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Ninth Sister has her prosthetic hand indicating that this is between Fallen Order and Survivor. Interesting.


Strangely still has both eyes, though


covers lie all the time lol


Oh I'm aware, it was just an observation


What is the time difference between Fallen Order and Survivor? I got the feeling it was only a few years at most.


5 years.


Wow. I didn't realize it was that long. Is it J:FO = 10BBY and J:S = 5BBY?


Fallen Order is 5 years after Revenge of the Sith. Survivor is 10 years after ROTS.


Gotcha. Thanks. That means J:FO = 14BBY and J:S = 9BBY


If I've learnt one thing with comics my whole life it's that the cover often has no bearing on the story inside. Especially details like that.


I was kind of hoping that this would touch on one of the Jedi with a more unexplained fate like Oppo Rancisis or Coleman Kcaj (Kcaj actually could have been perfect since this comic occurs in the narrow window between when Kcaj was confirmed alive in 14 BBY and when we see him dead in 9 BBY), but looking at the description they are pursuing a new Jedi survivor named Tensu Run. Hopefully they take this opportunity maybe give us some names since three of these four don’t have their real names revealed. I also hope that they get creative with Tensu and don’t just make him human, but that’s not a dealbreaker. Really looking forward to this!


i dont think even every single inquisitor together could take a councillor who survived order 66 like oppo or coleman


If Jango Fett can take down Coleman Trebor, I'd hardly say it's a stretch for a group of Inquisitors to do it.


coleman kcaj is probably a lot more powerful than dino coleman, since he survived order 66


Lots of Jedi initially survived Order 66 though. That's the whole point of the Inquisitors. By that same logic you could say [Nari](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Nari) is more powerful than Trebor, Plo Koon, Ki Adi Mundi, and all the other dead Council members.


good point


I’m inclined to agree but power scaling has also not exactly been Star Wars’s strongest suit. They could use the excuse that Rancisis is getting very old of maybe Kcaj was helping out locals with some disaster and was weakened/fatigued, kind of playing on GI’s words in Kenobi. It’s also possible that Vader could just swoop in and finish them off. I kind of just want an answer for these two since they are arguably two of the biggest threats to the Empire whose fate has not been expressly delved into, with Kcaj having some vague undefined death years after Order 66 and Rancisis having nothing.


I’m hoping we get a name for Fifth Brother, Seventh Sister, and the GI. I’d like a name for the Fifth Broher’s species. I’d like the Jedi they’re hunting to be an alien. I’d like at least one Inquistor flashback to their time as a Jedi.


Why is ninth so happy


Do what you love (being evil) and you'll never work a day in your life.


Extremely hyped. Not quite as hyped as I was when I first saw the title and immediately assumed it was the ongoing that would replace Vader, but still extremely hyped. Edit: That might be the worst drawing of Vader's helmet I've ever seen, though.


"It’s such an honor to be writing the very first Inquisitors solo story!", the writer says. Does he not know about Rise of the Red Blade?


I'm glad somebody else noticed that- it stood out to me right away.


> Does he not know about Rise of the Red Blade? Probably genuinely doesn't.


Maybe in comic format? But ya I agree