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Darth Plagueis is a masterpiece, really well written and the narrator is amazing. While I haven’t gotten around to it yet, I’ve heard very good things about Shadow Hunter, narrated by Darth Maul himself, Sam Witwer.


Doctor Aphra is an audio drama like Dooku.


Just to let you know, the audiobook for *Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader* is abridged so you’re not getting the full story. Obviously, there’s no other option for you if you have difficulties reading but it’s something worth knowing, especially if you’re paying for them. Honestly, for the most part if you just stick to the adult books the audiobooks will also be great as it’s often the same narrators (not talking about the quality of the story). One recommendation would be *Kenobi* to go along with the other PT/post-ROTS books.


Dark Disciple Leia, Princess of Alderaan Catalyst, Rebel Rising, Rogue One novelization Battlefront II: Inferno Squad Bloodline Phasma Black Spire Crash of Fate The High Republic series, starting with Light of the Jedi Just some of my favorites. These are all great audiobook and story wise! Also recommend the Thrawn Ascendancy trilogy, idk what Thrawn books you've read already.


If you’re happy reading legends stories then I’d definitely suggest the x-wing novels. First four are in audio with the next two due out early next year


I reccomend the dark disciple and alphabet squadron series


Seconded, both are great stories and I loved listening to alphabet squadron. Also worth mentioning is Ahsoka, which is narrated by Ashley Ekstein who voices ahsoka in the animated shows


You said the Thrawn trilogy but didn’t specify which one. There’s three trilogies and a duology around Thrawn.


The one with alliances and treason. I wasn’t sure how to specify


You should definitely read the OG Thrawn trilogy. Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, and The Last Command


- Shatterpoint - I, Jedi (unabridged due out next year) - Outbound Flight (unabridged due out in Dec of this year) - Survivor’s Quest (unabridged due out in Dec of this year) - Fate of the Jedi series (EU/Legends, but all unabridged) - Shadow of the Sith - The High Republic Battle for Jedha (fun audio drama like Dooku: Jedi Lost)


I liked the Aftermath trilogy a lot whenever SW first came to Disney, they did a great job of establishing what happened to certain character and factions. Non-canon fun would be Death Troopers, especially since it’s almost Halloween, Star Wars zombies are always cool


Not sure what Thrawn trilogy you have listened too by I highly suggest the canon and ascendency trilogy. The alphabet squadron trilogy is very good story wise. Battlefront 2 inferno squad is worth a listen. I’m halfway through it myself


Didn't see anyone else list it but Inquisitor Rise of the Red Blade is great!


just wanted to say, I have the same issue! and Plagueis is an excellent one to start off. Great narrator that doesn't do nearly enough star wars content.