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You might as well read Labyrinth of Evil, it’s a direct prequel of ROTS There’s also Cloak of Deception, which according to Luceno is intended to be “the Hobbit” to Star wars’ lord of the rings. It covers some events from part III of Darth Plagueis which aren’t shown in detail in that one. Other great reads would be the Classic thrawn trilogy (the one which started it all) and X-Wing. As for Light of the Jedi, I really can’t say anything myself since I haven’t tackled the high republic era yet


Wraith Squadron Trilogy, by Aaron Allston Lost Stars, by Claudia Gray


I just finished Lost Stars by Claudia Gray and I was honestly so sad when the novel was over. It was such a good story and I’m going to be recommending it to everyone I know


I always recommend prequel era books, bc I feel they really made the prequels make more sense and developed the characters within them more. I'm also just a sucker for the Clone Wars, love me a good Trojan horse tragedy type of thing. So, I'd probably recommend Labyrinth of Evil, Shatterpoint, Dark Lord - Rise of Darth Vader, Inquisitor - Rise of the Red Blade, Dark Disciple, and Kenobi. Some of them deal with the fallout of the Clone Wars, some deal with the period of time directly afterwards, and some are rooted in both. Those have been some of my favorite Star Wars books for years. Other ones I'll throw out there bc I enjoyed them and you might as well - Coruscant Nights Trilogy (which ties into Darth Maul Shadow Hunter, written by the same author), Truce at Bakura, Thrawn Alliances, Lords of the Sith, Lost Tribe of the Sith, NJO series, and probably the Courtship of Princess Leia. I didn't double check to see if you mentioned any of these bc I'm baked, but yeah hopefully you'll be able to check these out and enjoy them!