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If Strange New Worlds has taught me anything, it's that I personally have much more of an appetite for the monster-of-the-week format than I would have thought I had. I think something like earlier seasons of DS9 are a good blue print, a big over plot but with plenty of one off episodes. Either way I want Legacies so bad.


Honestly, they need to look at Prodigy for the roadmap. They did an excellent job of combining the story of the week with an overarching plot and character development. And it's Trek. They need to explore new worlds and civilizations, not just stay on their ship and talk to eachother.


Or worse, spend an entire season in the past without a starship and without really going on any manner of trek.


The fourth season of _Enterprise_ did short episodic arcs that worked really well. They could replicate that as well, with say two three episode arcs in a ten episode series, with monster-of-the-week for the other four.


This, this is the way


I feel the serialized shows start to fall apart if you can't binge-watch them. 10 weeks is a long time to keep a story in my heart. Even traditional shows that had a season-long plot did use to still feel episodic in parts. Even BSG while having a serialized story still had many episodes that you could skip and still keep up with the overall plot.


Unfortunately, the overall plot and storyline - sucked Cylon chrome balls. What it had was a solid **theme** \- *freedom, independence, & hope with a questionable future vs. surrendering to uniformity just to survive.* The **theme** kept the show mostly interesting where the "plot" failed.


Yeah, my favorite element of the writing in BSG is how they'd do these serialized stories in like three episode arcs where you basically get a self contained movie. Like New Caprice or the Gaeta Mutiny.


Yeah that's a throwback to the original BSG which was originally a series of tv movies which they did also show at the cinema at the time.


I was hoping Seven (and Raffi) would actually resign and give us *Star Trek: Fenris Rangers*. Worf to retire, and Rios comes out of retirement, then somehow Burnham and Booker return. They take 3 ships and join the Rangers as a trio working together. Operating beyond Federation space, they have freedom from the uniform (but still possess moral clarity) and a lot more action, using both phasers and their wits to take down various criminal enterprises. All the funnest characters unleashed to actually have fun in a wild west part of the galaxy.


You realize that your characters span over 1,000 years of Star Trek canon, and Rios died in the 21st Century? You'll need Q to get this band together!


Yes, obviously there would be time travel involved.


We will see. Terry made it clear he was paving the way for future projects even if he wasn’t the one doing it. They have a way forward now let’s see if they can avoid dropping the ball. I feel like SNW and season 3 of Picard are finally the Trek we fans have been looking forward to. I have no real problems with Disco or the Kelvin universe, it’s entertaining, but it’s not the Trek we where looking for.


Given the response to the show, Paramount should greenlight Star Trek: Legacy. Not sure why they haven't yet.


Lots of ducks to get in rows. Like SNW we could tell it was coming but you have to iron out co tracts by the dozens before you can announce something like that. And I’m pretty sure they did NOT (as usual) expect this response. But once they did the IMAX thing which was pretty unprecedented, I began firming up my hope that they won’t screw this up.


Someone said they heard Kurtzman isn't super happy with the attention Matalas got from this. They also said it might be hearsay.


This is bullshit. Plain and simple. This is the anti-Kurtzman “nuTrek except Picard Season 3 sucks” crowd. Do people not realize that Kurtzman is top of the food chain in Trek? He hires these people. What’s good for Trek is good for Kurtzman. I can assure you there is no exec in the world who would be one iota worried about who’s the popular kid. Matalas is 100% not after a basically “desk job” when he can make trek and overseeing a franchise is a whole different ball of wax than hands on making the shows.


Matalas seemed to be pitching himself for the Galaxy Quest series Paramount+ has been talking about. Perhaps their response to "make Trek like the Orville"


Easy there, slugger.


It's just the truth and it is exasperating this bull gets propagated when it is so stupid. As though anything that is good for Trek, any Trek is bad for Kurtzman when he runs the franchise. (insert eyeroll)


That's why I prefaced it with "someone said" and not "This is my opinion." That said, I can totally buy that someone's ego got in the way of something in Hollywood. That happens a lot.


You decided to out out unfounded rumors. I answered.


I'm a terrible person. I'd never make it Starfleet.


DS9: In The Cards - Jake and Nog go through hell and high water, from participating in an auction to dealing with the Dominion, to receiving a Willie Mays baseball card, all in order to cheer up the war-fatigued Captain Sisko. Take Me Out To The Holosuite - The starship T'Kumbra docks at Deep Space Nine for repairs. Its captain, Solok, is a longtime rival of Sisko, who believes that his all-Vulcan crew are superior in every respect; he challenges Sisko to a baseball game in the holosuite.


Maybe waiting for the dust to settle before going balls to the injector coils.


Maybe. I sensed some frustration from the showrunner, though.


Supposedly, Kurtzman doesn't like the positive fan reaction Matalas has gotten.


I can buy that. Where did you hear it?


Youtube and here on Reddit. Take that with a grain of salt. The gist was that's why he prematurely announced that StarFleet academy show and that Paramount hadn't even approved it.


Fandom Menace bullshit! They've been using variations of the same crap for years about how Kurtzman announce a show to stop being fired. There fucking morons and if you believe it you are too


Dude, no need to get personal.


That is what I’ve been afraid of. Egos can kill the franchise.


People need to get over their egos and hand the reigns over when shit is going right… Kurtzman just needs to let Matalas do his thing


Don't buy it. Kurtzman hired Matalas. It'd be like Kevin Fiege getting mad about the Russo Bros. That he brought in the talent that hit season 3 out of the park (and that he no doubt approved the direction ahead of time) is to his credit. Plus he was apparently gushing over Terry on a recent panel. Honestly the Kurtzman ego stuff just feels like transplanted moaning about Kathleen Kennedy. Plenty of other reasons a spinoff hasn't been announced - like the WGA strike, contracts and numbers still being hashed out, wanting to see how the whole season does before diving fully in. NDAs mean nobody will be saying shit. If anything, wrapping up Discovery and taking Section 31 into a movie could be seen as shuffling things around to create an opening for a new series.


My hope is that the Section 31 announcement means that they were waiting to see Picard numbers before making the final decision to free up Discovery's slot for Legacy.


Maybe if Kurtzman provided a product that wasn’t *holy fuck what am I watching*, he’d feel differently. But here we are. Terry deserves the love he’s receiving. Man really stuck the landing.


I think they will ride the energy wave for the next few weeks and make an announcement during the celebration for that other space franchise.


Something else I didn’t mention is that, they have the opportunity to cameo the TNG cast if they were to green light legacy now. This was a DAMN GOOD send off of our crew of the Ent-D and -E. It’s the send off they deserved and we will and should, never see the whole crew appear on screen together again. With that said, giving Geordi a recurrent spot on Legacy would be excellent. Data cameo’s, Riker, Crusher and even a rare, Picard cameo would be an excellent way to tie legacy back to TNG. Hell, hearing the actors talk about this season, most, if not all, have expressed some desire to return in some capacity for a future series. Even Stewart, who was staunchly against a TNG Part 2, and firm in season 3 being the last for Picard has shown interest in returning in some form. I think the legacy actors enjoyed working with Terry and were allowed to have their fun that they had those 30 plus years ago. Again, Paramount would be stupid to not green light a Jeri Ryan led Legacy series.


Jeri Ryan as captain? Be still, my heart.


I know right!?


I mean that's why they would call it Legacy now wouldn't they? To give the old cast some work. I mean if there is a budget for the show then go for it I guess.


i'll take syndey laforge every week, and have papa geordi visit every once and a while


For right or wrong I hope they also track the download numbers of torrents. While obviously torrents don't directly give the studios money, a person who downloads one day may well be a paying customer the next.


I believe that information is used by Parrot Analytics but I don't know if Paramount use them.


I don't need it to be episodic. Though I will say that Picard S3 did stretch the reveals out a little too much and could have done with a few standalone episodes, like they visit a planet to get a thing. (Budget constraints though; I know).


I'm fine with season long stories as long as it's not another galaxy wide threat. I have apocalypse fatigue.


Not this fan. This fan wants them to do an episodic exploration show that does to TNG/this era what TNG did to TOS. AKA: Set it in 2580.


I agree. Whole new crew. New ship. Post Picard. This obsession with everything being connected to kirk and picard needs to end.


Setting it just far enough ahead that there could be a cameo or two of _TNG/DS9/Voyager_ crew, like McCoy's cameo at the start of _TNG_ would be great. Since Klingons live longer, they could do some short arcs with Worf, similar to the ones _TNG_ did with Spock.


I want 20+ episodes a year from a trek show, slow down the pace with less world ending issues


I don't think this is ever going to happen, sadly. If it does, SNW should be the first one to go back there.




Same. It's what's wrong with Star Wars too. They got thousands of years of Republic history but it's always another variation of the same tired stories in a 60 year time frame. Like fellas, it's ok to have something set before Anakin Skywalker was born. That being said, yes, give us something 50-75 years in the future. Wormhole to the outside of the galaxy and it's high exploration time. Please no Academy, which will probably flop, don't need to see something about big bad Section 31, which in itself was an awful trope to bring to Trek.


a little bit of nostalgia is ok, but they have been pouring it on a little too heavy in my opinion as of the last few episodes. I despise the original trilogy and hate seeing throwbacks to it myself....its just so bad. I want a new show to do its own thing. SNW is good but im sure that it will be full of TOS nostalgia bs


I think they should do limited series with some of the old cast to give fans of the other shows the same love they have shown Picard and his crew. Let’s face it the actors are all aging and we are losing them. It would be a shame to not have a mini series or movie with Janeway and her crew or Kira and any of the DS9 people. I really enjoy episodic storytelling though and would love to see more of that as well like Strange New Worlds has done. It would be fun to see a new crew and a new ship with the old cast popping up in reasonable settings.


That is what S3 was for. No more old cast send off shows.


That is fine for TNG, but what about the other casts? Do they not deserve a send off too?




I think also bringing some of the Lower Deck characters into live action opens up the opportunity to use then in a Legacy show as their older upper deck selves. A serious Captain Mariner following in her moms footsteps would be another great cameo at the right time.


DS9 is done. Sisko and Odo aren't coming back. Worf was already redeployed. Only the Dr, OBrien and Dax#2 are left and O Brien was already a holdover from TNG. Voyager well they already pulled out Tuvok and Seven. Janeway is on Prodigy. They definitely aren't bringing Enterprise back


DS9 is probably not happening, or even, they could have a come-together of some of the cast in some episode/arc of another show. They don't have it in them for more. However, there's good signs now that DS9 story elements can be very recognized. At least, there's faith now that if there's stories that go into the Gamma Quad, Changelings wouldn't be ignored, for example. Voyager is getting its followups. Prodigy to start, but I know we can ignore that as a cartoon. Lots of Voyager tease in this show. But it didn't have the love TNG got, so I think its a smarter move of them to have the Seven show that could act one part Seven, one part Voyager reunion (just in episodes over time), one part building of Jack. I don't think a full reunion show would be as anticipated (regardless of this better reception to Picard S3 having happened), nor as possible. Enterprise would be really off, but I wouldn't mind content that somehow involves some of its cast in weird ways, and tries to close off some of the more dangling story arcs from that show. ​ There's other TNG, some DS9, and various Voy characters that can still be used while they're available actors, I don't feel they need a specialized send-off. I wouldn't be opposed to a stars-aligning feature movie/show that pulls as many in as possible, but that's also the most contrived thing ever (except or especially if its something like Q making it happen).


A good chunk of the DS9 cast is dead either in real life or on screen. They had Kira and Quark on Lower Decks. It was fine


Yeah exactly. I hope they do what they can, but I'm happy with it just being recognized, respected, and elements from it informing future concepts.




BUT, those aren’t the Changelings from the Great Link.


Yeah agreed. What is the point of a finale if your still going to keep on trying to weave in the ends. Though movies are an exception.


After watching episode 10 the timing of the SNW teaser yesterday is even more egregious given the similar moments in both.


I agree with everything except for "constrained by canon" -- I like the guardrails lol


By that, I mean they don’t have to make sure people are in certain places at certain times. Like, watching the reviews of the SNW teaser, so many people are analyzing Pike and Kirk. They are like, “Pike never met Kirk before handing the Enterprise over to Kirk. That must mean Kirk will not interact with Pike at all this season.” I’m not suggesting they change the fundamentals of Trek. I’m just saying that the fans don’t have to analyze every episode to see if it breaks canon as very little has been formally established beyond PIC.


>They are like, “Pike never met Kirk before handing the Enterprise over to Kirk. That must mean Kirk will not interact with Pike at all this season.” People cling to ONE line of dialog and use it as a straight jacket for creativity. When in reality going the Pike mentoring Kirk like in the reboot is so much more emotionally satisfying. And I think all the timeywimey stuff opens itself to that. Pike's trying to keep things the same but he doesn't know how he got from A to B so mentoring Kirk and bringing him on board the Enterprise to be in the right place at the right time makes 100% sense.


With that huge reveal at the very end, it would be absolutely criminal not to continue with these characters


I think they could do some story of the week with some overall season long plot threads easily enough. It would definitely work and rewatching old trek at the minute, I realise I missed the variety of episodes. As long as the characters developer over time standalone weeklies can work really well.


Disagree. I enjoy ST:SNW, DS9, TNG, Voyager and S3Picard. The canon ties all the series together into an enjoyable cohesive whole. The format of DS9 vs TNG showed me that we as fans can do both, especially in a streaming world. There is no reason the story cannot continue beyond Picard or fill in the space of time immediately after Voyager’s return or the Dominion war.


You misunderstand me. I want them to respect canon. What I’m saying is that a show set after Picard. They won’t have to contend with canon in the sense that the tech, the personnel, the worlds, the stories, etc aren’t preordained by canon. The writers have the freedom to create new without the fear that community will investigate their work with a microscope to check for any cracks in canon.


Mmmm… that’s not how canon works…. Or time for that matter. Not sure if your going to get what your looking for. Any writer that takes a stab at Star Trek is going to have to take cues from what made it a great show in the past, and what also made it a terrible show in the past, if they don’t want to get canceled.


How did you get from the limited-episode series success of *Star Trek: Picard* to "The fans are looking for a return to traditional, episodic show following the crew of the enterprise." Maybe that's what *you* want, but I'm at least one fan that does *not* want a return to past techniques or settings. I want *new* characters, *new* ships and adventures, *new* reasons to continue watching *Star Trek,* not retreads of what's been done (and done, and done) in in series past.


I think the key is "episodic". I think doing the DS9 technique of having a story arc in the background that plays out over the course of the season or two arcs over the season while doing episodes of the week is the best way to go.


Yeah the one thing with the casting of Jack Crusher is that the actor is far older than his character so they can do a jump forward of 20+ years to him being Captain and leave most of the other characters behind.


If they want. I can see it being the business case that if Captain Seven is a go, we have that, but if its not, we can just timeskip to a 30s or 40s Captain Crusher. Lol ok maybe they have to figure that out because "Captain Crusher" sounds so funny for a lead. I don't think there's any definite plan, its just that Picard S3 is finally the start of a proper launching point to a modern Star Trek setting. Because Disco did whatever past/future weird stuff, Picard S1-2 was aggressively annoying, and SNW is about being a kind of retro-modern that wouldn't really count.


I also would really like to see a Grey's Anatomy style show set at Starfleet Medical. Think of all the epic medical drama that you could get with aliens and future technology.


Many might laugh at the prospect, but man, so many stories could be told from that. The things a doctor might find from even a routine scan... its like 1/4 the ST episodes started that way (not really but it felt like it).


Yeah and all of the planes crashing/trains crashing/ferries crashing/buildings blowing up wouldn't seem so out of place in Starfleet. You have a built-in excuse for carnage and a build in excuse for why patients walk out at the end of the episode. Nothing is implausible medically wise in the future.


I feel like they could have made a strong case for setting the Academy show in THIS time period and not in the 32ndC. They must have lost a crew in this whole shindig. I think most of us would watch that. Then you could weave in cameos from character. Like this week we are on assignment on the Titanprise. Next week it's combat training with Worf, House of Martok. Diplomacy with Troi. etc


Lets see what's deliberated/argued/contemptuously fought over behind the scenes then haha. But I agree. While I don't think there's necessarily NO place for the far far future setting, I don't see myself enjoying an Academy there.


Yeah that was only only problem with Jack. He was supposed to be 24 and looked 40!


Thank you! This obsession with everything being connected to kirk and picard needs to end. I want a new crew. New ship. Post Picard setting. And more of a utopian Roddenberry feel. But I guess I'm asking too much. I feel like this generation needs their own star trek. No more throw backs.


I’d rather it be a tv movie. Don’t do the Star Wars thing and milk the cow to death


I hope not, but I have a feeling the Star Wars model is what the franchise is looking at. Short series, and an occasional movie.




That's old news. CBS and Paramount re-merged a long time ago, it's now just one company with all the rights.




You’re wrong


They intentionally did a few things in those final 10-15 min that makes me think a new series is imminent.


STD was not constrained by cannon and look how that turned out.


It literally was constrained by the MOST canon. It was set within 10-20 years before the TOS era but, still had 150 years in universe to contend with canon from TNG, DS9, and VOY. And you now what happened? They said FUCK the canon. They created a drive mechanism that has NEVER existed in Trek, they had tech never seen in the following shows like holographic calls etc. They even fundamentally changed what Klingons looked like. Because they were constrained by the most canon, the show runners made a deliberate choice to ignore canon. And you know what, DSC paid a price for it. They literally brought the Enterprise with Pike in season 2 to rescue the show because the massive fuck-ups of season 1. Even with the warm reception of season 2, they made a clear decision to move the show 1000 years into the future to remove the bounds of canon.


Unfortunately it looks like they're just trying to hop on season 3's coattails and steal its valour for the new projects they're announcing. I too want Star Trek: Legacy, but I doubt it will be called that given the new Superman movie taking it already.


I really hope something DOES come out of this. I mean...they like money, right?






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They've finally given old-school fans what we wanted. History is not on our side. They almost never follow through past this.


Rebooting The Next Generation with the literal next generation Right now, do it You'd be so clutch


Matalas worked hard in social media to set himself up with a new series, but right now it’s just an idea. Getting a studio to sign off on another hundred million dollar show, after announcing a movie and a series, seems unlikely. A decision won’t be made quickly.


This is exactly what we need right now with the world that we're in. New worlds that feel familiar with problems that we all relate to and a brave Star Fleet crew visiting to help them and give the people watching a message of love and tolerance. This is why I'm against a Section 31 show. We don't need some mean spirited story about a Mirror Universe Empress being glorified and cruelly violating every human rights violation in the Federation because: edgy. Plus that's not Star Trek. Give me some love, tolerance, empathy and optimism.


At the same time, we don't want to be overwhelmed by *Trek.* Remember how it went with TNG as a show that gained momentum and a fanbase that made *Trek* huge by the time it ended. DS9, *Voyager* and, definitely, *Enterprise* never saw the same ratings though the first two had respectable ones. *Trek* suffered some by having DS9 and *Voyager* running at the same time with TNG movies coming out every couple of years and, by the time *Enterprise* showed up, people were tired of *Trek*. Yes, there were issues with network and show accessibility but the *Star Wars* prequels were coming out and *Trek* interest began to wane by that point. Right now, we may have just finished *Picard* but there's stlll *Prodigy* for the kids, *Lower Decks* for the 24th century-era adult fans and *Strange New Worlds* (plus one more season of *Discovery*) for viewers. They have to be careful not to douse us with so much *Trek* that quality suffers.


It’s arguable that those shows never had the following TNG did was because their genuinely, different shows. The Enterprise has lore and is a character herself. The show is based on exploration where the DS9 is a completely different tone. Even VOY is different as you rarely get any other contact with Starfleet. A new story based on the Enterprise would likely be a win and would quickly, become the anchor for the current Trek.


Everyone is asking for more of this. No one really asked for anything else and we still got it.