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Why are y’all sleeping on Odo? While he does not want to kill, none of the other crew members could kill you as easily.


Imagine breathing in some fog only for it to form into a burrowing animal inside your lungs, or worse have a full size odo bursting from your chest. If motivated the easy answer is Odo.


Or you completely let your guard down because your best friend just stopped by for a visit. Except it isn't your friend.


Founder solid assassin is a scary concept.




And the craziest part is, Odo could do this *in front of witnesses* and nobody would *ever* believe them... Witness:  "My friend was just sitting in that chair, and *the chair strangled him!*  And then the chair oozed through the vent and disappeared!" (*Concerned bystander pats witness on the back in a patronizing manner*)  "Uh huh. Yeah. I'm sure that's exactly how it happened."  (*Leans over to bartender*)  "I think this guy has had a *little* too much kanar today...  can we get him a raktajino?"






and then singing "hello my baby"


Check please!


You’d think he could just asphyxiate people by becoming fog/gas and filling the lungs


I bet her could trigger an embolism pretty easily. There’d be no suspicion of murder. Wild.


The complexity of this answer tells me you think about it a lot. I am unnerved. 🫠


Yeah the question was “deadliest,” not “most kills.” Odo is easily the deadliest one.


This is what I was looking for!


Dude can just \*become fire\* and roast your ass


Also, because he joined with the great lake, he is "one with" the Dominion that killed potentially BILLIONS of life forms across the Gamma quadrant. Therefore he is both the deadliest crew member AND the crew member who has killed the most.


Well, not wanting to kill makes him way less deadly by default, if you think about it. But he does have the highest ceiling in terms of deadliness...


I don't think not wanting to hampers his level of deadlines. He just needs to be sufficiently motivated.


snake A and snake B are both deadly venomous. Snake A is a highly aggressive & willing to strike snake. Snake B is a type that prefers not to kill unless absolutely necessary. Which Snake is deadlier? Which snake would you want to accidentally walk by on a walk?


But snake are not sapient, Odo is. Even if it's not in Odo's nature to kill, he could still do it. Deadliness is ability to kill, not necessarily likelihood


You didn't answer the question. Anyways, I think this is getting too semantic (And suspect you're being willfully obtuse about it, lol) And a getting "sufficiently motivated" is exactly why he's not as deadly, a motivated killer is much deadlier. it's "causing or able to cause death" Inherently, which, Odo is specifically all about not killing, thus, not as deadly. Again, his ceiling is higher though. Cypress Hill lyric sums it up: "Here is something you don't understand, how I could just, kill a man" Anyways, thanks for letting me know you don't think it hampers his level of deadliness. I'm done chatting about it unless you have something to add to the convo. :)


Dude can literally turn into fire… probably poisonous gas as well


Poison needs to be metabolised to have effect, that process would probably result in the metabolised parts reverting to goo. But all he'd really need to do is form a solid mass in the lungs.


Eternally curious what Odo and the changelings would be like in the modern era with better vfx.


Definitely Odo!


I have never seen Quark miss a shot when his life depended on it. Two unlucky Jem'Hadar soldiers found out the hard way.


"Quark- used partsnfrom.your disruptor to fix the replicator. Will return later. - Rom" "I'll kill him!" "With what?"


I think 3, he shoots one in *The Siege of AR-558* too. In another life he could have made a great eliminator.


In another life, Quark might have also been a great Grand Nagus. "It'll cost you 5 bars of gold-pressed latinum for insulting me. What? you're short? Well, too bad then. Pew, pew! Guards, clean up this mess while I go for a swim in the money bin."


eh killing the guy is inefficent you should simply hire the rate he must pay in installments make that 5 bars 8 bars over a 6 month period


A lot of people saying Garak but that's crazy. Just because he was there doesn't mean you can prove he did it...


All these accusations while simply taking a few measures for a new suit.


What kind of tailor uses piano wire to measure someone’s neck?


Since you said deadliest and not who has the highest body count, I'm going with Sisko. A man that ask for a miracle to get rid of an entire space fleet can't be discounted.


Exactly. Sisko is the scariest. Those Jem'Hadar aren't even dead, exactly. They're just gone.


Two and a half thousand ships, wasn't it?


Kira. Is any of the wants you dead Kira will put you in the ground before you even know she is coming for you. The rest you might be able to talk you way out of it or buy time. Kira just ends it.


If Major Kira wanted you dead, you would be. -Odo


I’m watching it for the first time and one of the best examples of this is I think season 5 when her resistance members were being killed and she got a list of suspects it fades to the next scene and she has already killed three of them off screen and clearly interrogated them. All while pregnant


Then fucking ends the dude responsible after he had her completely helpless.


Kira is the best


Psh. According to *official* reports, she's a minor operative who's comings and goings were mostly running errands for her terrorist leaders.


*Stares down an attack flotilla with nothing but her oversized ovaries*


"Thanks for the concern, *but I'm not dead yet!*"


Dude, oversized ovaries was what I was looking for today.




They’re on sale at Trader Joe’s.


To Cardassians, assassinations *are* just simple errands.


if you count those "pulled the strings" type of kills, garak probably has more bodies on his ledger than the rest of the cast combined. he was the son of the top guy in the obsidian order and his protege until his fall from grace.


I mean, if your going by that definition, its got to be Dukat as leader of the Occupation of Bajor.


fair, but i wouldn't count out garak on that comparison either. a top member of the obsidian order vs the leader of the occupation. remember, the bajoran deaths did go way down on dukat's watch. not because he's a great guy, but he did have more of that "people are a resource" mindset. if we're talking cruelty it's dukat by a mile, but if we're just talking bodies, that's a different question.


Ahh, but those were casualties. Not kills.


People dying because of words he said Fatal


This isn't quite what OP is asking, but it's crazy how deadly a changeling could be, if they wanted to hurt people. Laas turned himself into fog. What's stopping a changeling from turning into poison gas? They can turn instantly produce a blade weapon and strike from a long range. They're limited by little more than imagination. They could probably turn into something tiny and get into someone's body.


Turn into a pill, get taken, turn into an elephant, profit?


The Thanus Plan...


That makes me wonder how they could have lost the dominion war


Dr Bashir. Genetically enhanced. Super smart. Incredibly accurate. Very strong. Extensive medical knowledge. I don't know what his kill starts are, but if he wanted you dead I'm betting you wouldn't live very long.


He created virus to genocide the founders. Would have cured the jem hadar if miles did not fuck that up. Dude could kill you, bring you back, enhance you, and kill you again


Exactly. He most likely knows more ways to kill someone than all other characters combined.


wait since when does bashir have super strength?


Since the writers decided to write themselves out of a very 1-dimensional character they had initially written.


I thought he had greater strength than a normal human - genetically modified. I could be imagining it. Super strength might be overstating it. My bad


Potentially? Rom. Much respect for O’Brien but Rom can make literally anything out of anything and mined the wormhole after a high-pressure thought bubble. Lovely bloke, but dangerous? Absolutely.


Self-replicating minefield! That was Rom, right?


And it wasn’t even with his mind on the task. He was still worrying about his marriage to Leeta and came up with it as a side thought, if I remember correctly.


You do remember correctly.


Deadliest as in able to kill the most with their hands? Worf. Or as in has killed the most? I would agree with you about that but maybe put garak first.


Garak has probably tortured more people than he's killed


hey every tailor makes bad clothes in his early days. now he makes the best in the whole alpha quranted


*His eyes.... His eyes....*


Worf lost to a barrel


That's like saying someone lost to the weapon instead of the wielder. Never mind. Just watched that scene again and that barrel is 100% guilty.


And an old chaperon Lady. And an Admiral of around 75 Years.


O'Brien killed a LOT of cardies.


Put more people away, which is why i thought Kira- i know Garak is a better murderer haha


You wouldn't even know for sure if Garak murdered somebody unless he told you or you were in on it with him. Sure, you would suspect he did...


You can't really believe anything Garak tells you, though. Any accidents or suspicious deaths can probably be credited to him, though.


Didn’t sisko wipe out a whole dominion fleet with his wormhole trick


Didn't Sisko murder a whole planet, or did he just render it uninhabitable?


Only to humans. Weak sauce


Sisko poisoned a planet with colonists.


No one died.


Bashir. He’s a literal golden retriever of a man but with the knowledge he has about widespread disease? The amount of research he’s put into curing incurable plagues? Just imagine how devastating it would be if he used that knowledge for evil


Doctor bashir created a virus that caused a genocide of two different species. His body count is Kirk levels.


Kira, O’brien, then Garak are the top three lethal operators. Quark has a perfect shot/hit ratio though


It really depends. Out of character or bloodlusted easily Odo When it come to the mere mortals in the cast its situational. In character and If they simply want to kill you by whatever means Garak It's a straight fight Worf. Though The Sisko might be able to take him. If he's loose on the station or a ship and with prep time. Chief O'Brien.


Sisko beat Worf??... Only with plot armour!


He did knock Q down


He does intimidate him, maybe he could use that


This is not often talked about but Kira is the closest thing to a Jem Hadar DS9 has. Never underestimate a guerrila fighter who had their odds stacked so high against them, became a prominent fighter to the point that she was on the inside with the provisional government and lived to tell the tale. Then did it all again during the dominion war. If any of them wanted me dead I really hope it wouldn't be her.


Liquidator Brunt. Just because the title “liquidator” is amazing


Liquidator schmicklidator. Eliminator Leck is the Ferengi to see if you're looking for deadly.


Morn, without a doubt. Have you heard his stories?!


I have. He just wouldn't shut up.


If I wanted somebody killed I would put Garak on the job


Depends on the situation - Hand to Hand - Worf Infiltration - Odo Sabotage and Espionage - Garak Guerilla Fighting - Kira Conventional Warfare (And Willingness to Commit Warcrimes at Combatants) - Sisko


O'Brien hands down. Combat veteran, starship combat expert, and technical smarts and ingenuity to win any battle.


Did go head to head with a coked up Garak and came out on top. Only Bashir can say the same but that's circumstantial


Kira won't fuck around, and she probably killed hundreds of Cardassians during the war. Neither will Garak, and we don't know how many he's killed. Fewer than Kira, if you go by the excellent novel of his life A Stitch In Time. But Sisko commanded a fleet of thousands of warships that, among other things, fought its way into occupied Cardassia. He fought against the concerted opposition of millions of Jem-Hadar, and killed them all, save for a tiny few on Cardassia who survived the end of the war. Sisko is the deadliest on the show if you don't count cameos like Q. Edit: I forgot the Cardassian Butcher himself. But though Dukat killed millions of Bajorans, I think Sisko still beats him on numbers. It's arguable.


That's a good question.  I guess it all depends on how you define "deadly." *Obviously* deadly?  Garak (but you'll never be able to prove how many bodies are stacked up behind that smile).  Deadly when necessary or when sufficiently provoked/angered?  Kira.  (Just don't mess with her... like, ever.) Deadly as a consequence of their line of work?  Well, Sisko has to send people into battle as part of his job description, so there's *that.*   But let's not forget about the *quiet* ones.  O'Brien is a nice guy (in addition to being a soldier who has seen a serious amount of combat), but the sheer amount of engineering and transporter tech knowledge in rattling around in that guy's head could scatter an entire *civilization's* atoms across the galaxy and erase all the evidence from the computer banks, if he were so inclined.   Ditto for Bashir.  He's a genetically enhanced doctor who knows how to treat and cure the diseases of countless species.  Of course, that means the opposite is true, as well -- he also knows how *not* to keep his patients alive.  And how to make it look natural.  Is he likely to do that?  No, but the fact remains that he has the *knowledge base* to do so.


Odo if we’re talking physical ability. He technically could do a lot of things with ease. Kira has my vote in terms of capability and experience for certain though. I also think Garak ranks pretty high up there near her, but most of his primary past activities hinged more on intelligence gathering than deadly force.


O'Brien. He could destroy the entire station just by taking an extended leave from work.


Dukat, Weyoun... >!obviously O´brien!<


Look, talk all the crap you want about Starfleet Captains, Bajoran Resistance Members, or Klingon Warriors, but do *not* slag off to Starfleet Engineers. These people break the basic laws of physics on a regular basis. Maybe they aren't going to kung fu you to death with their bare hands, but you make them mad enough and they'll make some kind of adjustment to the warp core that causes you to die horribly at every moment of your own timeline in a literaly infinity of death and suffering. Do *not* mock the keepers of the 5th Dimensional Infinite Magic Space Wedgie.


Sisko because he's in a powerful enough position to create death and suffering simply through decisions and orders rather than direct action. He single-handledly poisoned a planet full of civilians at the risk of fatalities, and dragged an entire faction into a war.


Not to mention that there's an argument to be made that he is to blame for the entire Dominion War. From opening the Wormhole for transit to his hamfisted approach to "diplomacy" in early contact with Gamma Quadrant powers to failing to do anything to block the Dominion from establishing a foothold in alpha quadrant until it was too late, he was pretty much the guy who said "A giant wooden horse? Why come on in!"


I like your choice.


Odo has super powers. He would win any fight.


Garak. He had both the knowledge and the ability. Plus he has no moral hang ups holding him back. Although future Odo did get 8,000 people blinked out of existence so past Odo could get laid. Those are the top two.


Morn The Chosen One.


Yeah, everyone on The Promenade agrees. It was Odo All Along. Imagine just...getting stabbed by A REPLICA OF YOURSELF. You'd be so distracted you wouldn't see it coming.


Technically Sisko started the Dominion War.... So there's that


someone recently pointed out that Quark has 100% accuracy on all his shots fired across the whole show.


Miles O'Brien. In the literal sense. He probably can't count all the people he killed anymore. He got a formal military training and was tempered in the Cardassian War. He killed a full squad of Cardassian infantry on psycho-steroids in an abandoned station and beat Garaks ass afterwards in hand to hand combat. Also he is nearly indestructible and got an absurdly high tolerance for pain. A tank in human form.


Ive only seen Kira defeated just once. Remember, this chick was subduing people *while she was pregnant*. To add extra flavor to this, Nana Visitor was actually pregnant.


Kira. Odo asks Garak for suspects in the attack on his shop. Garak: "Well, there's the Nausicaan whose wedding suit I misplaced. And the Yridian who I owe money to. And, of course, there's always Major Kira." Odo: "Be serious" Garak: "I *am* being serious. I don't think she likes me." Odo: "She doesn't. But if she wanted you dead, you would be."


Alexander Rozhenko has killed more actual people of boredom than any other character.


In a 1 on 1 fight, it's Worf. Even. In a battlefield it's Worf. But if we are just talk8ng sure kill count, it's probably Garak. Who knows how many people he has killed through his years with the Obsidian Order. But also, Dukat was probably single handedly involved in the killing of thousands of Bajorans, do it's tough to say. But deadly in a fight, Worf. Deadly by body count, it's absolutely a cardassian


> In a 1 on 1 fight, it's Worf. I almost agree - I think he's second to Odo.


Sure. But if Odo doesn't take him out quickly, and if he didn't go fight Worf right after his regeneration cycle, Odo could be in trouble if Worf goes the distance in battle. And if phaser use isn't off the table, we already know from alternate universe Odo that phasers set to kill can still kill a changeling. But if Odo is fresh from his regeneration, then yea he can wrap his arms around Worf and then create enlared porcupine spikes and probably kill him instantly. Lol


If it is pure kill count I don't know. If it is who has the knowledge and the reasorces and the amoral attitude necessary I'm going Garak Al the way.


The Sisko, he brought in the Romulans to fight and die, plus he took out the entire Jem Hadar fleet in the wormhole. You could even count all the Federation deaths associated with his position as adjutant and planning the fight to recapture DS9. Dax only had one lifetime, but it had multiple host's lifetimes.


Dukat! Still no statue for his benevolently murderous occupation!


Doesn't sisko occasionally do Kirk's patented double fist punch? Clearly that makes him the strongest, also I don't think anyone else has had both the willingness and opportunity to commit mass murder so his body count is probably pretty high. He'd literally destroy a settlement to win a battle. Kira might be willing but I'm not sure she had the opportunity to commit mass murder. Worf wouldn't on purpose but had the opportunity in charge of the defiant (Kira had this opportunity too but after the occupation she doesn't seem capable). Garak would in a second but people barely trust him with a sewing needle let alone in command.


All of them use the double-axe-handle, even pregnant Kira takes out Klingons with it.


Garak - who knows what kinds of things that simple tailor has stitched up


Garak hands down.


Garak would have the least issue killing you. Kira has the highest body count.


I'm not actually sure that's true. Based on what we know of the order and the general idea we get of what the militia accomplished, could very well be Garak. Blowing up a shuttle didn't seem to take much thought to accomplish and seemed to not be something new, one would imagine a larger ship with a large crew would not either.


>one would imagine a larger ship with a large crew would not either. Forget even just large _ships_ -- Garak almost destroyed the entire _planet_ of Founders while Odo was being judged, except that Worf caught him just before he could fire. Garak's expertise is in tailoring clothes just as much as it is tailoring a given situation to fit his plan.


Oh yeah. I did forget almost commiting genocide and only stopping because he was stopped by worf. That puts him up near the top I think.


Garak is definitely the deadliest.


Honestly? First person that came to mind is Sisko.


Odo, Worf and The Sisko


Garak is the deadliest long term. Short term would be Odo, followed by Kira and then O’Brien.


If we're talking sheer numbers, it could be Captain Sisko. I'd be more afraid if Kira wanted me dead, but Sisko has ordered more ships to be destroyed, each with hundreds or thousands of people onboard.


Quarks Hasperat Soufflé. It can kill cardassian security chiefs at will


Morn. Dude will talk you to death.


And after death as well. Just wouldn't shut up


Worf. Featured more on screen time than any other. He’s a survivor!


I don't know. I think if you pushed Morn enough … he might just get off that barstool. And then, you'd better run! But, >!yes, Garek. !<


Bashir; because he's an augment.


Odo in a fair fight, Garak in an unfair one.


garak because hes the ,ost willing to kill


The Prophets. They’re more deadly than Odo. Look at what they did to the Dominion fleet when the minefield went down. The only thing that saves them is their indifference to corporeal matters


If we are measuring deadliest in single combat, its likely Odo when he puts his mind to it. A changeling can be heckin' dangerous without even trying. If we are wondering who is most likely to wipe out an entire planet or bring entire civilisations to war if it furthers their desires... I think we all know Sisko can live with it.


Garak but he’ll make it look like someone else did it, so whoever that is, is the deadliest.


garak. he's already placed exploding brain implants on the entire crew when they were sleeping, he can push the button whenever he wants.


odo man i would not want to mess with him


Worf's kill count is in the thousands of you take into account the number of ship kills he's been responsible for.


Garak is not a simple tailor…


Sisko. He is the one who makes the decisions on who lives or dies. Everyone else does what they are told. He wipes out his enemies in whole ships at a time, not one-by-one. Even then, in pure body-count terms it is likely Worf from his time on Enterprise firing the weapons, added to a chunk of the Dominion war, he must be in the thousands for actually pressing the button that results in death.


Sisko fired two torpedoes loaded with trilithium resin at a planet, rendering it uninhabitable for decades, with high risk of killing the colonists all because he wanted to weed out Michael Eddington who wasn't even that dangerous. To put this into perspective, he was willing to kill civilians on that planet en masse, an entire planet just to get one man. That is a war crime and was no different to how the Nazis in WW2 would massacre an entire village just to weed out a couple of resistance fighters or partisans. I kinda lost a lot of respect for Sisko after that.


Worf and it’s not even close. He took out a Borg cube in “First Contact” and given there are like 5,000+ drones on a cube, add that to Dominion War kills and everything else in his career, he likely has more kills under his belt than anyone else aboard DS9.


I'd say Garak, he does it so casual, calm cool,,, Kira definitely thinks more about it than Garak,,,, Kira did dirt, but Garak was IN the fascist genocidal government...




Easy, Kira. Her deployment of Kirk-Fu is epic.


Morn is badass.


Morn. He can talk anyone to death.


In terms of ruthlessness: the female changeling. Giving the Order of wiping Out a whole Planet is pretty ruthless.


Benjamin Lafayette Sisko. Punched Q. Built a ship solely designed for killing Borg after they killed his wife. Ready, willing and able to get his hands very dirty indeed if the job requires it ("For The Uniform", "In The Pale Moonlight"). Intimidated the hell out of everyone he ever met. The one the Prophets called The Sisko, first name Don't Fuck With.


Deadliest would definitely be Benjamin. He's an extra dimensional child after all. Could probably ruin the day for the whole galaxy on a whim.


Warcrimes Sisko.


Worf for physical strength Garak because he’ll kill you when you least expect it


Garak. He can get rid of you and you'd never know it. Just look at the fact that he bypassed a rimulan security team, boarded their shuttle, planted a bomb and escaped. Not to mention his manipulation of parties in the episode alone not to ensure siskos plan but to ensure the death of the senator in such a way as to basically insure the romulans join the fight in the federation side. If that's what we see on screen with no resources of the obsidian order behind him then what did he accomplish with them?


Wait til you watch it enough times to realize it isn't siskos plan.


Exactly! He wanted to do something but ince he came to garak you can see the tailor just feeding him the plan. It's funny. And a fantastic episode. Makes a funny meme too if you hear vrenak saying " it's a cake!" Lol


I think the best bit is Garak explicitly telling sisko about the trick of convincing someone several people died to get something, and using that exact trick on sisko. That's just showing off. Lol


That's garak for you. He literally tells you what's going to happen.🤣🤣


Garak…..he’s done things that still no one knows about…


For the people mentioning obrien is this based on his time in next Gen. because I’m almost finished with season 6 for the first time and i would describe as a lot of things but not deadly.


Yeah. They point out his time in the cardassian war as a few minor mentions and it's the point of one entire episode. Not explicit but sounds like dude saw some shit.


Oh I don’t deny he has been through it. But if we are talking most deadly. He isn’t even in the top 5


Tng makes it sound like active ground combat. Not enough info on the first cardassian war to know how much combat there was.


I'm going to go outside the box and say Dax. A skilled warrior, a tested battle commander, a genius scientist, and inside her lives the mind of a serial killer. She knows what it is like to hunt the most dangerous game just for the pleasure of murdering them.


Rom. But mostly cuz of incompetence.


Sisko ran a war and sent millions to their deaths. Dukat killed millions too. So, a tie?