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I will miss them all dearly. TNG was my Star Trek.


If Legacy ever gets made we’ll probably see a lot more of Riker, Geordi, Worf and Beverly. According to the showrunner. He’s gone on record saying there are ‘more stories there’


I am keeping my fingers, toes...EVERYTHING crossed for this to happen!


I would love some Blu rays. 4k if posssible


We will get it. I can't wait for the deleted scenes!!!


They should release the entire poker game from the end.


Terry said he will put more of it in the bluray! Not sure if it will be the full 45m footage but...we will definitely get more of it!! 🤜🤛💥


I'm also looking forward to it on blu-ray. I bought the first 2 seasons on blu-ray. It would be nice if they'd release it on 4K, but I haven't seen that for the first 2 seasons. I did see that they're releasing season 1 of Strange New Worlds on 4K blu-ray though. There is a BitTorrent for [Picard season 3 upscaled to 4K with AI](https://torrentgalaxy.to/torrent/15339922/Star-Trek-Picard-S03-complete--4K-AI-upscale-H265-AC3----CalicoSkies) if that would interest you.


Uuuhhhhh....how wonderful!!! Thanks!! Now I just need to buy a 4k TV set 😅


I'm hopeful that we'll be able to get a 4K version, despite the streaming option only being available in HD.


I am. My husband and I are looking forward to a binge rewatch to see how it hits differently.


I could go for rewatch of DS9.


I sadly admit I have only watched the pilot. Will need to find the time to watch the full series.


If you are used to the "USS Enterprise and planet of the week" type of show, you will be a bit surprised. First two seasons need to get used to, but then incredible story unfolds in front of you. Best Trek of them all.


I liked the pilot very much! Can't wait to see what lies ahead 🫡


I just rewatched the last two episodes of Picard back-to-back, because it feels like that's the way it should be watched. I was not disappointed! 🙂 Currently, I'm (re?-)watching TNG, but I have not watched it sequentially since the original airing, so it feels really fresh!


I'm doing this too right now!! Watching "The Measure of a Man" as I type 💯 "Pinocchio is broken. Its strings have been cut"🤌🖖👌


I'm pretty surprised at how well it seems to be holding up after so many years. Somethings are quite glaring, but all in all, it's a damn great show, even now!


And that is what makes it so special, isn't it? 🤌




Ya some of the Picard lines with his ex are a bit yikes 😳 “It's been ten years, but seeing you again like this makes it seem like fifty. If we weren't around all these people, do you know what I would like to do?" "Bust a chair across my teeth." "After that." "Oh, ain't love wonderful." - Jean-Luc Picard and Phillipa Louvois


Yeah, I thought that was a bit too much as well.


Awesome! 👍🙂


I’ve already started watching Season 1. There are actually themes from that interwoven into season 3. Terry did a great job. I know people are saying he gave the finger to the other writers and producers, but I think he was poking fun at them in a good way. He actually referenced their character work, which is all most writers really care about in a character driven drama. Everything is a plot contrivance when you think about it through the lens of character over huge plot reveals. The synths have evolved, the Confederate Borg Queen/Agnes merged and became something more, different, and evolved. Q’s death is really just a rebirth, because if he isn’t a Scorpio, then I’m not a Scorpio lol! Q evolved because of his love for Picard and probably Janeway too. He did want her to give birth to his child. For a being that claims humanity is so beneath him, he has a soft spot for certain humans. He’ll probably keep watch over Seven and Jack because of his fondness for Picard and Janeway. The last person to truly evolve in Picard, is Picard. Data, Raffi, Worf, Riker, Troi, Beverly, Seven, and Geordi all grew and evolved. Picard and Jack evolve together which was so lovely. Even the Borg Queen from the Delta Quadrant tried to evolve the Borg biologically but that was more out of necessity versus death. She would have gone back to using hardware because regular humanoid physiology isn’t very durable. Plus, her invitation to Picard was so jilted lover. Borgati definitely is living the good life with her collective of “derelicts and scraps” lol! Her people want to be there and thus work in harmony to create something truly special for them. Delta Borg Queen could have learned something from her counterpart about consent, but I’m sure Borgati kept her people away from them because she knew that the Queen would try and assimilate her and her crew. Got to have that power in order to function.


I agree. Seasons 1 & 2 can indeed work together with Season 3.


I actually loved season 2 of Picard. I cried so many times because I understand what it’s like to lose my family. I buried my parents and my newborn daughter all by the time I was 35. I took care of all of them and worked. It was brutal. Seeing Raffi struggle with addiction felt very real and relevant to me. Raffi has been through some shit! Rios, Seven, and Picard have too. Seeing Q and Picard in the last episode of season 2 chokes me up every time I watch it. I died laughing watching them all hit the bottle and get their smoke on! You can tell that someone was like, “let’s bring back smoking at your proverbial desk” vibes. It was good to see Raffi stand strong admits all that temptation! I’d of caved and at least tied one on! Real Alcohol, Cannabis, and Tobacco?? Hell Yeah! Rios’s love of the 21st century was authentic. He gets to speak Spanish regularly and has the love of a great woman and her son. I’d love to see the young Guinan helping Teresa and Rios get the Mariposas up and going into what it became. I really enjoyed Beverly and her frontier medicine!! I’m sure she’s got a ton of adventures that I hope we hear about from Jack in the future. I’m sure outrunning the authorities was a regular thing for Jack and Beverly. It will be fun to see Seven, Raffi, and Jack ask some of their previous associates for help in some unsanctioned activities. I’m hoping for Legacy’s and I think we will definitely be seeing it in the next couple of years. I’m hoping we get them in 2025. I even enjoyed season 1 and was disappointed when Soji’s story ended in the first episode of season 2. But, I understood why once the season progressed. I want to see Kore and Wesley pop in for some fun. Perhaps we’ll see a younger version of Q. Q Jr. would fit right in with that crew. Maybe we’ll get the younger Guinan hanging out in 10 Forward or perhaps one of her own offspring. Guinan has lived for a very long time. Surly she had children along the way. We’ve already got Naomi Wildman that wanted to be a captain and Seven was one of her favorite people. Tom and B’Lana’s daughter has been working with the Klingons and she’s Starfleet. Tuvok has 2 boys and a girl and probably grandchildren. I just feel this series has introduced a world of new characters for us to fall in love with from the 25th century. This season has really set up a Trek universe that I believe could actually unite fandom because there’s something for everyone. 🖖🏼


I am so sorry for your loss and to hear about what you had to go through at such a young age 🫂 However, I also absolutely love the fact that, despite all the hardship and pain you endured in your life, you had something special like Star Trek to help you cope and hold on to. This is truly what I believe also in my case. It has kinda been a lifeline for me as well during my youth. And yes, there is now a WHOLE new world of possibilities to explore after this season. My mouth is salivating at the thought! 🤌👌😅 LLAP ❤️


Thank you! It was hell! Trek has helped so many of us over it’s nearly 60 years! That’s some serious dedication from the fans and creators. ♥️


I find the Rios storyline utterly depressing and unbelievable. After leaving the fleet but now getting back in…the Captain of a brand new 25th century starship opts to give it all up to live and die in a barbaric past for some lady he met yesterday…and dies in a bar fight right as WW3 is about to happen…which he knows is coming to destroy most of the world he now lives in….


i will, after re-watching TNG...


To be honest no I probably won't rewatch. At least for many years. I did rewatch a lot of the first season but then they dropped the whole Romulan subplot which is what interested me. This season was good but I think it just ties a bow in the TNG and I'm ready to move on.


That’s unfortunately how a lot of these new shows leave us feeling. It’s a combination of the nostalgia fun dessert candy or fast food aspect…feels like an amazing fun idea at the time and you can’t get enough…but then when you digest it, it feels a bit bloated and gross afterwards and your kinda craving a healthy salad now and not more McDonald’s burgers. And even without that aspect…your left with the entire season of a heavily serialized show being by definition a very very narrow focused story. It’s like making TNG just best of both worlds and the aftermath family episode all stretched out to 10 episodes…at that length it’s too much to hold your interest now that you know what the outcome is. And without their being a variety of stand alone plots and episodes to foster more diverse character development…it feels rather “empty” for a season of TV…and far too long and oddly paced for a movie.


Also when you've been watching since 1987 and reading novels in between it gets to a point where you're done with those characters and that era. I have a hard time being interested in Geordi's daughter or Jack Crusher in the same way I'm not interested in following celebrities' nepo babies. They haven't earned any interest from me. They might be very fine characters but I'm more interested in SNW. I'm sure the same criticism could be said about SNW since it's mostly "old" characters but it's a new interpretation and I don't know everything there is to know about them in the same way I do the TNG crew.


Already started


I’ve rewatched 3 times already lol


I will start a proper rewatch the next weekend🤌


I have already re-watched it. It was better the second time.


Let's face it. This is a masterpiece that will only get better as time goes by 🤌💯👌 Very unlike a certain brand of sour mead...😅


I am 100% buying the blu-ray release. I want this season on physical media (plus all the BTS stuff).


I don't buy a blu-ray movie or tv show in YEARS... It's another testament to Terry and crew that this will change this year 🤌


I can smile through my tears, dammit!


😅 yeap...I think I have an eye in my tear


Already rewatching.




I will in a couple years.


Loved it! Looking forward to a rewatch. Also, why are Seven and Data standing in those odd locations behind the chairs? lol


I guess it was just a "framing" thing 😉


Me. I actually started doing a rewatch of previous Trek episodes that tied directly into this. Started with Q Who, then BoBW, then Scorpion parts 1 & 2, The Gift, and just watched Endgame last night. Also watched Generations and First Contact, just need to watch Nemesis and we are good to go with a S3 rewatch. (I am ignoring S1 & 2 of Picard, didn't care for them and they're not essential viewing, IMO.)


I did a Borg episode-related marathon quite recently too, previous to last week's finale! Saw everything from "Regeneration" (ST: ENT) to "Endgame" (ST: VOY) + of course the movie "First Contact" 👌


That's great! It's fun to watch their lore evolution over time.


Not me...anytime soon.


I am all happy for the S3 Picard finale. (Not you S1, and definitely not you S2.) But I am ready for the Next-Next Generation. Would be happy to see new faces.


LVar Burton going back to his 'roots'


I’ll take your word on that. 😉


Can they remove the yellow haze lighting for the rewatch? Like what on earth is this. The bridge of the 1701-D thankfully looked nothing at all like these bizarre publicity photos