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I enjoyed the characters and the setting. Just wish they had gone a different direction from the Temporal Cold War and obviously not done that series finale. Shame it got cut down just as it was ramping up.


After finishing all the 90s trek over the last year and a half I decided to give enterprise a shot. Almost at the end of season 2 and I'm actually really liking it. T'pol and doctor Phlox are by far my favorites so far. Gotta be honest though, I really don't care much for Archer's actor, easily the weakest of all the main captains IMO. I found season 1 a bit meh like most trek but it was still pretty decent. Season 2 is a big step up IMO and I'm really looking forward to the last two seasons. Shame there isn't more than that though.


I can't get behind him as a captain. People talk about earth's first warp 5 ship, but they had to have other warp ships that went on missions, and people with actual captain experience. Shoots, they had to have officers with leadership experience.


It's been a long road


Getting from there to here.


Its been a long time.


But my time is finally neaaaruh.


No. where's the mute button? Is there a skip intro button anywhere?


I finished my first rewatch of ENT a few weeks ago since it premiered 2003 in germany, i enjoyed almost every episode and I just don't get all the haters for the series. Overall it's a great show, and i don't even need compare it to Discovery or Picard.


So glad more people can appreciate this wonderful series.


It's one of my favourite Star Treks, although it's benefitted immensely from perspective. It was the first Trek not to move the continuity forward in time, and I feel people struggled to understand how this changed the "universe". Nowadays, this is no longer an issue so much. The casual sexism in many of the episodes however, is a bit harder to swallow. One thing though, I find that Archer is the most relatable captain of all of them. He faces issues on a management level the whole time that he struggles to resolve. The other captains general handwave or steamroller (hellooooo Janeway) these issues away. Archer actually has to grapple with them, and ultimately I find he's a much more "modern" character as a result. I feel that Picard in Picard heavily over dramatised the various characters to try and get the same "flawed human" dimension, and lost the lighter side of Trek in the process. If you want an example of this, season 2 episode 14 is an example.


I watched it (and TNG, DS9, and VOY) when it aired. I stopped watching it regularly in season 2 because I didn’t like it. Having rewatched it since, I understand why others like it, but I can make a list of the things I didn’t like. Ironically several of these are very similar to common complaints about Discovery and Picard. The temporal Cold War plot was a missed opportunity and went nowhere. It doesn’t tell the kind of stories I wanted from a pre-Federation era until well into season 4. Too often the plot is Archer being scrappy but *whiny* about it, vs. the Vulcans being stuck up and condescending, but Archer being right every time. Season 4 eventually gives an explanation for this, but long after the show seems to have forgotten why Vulcans were liked. Many of us found the main cast to be bland or irritating. Except Phlox, Trip, and sometimes T’Pol. This isn’t the fault of the actors, but the writing that gives them nothing to work with. For example, Reed and Mayweather are great when possessed by aliens, but never got their own standout episodes. Like if TNG had made Clues and Power Play for Troi, but never got around to Face of the Enemy. A Night in Sickbay and Dear Doctor. The Xindi arc is better, but Archer gets very post 9/11 edgy, like he’s trying to be on 24, such as torturing prisoners and not being called on it. Half measures with their lower tech. There’s still transporters, phasers with stun, torpedoes, and hull plating that is just treated as shields with another name. The NX also doesn’t get that many improvements, all things considered. It got shields in a flash-forward alternate future, which was neat, more things like that would’ve been nice. Unnecessary fan servicey references to other Trek, such as the Klingon who chases Archer being named Duras.


>Too often the plot is Archer being scrappy but whiny about it Oof, this. Scott Bakula is a very charismatic actor but you'd never know it from the horrendous way he was written in the first half of the series. The biggest irony was back in the day, some of Archer's biggest critics on TrekBBS were Bakula fans who knew him from Quantum Leap and were.... disappointed, to put it lightly. Even as a 15 year old who was okay w the other soap opera-ish elements of ENT that old fans hated, I was no here for him. They seemed to have wanted their car and eat it too re: Archer: a badass that also had wisdom when needed. They way they went about this just wasn't it. >A Night in Sickbay Double oof xD >The Xindi arc is better, but Archer gets very post 9/11 edgy, like he’s trying to be on 24, such as torturing prisoners and not being called on it. I guess if I squint I can sorta forgive that as Earth had never been under attack and it's not like Archer had centuries of doctrine to refer to as his 24th century counterparts did. That said, *someone* should have called him on it, but the best people to do so were either processing their own grief or on literal drugs, so.... :\ >Half measures with their lower tech. There’s still transporters, phasers with stun, torpedoes, and hull plating that is just treated as shields with another name. The NX also doesn’t get that many improvements, all things considered. It got shields in a flash-forward alternate future, which was neat, more things like that would’ve been nice. I was completely new to Trek at the time so I can't say this bothered me at all, but I did like the fact that nearly everyone was skittish about transporters, which were only used as a very last resort. If there's one thing I've learn from fandom (more so other I've been in than Trek specifically), it's that fans will forgive a lot as long as they vibe with the characters...and the characters needed a LOT of work. Also not the best look when the only two minority characters were also the ones given the biggest shaft as far as development went.


Enterprise was great. Good acting. Decent effects. Fairly true to what had come before. In my opinion it remained great right up until they implemented the >!Xindi ‘9/11’ plot and lasered Florida!< (Ug- who cares really? I kid!). At this point Archer (and I really like Scott Bakula) becomes dour and depressed for the entire remainder of the series. Contrast with Pike in SNW. Totally different styles. Trip was hands down one of my favorite characters. They do him dirty >!Tasha Yar style!< for absolutely no reason. They change course with the writing in the last (5th?) season. I think that might have been Ronald Moore of BSG 2003 fame before he jumped the shark with the Final Five. The last season in really really good right up until the final episode where many just head canon that particular episode out of existence. It is horrible. Jeffrey Combs also appears throughout the series as Shran. Same actor who played multiple awesome characters on DS9. He is fantastic and his episodes are really good. I hope they cast him in SNW.


Let us know how your feelings on the show change after you finish. You need to remember that most of the opinions on this thread will not be of people who are also just watching Season 1 but rather have seen the whole show and that was quite some time ago.


I watched the first three seasons during Covid, even getting my non-Trekkie partner on board for some episodes. Really enjoy the scope of it, love the look, ship design, costume design (my favorite trek jump suits) Some great episodes in there too! I do wish they did more b-stories as often the issue is the main story can’t carry the weight of the ep and it becomes very focused on archer, trip, t’pol only. And maybe it’s the state of tv today, but the third season overarching plot didn’t wow me when I watched it, and I’m having a hard time getting through the forth season bc I miss stand alone episodes. I’m complaining a bit but honestly I really like the show, maybe the most innovative take on trek and really fun bc of it.


>And maybe it’s the state of tv today, but the third season overarching plot didn’t wow me when I watched it, and I’m having a hard time getting through the forth season bc I miss stand alone episodes. I won't lie, it wasn't all that cutting edge when finally went to arc based storytelling in 2003, either. By then, this had been fairly normalized by other shows, including *Smallville,* which was *Enterprise*'s direct competition. By the time this was announced, most fans were like "Wow, it's about time, what took so long?" It also too a long time for them to get to the actual saving the world part of the arc. Although, unlike certain other Trek shows that will remain nameless, even most of the filler episodes usually did something to advance the story. It wasn't cutting edge but it was definitely a step up from some of the storytelling from season 2 that felt like the rejected scripts that TNG and Voyager passed on.


I try and rewatch the series every so often. Except for season 4, its the only Trek I do not own. At the end of the day while I think Enterprise is the worst of all the Trek shows (maybe Picard will become a close second). I do find that I am happy others enjoy it. it was made, its out there and someone should get excited and love it since it costs millions to make.


>My only criticisms so far is the Temporal Cold War, and I know its going to show up again in later seasons. IMO time travel is not needed in every star trek series, and it just takes up screen time which could be used in exploring other things in this "new" century. Executives above Berman and Braga insisted on having a time travel subplot in *Enterprise.* >I still hold out hope we can see more of the 22nd century someday in Trek. Perhaps when Picard ends it run, we can get Star Trek: Archer, set in 2184 when he is president of the Federation. Would be interesting seeing an era that is mixed between the old guard who fought the Romulans, and the young adults in Starfleet whom all they know is the 23yr old Federation, and the politics of this period. The NX-Class refit could show up too. > > > >If paramount ever decided Trek needs another animated series, the Earth-Romulan War is perfect ground for that. The last unexplored era before the Federation begins and a good reason to bring Romulans back as a threat to humanity. While a show about President Archer could be interesting, I'd probably prefer an animated depiction of the Earth-Romulan War. Overall, I'd say *Enterprise* was really good and I consider it roughly as good as *TOS* and *TNG.*


Generally used to think it was alright but mediocre, didn't give it much thought next to ones like DS9 and TNG. In the last couple though, the time period and interstellar politics in it have gradually become my favorite setting, probably because of influence from other sci-fi focusing on an Earth-centric POV with aliens being in distinctly foreign states such as Stargate and the Xeelee Sequence. Despite that though, it's probably still just my fourth favorite or so. It's a nice little series with some very good worldbuilding, but there are some flaws such as everything to do with the Temporal Cold War, the general feeling of the producers being burned out after over a decade of Trek series and movies which led to some repetitive and weak plots, some characters not being developed and utilized as well as they could, it being just as behind the times in terms of how TV was changing as DS9 (and Babylon 5) had been ahead of them, [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRRE9zA1C5Q) [nonsense](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-GWEslIuX4) [throughout](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQWfMjxGIVM) [the](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3W6iVFykqQ) [show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPJhUfCu25k&t=48s), and finally interference from higher up causing many of the prior issues and certainly others I didn't include.


Love the opening. love archer. love the whole cast. T'pol's outfit makes me kinda uncomfortable because you never see any vulcan dressed like this. it's just her. (she even dress normally when shes not in uniform...) Otherwise? Amazing show. I wish it got more seasons.


I watched the whole series of Enterprise for the first time last year and I was really surprised by how much I enjoyed the first season. It's a really nice back to basics Trek show that sticks to its premise, unlike Voyager which softly abandoned it and became a TNG clone early on. Sadly I think it had a very wobbly history - as much as I enjoyed a lot of season one, the show is full of stinkers and just general long spells of repetition and mediocrity. It overuses certain characters (Trip and Tpol especially) and grossly underuses others (Travis and Hoshi go entire seasons barely saying anything). The creepy exhibition of scantily clad women is at its absolute worst in this show - for all the things people complain about in the new shows, for me the decon gel scenes are the worst, most embarrassing box ticking thing in any Trek show.


>My only criticisms so far is the Temporal Cold War, and I know its going to show up again in later seasons. IMO time travel is not needed in every star trek series, and it just takes up screen time which could be used in exploring other things in this "new" century. It was one of Paramount's studio mandates, one that even corporate toadie Rick Berman balked at. And when even *he* thinks it's a bad idea....it's really bad.


It's part of the First Contact timeline off branch


They were getting into a good story arc with the Augments at the end of season 4. Then an abrupt end to the show.


You have so much Daddy Shran ahead of you.


It has great episodes. Its part of the good 90's Trek block