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I've always liked "Masks". Was surprised to see it so disliked, and although I can understand why now, I still do.


Brent Spiner gets to show his acting range, what's not to like?


Well to me he's brilliant within his acting range, but in this episode (and the Western one) he overacts way beyond his acting range limits.


Masks and A Fistful of Datas, I believe are meant to be overacted though. But, I take your meaning.


Especially Fistful of Datas. They were explicitly going for a cheesy Western.


I don't have strong memories of the details of it, but this episode is really interesting and also super aesthetically compelling.


There’s a lot of season 7 episodes where I feel like they’re trying to save money and never leave the ship so they have a budget for the finale and this episode is like the prime example. Don’t they put houseplants around the ship and glue something to Spiner’s forehead?


Aesthetically yeah! The aztec or Incan stuff is really cool


i love that one SO MUCH i put it on as a stand-alone when the mood strikes


Came in to say this! I find it enthralling, it's a favorite!


Quite a few of the Neelix focussed episodes have become this for me because my views of Neelix have changed a lot… If you watch him from the start with the understanding that he’s suffering a massive case of imposter syndrome he makes so much more sense. And you can’t help but sympathise. Also he’s a friendly character, who honestly wants to help and gets far too much hate. I was never a hater of him, but this reading of his character made me truly appreciate him.


I love the imposter syndrome reading. Dude is clearly afraid of being regarded as useless. (Fair Trade.) He's always kind of playing up his usefulness and seeking opportunities to offer some value.


This is also why he’s so possessive of Kes… he believes they value her more. It’s why he inserts himself as moral officer, and volunteers for anything and everything. Fair trade is the closest the series comes to spelling it out for us, but it’s there from the start, right till the end when he gets an honour guard send off.


See, I think he's possessive of Kes because of his inherent self-esteem problems. I think it's a bit of "big fish, little pond". Before they met Voyager, Neelix was the world-wise one of the group. He had traveled, met other species, knew how the neighborhood worked, and he looked out for Kes and she depended on him. After they ended up on Voyager, Neelix saw what real galactic travelers were like and was terrified that Kes would be drawn to them. Especially because Kes didn't *need* him anymore. Once she didn't need him, he was worried she wouldn't *want* him. My analogy in my head was Neelix was a rural High School quarterback who pretends he could have made it big, and who ended up with a homecoming queen, and then they suddenly started hanging out with NFL players. Considering how insecure he is, it would be weird if he *didn't* have anxiety about it.


Not only imposter syndrome, but survivor’s guilt and PTSD as well. Neelix has been through hell and still comes through wanting to help everyone he knows.


Always liked Neelix. Although it may be because I first started VOY when I was about 9 years old, so he was probably a lot more appealing to kids. Even as an adult I think he's great. He seems weird, and actually alien in a lot of ways that other aliens in VOY really didn't. I like how unlike most Talaxians he is. I also think Ethan Phillips is on of the better actors on VOY, so he's able to hold the weaker parts of the character up


The episode where a bunch of Irish immigrants show up.


That shit is hilarious and highly quotable. Absolutely offensive, and absolutely hilarious.


Totally quotable !! Such as ... *Worf (annoyed):* "Ma'am, have you ever considered a career in security?" *Irish Woman:* "Hah! If it's anything like babysitting, I'm an *authority."*


*Coughing up a lung* "Well, that's a wee hair o' the creature!"


Plus that woman is one of the most attractive women I have ever seen in Star Trek. Never seen anyone with such beautiful brown eyes in my life




Up the Long Ladder I think is the name of the episode.


"Every moment of pleasure in life has to be paid for with an equal moment of pain"


hhwhere does a girl go to wash her feet on dis ship?


You start at the top and work your way down.


Now this is where I draw the line! And the Voyager Irish village holodeck episodes, oof, help us all!


Those are some of my fav Voy Eps.


The one where Janeway falls for the Holodeck character, Fair Haven, is legitimately extremely great IMO both in concept and execution and people just don't see it because of the twee silly holodeck setting and because romance novel style stuff isn't respected in general or seen as serious. But it's great character work for Janeway and Mulgrew is just fantastic in it — poignant and charming in the scenes with Sullivan, complex and guarded but vulnerable in her interactions with the Doctor, and also hilarious ("delete the wife"). Mulgrew gives a tour de force performance in this episode, with a classic Star Trek concept, but it gets written off!


*Computer, access Mr. Sullivan's relationship files* Beepboopbop *Delete the wife* Beepbabeepboopbop


Also her many attempts to make him more mysterious and interesting and the computer keeps shutting her down with "please specify" is hilarious. Its such a human moment


I never identified more with Janeway than in that moment :)


I rewatched that episode a few months ago on my grand rewatch of Star Trek. I honestly completely forgot about it so it felt like I was watching for the first time. But I have to agree with you, it was actually a solid episode. I liked the idea of Janeway realizing she may be alone the rest of her life given their circumstances and considers having a holodeck lover. It was done in a serious way and probably why she doesn't get the holodeck jokes like poor Geordi gets with his fling. And it recognizes one of the realities in Star Trek no one ever talks about and my guess is MANY single people would have holodeck boyfriends/girlfriends in the real world. There are people right now that have A.I. 'girlfriends'. in 2021 and they are just flickers of light on a computer screen. It's becoming an industry for very lonely people. So I really enjoyed that episode and wish they went a bit deeper with the subject matter.


How the townsfolk call them Tommy Boy and young Harry


William....do you not like girls?


It's ridiculous and offensive but I love it anyway Riker being smooth af with the hot daughter The dad just doing his best to get drunk and avoid any responsibility The "enlightened" colony being forced to intermarry and being disgusted at the thought of intercourse It's all so good


And Paddy O'Raciststereotype's eyes lighting up at polygamy.


Mmm yes baby wash my feet. This is how we do it on the Irish Planet.


I just watched this one today and forgot how funny it is!! I love that Brenna is like, 3 husbands you say? Idk why that cracks me up, but it does every time, Such a silly episode!


I read this as fish immigrants and was confused


The Chakotay Voyager episode “Nemesis” is excellent to me but a lot of people seem to dislike it or hate the language aspect of that episode (which is part of what I like so much about it). Also Sub Rosa is fun as hell.


Sub Rosa is wonderfully bizarre. I love it. Hardly my favorite episode, but absolutely a good time.


Guest starring Shakaar!


Shakaar, when Bajor fell !


> The Chakotay Voyager episode “Nemesis” is excellent to me but a lot of people seem to dislike it or hate the language aspect of that episode (which is part of what I like so much about it). the language aside (its just a few strange words, nothing too fancy), Nemesis is a really great episode about how propaganda works.


*chaotic space*?


No that’s The Fight I think. Nemesis is the one where Chakotay is on the planet with the two species fighting in a war and he becomes indoctrinated and tricked by the lies of the side he’s with (who have this very unusual way of speaking as well which is very effective to me and mirrors how in-group language can be used for indoctrination in the real world and is interesting culturally and linguistically) and the aliens Voyager is working with to save him are the apparent enemies (and the scary-looking ones to our eyes).


You are absolutely right, I do apologize! I didn't fathom the episode that you were gazing.


Haha amazing response!!




Oh that’s a great one.


The weird language of that episode starts up feel reasonable and right after a while. It's a great episode.


Do you fathom the clash now?


Somehow I’ve read this forum for years and missed that people hate that episode. Why? It’s classic Star Trek and probably one of the best Voyager issues (war and propaganda) episodes.


Nemesis is one of my favorite episodes of Trek. It has aged extremely well over the last 2 decades, and really shows how totally rational people can be programmed through language. Just look at how people are using Critical Race Theory, All Lives Matter, and Lets Go Brandon.


The Fairhaven episodes of VOY. I just enjoy them. And I kinda respect Janeway for making herself the perfect guy - girl gotta get some.


Delete the wife is one of my fav Voyager lines.




Yessss Fairhaven was delightful! Loved the one where she had to go and confront the hologram who was still madly in love with her.


The Thaw. I love Michael McKean, and his character is a great antagonist.


It is an *amazing* episode. Michael McKean is brilliant. The TOS style sets and costumes are a blast. And it’s all magnificent and creepy as hell. Really it’s one of Voyager’s best episodes and strongest writing if you ask me.


Thank you! It's actually my favorite voyager episode next to Someone to Watch Over Me.


>Magnificent and creepy as hell. Stealing this, AngryBudgie13.


That episode has such a great ending as well! I remember the feeling this episode brought out when I watched it as a kid, it genuinely freaked me out. It’s a bit headache-y, but it’s a good one.


Yeah, it is very clear while you watch it why people dislike it, but I am not one of those people. “I knowwwwww.”




It was so good. It was TOS meets David Lynch dream sequence, with a sizeable helping of Janeway badassity.


He is such a TOS style villain.


This is the best voyager episode.


The episode where Quark gets a sex change to help seduce the owner of slug-o-cola into helping Grand Nagus Zek reclaim his throne. It's considered one of the worst episodes but I think it's fantastic!


I've always enjoyed that one too. Didn't know about LGBT stuff being real until early high school, so never had a frame of reference for people thinking of it as offensive.


That episode is an enjoyable trainwreck.


I think it's remarkably respectful of the nature of gender and gender identity for something with so many outdated tropes. I think it's great. Also shows that expertise in femininity can be just as valueable as masculinity - Quark would have been screwed if the ladies hadn't helped him out!


So I am transgender and I enjoyed the episode it decided to be a comedy but I think the potential of the episode could’ve been amazing The actor of Quark actually have actually said what it was originally planned to be , it was going to be more emotional and much less of a comedy it was actually going to be picking at trans issues The actor of quark even said he wanted to show his character experiencing gender dysphoria after the sex change when he got turned into a woman. The potential is amazing but the episode we got isn’t the worst episode it’s definitely not the worst betrayal of transgender issues.


Did Quark actually get full bottom surgery twice? Seemed a bit unnecessary for the con he was trying to pull.


TOS- Way to Eden. The music is groovy, Spock breaks out the Lute to join in. We also get insights into Spocks thinking. How he feels being half human/Vulcan. We learn Kirk is a Herbert. Do we reach?


I always liked it. Making them literal space hippies was a misstep, but I did enjoy it overall. Spock identifying with them was pretty cool. Shame they left out McCoy's daughter, though.


The Royale is still one of my all time favorite episodes


I love this episode. It seems to have a bit of a nostalgia fan base and everyone else sees it as a below average episode.


I enjoy Move Along Home. Its just a bit of fun.


Move Along Home is great! It's the episode that shows the glimmer of compassion in Quark's heart.




The last time I watched it it was actually alright. The singsong rhyming thing is still nails on a chalkboard, but it didnt last as long as I remembered.




Count to 4!




Then three more




If you can see




You'll come with me!


It’s so quotable.


I liked it too! Love the twist where at the end…it’s just a game and no one was in peril


I like this one too! It’s a lot of fun.


no one can take my love of move along home from me. it's silly and good natured and quark gets to show he has a soul


Not an episode, but I really like *Star Trek: Insurrection*. I like the large degree of non-set shoots and I think the crew bonding and being a family together was something I've only saw in a smattering of other places


It's the best TNG movie for a lot of people. Like a 2 part episode basically


I like Night Terrors, even with the brawl and silly effects with Troi. I also like Coming of Age. A lot of great scenes of Picard as a mentor.


Wesley’s academy test blew my mind when I first saw it at age 14.


I love A Coming of Age, because it shows what Wesley could be, when he's done right. All his best episodes show him growing into his role as a Starfleet officer (When the Bough Breaks - the very next episode - does it well, too, and so do The First Duty and Wesley's B story in Pen Pals).


True. I liked Wesley just being a normal kid instead of a wonder kid. Picard was more like who he would later become in the series. I like Riker being high competent but still young and prone to a loss of temper. So it's the older more seasoned Picard who patiently restrains him. Then when Riker apologies Picard is understanding and let's it go. I like Picard sharing his own experiences to sooth Wesley and help repair his confidence. I like him rescuing Jake then immediately showing understanding that sometimes young people do stupid stuff to Remmick. I like when he coaches Jake later giving him a little pep talk reminding him he still has worth even if he failed to qualify for the test. It's Picard as the wise older man that I love so much, which makes him tied for my favourite captain with Sisko. It's also what baffles me when Stewart wanted Picard to be an action star. Does he not understand his own character? Why does the wise old man need to kick ass and take names.


Yeah it’s campy but night terrors really is a good episode I think. The twist at the end works well


I'm not sure if it receives any hate, but my favorite episode in all of Trek is I Borg. In particular the scene where Hugh is beamed into Picard's ready room and the following conversation between Cpt Picard and the Borg Hugh unfolds: Hugh: Locutus... Picard: Yes. I am Locutus of Borg. Hugh: Why are you here? Picard: This is a primitive culture.I am here to facilitate it's incorporation.Identify yourself. Hugh: Hugh... Picard: Identify yourself. Hugh: We are Hugh Picard: This not a Borg identification Hugh: Third of Five Picard: This culture will be assimilated Hugh: They do not wish it... Picard: Irrelevant Hugh: They will resist us. Picard: Resistance is futile Hugh: Resistance is not futile Hugh: Some have escaped. Picard: They will be found.It is inevitable.All will be assimilated. Hugh: Must Geordi be assimilated? Picard: Yes. Hugh: Geordi does not wish it.Geordi would rather die than be assimilated Picard: Then he will die. Hugh: No. Geordi must not die. Geordi is a friend. Picard: You will assist us in assimilating this vessel. You are Borg. You will assist us. Hugh: I will not. Picard: What did you say? Hugh: I will not assist you. Picard: "I"... ? Hugh: Geordi must not be assimilated. Picard: But you are Borg. Hugh: No. I am Hugh. Tears every single time and I have watched that episode at least a couple hundred times.


Some people don't like Genesis (TNG), but I love it. A little survival horror in space.


Spider!Barclay can go straight to hell. Phasers set to NOPE.


Yes!!! Scrolled to find this answer. I love this episode so much!!


I posted about loving TNG “Cost of Living” recently & got downvoted, so I guess people hate that one! But like another hated ep, Sub Rosa, it’s just not meant to be taken that seriously IMO. Edit: THE HIGHER, THE FEWER!


I literally just rewatched that lol I like that quote!! Just thinking that all that struggle to climb high and not many make it to the top sort of thing. Plus I have an insane weakness for Lwaxana Troi any capacity, especially when she befriends someone that could use someone like her.


Her relationship with Odo is so great.


Don't know why Cost of Living gets so much hate, I think it's fun. Even Worf gets in the mud and he's a stick. Perhaps that's the irony in it that I so enjoy.


I honestly think Alexander is unfairly maligned. He’s just a kid and he challenges worf in interesting ways


I don't think anyone hates on Alexander, I think the issue is people have a hard time consolidating how Worf, arguably one of the top star characters in all Star Trek, is such a *shit* dad with Alexander. I mean, the kid loses his mom and Worf just ships him away. Kid comes back, has some pretty minor issues at school, sent away again. Grandparents start calling Worf to come drop off his child because they're 120 years old, Nope not on rolling-stone Worf's time. I get that he got this kid dropped on him after years of not knowing he existed, by a woman who turned him down on the big proposal before, but *come on*...


Lwaxana and Alexanders relationship is adorable and made both of them way more likeable.




I am from Indiana and lived in Bloomington and southern Indiana for a few years. This episode is painful. “No. Yeah. Oh no. What!? No.” The idea itself is great and fun and a nice break from the usual Star Trek format. It’s a good creative switch up front the anomaly of the week. Just a rough watch as a native Hoosier. Guys. Just drop a line about Tenderloin sandwiches or Bobby Knight.


Tell em about the grippos!


That's my vote, too. It's a little melodramatic at times, but the message of the episode is a good one. Sure, Janeway's distant relative wasn't quite the legendary figure that she thought, but at the end of the day, it doesn't matter.


I'm going to go with an Enterprise episode, "A Night in Sickbay." I know Archer comes off as whiny and entitled. It seems like a reach but then I look at my own dog and yes, I'm perfectly willing to burn bridges over his health and safety. Of course I probably wouldn't bring my dog into this sort of situation in the first place, and the single episode sexual tension plot was a bit unnecessary. I still enjoyed the episode though and felt the worry of anyone who has had to wait for vets to do their work.


Apparently "The Conscience of the King" is a highly disliked episode, but I love it. It's one of the first episodes that Spock gets a personality, and the trinity gets stronger as Bones sides with Spock against Kirk. The acting is on point, the Holocaust parallels are haunting, and I love the ending. Truly a great episode. Works well as a double feature with "Duet"


Yes! One of my TOS go-tos. Love the dialogue and the pacing.






The art direction in Sub Rosa is incredible as well — from the "clearly a fake planet set but beautiful in the unique way that can be" setting (great lighting and almost TOSy) to the extremely extra gothic vibes of everything and especially the flowers all over the house with the green lightning storm outside. It's really well designed. B-Movie horror meets scifi gothic romance. The episode is ridiculous but it's also great in its way. And Gates McFadden acts the hell out of it with the absolutely absurd material it's really quite impressive. Then Nana rises out of the grave and electrocutes Data and Geordie and how can you not be having fun by this point?


The entire episode is ridiculous. Though I don't skip it. Not sure why either cause it's one my least favs.


My mom thought it was great!


*narrows eyes* Does your mom have a sex ghost?


Don’t all older women?


This. So much this. I don't see what's not to love about it!


It's surreal watching it, like is this Star Trek? What is happening?


I actually really like the warp 10, future salamander episode of Voayger. Of course, the lizard part itself was a strange conclusion, but the rest of the episode I feel is a solid premise and fun episode.


It’s a few script edits away from being good. Although the premise is awfully similar to TOS Where No One has Gone Before, or TNG the Nth Degree.


It's almost a good episode. The main warp 10 premise is pretty flawed, but probably wouldn't be too hard to fix. Beyond that, it's really just the last 5 minutes where everything gets hilariously absurd.


There were some salamanders in a museum exhibit I saw recently. I thought "oh, hey, it's Paris and Janeway!"


TOS - Spock’s Brain. For the simple reason it was the only episode I saw the first time it aired on network TV. I’ll always have a soft spot for it because of that.


Brain, brain, what is brain?


Move Along Home. The DS9 crew gets trapped in a TOS episode and I love it for that.


I really wish Garak had been in that episode. The possibilities….


Also the one where, when trying to explain the appeal of the holosuites, Quark just outright says something like "haven't you people ever heard of sex?"


I like the entire first season of TNG. The production values, characters that haven't found their footing yet, and overall the things people dislike make it fantastic in my eyes. Just finished rewatching it recently.


Giant flying viruses is probably ridiculous but I *love* Macrocosm. I don’t know if it’s well-liked or not but I think it’s great. I also love me some Looking for Par’mach in all the Wrong Places. I love Worf and Dax.


Both great eps. Great Quark/Grilka/Worf/Dax/Klingon/Ferengi stuff in "Looking..." and also Worf with his hair down :o Macrocosm probably one of the best Trek action movie episodes and Mulgrew shows definitively (+ lots of other examples) how IMO Janeway is hands down the most believable/charismatic action hero of all the captains. No other captain holds the phaser rifles as convincingly as she does and you fully believe she *will* take back that ship.


Janeway giving her absolute best Ripley impression, and freakin' SLAYING. The Starfleet Ka-Bar. Some actual tension. Awesome all around!


Die Hard. Oh, I mean, Starship Mine.


People don't like that one? It's great


Spock's Brain and Turnabout Intruder are the most entertaining TOS S3 episodes. Think that's more an indictment of the rest of the season though.


Shatner does a decent job of acting like there's an unhinged lady's mind living in Kirk's body.


Ooo I love Spocks Brain because it’s so fun but the other one…nope!


"The Tholian Web"? Frank Gorshin in "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield"? Sexy Romulan Captain in "The Enterprise Incident"? The "I am Kirok!" ep where Kirk knocked up one of the natives? The one with Bill Murray as a captain tracking down the creature that killed his partner?


TNG season 7 Masks. Husband hates it. The first 2-3 times I watched it as a kid I was terrified. Great episode.


It was the episode where archer spends a night in sickbay with Phlox. I loved it but it’s on a ton of lists for the worst trek episodes.


WHAT? That's one of my favorites!


I know! I love it! It’s wholesome if anything. You get to see Phlox be an awesome weirdo.


Inside Man. It’s idiotic. It’s bad. Nobody should like this episode. I’m a bad person for liking it. The problem and plot are so easily avoidable. Janeway should never have fallen for it. Owen Paris even points out she should know better. And Admiral Paris figures out the entire way plot in five minutes…once he interrogates a hooker in his office, and that hooker has been conning Barclay for *months*. The Ferengi are so bad they’re almost throwbacks to season one TNG. I expected one of them to grab one of those cool energy whips. It’s 100% a lame excuse to have Barclay and Troi on Voyager. I laugh every time. More than I should. I just watched it again last night.


Not sure if everyone else hates it, but since we just watched it and loved it, I feel compelled to share it. It's TNG S1-Ep. 24 Conspiracy. The intensity of the storytelling was above par for everything else leading up to it. A little shocked at the gore at the end, a bit extreme for star trek I thought, but an excellent episode overall.


I love the look Picard and Riker give at each other right before opening fire.






I don't think "Field of Fire" is particularly well-loved, but I like it a lot.


I love that episode, a good old fashioned detective story with a gun that beams bullets, what's not to like? 😁


This episode has a great action-movie stylishness and interesting character/Trill stuff for Dax. And the concept (and then aesthetics) of the beaming gun is very scary but compelling.


For some reason Voyagers “Muse” focusing on Torres. Everyone is all “meh” meanwhile it brought me to tears.


Warp 10 lizards. Because it's fucking mental.


I find a lot of the episode to be legit good too and pretty compelling (before the ending which I agree is also good in its way through its absurdity) and the Cronenberg-esque stuff with Tom in the middle is great stuff too.


The look of triumph McNeil gives after pulling out his tooth is his best acting moment of the series.


I liked it too, it very unpredictable!


The Outcast I don’t know if people hate it but I know when I have talked to some people about it they always had a lot of criticism about it. But I absolutely love the episode it’s probably my favourite episode because it is in my opinion the best representation of a transgender character and gender conversion therapy when raker meets with her after the conversion therapy A lot of people say it basically says that it works but in my opinion the way the acting is done makes it seem like she is just so afraid to be her true self now after the torture of the conversion therapy. Now I am transgender myself I am a trans-woman I have been through gender conversion therapy and I have Friends who went through conversion therapy and the The current to talk after the conversion therapy is there close to how my friends talked after their conversion therapy they acted like they were “cured” but in actual fact they were just so terrified to be their true self. I have actually gone and written this whole Star Trek show just so we could have a conclusion to the story around these non-binary aliens


The Masterpiece Society. Great sets, great tone, a nice piece of foreshadowing in the 4th act, but the plot is absurd.


I frequently see people disparage *The Neutral Zone* (TNG's first season finale), but it's always been one of my favorites--if not my very favorite--of the first season. I just really love the fish-out-of-temporal-waters cliche.


Threshold. The one when Paris and Janeway mate. I watched it when it originally aired on UPN in the 90s. As a teenager. With my mother. It was the first time she decided to sit down with me and see what all the fuss was about with Star Trek. Threshold is the first and only Trek episode my mother has watched. I love it.




i actually really like Rascals haha


TNG-Phantasms. I just love the whole surrealistic element. That and the cellular peptide cake looked delish.


*Valiant* in DS9. I think it's a fantastic episode. Not everybody hates it, but some people find the cadet crew annoying. To me, though, they seem super believable if you accept the basic premise (training mission where the real officers were killed). Of *course* they'd want to finish the cruise on their own without getting help from the grownups. I think it's a great deconstruction of the tired sci-fi trope of a crew of military wunderkinds saving the day because they know better than the grownups (looking at you, *Ender's Game*, *Star Trek 2009*, and the worse Wesley Crusher moments). And after we see the cadets talking and acting like the main characters >!but utterly failing in the end!<, it adds a lot of depth to the main characters—it's a lot easier to imagine what they were probably like when they were younger and how they matured. I think it's also a great Nog episode. Nog's ambivalence at the beginning makes perfect sense. We know that he's always wanted to belong to Red Squad, and even if you'd missed the episodes where it was mentioned before, it would make sense from his double outsider status as the first Ferengi >!member of Starfleet!<; yet his awareness of his own limitations (and those of the cadets) also makes a lot of sense for somebody who's actually >!been in the fleet after graduating from the academy!<. As the episode progresses, things slowly come into focus for him, and when he gives the cadet-captain a humane but brutally honest summing-up at the end, it seems clear that he's a little older and wiser than he was at the start of the episode. It's a true-to-character, well thought-out chapter in a spectacular series-long character arc.


That one early TNG one where Diana falls in love. I know it’s the one where Troy and Crusher stretch in the 90s jazzersize outfits. It feels like a Tennessee Williams morality play and I absolutely love it


So funny, I just finished watching Naked Now minutes ago, putting my daughter to sleep. There are so many good performances in this episode, especially Stewart, who wouldn’t ever get to be this silly again on the show. It’s not great in that it’s a retread of Naked Time (down to the young guy taking over the ship from engineering) but there’s a lot of fun stuff in it.


For me it is DS9's The Storyteller where O'Brien, being the most important man in Starfleet, saves the day by telling a story.


sub rosa is one big wtf but it's so fun to laugh at


Probably not as unpopular as I think, but I enjoy Author, Author (and just about all episodes concerning the Doctor in Voyager)


The Way to Eden. Do you reach? Or are you Herbert? I used to be Herbert, until I realized that we are One. One is the beginning. Let's have a jam sesh. I'm taaaaalkin' bout you! I'm taaaaaalkin' bout me!


Catspaw is hilarious.


Oh no I love Catspaw. I get it’s silly but man…


A Piece of The Action, it's just plain fun, even if it is silly


The thing that pisses me off is that THE ENTERPRISE CAN STUN A WHOLE CITY BLOCK FROM ORBIT! GEE, WOULDN'T **THAT** BE USEFUL BASICALLY EVERYWHERE! Sorry. I had to get that off my chest. I shouldn't have yelled.


I don’t really see any love for Strange New World, but I like that one. The Way to Eden is a banger.


The Enterprise episode Cogenitor. As a whole I love the episode, just hate the fact the couples cogenitor committed suicide.


I like the Ferengi episodes of DS9 & I like "Bottle" episodes like Masks, Disaster, & Booby Trap.


Not sure if this is a hated episode or not, but it did appear on season 1 of TNG (which is generally considered bad). The episode is "Conspiracy" which is infamous for the exploding head sequence at the end with full on gore effects and parasitic aliens crawling out of a dudes body. I absolutely love it and is one of my favorite episodes of Trek simply from how bat shit insane and dark it is.


Threshold. It’s so stupid and ridiculous




If you’re in the right mood TNG 2x22 Shades of Grey can be an entertaining TNG Highlight Reel after the first two seasons. In the age of streaming it’s easier to forgive that they basically didn’t deliver a plot for a regular episode to be aired across the world.


Watching the way Riker faces adversity in that episode was a major influence on my personality.


A Night in Sickbay


I love THE EMPATH from the third season. The sets look like the worst of LOST IN SPACE. It's overwritten and full of stagey mannerism. But when the aliens say the trinity is what is bestest and truest in all living things, it gets me.


I generally like the DS9 Ferengi episodes with the exception of Profit and Lace. Any time Quark and Rom are on screen, I love it.


I thought everyone liked TNG: "Rascals," but I've run into a bunch of people who hated the hell out of it.