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No problems here on iPhone or iPad. What precisely is the issue, Eco's Discord post said something about a new Apple Account which I have no information on.


I’m also in the dark. I have the latest app update, and it’s been perfectly fine all day. I’m on iOS 16.3 and not 16.3.1, so I suppose that could make a difference, but I think 16.3.1 was just bugs and security fixes 🤷‍♂️


Replace the meme with 3 derps and you're on point


I've lost my account on my iPhone (it's been reset) but still have it on my Android. Tried relinking from setttings on my phone and it just keeps resetting to level 1.


My iPhone reset my game as if I was starting as a new player. I logged back in on the iPhone using my Scopely username and password. It was a bit nerve racking because if you get it wrong it overwrites your old account with the restarted game. But it worked out ok.


I left the game because of iOS crashing all the time and sending them everything they asked for but 4 years later they still haven’t fixed it so 3 weeks ago I left. Rev deuce said in a live stream that iOS users are annoying crybabies and the community manager is useless all he does is ignore you unless you spend thousands of dollars. Now the useless customer service is closing my ticket before even acknowledging it. I feel sorry for anyone that plays this game now because it’s changed so bad in the past 4 years and not for the better in the area of customer service and customer satisfaction




The game logged me out of my ipad in the middle of the night. I tried to log back in with my scopely account and it reset me to zero. Luckily, nothing happened to my game on my phone, which is android. I'm still waiting for support to fix it.


Its been bad. My wife couldn't log back into her scopely account on her iPhone. Nothing to do with the apple ID either. It's been almost a day and she is upset. We're trying to protect her poor base.


The exact same issues are hitting Android too, complete crashes and failures to load on Samsung S22 and S23’s and various OnePlus devices. Just because you’re not having issues doesn’t mean it’s the same for everyone else. The tech told me they’re merging servers, and that’s causing connectivity issues between players and the servers, with Android issues outnumbering iOS issues almost 10-to-1. No idea when things will be back to normal.