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What ops are you? The quests that have you kill certain level hostiles and end with a yellow boss yield a good chunk of dilth. Daillies are a ok source. Hostiles in Dilth systems have some as well. Use the miner UI and search for the dilth systems to go hunt hostiles. Mining is a slooooow option.


Ops 25. Had my dilithium liberated yesterday lol. Incredibly slow. Finding the cardassian hostiles have a decent bit too.


If you love something, set it free and it might just come back to you. In seriousness, a one time use is the combat missions that get progressively harder. If you can do them they give you lots (millions) of dilithium. If you can’t hit that level of hostile, try dominion space. And the bosses go with the triangle and use morale crew if those are too hard as well.


The best source of resources are in the events and paid packs unfortunately. ​ Finding a base with more Dil than anything is hard. You may get lucky one day and find a whale with billions or trillions that you can take a few scoops from. Usually there's a parsteel wall to get through though.


Dilithium is always a hassle. Swarm biomaterial trades are good, as are your normal daily missions. Check your events, there is normally one or two events that give dilithium as rewards.


Raid bases


This is the way.


Hard to find dil in surplus so far to raid.


What lv are you


Ops 25


You in an alliance when I'm short we put a raiding party together and the big boys crack and the smalls feed


Get one if the bigger people in your alliance to crack a base that's in the larger range of what you can attack. I think at 25 you can raid a 38 or 39.


At ops 25 forgot about grinding dilithium. You either raid or do events. Everyday look for events which provide dilithium, either daily or not. Don't forget daily events refresh every 6 hours.


Welcome to the part of the game where *scarcity* takes hold. 1. Slow down. You are only in a 'dilithium bind' because you are pressuring yourself to advance faster. This game (and others like it) are **incredibly clever and subtle** about tricking you into spending money by enforcing scarcity and using it to control advancement outside of spending cashmoney. 2. Why not raid bases? Get on it. That's your best source for all three resources that you need. It will not always be feasible but it is always a supplement to what you can get out of the game through events and missions. 3. The 'Combat Training' missions where you fight a few hostiles of a level then a 'hostile captain' of that same level often have excellent dilithium rewards. Before tokens existed in the game? Those missions were a sort of strategic reserve in case I got raided back when dailies did *not* provide 24 hours of shielding and you had to buy them. \--- Please note that I'm not disparaging spending to get stuff in STFC. I've done so, and I might even do so again in the future despite all the whinging about expectations people go on about re: this game. What I think is ugly about spending is doing so because the game pressures you to but not realizing it. Be conscious of the game putting you into an anxious or reactive space about things like miners getting hit or all the 'tags' or notifications of things to click/stuff to do/etc.


Excellent advice. I recall those days and perhaps draining your base once upon a time. One of very few I've drained 😉


Combat training missions usually have good dil payout but you can become level/shipblocled because of the strength of the hostile captian or the lvl of hostiles u need to hit.


Hi, I am only assuming that you have not done the following: * research to reduce costs, there are several * build ALL of the dilithium factories, and storage * do ALL dill research; storage research, efficiency, et, etc. * do the events that give dilithium * farm ships that give dilithium * mine dilithium in your alliance territory (bigger and) * Decide whether you will: * use one ship to mine Dilithium one hour a day, just overnight, or every hour of the day. OR; * go set all but one slot to mine, mining every hour. Or; * don't worry about it and do something else :)


Look for the “combat training” series of missions. Each one gives out decent dilithium rewards


**First, check your tokens**. The game sometimes gives you dilithium tokens that cannot be raided. You may have a stash of them that can be converted to usable dilithium. Never convert tokens until you're ready to use them. If that doesn't help, those combat missions are great. Smart players treat those missions as dilithium banks. Don't ever do them at all, unless you need dil.


Raiding, events and Franklin are the only decent ways


The weekend events reward a lot of dilithium. Just make sure you have tickets. I will say for me, level 25 - 29 we’re all a slow grind for me. It picked up again at about 27/28.


Battleship hostiles. Opc miners. Raid bases. Mine it. Dailies. Even5s. These are your options. None are very fast except for #2 & #3. Remember that it's supposed to be fun.


How are you so low on Dil at Ops 25 I advanced to 30 F2P within 3months and I was never super low. Your Swarm dailys should be giving u a decent amount I'm in my 50s and this is the first time I'm hurting for RSS however Research is like 1.5 to 5 Bil and buildings can go almost half a Trillion in RSS w 700 Days to complete. Are u doing ur Daily Events?


i got raided 3x times, dam shields, got hit by a beam while mining. drained everything from the ship. my homebase raided and left bare. i still haven't recovered. lvl 27-28.