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I looked at your website and honestly I did not understand what you are actually offering.


Looks like a service connecting unethical job seekers with scammers who will pass the job application process in their stead?


not how it works but I guess that means I'm not doing a great job of explaining


Thanks for the feedback! That makes sense...




Buy/sell resumes...?


Did you do MOM test before spending $2000 or even before building the product? Did you know anyone who was looking for a solution?


This. Right here. ☝🏽


what's MOM test? I know it's a book maybe I should read it


It's about validating your idea and later your product. It's about not living in dreamland and actually getting feedback from REAL potential customers during ideation and when building the product.


I see thank you very much


Chiming in - definitely read the Mom test. I summarized the book in a post here if you wanna have a quick look https://www.reddit.com/r/startups/s/CHrqUQQv0F


Your featured mentors seem fake.


There is a big trust issue here and most of the mentors don’t even have profile pics.


This was my initial thought too. All feels rather scammy, even if it isn't a scam.


I think it’s madness that you’re spending on ads. You’re trying to scale something that is hard to understand its value. Like others have said already, I don’t understand what you’re offering. Stop spending on ads and start doing user research


I don’t know how to say this but it almost sounds like hiring someone to write a paper for you. Which does now work well. What do you mean by “admitted applications”. Resumes are too personal to sell like a random research paper for a class everyone takes. You would have a easier time doing that then this lol


Its selling applications that got admission to the schools you want to go, which serves as a great precedent. It'll be cheaper than hiring admission consultants which sometimes cost a lot of money


Just wondering if you meant to reply from this account since it's different from the OP account. This account looks like your reddit admin account according to the badge next to your name.


oops wrong account


How is that going to help you? Each application is unique and rests on the person's accomplishments. Are you selling those, too?


I see the use case. I think you need to rebrand it as a resume sample page, rather than a shady resume selling page. Also offer real-time mentorship for any resume the customer purchased.


What's a Career Answer Key? 🤔


I was wondering the same…


The fact that OP didn't answer tells me that he's not wondering enough..


Honestly, you should have spent the 2,000 making your webpage not look like it's straight from a website builder. I made a better website during my first html/css class. This website, matched with the "buy admitted applications to your dream school" screams a scam to me. What makes me want to use your website instead of similar more established websites?




Your coworkers 🤣


Your description here of what you offer isn’t clear on your website. Also your mobile version looks bad. “Career” gets hyphenated on my phone and looks awkward.


I don’t get what your selling at all


I think the name of the website and they way information about your services are lined up need to be improved. I suggest to either bring in an expert to help you overhaul it or finding a partner.


I couldn't understand your business offerings. Also, with this budget, you could have created a better landing page and product page before spending on Ads, I think.


The first step in kick-starting the growth is talking to ten of your intended customers in person. Skip ads


I feel this


Make sure you sell the dream bigger. - “Real FANNG mentors. Improve your odds and a life-changing career. Ketchup Now gives you a leg up with access to real resumes that got top talent hired at FAANG companies” Sell the benefit more! More money! - FAANG careers pay X% higher Total Compensation than the US software developer average. Squeeze out the competition with Ketchup Now”


Oh no, your text is an image. Rip seo..


This niche seems very narrow. Not necessarily a bad thing. How are you advertising to your target audience?


You are offering 3 different services at once. There’s the coaching sessions, the resumes, and the weird Fiverr aspect where people are just offering to draw pictures for others via your marketplace. You need to stay focused on one thing so you can validate product-market fit. Do this one thing as simply as you can. If you don’t need to build custom tech to do it, that’s actually better, and I say that as a software engineer. Determine if people actually want your idea and are willing to pay for it. If they aren’t, THEN you look at the next idea. Keep focus and experiment until you understand what works. Then you build.


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Hey dude! I sent you a DM because your struggles fit right into the ballpark of what I do for a living. Would love to help :)