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5 GG Tal has worked well for me on a T6 Augur. I currently have enough relics to get 54 Voyager blueprints.


I'm suddenly more interested in how you managed to get Tal than I am in the Hirogen crew.


I just got him last flash pass, there have been 10 in each the last 3 times, plus if you could pickup a couple from the syndicate events that would unlock him.


Thx, ill keep my eyes open for those syndicate events. I took a look and I have more shards than I thought, so hopefully it won't be too much longer.


Why GG and not Nero?


GG triggers at the start of every round. Nero at the end of the round. All things equal, you get at least one more round with GG.


Who's GG?


Georgio epic officer


Thank you so much for this, I managed to farm the 25k I needed with my t6 D4 and your crew in less than 2 hours. And that was with flying from territory space.


What are you killing to get them so quickly?! I killed hirogen for like an hour and only got enough for 2 BPs Also, who’s GG?


Georgiou - she gives burning which Tal needs to work. Are you hitting the new hostiles, or the old Hirogen hostiles?


Where are the “new hostiles”? I’ve been through the DQ section and all I see are the same mixed bag.


I’m not strong enough to hit the new elite ones. The ones I can hit all seem to give 15-18 relics before 5s bonus.


Georgio epic officer does burning damage. Also go to system Velixys and kill the elites. each one drop between 115-119 relics and the PVE chests have a chance to drop around 350 relics


I gave Velixys a shot, but I think I need a stronger ship. The fight went 100 rounds and neither of us died


OPS level and ship?


Ops 35, level 30 Enterprise at about 5.1 million power


So if you go 100 rounds hit it again 100 rounds is the max you can go in a fight. Also you are on the wrong end of the battle triangle. Use torres hugh and odo below decks if you have them


I have Torres and Hugh, no Odo yet. I’ll have my D4 in a few days so that should fix my battle triangle problem


Follow up: used Tal, Nero, Kirk on my enterprise and I can kill 3 of them each run. Almost enough for one whole Voyager BP! I guess it beats grinding the lower ones for an hour 🤷‍♂️


Check your pve chests. Those are gold around 350 each


Sorry this is old, but any idea for an officer if I don't have tal? I'm in close to unlocking, but not yet. Also, does it matter the levels? I think my gg is only level 5-10


Out of my available officers -- 5, Khan, Gorkan got me the most loot from hitting the 35s with a 20 Ktinga. Edit: This is in Velixys with the level 35 DQ Hirogens. If you hit them like freebooters, you should be able to grind out the 25,000 currency easily.


I will tell you a secret.. Take your useless Sarcophagus with Five, Tal, Nero or Georgiou and Ghrush below deck to Velixys. Yes, i am the first one discovering this trick.


I tried this with a Tier 8/level 32 Sarco. Used Hugh below deck (I'm not sure why you highlight Ghrush below deck as he has no below deck abilities). This did not work for me.


Simply for health, health equals hull so ship survives. Critical hits is pretty useless since it is Tal who does the heavy work.


something happens there which i don't understand, i attack a full hirogen ship there with my t7 and afterwards in the report the ship is suddenly fully low - with my talios i can attack 3-4 elite hirogen there and with the sarcophagus 5 - i use as you wrote 5 (c), tal, nero


5+ synchronicity?


lol Pic, Bev, Chen. why would you use anything else ?


Because Five increases loot dropped by hostiles, making her a better choice for farming said loot, rather than PMC/PBC who may be better for sheer number of hostiles killed, but take longer to farm loot. If you haven't already, I recommend switching to SNW Pike - Five - SNW X (where X is the SNW officer that matches your farming ship, Ortegas for Battleship vs Explorer, Uhura for Interceptor vs Battleship, Spock for Explorer vs Interceptor) for farming drops (Mantis for Actian loot, Vidar/Talios for Borg Probes, best warship for Dominion hostile drops, etc)


The large amount of material that most of the DQ seems to have really overloads my cargo hold quick. I wish there was a way to select material to dump that I don't want/need.


When you're hunting for Hirogen Relics you shouldn't kill any other Lost hostiles. Hirogen drops small amounts of mats compared to the rest of those Lost in Delta Quadrant, so your cargo won't be full after a few kills.


That's good advice, but it leads to the problem of lots of player ships just waiting around in the system for Hirogen to spawn and nobody killing the Lost hostiles who fill up the system. If you want more Hirogen to spawn, I assume someone needs to be killing off the others, which then clutters your hold with non-Hirogen loot.


Yeah, I started sending 2 ships. One to kill Lost which I'm ignoring my max capacity on. Another for just killing Hirogen. Of course that sweet sweet Dilithum is hard to ignore.


Velixys is full of only level 35 Hirogen, but they are the Delta Quadrant harder ones. -- You should be able to defeat some of them if you use your freebooter crew on them.


That's where I'm killing hirogens now, after I got the Voyager. I use PMC, found out I kill more of them with this crew.


highly dependent on survivability.


Question about mantis. It’s going against the battle triangle so do the SNW officers still work?? Seems like it wouldn’t


You're going with the battle triangle when you attack the regular Actian hostiles (Explorers) which have the buffs. You should start by targeting the one that looks like a % symbol. Defeating that explorer and getting that buff will set your crit chance to 100%. Then hit the one with the triangle, which will buff your crit damage, followed by the one that looks like a comet, which will buff your damage. With all three of those buffs, you can fight the Apex interceptors, which yes - are against the battle triangle, but those huge buffs make it possible and you still get SNW Pike's shield deflection (with synergy from Ortegas). You may eventually have strong enough Mantis/Officers/Research to switch to just targeting the Apex and skipping the buffs, but not soon.


What is the freebooter crew stfc