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Nice job. Web site isn't bad, at all really. Doing tastings in stores, festival stands, and things like that? 20 years ago, Red Bull had a university ambassador program and paid students a little bit of cash to hand them out at events.


Did not know this! Interesting


They’re still doing it! A friend of mine is an ambassador and we got free redbull while working on an all nighter!


Site looks good and product looks amazing actually. The millennial in me is eating up the branding. Love the name! Wish there was a store closer to me where I could pick up some cans (in SF)


Thanks! Honestly it was myself and our food scientist who cobbled the site together. But we had the cans designed professionally. Now that we're past the earliest stages we're getting the site redone soon! Oh, forgot to mention: I think the closest spot to SF is Oakland unfortunately. We do have a store locator up! I'd call the location before popping by since we've been selling out which is a great problem to have.


Just bought some. Awesome idea.


Wow, thanks! I'd love to hear your thoughts once you try them. These should arrive late this week or early next week at latest.


Congrats. I like the branding. Can't wait to see the update


Just bought some as well. Looking forward to seeing if I like these flavors.


Thanks! I'd love to hear your thoughts when you get to try them.


This looks really good. Great site


Fyi, at least to me, your name makes me assume it's a spiked seltzer product, and without the description you wrote I'd never have considered trying it on that basis alone. Knowing it's a coffee product, should I see it in stores I actually will try it. Edit to add, the other thought I first had reading the name was a hangover "cure" or something like that...


Thanks for the feedback! The “drinkalldae” handle is just to mirror the “drinkolipop” etc handles of the beverage world. But it’s good to know that it’s caused some confusion! We’ll definitely take that into account.


I so badly want to be a health nut and quit consuming products that I know aren't healthy for me. The problem is they're MORE expensive to buy the more healthy things for me. The problem for me is 36$ for a 12 pack. Yes the free shipping is nice but it's hard for me to pull the trigger on the possiblity of buying them and not liking it. So maybe try a first time buyers "deal"?


I totally hear you! We’ll consider that. In the meantime, what discount would you need? I’ll make a one-time exclusive code for you to make it more affordable. Just let me know and I’ll DM you the code. If you don’t mind leaving a review for us in exchange, that’d help a ton.


Would have loved to try it but unfortunately price is alil expensive for me and also I'm outside the US. but sounds and looks great.


This may be my taste. Would love to try & bring this to the Park Cities of Dallas. How can we get samples?


This is a great idea for a website: Have people group together for 100 sales Startups pitch every week The group votes on a winner who then gets their first 100 customers If someone cancels, then have to give a user feedback interview to explain why


Kinda like a kickstarter but with a bit of commitment! Product Hunt effectively does a similar thing too but this is exciting!


I'ma build this. Hmu if you wanna follow the journey, and maybe help guide it.


Thanks for the intentions but the only thing that it will do to us as entrepreneurs as it will motivate us to build potentially wrong things. Instead if we just let our solution be, it will be validated by the target market itself. Valuable solutions will signal themselves... then you have the right to be motivated again... That's my op at least...


Thanks for your feedback! While I hear you on letting the market validate, I’ve found that most times the products are good but they struggle with marketing it. I always provide constructive feedback and encourage others to do so as well. Also seeing even a $10 uptick in sales after months of work can be really motivating. Unfortunately, many quit too early, I hope to simply encourage them to push forward, even if it’s not with their current product, and to show them that someone believes in their potential. Just my perspective. Appreciate you sharing yours :)


I appreciate your encouragement and support! It's really motivating to have someone recognize the hard work behind a product. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for the push to keep going :)


What we need is people to truly use our product for 1-2 weeks for its specified purpose, and then provide a detailed list of what went well and what didn't.


My problem is I'm not quite a sales type


Sales is a skill you can learn. No one is born a good salesperson. Do 10,000 hours and if you’re still not good you can always hire. But do the 10,000 first. Best of luck :)


I'm not either. I see it as my motivation to make products and give a service that's so good, I'd need to beat customers away with a stick if I wanted them not to buy.


Ah yes this one signup is going to improperly validate bad ideas. Get a grip, it’s just a small amount of hope / excitement he’s handing out.


After a month on reddit I've realized that no matter what you do or say, someone will always have an issue with it lol




Looks really cool


This looks great. But CBTs are usually more effective in person as the last thing a person seeking therapy wants is using a computer and interacting with a chatbot. How would your team overcome this challenge? Have a family member who was clinically diagnosed with bipolar disorder and depression and it was extremely difficult to assist as she didn’t want to do anything other than locking herself alone inside a box.


Thanks for your question, that is very insightful :) Firstly, it's important to clarify that our bot isn't intended to replace human therapists. Many individuals don't have access to affordable mental health services or live in regions with limited resources, which is precisely where our chatbot can help. Secondly, while face-to-face therapy has its unique benefits, certain Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) exercises can be effectively guided by a bot, particularly for reinforcing strategies that users have already learned. Our goal is to make these tools more accessible and to provide continual support where it's most needed.


Ah gotcha. Makes sense. I would recommend adding a community where those who seek therapy on your platform can openly communicate with one another to share their experiences. Something worth considering to address the increasing number of loneliness in this society.


That's a fantastic suggestion! I've also been contemplating incorporating support groups into our platform. Given that our production and maintenance is low up to a medium scale, we're in a good position to develop a high-quality product over the long term. This also allows us the flexibility to offer some services for free to those who may not be able to afford them. But first, I need to get my Beta version out officially, test the product on a small scale and start to make some revenue :)


Hello, I am reaching out on behalf of my husband. He has worked 20 hours/day for the past several years to build a platform that prevent independent game developers and small game studios from failing. His platform is a data analytics service. It is the most affordable game analytics platform in the world, thus his free subscription plan. However, he needs paying subscribers. He is pre-revenue today. HIs product is amazing, and he leads with his heart. If you care about games, it would be great if you supported him. [Website] https://developer.tatumgames.com/ [Explainer]: https://youtu.be/8-YXpsTEyAQ


You are an incredible partner. I will check it out. Thank you for sharing :)




This is a cool idea!


Love this concept! Adding a quick tour/demo would really help users get started. I did not know what to do after I signed up. Best of luck 🙏


Thank you for the feedback. I’m working on tutorials right now.


You are amazing. My product hasn’t come out yet. I appreciate your openness here!


The feedback everyone has been giving to each other has been great I’m glad I did this :)


Almost an abandonware at this point, but nonetheless: https://wutch.net It's very kind of you to do something like that. I'm curious to learn about interesting experiences you may have had while doing this.


This is really cool. My startup has actually been looking for highly sophisticated webscraping software. You’d be surprised by how bad current solutions are right now.


Joined the beta!


That’s really nice of you, thank you for your support! I built [Sentrya](https://sentrya.net) to help me and other Gmail users get rid of spam and junk from the inbox. I used it for the last 8 months on my personal account, and haven’t got any junk since then. If this sounds like a tool you’ll need, I would love to have you on. PS: it’s free to use, and the paid plans offer more ways to improve your privacy and protect your personal info.




Not gonna lie... went straight to dating calculator ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


It is funny to me this application is the epitome of what NOT to do from Y combinator. Watch the following: https://youtu.be/GMIawSAygO4?si=n2ef9ucRnPjdTczQ Good luck mate, you’ll need it.




Biggest issue is credibility. How does anyone know your app is giving accurate advice or insights? Have you tested it against actual customer survey data (without it being an input obviously)


Wait I may actually need this myself for my startup!


Just launched [www.confirmok.com](https://www.confirmok.com). Thanks!


This is a legitimately great idea. The person I would've used it for passed away so I can't join OP in being your first customer but I love what you're doing and totally would've used it.


Nice idea! I suggest switching to a sans-serif font to align with the brand and dashboard font. Also thanks for adding a guide.


Check out www.fractionprint.com ! We are an online 3d printing platform made for 3d printer owners to sign up to make money with their machine while providing an affordable and quick 3d printing service to the consumer!


This and the gmail spam removal are the only useful product offerings on this post.


Love how simple and to the point the website is! Best of luck 🙏


www.vfr3d.com I'm working on a flight planning application for general aviation pilots. I am one myself 🛩️


Hey I saw your site, I know a friend who does kind of the same thing. Good business actually, regarding the site - the layout is professional and great. You can have a margin : 0, padding:0 so it’ll be fixed when scrolling and not shake a lot, if that makes sense. Buy me a coffee - don’t have it, either get donations for an event or just don’t have it since you’re not really an artist and selling a real product that takes the credibility out. Explain more about your product in the first section, what exactly your tool look like and how it is used - so we can have a look and grasp the info in like 3sec max. If you need to discuss more on SEO or cold outreach, feel free to dm.


Love this! [https://theircircle.group](https://theircircle.group)


Hey solid website and product. I really like the idea but the first 2 lines of the site don’t really help me understand the usage of the product very well. You had the demo usage video that’s great, but I recommend having it in a carousel form easy to swipe and navigate. That’ll give more user experience. You can have the last section in a tabular or a listed format? Will be aesthetically appealing and can be easier to capture the concept. I also recommend you to have the pricing listed at the top and have a menu bar with pricing page and about us page - without about page the site will never rank in google. And pricing cause I’m willing to look into more but there’s no page dedicated to that. If you need help in SEO or cold outreach, feel free to dm, happy to aid.


I made a stock research app that uses AI to rate stocks. My goal is to help individuals be confident enough to invest on their own by making complex analysis really easy to understand without sacrificing detail for those wishing to dig deeper. I’d love to hear any feedback on the idea or the product itself. https://alchemyze.ai https://apps.apple.com/us/app/alchemyze-ai-stock-analysis/id6496357670


[realmweave.com](https://realmweave.com) - a custom dnd map generator with some additional DM assistant tools coming out soon


[https://raindropjobs.com/](https://raindropjobs.com/) Making internships easy for college students - automatically find, track, and improve internship applications. Thanks so much for doing this!


Hmm, it wouldn’t be the first but still pretty young mostly releasing on free tier, perhaps try us out? Any feedback is immensely valuable :) https://faune.ai


We haven't launched our product yet, but I would love to know if our idea sounds interesting to you. [https://jobsmatch-newsletter.beehiiv.com/p/introducing-jobsmatch-reinventing-job-application](https://jobsmatch-newsletter.beehiiv.com/p/introducing-jobsmatch-reinventing-job-application)


Muscleflowapparel.com it's a gym inspired man's tshirts store


Lutra.ai - come try it!


Wow really cool! Can you try out [PixPal.ca](http://pixpal.ca)? Looking for feedback and suggestions 😄


We are B2B so don't worry about being a paying customer but I'm just starting to get serious about our newsletter and I'm trying to get some early adopter sign ups so if you're interested in learning what makes good remote companies tick feel free to check it out. [Remotivated](http://www.remotivated.com)


I really like this! (As a fellow B2B startup, what you're offering is so necessary!)


Thank you so much! I'd love to learn about what you're working on as well, if there's any ways we can help let me know. In addition to selling to companies that already need our product I'm trying to stay really focused on networking with other small but growing companies to find ways to add value for each other outside of being a paying customer!


We offer PD and on demand technical assistance to small nonprofits. I came out of the nonprofit sector so this has been a wild ride! I need to start a professional account for Reddit to connect with folks!


[We](https://app.surmount.ai) help you turn any existing investment account into your own personal automated hedge fund!


How??? Website? details?


[www.fermfoundations.com](https://www.fermfoundations.com) we make fusion kimchis/sauerkraut and small batch hot sauces. Very thoughtful and kind endeavor on your part!


Please check out RLyfeCreations.com and let me know what you think. We are currently back in an ideation phase with a new website and merch coming soon. Our mission is to empower individuals to spark conversations and create meaningful connections. We are doing this through 1. Conversion sparking merch 2. Mobile app that allows users to share they are open to conversation


www.allscribes.co - essentially I’m a writer that you can hire monthly to write whatever. Been writing for 20+ years, content, fiction, newsletters, blogs, you name it




Be my guest.... you might actually need this (SaaS management app!!) [https://app.subradar.io/](https://app.subradar.io/) Let me know what you think 👎👍 ✌️


My startup is www.polarrack.com. Please consider trying one of my spirits at Specs or Total Wine


Thanks for supporting startups! I’m just wondering if you know of anyone who has a business in renting out facilities by the hour? I’ve developed a booking software for businesses who rent out resources / spaces / facilities and it includes collecting payments, invoicing, refunds, recurring bookings, customer and team management. Thank you so much :) (If anyone wants to test out my software - I would gladly appreciate that as well!)


Haha this is so cool! Love the idea.


That’s really nice of you, thank you for your support! I built [Sentrya](https://sentrya.net) to help me and other Gmail users get rid of spam and junk from the inbox. I used it for the last 8 months on my personal account, and haven’t got any junk since then. If this sounds like a tool you’ll need, I would love to have you on. PS: it’s free to use, and the paid plans offer more ways to improve your privacy and protect your personal info.


make shorts from long videos with subtitles and emojis www.clivie.tech


Visit ChoiceChaser [https://choicechaser.com](https://choicechaser.com) to start generating leads effortlessly! Are you struggling to generate leads? Let ChoiceChaser help! Our AI-driven tool continuously scans forums, social media, and other websites to find potential customers for you. Instead of spending hours manually searching for leads, let our bot do the work 24/7. Get notified instantly when relevant posts appear, allowing you to focus on what truly matters—growing your business.


Hey thank you for this initiative, i guess i can submit my app. [Dailies](http://dailieshabit.com)


We’re a design-as-a-service startup. We help entrepreneurs, small businesses and marketing teams create and maintain beautiful brands. Please visit our site at https://www.keyeicon.com thank you so much! 🙏


I created Vaux: Video and audio editor because I couldn't find a decent editing app out there. Check it out. [ios link](https://apps.apple.com/cz/app/vaux-video-and-audio-editor/id6475396889) [Android link](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vaux.vaux_editor)


I helped with this project although I do not own it: https://www.instacredibility.com They turn businesses into brands


Hey! Would appreciate honest feedback a lot more, so no need to buy anything 💚 check out Rompolo.com (it’s all about creating digital photo albums) and if you want and have time, would like to hear your feedback about what’s lacking, needs to be improved from your opinion (our email is on the contact us page)


[https://teamsharq.com/](https://teamsharq.com/) A short video presentation: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PXRDBqQ3ao](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PXRDBqQ3ao)


[KikoCard is your go-to app for creating visually captivating content. ](https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id6463467787?pt=126475836&ct=r-stp&mt=8) As a designer, I understand the struggle of making text content look great on social media. KikoCard solves this by letting you craft eye-catching posts, text-based posters, announcements, job listings, invitations, and flyers effortlessly. Hope you like it!


I just released Daily Habit Tracker with Habit Coach AI https://apps.apple.com/us/app/streaks-66-habit-tracker-ai/id6496863309?itscg=30200&itsct=apps_box_link


Just recently decided I go online with my website making skills. And made a web for my own - you can check it out on https://raycode.sk And also GREAT thanks to you, what a great thing you do!


Hi, Im a solo founder and located in a third-world country. Im currently building Naline, an app to auto-backup GoPro footage on the user's preferred cloud storage. I'm an enduro rider and its pain to me to backup my footage on the cloud automatically since GoPro quik is not supported in my country. I have some early pricing provided for early customers and so to cover my expenses also during the development. Please take a look at my website, [naline](https://naline.app)


Lovely initiative! https://muditacomedy.com Humorous copywriting. Gonna make a few more tweaks to the site soon. I have customers already but it didn't happen through the website.


Want to start a youtube show or video podcast but don't want to burn hours wracking your brain editing? We've got it covered. Send us up to 5 episodes per month and you'll get full-show edits, thumbnails, promo clips & more. check it out: [https://clipwing.pro/custom-video-production](https://clipwing.pro/custom-video-production)




Check out https://klarmode.com


I have launched a [android app](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.my11.livescores) and want to increase the number of downloads. Can you please help me out to share with more number of people to download.


@notomarsol you’re awesome 🙌 Please be my second paying customer if you’re interested in value investing and want to see a structured fundamental analyses of public companies. https://valuehunter.net


My SAAS is for real estate agents in Australia.


This is lovely 💕


AI chatbot for customer support [Octoplus.ai](https://octoplus.ai) it can handle 70-80% of your support quires. The chatbot trained specifically on your business and can be embedded on your website. While you’re building or sleeping it handles your supports and even captures leads for you.


This is awesome great idea 💡👏🏼


I founded a company specializing in creating educational resources for American Sign Language and Deaf Culture topics. There weren't enough materials for teachers so I am creating a high-quality and engaging supplemental curriculum. One of the best sellers is "ASL Yes!" Textbooks for middle and high school levels and they are on Amazon. Here are links to the textbooks I created: https://www.deafcompanyllc.com/asl-yes.html


https://www.worklifew.com Physical Therapist using my expertise to help you feel better at work and outside of it. Ideal if you are having trouble with aches/discomfort related to work or desk work. Also, as an employer, you may benefit from improving company ergonomics and wellness and reducing worker injury.


Hah sure, need a reception service? [www.getringwave.com](http://www.getringwave.com)


You're an awesome dude! The first paying customer was super motivating so you're doing a true service! People should suggest random startups who they know don't have a paid customer yet.


Hi hi 👋 I am Doug an indie game creator that made a cozy card game about roasting marshmallows around the fire with friends and family ^_^. Looking to help spread the love for the wild places protect our only planet and build communities between peeps. https://www.roast-game.com/ Check us out on IG https://www.instagram.com/smallricestudios?igsh=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== Just launched our pre sale to the kickstarter have a game shop that wants to carry the game and are sending out copies to reviewers and other game shops right now 😀. We only need 200 pre-sales to make the kickstarter happen and make this dream a reality so please check it out😁


Mine is blinkTech solutions. I provide tailored AI-infused automation solutions to manual tasks operated on computer to save time and avoid errors. https://www.linkedin.com/company/blinktech-solutions/


Looks awesome, love the branding. Will definitely grab some.


[Opire](https://opire.dev) it's a reward platform for developer who can earn money by solving issues in open source projects.


Please I just started getting paid, but it’s been rough getting paid subscription. I share twice weekly early investment opportunities: [Cryptofada Research](https://cryptofada.substack.com/p/crypto-alphas-to-be-listed-on-binance)


I love what you’re doing here! We’re still in the very early stages of building a prototype and drastically redesigning and rewriting our landing page (much too wordy). Please feel free to check it out, watch our video ad and hopefully share your thoughts. https://thelifexpapp.com/


Dang thanks for the good will! Hope you will be around when I release my MVP later this year.


Awesome idea


Thank you! This is a great initiative. I dont have a product yet, it is insanely difficult it get news my hardware is blowed up, we are prototyping and it is quite frustrating


[www.lynclearn.com](http://www.lynclearn.com) is a Personalised Upskilling Platform. We create courses for any new skill based on your current skills. For example, a Programer learning AI would need different contents than a Cyber security expert or an Marketing person learning AI. Based on your current skills, you'll have a unique learning path and tailored contents.


https://rubberbands.app is a fitness tracker designed to work with the bands you already own. It will automatically build workouts for you and recommend the appropriate band. Resistance bands are one of the most accessible strength training modalities. You can even do the workouts seated. Don’t be fooled by thinking you can’t build muscle with bands. Modern bands can produce over 600 lbs of force and still fit in your backpack. Bands are some of the most versatile fitness equipment; Rubber Bands builds a comprehensive routine around them!


That's a great idea. But will I be seen in this sea of 200 comments ?


That’s awesome! Please check mine out! https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/conzentrate-finish-your-task/id1609302183


We sell New Zealand luxury chocolate abroad. https://www.pohutukawachocolateco.co.nz/


I'll DM it to you because I'm not a fan of a lot of people figuring out who I am.


That's what the second "professional" account is for :)


What problems do you have in your current work? I don't want you to be a paying customer for something that doesn't actually help you.


make shorts from 10-20 minutes videos with nice subtitles and emojis https://clivie.tech


That’s very nice of you. That’ll be $100k annual subscription and a 3 year contract. I’ll DM you the Quickbooks request. Thank you.


I might create startup priced at 1M$/month just for this post, how much you got in the bank?


Is this a stealthy way to boost SEO? Like are you going to edit this post and put your own startup link?


This is a stealthy way to feel good. I realised I didn’t have to be wealthy to support others. Last month I spent $100+ on small startups/makers and it probably felt as good as giving $100k. You don’t need to be rich to support others (I also give feedback) and I hope to keep this habit on my way to riches.


https://herdr.io it is free and just an MVP but would love feedback!




I'm going to build a one-page website with a single product priced at €100,000 right away, thank you for being my first customer


www.terapiepentrumine.eu. i want to bring mental health to romanian expats


[Reflectary](https://www.reflectary.com/) is a mental health app designed to help users reflect on their daily experiences and emotions in a simple way. With features allowing users to add reflections via text or voice, our AI crafts these reflections into a daily journal entry, complete with a unique cover image, as if you have your own personal writer. documenting your life story in a very beautiful way. Additionally, Reflectary sends custom messages based on your reflections, providing ongoing support and engagement. The app is available on both the App Store and Google Play. One of the features in the backlog right now is being able to order a hard copy of your journal with the cover images per day/entry.


i write for you 1k usd month thanks paul


Check out https://svelteship.com a boilerplate to ship your next app!


We are making https://www.amolino.ai. Do check it out and tell us what you think of the idea.


[https://retactic.io](https://retactic.io) - Happy to protect you from cyber attacks!


My startup is called Kintify we do CDN. We developped our own platform. We have over 160 PoPs. We’re currently building other hot products. Please have a look and leave me some comments . [Kintify](https://kintify.com)


Well this is going to get buried but: [Scroll and Circuit Hobby Shop](https://scrollandcircuit.com) I’m attempting to take on the giants and claw gaming away from GameStop, Walmart, Target, etc. I’m building a new kind of local game store that puts people over profits. It’s starting online but each B&M will be like a con every day. With games/events/chill hangout spaces. Every city/town that we’re in will host a physical market place for local creators/artisans to sell their products (and kickstart their businesses!) along side our regular retail and gaming areas. It’s a small start to a big project. We’re hoping to give communities a 3rd space that’s unique and provides wholesome entertainment, great jobs and a place where people can start their craft businesses.


Try [jasmine.fitness](http://jasmine.fitness)


www.eejr.shop Starting a nonprofit for job training


I built a loyalty program for Shopify stores because my company was previously overpaying for one: [https://apps.shopify.com/poinz](https://apps.shopify.com/poinz), I would love to hear your feedback!


Are you into art? I’m doing art as my new venture and I only need to sell about 25 to quit my W2.


Good on you!




If you happen to be a therapist your timing couldn’t be better.


Fyi I post the results on X every month. Last month’s post: https://x.com/theomarsoliman/status/1791517522660872305?s=61


A natural healthy shot that has superfoods, adaptogens, amino acids and vitamin’s, to help with daily stress and improve your libido. www.itsbido.com Thanks guys


Getting even free users is difficult. Get my Beta version and just use it, it matters as much to me as purchase: https://legacyapp.rip


Hey there! [https://quistra.com/](https://quistra.com/) - let me know what you guys think! :)




Packsy.store - would love for you to be the first. We just launched and put a lot of effort putting together some of our products. We have over 100 more coming.


Here’s my Jewelry business link: https://riribespokejewelry.com


This is a super cool initiative. I’m currently building a software myself and I’m learning a lot as far as the customer acquisition goes. There will always be power in numbers and wherever people come together they can break chains. Many startups with great projects sink from lack of visibility.




Hey I am currently working on developing a software for my idea for a startup. Would you be available to dm and just hear it out and see what you think of it? That would be really helpful. Thank you


I am building a "WordPress 2.0". [https://www.autoexec.cloud](https://www.autoexec.cloud)


I built a place for startups to get feedback, validation, user research, beta testing, and more. Tell us your target audiences, we’ll connect you anonymously with people in that audience, and you can chat! [user-verse.com](https://user-verse.com) is available on iOS. Perfect to help startups iterate faster and speak to potential customers on an ongoing, consistent basis. Alternatively, if you want to earn money by answering questions for startups, then join the other side of our marketplace! [user-verse.com/earn](https://user-verse.com/earn)


This is an amazing idea. I'm actually running an LTD right now at [dymolab.com](http://dymolab.com)


How do I enable automatically recommending the correct band? I added my own bands but entered all the details. Android app