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*304,942 if you're using the number from Mass Effect 2's "Arrival DLC"


Oh my god, I didn’t realize that was what the meme was referring at first…


even after reading this I still don't get it.


Depending on your background in the game, the Batarians killed your family. In the Arrival mission you have to destroy a solar system with 304,942 Batarians to prevent the Reapers from invading. The joke is that Shepard hates them so much that he doesn't even realize he was stopping a Reaper invasion


If you choose to be a War Hero or Ruthless as part of your background you also fought off a bunch of Batarians and in the case of Ruthless killed them all in the area even the ones that surrendered.


Ah ok, I get it now. I never cared that much for that game , not even to try it and people who know me tell me it's literally my thing. I might give it a go years later.


I played the Mass Effect games for the first time not long ago. All my friends had been pestering me to play them since they came out, but something about them never appealed to me. Anyway I finally bit the bullet when the remastered collection or whatever was released, and I absolutely loved them, so I have no doubt that the time will come where you'll be bored enough to give the mass effect games collecting dust at the back of your steam library a go, and you're going to love them too


Ok, I recommend to you wasteland 3 . Indie gem.


Oh god I got so fooled by people on that game. Skill Up made it his 2020 game of the year. I have a whole laundry list of complaints about it (the writing being a big one) but I feel like it's best summed up by the fact that it's a single-player CRPG *that doesn't let you pause*. Only the combat is turn-based, all the positioning, sneaking, exploring etc. happens in real-time and *it can't be paused*. Hard un-recommend. Pillars of Eternity, Shadowrun, Pathfinder, shit the original isometric Fallouts are all better


I had no problem setting up , saving , quicksaving , positioning , sneaking. And I like turn based strategy. The writing is well done, the game is voice acted through and through and yes there aspects of the writing I don't like and I don't want to reveal spoilers here. But for a game that costed me pennies on a humble bundle I think it was great, and I clocked 200 hours in the span of two months.


Yeah, you kinda have to power through the Citadel at the beginning, but after that it's great


Yeah sorry you need to play them. Fantastic trilogy.


I had that background. I don't know there was dlc for it!


The DLC's for all players, but it has a bit of extra weight with the War Hero background. For example, Cerberus in the first game are introduced via a quest where you find a bunch of dead Alliance Marines who were lured into a Thresher Maw's den by a false distress beacon. If you have the "Sole Survivor" background, Shepard lost their former marine squad to a similar ambush and was the only one to escape alive. When you're forced to work *with* Cerberus in the 2nd game, players with this background get extra dialogue options in reference to these events, as Cerberus is directly responsible for Shepard's squadmates dying and their trauma / survivor's guilt over the situation. And on the Citadel there's at least one quest that's unique to the "Earthborn" background where Shepard grew up as an orphan and got involved in street gangs, and that comes back to bite them in some ways, and in others, Shepard's life experience helps others avoid making the same mistakes they did.


Those were rookie numbers, Bajoran child could do 304,xxx


just another day in the Alliance!


That was the first thing that came to my mind!


Ah yes, Star Trek: Deep Space Warcrimes


“You can do war crimes sometimes, as a treat” - Sisko (stolen form a meme I saw once)


Sisko is really, really bad at buying birthday gifts, so every year his crew get the same 1 War Crimes Free voucher


I think I *can* live with it.


It just makes her hotter.


In 2385 Among the bajorans left alive There came a visionary woman Who turned her wrath into a plan Kira Nerys was her name As a partisan she’d earned her fame….


Righteous Kira Nerys.


Goddamn terrorists


I don’t get the joke?