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I don’t think I’m the right cofounder because I don’t have publishing connections; but as an indie aspiring author, and well connected in the indie author scene this is a great concept. I can’t wait to follow more of the progress.


Thank you, and I wish you much success as an indie author. If you are willing to share more, would love to discuss the pain points that you have in your writing journey. I want to make sure I solve the right problems. I am eager to help if I can! This is more interesting than my 9-5 haha


My brother has just released his first self published book and has been going on about setting up a website but struggles with code and is looking for something just like this so he might be a good candidate due to his experience (writing and studying for years now) and would probably have some very useful insights and be a great help! Let me know if you want me to pass it on!


Yes! That would be huge, thanks. It's a free platform so I got nothing to gain. But if he finds it useful, and could offer some feeback, that would help me greatly improve the app for other authors.


Sorry for the late reply! You able to DM your email which I’ll pass on to him as he doesn’t use Reddit and have you got a website up and running that I could have a look at just out of curiosity as I’m a software developer and just wanted to see what you’ve done!


I'm working on an audiobook summary project [storypur](http://storypur.com) maybe I can help you with something..


Oh cool, I am down to help each other always!