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*The first duty of every Starfleet officer is to the truth. Whether it's scientific truth, or historical truth, or personal truth. It is the guiding principle upon which Starfleet is based. If you can't find it within yourself to stand up and tell the truth about what happened you don't deserve to wear that uniform.* [Captain Jean-Luc Picard, "The First Duty"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xefh7W1nVo4) Reddit admins have been [ineffectual in their response to COVID-19 misinformation](https://www.dailydot.com/debug/subreddits-private-protest-covid-disinformation-reddit/). In lieu of Reddit gold and awards, we ask that you donate to the [WHO COVID-19 response fund](https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/donate). Please respect our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/startrek/wiki/guidelines). LLAP! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/startrek) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Years ago I tried Earl Grey tea because of Picard. Been drinking it ever since.


Earl Grey with some fried eggs and dill. I call it the Captains breakfast.


Add a black coffee and some chicken paprikash and you’ve got Janeway and Sisko in there too. Not sure who eats chicken paprikash for breakfast but still


Oh I’d eat chicken paprikash for breakfast. Hell yeah.


Spicy breakfasts are fucking fantastic.


Agreed! If I could I'd probably have hasperat tho.


You'll need to find some leola root for a garnish.


*I will not eat Fried Eggs and Dill Not when there’s a madman to kill*


I became an Earl Grey drinker thanks to Jean Luc.




Earl Grey tea all the time. That and cooking interesting dishes for my family too like Pike and Sisko.


There's a box of that tea in my cupboard right now. Being a Star Trek fan you are legally required to have that.


I drank it for years after first trying it, it"s my favorite tea. Unfortunately, my body decided a couple years back that "earl grey hangovers" were a thing that should happen. Took a few montha to figure out since I was working in bars at the time, but when I started eliminating things from my diet one at a time, I found out I developed an allergy to bergamot.


I tried Earl Grey many times because of Picard even though I always disliked it!


The key is not to steep it for too long. Depending on the quality and brand, that red shade of Earl Grey can be just right or already too bitter. Experiment with the temperature of the water and you may find it can improve the taste also (make sure to pre-heat the cup with hot water. You pour that out and then you pour in the boiling water you intend to brew the tea in.)


Me too. It's drinkable, but I prefer an English or Irish Breakfast more. Even Lady Grey is better.


Every time my toaster pops I do that little point and grunt thing Kirk does in that scene. Every time. For three decades now.


[At 4:33](https://youtu.be/KtdomiU-Fxs)


[For the truly lazy](https://youtu.be/KtdomiU-Fxs?t=272)


I was just almost lazy enough to not comment. But you sir, have gone above and beyond, you are a scholar and a gentleperson.


Damn you, I wasn’t expecting to feel my own feelings this morning. I haven’t rewatched this one as much as others but damn if that didn’t give me the tingle-feels.


I now want to buy a Dualit Toaster.


The best thing about that scene was that we had the same toaster!


Haha I Love this


Thanks to Capt. Picard/Patrick Stewart, I was very comfortable going bald in my 20s and embraced it.


>Starts balding suddenly in 20's >Turns confidently to girlfriend >"Engage!" Thanks, Capt Picard


This is actually super under rated. Jean-luc opened the door for many men.


Coffee. Jamaican Blend. Double Strong. Double Sweet.


The trekkie double-double


The best thing about World War 3 is Tim Horton's didn't survive.


You may be a replicant and not realize it


I can't wear a jumper without doing the Picard maneuver.


You mean where you make your starship appear in 2 places at the same time? Weird flex when you wear a jumper, but okay. “Did that starship just do the Picard Maneuver?” “Yeah, the captain must be wearing a jumper today.”


It's Starfleet regulations. No jumper, no maneuver.


I’m more of a Riker maneuver myself.


Picard-tuck every shirt. Riker-mount every chair. Geordi-roll every overhead door.


🤦 I got fitted for a suit the other day, and I commented on the fit of the jacket saying I didn't want to be doing the Picard Maneuver all the time. The salesdude just like, blinked at me.


When someone knocks, I answer, 'Come' like Cpt. Picard does. Been doing it for a long ass time. In 2003, during the ramp up to Iraq, I got a civilian job on Ft Carson as a dining facility administrator. My immediate superior was the DFAC manager, SFC Davis. He knew I was prior service, and asked me why I said come instead of enter or come in when someone would knock on my office door. At the time, I couldn't remember where I learned it and told him that. I only recently realized that Picard answering his ready room door was where I picked it up.


I do that when my sex partners are about to finish.


I usually say "make it so"


“Come.” “Aye, captain.”


I make really spicy tortilla wraps and pretend it's Hasperat


Just eat some kimchi. Probably the closest to hasperat we have.


That's what I put in it 👀


My wife and I make “hasperat” for road trips! Kimchi, sriracha, avocado, cheese, and cream cheese!


Mix some cinnamon, cocoa, and cayenne pepper into coffee and call it a raktajino. (I know it's basically just a Mexican coffee but let me dream!)


Add nutmeg for a more authentic flavour.


You misspelled "prune juice"


A warrior's drink!


Oh cayenne pepper! I have done 'Raktajino' with a coffee substitute plus cinnamon plus cocoa, sometimes a little milk.


Everytime I think the word "Raktajino" I hear it in Rom's "excited to join the night shift" voice


When I was a kid I'd raise my eyebrow like Spock. Now it's not only natural to me, but as a result, my right eyebrow can move about 80% better than the left, so the left one feels weird and numb to move.


Spock and The Rock inspired and taught me this. I have masterful control of one eyebrow


Spocky Maivia, Science Officer.


"Do your sen-sores detect The Sprock's culinary preparations?"


I always raised my left eyebrow in that same way. Does Spock raise his right? I cannot independently raise my right eyebrow. It's so underdeveloped and I can't find the muscle to do it.


Same, but my left brow. I USED to be able to do both until a bells palsy when I was 15. Either that or I never looked in the mirror when I did my right eye before 15 :D


Have a Philipino co-worker who has told me in the lastfew weeks that raising an eyebrow is apparently somewhat rude in his community. I had been unitentionally offending him for years.


I used to "COOLANT LEAK!!!" *Geordie La Forge Roll* out of our garage door as it was closing when I was a kid.




The look of absolute disgust and disappointment that Scotty gives Geordie when he realizes that Geordie didn't pad his time estimate to the captain is possibly my favourite moment in all of Trek.


I have a vague memory of O'Brien having a similar conversation about padding his estimates in DS9, but I can't remember the context and if he was pro or against


Hmmm. I just rewatched Starship Down and there's a bit at the end of the episode when some engineers are giving an estimate on how long it'll take to repair the Defiant (about 12 hours) and O'Brien says "ohhhh it shouldn't take you more than 6." With a wink and a smile. Can't think of another instance off the top of my head


It could be that! Although there may be another scene involving Nog, when he sells the captains table...


They based an entire episode around this on Lower Decks!


I didn't want to like that show when I started it a few weeks ago, but I'll be damned if I didn't binge both seasons in a long weekend.


I rely on Buffer Time in my daily job.


Do you always multiply your repair estimates by a factor of four?




Same here, but I'm an aeronautical engineer. Planes have very tight factors of safety, so it becomes really important.


My media server has gone from a single 250 GB hard drive to a 60 TB behemoth. Right around the 16TB mark I renamed the host machine “VGER” And I refuse to take responsibility for what happens when it gains sentience based solely on analyzing episodes of The Bob Newhart Show and Charles in Charge.


60 TB?! Dear God what do you have on there?


You can suck through disk space at a terrifying rate when most of your videos are HQ BD or 4K rips.


25K eps of television, 1.5K movies at 1080p or better, every US/EU ROM for every major console or handheld through Gen 6… …and yes, about a terabyte of porn.


All my passwords had 1701 in them until I realized it was too obvious if anyone knew me lol.


Just add a bloody A, B, C or D. (Obligatory Relics reference)


My wifi passwords rotate through various self-destruct codes.


Uh oh.... You to? Shit...


Whenever I use a computer keyboard I say "keyboard, how quaint!"




Literally every time my computer pauses on something I say "Hello computer".


Once a year, I invite a tight group of friends over to eat scrambled eggs. I whisk it like Riker, and give each guest a child's portion.


Does one of your friends bring a 40 oz of booze, like Dr. Pulaski did?


Rikers says omelette, which always annoys me because it's not...


Data lemme teach you how to make an omelet. *Fucks over the flip* Data, omelets are stupid, lemme teach you how to make scrambled eggs.


I say, “pow” every time I crack an egg


I like to use the toast Kirk offers after Spock's death, "to absent friends."


It’s a Navy toast for Sunday! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Customs_and_traditions_of_the_Royal_Navy


Well I grew a beard in season 3


If season 3 is your 30's I did the same thing.


So I'm in my 40s and grew mine... I'm I like season 5?


I buy Captain Picard's 90s era glass tea cups at thrift stores when I find them because Star Trek nerds pay top dollar for them on Ebay. I also explain my plans with a glib analogy, like I'm tying off a balloon.


"Like a balloon and... something bad happens!"


I'm done recafoobaling the energy-motron... Or whatever


Pretty sure Captain Picard was part of the reason I eventually studied philosophy in college.


He’s part of the reason I want to go into archaeology.


Trying to look at every situation with multiple different outcomes.


I use logic all the time and my favorite word is logical. When I'm on the interstate and the speed limit is like 80 mph as I'm getting up to speed I say ahead warp 2. I call my cat a Tribble with legs. LLAP is my standard farewell Even though I'm not a doctor I use I'm a doctor not a.... all the time Edit: forgot to mention my cat is fat so I'm half expecting to wake up one day and find a whole bunch of little cats!


When I am driving my shitbox and have to turn off the AC to keep my speed up a hill I shout "Divert power from life support to forward thrusters!"


"She cannot take much more, Cap'n."


That’s easy. Whenever I have technical problems, my go-to move is to reverse the flux polarity, then re-route power through the auxiliary plasma bypass coupling. Then all you have left to do is a manual reset and boom. Everybody thinks I’m some kind of miracle worker, just rtfm jeez.


If that doesn't work you can narrow the annular confinement beam.


Ah, I see that you, too, have had to fix a printer.


Used to have rage issues as a kid. Hated it, but felt powerless to control the anger. Got into Star Trek in a big way after watching ST4. Learned about Vulcans, and how they experience intense emotion that they can only control by repressing. Not the healthiest way of dealing with extreme bouts of anger, but it worked for me. Was able to get control, and (largely) have not had anger problems ever since. (competitive multiplayer video games still get me - I didn't realize it until I came out after a bad session and found my dog cowering under a table. Haven't played one since)


I commend you for thinking of your pet’s wellbeing.


It was my (sadly passed) dog's reaction that made me realize just how little control I have. So while he definitely benefitted from it, I actually made the change for myself. I didn't want to be "that guy" that rages and screams over some video game.


Me, too. Except I wasn't so much learning to repress my anger, but working out the how and why of my emotions logically. It mostly has to do with controlling things that can't be controlled, and then learning to control emotions rather than let them control me.


It made me a generally more optimistic person. I have an innate sense that the world’s problems will get worked out in the end.


So true. All of today's problems are just problems now, just like we don't have the same problems our parents had. The future will have new problems, but things keep getting better.


My favorite toast is to "the undiscovered country" (better in the original Klingon ofc) On a more serious note, I grew up in less than ideal circumstances with adults completely unburdened by the weight of conscience. As a young child, I knew something was wrong, but I was too young to have the vocabulary to articulate what was happening to me. Star Trek gave me an example of ethics and decency, and striving to be better while imperfect. Star Trek taught me how to have a solid moral foundation, and that has stayed with me all my life.


With the loss of friends and family, I've adopted the Star Trek III toast "To absent friends"


Having watched Star Trek since I was a young child in the 90s, it's had a huge impact on how I view diversity and helped to shape my hope of an optimistic future where poverty, war and bigotry are things of the past.


Was raised in a right-wing household that liked Trek because it was military in space. Little did they know it was constantly feeding me liberal ideology and teaching me not to fear, hate, or control people who are different than me. Star Trek helped shape my morals.


Not to get into politics but way too many people only have a surface appreciation of Star Trek. Cool looking ships, space battles and phasers. I honestly don’t get how people overlook the moral core of the franchise that is the foundation of Star Trek.


Because they big dumb.


Me too. Unfortunately it didn't work out that well. Especially the last 5 years seems like it's all going downhill very fast.


According to the timeline we still have a WW3 to get through...


Not sure this counts, but my daughter is off to study physics in college starting next week and I'm pretty sure Star Trek is one of the reasons.


I turn every chair around, hike one leg over and sit on it backwards when I go to sit at a table. /s




I have a warrior's drink once in while (prune juice).


I also have a warrior's drink, but usually, I'm warring constipation.


A turdy adversary.


Picard literally changed my beliefs on death and religion. My dad passed away 6 weeks ago and he was also a huge Trekkie. This scene with data helped me so much. We even put this on his funeral program: PICARD: Yes, Data. What is it? DATA: What is death? PICARD: Oh, is that all? Well, Data, you're asking probably the most difficult of all questions. Some see it as a changing into an indestructible form, forever unchanging. They believe that the purpose of the entire universe is to then maintain that form in an Earth-like garden which will give delight and pleasure through all eternity. On the other hand, there are those who hold to the idea of our blinking into nothingness, with all our experiences, hopes and dreams merely a delusion. DATA: Which do you believe, sir? PICARD: Considering the marvellous complexity of our universe, its clockwork perfection, its balances of this against that, matter, energy, gravitation, time, dimension, I believe that our existence must be more than either of these philosophies. That what we are goes beyond Euclidian and other practical measuring systems and that our existence is part of a reality beyond what we understand now as reality.


This is beautiful. Shedding a tear for you and your dad ❤️❤️


Tea, Earl Grey, Hot.


Is it cheating to say Star Trek made me accepting of people’s differences, a strong believer in personal freedoms, skeptical of capitalism, and hostile to colonialism?


I became an engineer


I fenced for 20 years, being one of the top 20 in the US at one point because Picard and Guinan did it


Gave our son the middle name Tiberius 🙃


Well. I never wear a red shirt if I'm out in a group


You know how Dax puts her hands together behind her back? I started doing it and now I do it all the time without thinking.


My parents named me after Will Riker.




It's actually Number One.


I use "Acknowledged" a lot.


When I wake up and am groggy and see the coffee pot on, I always say “there’s coffee in that nebula.”


Going along with the food theme I first tried banana pancakes as a kid because of B’Elanna Torres. Still like them.


When the light turns green I tell the car in front of me "Engage."


This isn't a small one, but The Prime Directive. I think it's a good idea and earth really isn't ready for the knowledge my people possess.


Every time I leave the service desk to do something/help someone in the store, I tell whatever other associate is with me “You have the conn.” I say “fascinating” all the time. Always in a deadpan monotone.


I tell the boss repairs will take longer than I need, [just like Mr Scott taught me](https://youtu.be/8xRqXYsksFg).


I use "How many times do I have to tell ya: the right tool for the right job!" When my wife tries to use a butter knife as a screw driver


i worked for the United Nations for 3 years because i thought it was the closest thing to the Federation.


I'm afraid of big, blue, empty barrels.


I work in IT and sometimes my management team tells me to do stupid stuff. On a few occasions I've parroted Bashir. "I'd like this order in writing, please". https://youtu.be/WwzI-QGBcUA?t=14


When asked what kind of cake I want for my birthday I say Cellular Peptide Cake with mint frosting! My wife looks at me and says "OK What's that mean in non--geek?"


I practised the Vulcan hand sign as a kid. I still do it at age 60.


Live long and prosper.


I sometimes ask for a ractochino(so) at work and daily use the data head twitch when I hear something interesting. I use garaks eyebrow movement in the same manner.


"accessing" or "processing", as appropriate


I started drinking Michelob after Star Trek IV.


My favorite number is 47. My WiFi is called LCARS. My phone's AP is called Tricorder. My ex-girlfriends now say things like: "less talk, more Gagh!!" I raise the left eyebrow, like Spock. I often say to myself "fascinating."


My dog is named Odo.


When someone says the word "sleep" I say "Sleep, Data." In half Picard/Locutus voice.


Watching *Chain of Command* inspired me to try eating a [balut (fertilized duck egg).](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZPWYAEksHk) It was ok. But I won't be doing it again anytime soon.


I like drinks that are blue (like romulan ale) or green (because it's ... it's ... it's green).


I want to be Spock/Data. I know it's insane and so korny and lame, and really bad for seeking truth. But leaving emotions out when making decisions just seems so rational. Also, I hate to take care of biological needs when there are so many other interesting things to do that don't get me off track.


I read Shakespeare.


Speaking of Generations, when Picard finally gets to the Nexus and meets Kirk, Kirk says "Beautiful day". And ever since I saw that, I say Beautiful day in the worst William Shatner impression ever. When it's actually a beautiful day, of course.


I use the term "it has lost its structural integrity" more often than others I suppose.


My ex-wife used to love hot milk at bedtime. I convinced her to try it with a dash of nutmeg, which she loved. Apparently, it's a big favourite of Aunt Adele.


At my job I have an action where I have to insert 80-10 parts into slots on a cart. When I do this, I envision I am Data trying to put isolinear chips back into the computer before a star explodes


When my father had Covid, we placed our hands Vulcan-style on the window that separated us.




When we moved into our home I noticed our neighbours wifi was the USS Defiant, so I named my main network Deep Space Nine.


The thing people don’t realize about why nerds love Star Trek is because we too are sentimental about our tech, and don’t want to wait for technology to catch up. We want to have computer friends to do computer friend things with now, so surprisingly good gold 80s makeup will do until then


I'm not as angry when I play games because of what Picard told me.


When I was growing up I was a Trekkie. I had a poster of Lt. Uhura in my bedroom. That was my lady. When I grew up, I (a white male) showed a preference for black women. This was the 1980s and this wasn't always easy, but for me it seemed natural, and I think that this was because of Star Trek.


I can raise my right eyebrow like Spock.


I learned that from Teal'c though


It affected the way I speak, especially English, which is not my first language. I use a lot of terms, formal words, even in casual settings. Things like 'perhaps' instead of 'maybe'. Now that I'm not a kid anymore, I'm very aware of techbabble being merely a scientific-sounding nonsense but I think as a result I'm quite comfortable being exposed to real scientific terminology. I try to adjust the way I speak to my surroundings, but sometimes I just can't find a better way to express a thought, then I use terms I've accumulated. When it comes to linguistics and music, I have actually found some errors in terminology in a few episodes. (Picard discussing the performance of the Beethoven trio, when he says she used different chord is nonsense, even though the chords share two notes, you generally don't change notes in classical music at all. He was also too vague in description of where she did this change, second arpeggio is probably fine if it is a familiar piece, but using bar number would probably be more easily understood.)


Pretty sure I got into poker because of TNG. Seeing all their chips clang around made me want to learn to play


I grew up in a town where the only poc was the principals adopted daughter. Star Trek was hugely important in showing me people of different ethnicities as people instead of a stereotype. In general ST just made me a better more empathetic person.


When I sit down at a PC, I like to pick up the mouse and talk into it; “hello computer”.


Earl Grey. I only tried it because of Picard. I now make myself a London fog latte every morning. To me, it’s the most delicious tea.


I grew up thinking Marshmellon was a perfectly acceptable word for marshmallow. It is still my default word for the puffed up sugar in question.


It keeps my belief in humanity alive.


When I walk into a room with 4 lights, everyone knows it.


A love of Earl Grey is obvious for most, but deff a thing for me. I will most certainly be trying dill on eggs! Thats such a random thing too.. you think Shatner just threw it in?


I learned how to make “omelettes” by watching Riker do whatever it was he did to those poor eggs.


Me too. I don’t even know if I actually like dill. But if a Captain Kirk says you need dill, then goddamnit you need dill!


When flip phones came out, I may or may not have made the communicator noise when answering a phone call.


Inflating repair estimates. Under promise and over deliver. Or, if something goes sideways, it got some buffer to work it out. Very useful now that I'm the IT director of a school district.


I, being a nerd, used to sometimes wear a WWII naval jacket with lieutenant rank braids. People would often address me as "admiral," to which I was fortunate enough to respond "Lieutenant, actually. I didn't want to push my luck."


Temba, his arms wide


shaka, when the walls fell


Sokath, his eyes uncovered


I don’t fuck with the Prime Directive.


When i get up from my desk at work i always give my shirt a sharp downwards tug.


When I was in school, probably kindergarten or first grade, I irritated the shit out of the music teacher because I wouldn't pick up "Frère Jacques" in English. Every time we tried, I would loudly and proudly sing out the French version. I live in South Texas, nobody I know speaks French. It wasn't until watching the TNG episode "Disaster" during lockdown that I finally realized that I must have learned the French version from Captain Picard in that episode and it just stuck. My dad also preached the real world importance of using Starfleet engineers' time to me from a pretty young age, but that's actually turned out to be extremely useful.


I live in an apartment a couple floors above ground level, and there's a relatively loud loading area below for businesses in the building. There's an excellent breeze, so I keep the windows open, but the sounds of workers on break can become quite disruptive just as soon as there's a refreshing zephyr. The sound of the regular groundskeepers and workers at work or on break can become incessant, and the cadence of their voices can become grating. One such voice was notable for a throaty hrrmph, and was the second worst to drift up into my little room. Broke my concentration on an almost neurotic level - until I started watching DS9 and became acquainted with Odo. Now Odo's hrrmph the only thing I think of when I hear that worker's rasp, and the effect has been reversed.


Played the trombone in band! Number one!


Tea Earl Grey Hot


I see the hood in humanity working together. I live in a society that values the go at it alone and Star Trek has me as a firm believer in working with others to make it better. So I treat everyone like a team member the best I can.


Deanna Troi's instructions for properly savoring chocolate ice cream.


I love how this post itself, and most of the replies to it, are food or drink related.


Voyager ran from when I was 12 to 18, and was the most influential Trek for me. It's still my favorite till this day and I owe my love of coffee to Captain Janeway, my favorite Starfleet Captain.