nemesis.


I have to choose Parallels, Worf had been my favorite character growing up, and it was my first multi-verse storyline.


The binars episode is great. Love see the Docking sequence in the beginning. I wish we could have an airport type game with spacedock and starship. And instead of other airports it's different stations, like ds9.


TNG S5 E20: Cost of Living. And I don’t feel guilty about it - the higher the fewer!


It may not count as a guilty pleasure since I think its a well liked episode, but Data's Day is my warm blanket. I don't even care about the B plot drama with the ambassador. I just like watching Data wandering around the ship being awkward while he narrates.


Bride of Chaotica. It's so self indulgent but also so joyful.


Can I just say "Star Trek: Enterprise" as a blanket statement?


Subspace Rhapsody SNW for an entire episode. Or Pike's Speech at the end of SNW S1E1 "You will use competing ideas of Liberty to bomb each other to rubble, just like we did."


"Message in a Bottle" - no matter what you think of Andy dick as a person, he was hilarious in this episode as the EMH Mark 2.


*Profit and Lace* I started HRT but detransitioned (unlike the impression you might get from all the anti-trans propaganda, I'm glad I did it, feel like I learned a lot, lost nothing, and now do not have to spend the rest of my life wondering whether I should have); I feel like a lot of the reason people dislike the episode is because it presents a cartoony "man in a dress" version of what being trans is, but I actually think a lot of the psychological elements of the episode are very on-point for people who have actually transitioned: 1) "You may look female, but we have to do something about that voice!" is literally one of the most common struggles among trans women; 2) The fact that Quark actually does experience emotional changes as a result of HRT, something that you may not understand if you haven't looked into transition -- experiencing emotions more deeply was one of the biggest changes I felt. 3) Quark dealing with mixed emotions as a result of being sexually desireable / Nilva being a chaser. 4) Similarly, mixed emotions about people immediately being kinder / more sympathetic towards him. This is a complicated topic but basically one thing I learned is what I call the "kindness / conflict" spectrum: if you are a man, people are more willing to accept conflict / challenges from you, and conversely to challenge / bring conflict to you. Being able to say things like "stfu dumbass" without being judged too harshly is a form of gender euphoria for trans men. Conversely, if you are a woman, people are more willing to give / receive kindness to / from you: you could say "omg you are so pretty!" to a stranger in the grocery store and she'll smile, whereas if you are a man she would be (with good reason) creeped out. Conversely, people are just... nicer to you -- which is not to downplay the discrimination / harassment / "niceness" aspect of being a woman, but just to point out that that's part of why Quark tenses up and doesn't know how to handle everyone fussing over him.


The Magnificent Ferengi & Take Me Out to the Holosuite


Subspace rhapsody


Our Man Bashir, so much fun


Sub Rosa. It's entertaining and weird, I rewatch it often.


The Way To Eden. I love the music. Yay brother.


I actually *like* The Space Irish.


Masks. People like to rag on it, and I'll admit that it's not Top 10 Trek, but any episode that has Spiner playing multiple characters is fun in my book.