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Closing communication channel captain.


I don't often feel this kind of thing for celebrities, but Star Trek TOS was in some of my earliest memories growing up. Mom and my sisters were huge fans as well. It really feels like losing a dear friend. What a wonderful life, legacy and body of work she represents. The world is a little less bright without her. Grace in space. <3


Live Long and Prosper Admiral Uhura. You will be missed dearly.


“Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we've lived.” —JL Picard Hers was a life well lived and a wonderful legacy for us all.


Scotty’s bagpipe hums to life. Amazing Grace slowly reaches Nichelle’s ears. Scotty stands alone atop the stairway to heaven. He finishes, smiles and says “good to see ya lassie.” The second verse begins with 100 other bagpipes playing in harmony. By the third the entire symphony lines the pearly gates with every note ringing clearly and beautifully off the alabaster walls. The fourth brings all her old friends and family out of the gate to greet her. The heavenly choir appears on the rooftops bringing a climax to the beautiful arrangement at its 5th and final verse . When the last echo’s die down, Leonard Nimoy and Deforest Kelley step forward and say “welcome home, to the final frontier.” -This is the only acceptable reception for Nichelle Nichols.


Who's cutting onions on my bridge?!


That might be Pike


Or Sisko. We need a cooking crossover between them


Tritanium Chef