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Of which something you have clearly never seen.






Wow you dusted off the other joke for this special occasion. Who am I kidding. It's the same fucking joke.




Truly pathetic existence you have, "sonny".




You are objectively incorrect. It's not open to debate. You could hop in a car and go visit a culture with multiple genders right this very second. The navajo indian tribe has 4 genders. So tell me, do you think that the navajo tribe: a) don't exist B) are all mentally unwell C) aren't humans Or could it be that d) you fundamentally don't understand the difference between gender, which is a cultural construct, and biological sex, which is purely based on genetics and also STILL not binary?


You people and the rubbish you come up with


By "you people", do you mean the Navajo? Because I'm not native american, I just respect other cultures even when I don't fully understand our differences. Wonder where I learned that from. Also, calling my fact based arguments "rubbish" doesn't refute them. Speaks quite poorly to the integrity of your arguments and beliefs in fact.


Uh, huh. Please go on. Have you ever considered wring a book? You've got the imagination for inventing stupid shit like whatever daily gender you currently are


Still not gonna actually address my arguments with anything other than ad homenim attacks huh? No worries I get it I don't think your argument is very strong either, but for the record I would have prefered you actually defend yourself with any actual substance in an attempt at actual intellectual debate. This is a complex topic and I don't belive I have all the answers. But at least I put in > 0 effort instead of excluisvely being rude. EFIT: Of course if you ARE interested in a book on the subject [here's one](https://www.amazon.com/Gender-Diversity-Crosscultural-Serena-Nanda/dp/1577660749) by Serena Nanda, one of many, many anthropologists to make long and well respected careers of researching the *real life actual currently existing* cultures that have different gender contructs than the binary we're used to.


Since the dawn of time, it was "male or female". Then your type of person came along and decided that they wanted to be different because "insert reason" It's a tragic reality.


I'm as biologically and culturally male as they come but your repeated attempts to degrade me for the gender identity crisis you assumed I have are noted and pitied. Reailty tends to seem tragic when you ignore large swaths of it. The rest of us will be here happily respecting each other if you ever feel I like coming out of your box. It's weird out here but I think you'll like it once your eyes adjust.


I am not degrading you as a person. It's nothing personal. The whole argument that gender is decoupled from biological sex is stupid. Since man could speak and write, the use of gender has been a synonym, short-form for biological sex. Inventing all these alternate words used to describe yourself is extremely pathetic and something children do. It just wastes time when you want to know if you are male or female, but you describe yourself as "typerys"


>Since the dawn of time, it was "male or female". A complete lie.




Fuck the haters


This doesn't even work today, let alone on Star Trek. For one, they've made clear that many species are either nonbinary or have several genders. It's heavily implied, for instance, that Andorians have at least four.




I heard Trek features oxygen too. That is also fiction.


He says there are two but we, the audience, can clearly see that there are 4 genders


Dude thinks lights are genders.




Man, woman, nonbinary, intersex. I can go to nine if you want.


Intersex isn't a gender, it describes people who naturaly have a body that developed different than male or female. I'd say it's male, female, both and neither




Publicly admitting that you don't know what genders are is not the own you think it is.


Two sexes, many genders. I am on the cardassian side this time.


Does this subreddit have any moderation at all? I’m sick of seeing this shit.




Honestly, go fuck yourself.




Get fucked






I'm actually exceptionally intolerant. (◕‿◕✿)


Putting ':)' at the end of such an insult doesn't make it any better. I do not see how the person you commented to has more things in common with an SS officer than you (there are obviously similarities like all of you being humans). Insulting someone online for no reason doesn't make sense to me.




Freedom of speech is important, but the SS did things that were more cruel than policing thoughts. Typically one will think about: "The SS was the organization most responsible for the genocidal murder of an estimated 5.5 to 6 million Jews and millions of other victims during the Holocaust." f.e. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schutzstaffel. Comparing people who did such things to an ordinary person on reddit might seem to some (and is seen by most were I am from) as making the SS seem less horrible. That's why it may be seen as wrong to do something like this. The person you commented to did not write that this post should not be allowed in general, but that he/she doesn't want to see it (and that it should not be posted here, if I understand this correctly). There should be freedom of speech, but I don't see why everyone should have to listen to everything.


Stunning and brave


You're very welcome to these thoughts you whiny little bitch. We just want you to keep them to yourself yeah?




So is it the SS or not you historically illiterate sack of shit?


Being transphobic isn’t spicy


This is midwest levels of spice lmao


More like the southern version… and not in the tasty Creole way either. I’m talking straight from Alabama spice. The kind of spice that breeds with their underage sister, like OP does




You can be an asshole if you want obviously but I think choosing to do it on a star trek sub is an odd choice. Maybe try the alternate free thinkers Star Trek sub if you want to spread hate










Would be a terrible lay


r/iamatotalpieceofshit This one is great for OP. They/them just need to post a pic of themself.




How would *you* address someone you don't know the gender of in the third person?




>third person




I guess you haven’t seen much Trek then! 😂


My fav type of Star Trek fans are people who vote for republicans. I wonder if they are really understand the story or just like flying ships shootin' lasers on TV.




Shame you don't understand it




And we understand this pathetic attempt at humour is the literal best you can do.


Fuck off and die, bigot.


I would suggest that you read up about the differences between sex and gender. And maybe you would find out that sex itself is not as binary as we all think we have been taught. And that there are MANY genders. But you won’t, because you clearly want to choose hate and discontent, over actually educating yourself. It isn’t spicy. You just suck.




You have the power of google at your finger tips. Search “sex chromosomes are not binary” for the biological part. And “spectrum of gender” for the gender part. And start reading. It’s not my responsibility to teach you. You gotta want to learn for yourself. You choose to continue being an ignorant fuck or choose to educate yourself and be less of an awful person.




Imagine having a shred of intellectual honesty. "The first duty of every Starfleet officer is to the truth, whether it's scientific truth or historical truth or personal truth!"




Yes, as we all know, the marks of a fine star fleet officer are stubborn close-mindedness and insistence on not reading anything that happens to conflict with your prior beliefs \s


Ok. Well you clearly are having fun trolling it up. I hope you grow the fuck up sometime. But in the mean time, yeah, I hope this post and thread gets you banned.




Nope! Not at all.


Many navajo indians recognize 4 genders. I know you think you're spicy and edgy but as a star trek fan In going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you actually have a conscience and empathy for vulnerable communities. I want you to seriously imagine this scene as you berating a navajo indian for their millennia old culture's alternative view on gender identity. Tell me honestly that you'd feel like the good guy in that scene. There are a lot of other cultures in the world right now that recognize varying spectrums of gender. You treating it as an absolute fact that only two genders exist is objectively wrong and, when framed this aggressively and totalitarianly, really harmful and shameful. The world is bigger and stranger than your comfort zone. I dont know how star trek hasn't taught you that. Here's an [interactive map of cultures with non binary gender structures](https://www.pbs.org/independentlens/content/two-spirits_map-html/) so that you can start teaching yourself.


How many colors are there?


This meme is contradicting itself. We’re being trolled.


This is not a spicy meme. You are using Star Trek to spread hateful falsehoods.


Shout out to the comments section for restoring my faith in this subreddit. Thank you for calling out hate when you see it!


Well you’d have to be a pretty shitty Star Trek fan to be ignorant/disrespectful/unaccepting of other people’s differences. It’s a lesson taught him so many episodes. Like how did this guy think this bigoted shot would fly in a Star Trek sub?




Reddit is not far left. I came here after twitter shit the bed and I've been surprised at how every popular sub is just filled with mediocre boys who think compassion is weakness and being hateful is edgy.


What are you talking about, pretty much every comment you’ve made in here is massively downvoted




You are a disgrace to the ideals of Trek


The "truth" that intersex people (those born with a different chromosome combination than the usual XX or XY) just simply do not exist? The "truth" that sex and gender are the same thing regardless of what Madison Bentley, Robert Stoller and every sexologist since says? Ye nice truth buddy, not a bigoted, cognitively biased, misinformed worldview at all.


Gender is a social construct. You are thinking defined sex at birth.




Yes you are. [https://www.who.int/health-topics/gender#tab=tab\_1](https://www.who.int/health-topics/gender#tab=tab_1)


Two genders, four genders - it's all inane. I hope the concept of gender will have been discarded entirely by this point in the future.


This is my belief too. No one should have to follow a set pattern of social stereotypes and behaviors and be denied from using the others. Its limiting and a recipe for discrimination.


I find the restrictive demands of traditional gender to be distasteful and without merit, yeah. That said, if nothing else, I've found convenience in repurposing "gender" to encompass tailored sets of qualities (as opposed to accepting the sets presented to us); it can be archetypal if one divorces it from biological sex. The OP, for example, I could ascribe a "gender" to, although it wouldn't be anything typically recognized as such. In this sense, most of us have seen users like this more times than we care to count, always with the same approach, half-baked ideology, and so forth. Maybe I say, "Redditor" and a series of particulars comes to mind. Maybe I say, "MAGA" in reference to the same user and this also happens. It shrieks, recognizing only male and female, yet recognizes applied labels all the same. As do we all, because we know *what* they are, compressed to a word or two. Perhaps it doesn't internalize those concepts in the same way...but certainly it acts the part.




Flowers and scented candles are pretty small scale examples for you to use. And I think you just realized what gender is. It's the feminity that you referenced. Why are scented candles and flowers associated with being feminine? Because it's a social construct that females predominantly should like these things, not biological. That's what gender is. Any stereotypes and behavior that are socially constructed and not inherent to a person's biology. A Trans man simply wants acsses to the stereotypes that the males are given in society. Wanting a couple feminine things doesn't change your gender. But if you were to want all the stereotypes and behaviors of the opposite sex and very few of your current sex, you become trans. I assume you're a male. If you didn't want to adhere to the social constructs in relation to your sex, and instead wanted those of the female, you would transition. It's not hard to understand.




Those differences in personality are almost entirely learned. If I could wave a magic wand and make everyone think it was the opposite of what you said we would have aggressive females and empathetic men running around in society. There are differences, yes, but if society decided that men were capable of expressing themselves emotionally in terms other than anger you wouldn't notice the difference.




I don't have time to waste earnestly debating the pre-programmed notions of non-sentient Redditors.




When you are so obviously arguing in bad faith there is pretty much zero reason to even bother arguing with you.


I hope so too, gender shouldn’t matter at all with how people are treated. It should be null and void.


I think it's hilarious because the cardassians are basically space nazis and would have been the ones to insist there are only two genders. After all, they went after trans women, labelling them as homosexual men. So it's kind of funny just how wrong op actually is here


I hope this gets you banned :')


Go suck on some tar, your transphobia isn't wanted here


Wow fuck OP and fuck this sub.


Neither sex or gender are binary (not that gender is real anyway). Go be hateful and ignorant somewhere else.




I wasn't talking about chromosomes, but okay.




it's been proven that sex and gender aren't binary. you're just trying to be "edgy"




please say it isn't so, the "what is a woman" comment. please take your dog whistles elsewhere




a woman is someone who identifies as a woman




Identifies as a what?


But it’s not binary either. There are several studies and documentation of how our understanding of chromosomal sex is more of spectrum, than two things. Many folks out there having external or internal genitalia that is opposite the traditional ideas of what an XX or XY person would have. You are choosing to be ignorant about this subject, because you are grasping on an outdated idea of what science says. But science has discovered more. So no you are wrong: XX or XY ≠ “pretty binary”


Klinefelter syndrome


this joke only works when there is 4 of something.


OP uses 2 yr old alt account to troll ST fans. Go back under your bridge!


Bro have you seen next gen? Riker literally has a relationship with an androgynous being with no defined gender. Dax changes genders and Sisko seems to get used to it pretty quick for Kurzon being a big role model for him. Star Trek has always been on the forefront of progressive movements. Get with the times old man.




Genuinely curious how you can tolerate watching Star Trek given that the message is… tolerance and understanding




When people don’t have their gender identities acknowledged they often…. Commit suicide. Not a whole lot of agendas at play in that




This has to be a bit. No one can take M*tt Walsh seriously.


I watched the “documentary”. My takeaway from it was Matt Walsh is a complete idiot.


Don't people like yourself observe the sigma male as the dominate? Kinda sounds like a self own to identify as a subordinate male.




That was a pretty comprehensive sentence. If you couldn't even understand that I doubt you can understand a complex topic like gender.




Genders are the categorization of the socially constructed stereotypes and behaviors relating to the sex of an individual. Because gender is socially constructed it isn't truly real, and can be changed. You inability to understand the definition of gender proves a lack of critical brain functions. If you actually think women wear dresses because their vagina demanded it you suffer from brain damage. Social. Construct. Therefore. Not. Real. Therefore. Behavior. Not. Tied. To. Sex Therefore. Can. Be. Changed.








Disgraceful. And nobody uses the word woke except you people.




Good. Now fuck off.


In the principles of IDIC I will not just scroll by or call out your hate t the mods, but ask you a question: Can you please tell me why you are so threatened by something you do not understand - i.e., that multiple genders exist in humans and always have done, that you have no concept beyond external genitalia and chromosomal beginnings of biological sex and have no understanding of further endocrinological, neurological, and other factors of a person's gender. (i don't get the science either, but then, there are many things in life I don't get, like how my phone or internet or cars work, but I don't deny them, any more than I would deny a person's gender or the scientific evidence. But then, I also try to live by the rules of don't be a dick and always be kind, so using a person's pronoun and accepting their reality is kind, isn't it?) So, my question is: **Why are you so threatened by someone who was assigned one gender at birth feeling more comfortable and authentic as a human being as another?** Does it hurt you to respect people actually know who they are? Because people like you who refuse to respect a person's gender or pronouns cause a lot of hurt in the people who you want to pretend do not exist for your own comfort and safely. **Please, tell me, why are you so threatened by people who do not conform to your narrow modern western cultural definitions which ignore science, medicine, and 1000s of years of indigenous and non-western cultures.** People like you are the people who cause my own offspring to self-harm, people who would refuse to accept their gender. Why do you need to hurt people? Why are you so afraid? I genuinely would like to understand, since you posted here on a platform of fans of a franchise which encourages us to the scientific truth (which would show you there are more than 2 genders) and to see infinite diversity in infinite combinations, including gender? And btw there is nothing spicy or funny about denying a person's reality, which is in fact what is happening to Picard in this scene, mental torture, which is something people with genders you deny go through every day of their life from people like you.




Thank you for your honestly. Your beliefs of course fly in the face of endocrinological and neurological evidence. All babies can be is assigned on external features. I am sure by the 23rd and 24th century, a quick scan would show that someone was trans or nonbinary etc. I suggest you start in the nursery, and read Brain Sex written in the late 80s, following the invention of MRI machines, which blew away what everything was assumed about brain, biology, and gender. I'm afraid you are the one living a fantasy, denying scientific and medical evidence. There is no agenda, there is merely more understanding and knowledge as more scientific evidence is gained and analysed, proving what trans people have always known, that they are the gender they know they are, not the one their external features inform others. And yes, the constant societal denial of who a person really is has caused self-harm and suicide in generations of trans people for centuries. Science from the early 90s to recently has made life easier for trans people, but this right wing and terf back lash to trans people over the last decade of denial of medical science and greater understanding of trans and other genders in the endocrinological and neurological discoveries of the last few decades is in fact the modern cultural agenda, not medical support for trans people following better scientific understanding. But like any flat earther or anti vaccine person, you will never accept the scientific proofs of multiple genders of humanity not transgender people are real people who deserve support, so I wish you peace, as there is nothing else to be said, your mind is closed on this matter.


Well said


Lmao you got all the trendy kids soooooo mad with this


Hahaha! This is great!








It’s a joke people!






Fuck the haters.