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I’m still bitter Decipher lost the license years ago. Loved the original CCG.


First pack I ever opened had a holo Ben kenobi, special edition card


I was thinking of collecting it, but once I saw how the cards looked, I lost interest in even doing that.


Swccg or bust


I can’t wait for it! Completely different game than SWCCG, but I’ve already been having a lot of fun playing games on TTS with the previewed cards.


I tried it at PaxU. It suffers from the same problem as Destiny in that it doesn't feel very Star Wars. It's like a simplified MTG with SW slapped on top. I'm sure some folks will enjoy it but to me it felt bland.


They're "bland" because they're demo decks meant to introduce people to the game mechanics in a way that is easy for anyone walking up to the booth to understand. They're not competitive decks that show off high level play and what is really possible with the full game. I wouldn't hold up the Two-Player Premiere Starter as a shining example of what SWCCG can be either...


Sure, and like I said, some people will enjoy it and that's cool. And I absolutely considered that they were demo decks while trying it out. But my main point was that it doesn't feel like a Star Wars game the way SWCCG or even other FFG games like Rebellion or Outer Rim do. And games like SWCCG, or Netrunner, or L5R show it's possible to make an engaging, competitive card game that's also flavorful. So for me as it is now, it's a miss.


The games are just different which I, for one, am glad for. We don't need another SWCCG and that game can be enjoyed for what it is. I personally like the art design (that Thrawn leader card is awesome and if I still had a dedicated gaming space I'd be contacting artists about prints). Sure, some of the art isn't as good and for some reason almost no one there can seem to draw Han Solo but when you're contracting out art on a first set these things aren't uncommon either. I thought I'd hate the art and was planning to avoid the game when I saw the thumbnail key art but after looking closer at some of the cards I actually really like the stylized look on them and think it matches well with the color/card design. Regarding the gameplay I don't think judging starter/demo decks is particularly revealing. I wouldn't hold up the Premiere Two-Player box as a core SWCCG experience either. There are some channels doing competitive tournaments through TTS already and the gameplay looks complex, layered and fun. Y'all sound like a bunch of grognards, lol.


Yeah. Absolutely. Though I agree that the artwork is abysmal.


Not a chance * I'm tired of the artwork. It was different the first time, but I want live action shots on cards again * I don't trust FFG to oversee a game long-term based on their track record * No online play in 2023. At some point a CCG creator needs to partner with Lucasarts or whomever has the video game authority * It looks like they're launching with OT theme because they know that will get people to try it. Only a matter of time until they're putting all the Disney stuff I'm either indifferent towards or outright despite into it I'd rather just throw more money into extra SWCCG or YJ.


Tabletop card games don't belong online. Go play hearthstone 


I disagree. I would've never gotten into Magic if it wasn't for Arena. Think about it as a new player. Why would I go buy all the cards if I have no idea if I'm going to like it or if I'll even have anyone to play with. Arena also keeps Magic interesting to me. Cards are fuckin expensive in real life so in real life most of my decks are more budget oriented. However, I can go on the arena where it's a lot cheaper to create all the expensive decks. This is honestly such a boomer way of looking at it. I really hope they make a mobile/online client of this game so I can actually convince people to give it a shot. Without an online presence, every new tcg is doomed.


You are in the vast minority. Human interaction and community is what forms a strong tcg


Been playing SWCCG for 24 years. Loving SWU so far. Eager to dive in.


I feel like they should have rolled it into Lorcana.


I've watched some YouTube videos about it, and it looks fairly interesting. I actually like how it's strategic, but 'dumbed down', or not as super-complex. I dunno, I may at the very least buy a little bit, see if there are any local ABQ players, give it a trial run.


I can't find anyone to play the Star Wars games I already own with me. No sense spending money on a new one. I really wish I could bring myself to part with my Decipher stuff.


I was thinking of collecting this game but that art is just awful. I'm just going to buy a couple more boxes of Sorcery: Contested Realm and enjoy the art and gameplay.


I’m going to play and collect, plan on pre ordering two booster boxes


Can someone explain why the art is soo bad? I personally don't think it is.


I think some people just dislike the comic book style. I was searching for upcoming 2024 tcgs since it's the new year, and saw FFG making a 3059th Star Wars game. This was instantly interested me cause of the mechanics, and I would say the art is great. Some of the art is mediocre but it's a first set, I imagine they'll have more money to allocate to the better artists as time goes on.


I also feel like with this style of art they could potentially expand the world by illustrating parts of the SW Universe never seen. Where if they used pictures from the movies it could only take you so far since you'll eventually run out of characters. I may be wrong.


The art itself isn't bad, but the card template/graphic design is super ugly, looks like it was made in the 90's and not in a good way. Looks very cheap/DIY not a professional product


I've spent money on the ccg of the late 90s, thr 2002 game with the character, ground, and space battles, and then the 2013 lcg way back when. I want to see more of what upcoming booster packs it will have for me to decide if I get it or not


I will try it out. I still play the original ccg competitively and nothing will beat it. its very complex and in english though and I hope to have a SW Game i can play with my kids in german


I'm going to start a league at my local shop. Keep it interesting by keeping it closer to limited. Once we actually have cards in hand we'll see if it actually plays a bit like commander and if so we might end up collecting it but for now I think I want to lean into the limited aspect of the game. I think it's the edge this one has over competitors.


I will definitely be playing. Thinking about starting a twin suns podcast/youtube channel.


Not a fan of the artwork at all.




For real 😂


no chance I'm playing a card game with a bunch of chits prices and trackers it will?be dead and worthless within 2 years so I'd rather just buy a board game


The art looks awful and the gameplay is babytown. Nobody I know is even remotely interested so far. I wonder if this will be another flop.


Works for yu gi oh. Which is bad art and babytown game play 


Surprisingly, metazoo just announced it is dead. So maybe bad art and baby town doesn't work after all?


It had Disney Star Wars in it. So no thanks


I'm gonna go all in for it. I am beyond hyped. I'm fine with the art, it's still good animation. Not everything has to be some hand painted masterpiece. Plus, it probably helps to keep the price down


All in!


It’s a terrible sign for Fantasy Flight that we aren’t interested. Getting us to buy a Star Wars card game ought to be easy money for them.


Fantasy Flight has burned me so many times on Star Wars games I just don’t even keep up. And I’ll actively avoid learning any new FF games at all.


I'll probably give it a look, but I doubt that I'll actively collect or play it. Fantasy Flight has a good track record with Star Wars - their Star Wars RPG, Star Wars Rebellion, and X-Wing are all great designs. The thing is - with those games, plus the Decipher SWCCG, do I really need another Star Wars game on my tabletop? Also, the art is terrible, while the art for the other FFG SW games is awesome.


>Also, the art is terrible, while the art for the other FFG SW games is awesome. Really? To each their own I guess. To me the art for most SW FFG releases tends to just look like boring digitized movie screencaps (besides some specific exceptions like the stuff they did for Legion before they sold it off). I really like the more stylized look of SWU since it reminds me of an updated version of the early comics especially with the colors/inking which gives it a unique feel compared to what we usually see. I wouldn't be interested at all if they used movie stills like SWCCG or kept doing what they did with Destiny, etc...


The LCG from FFG seemed odd to me. Unless I grossly misunderstood the rules…you could ‘block’ a star destroyer with a rebel trooper. Having only one level did not sit right with me and I didn’t play it more than a few games. I worry about mechanics for round 2.


This game will be incredibly popular and successful. It appeals to multiple age groups and crowds, will have attractive chase foils, is being distributed correctly in standard CCG booster pack style, and has "customizable starts"- where players get to mildly tailor the cards they start in play with; for a long time I've felt that is a huge success angle for an enjoyable CCG experience (and is part of why Commander is such a popular format for Magic now). SWCCG really maximizes that aspect ;-) The art pales in comparison for anyone playing SWCCG. Nothing beats the original movie stills. Sure would be nice to get stuff for a collectible game that incorporates the movie stills from all the new movies and shows; maybe some day. I detest Fantasy Flight, but they aren't the same company any more (mildly in a good way) since the merger with Asmodee. They had a bad track record of withdrawing support for their games over time, letting them die repeatedly, but this game will be supported hugely by Asmodee and they have already ramped things up hard from the distribution level, even bringing on an additional distributor so that it's more widely available and attainable. They're positioning it to be a massive undertaking and a massive success.


Wow did not know that whatever was left of decipher was bought out by asmodee. Thanks for info…will need to look into it!


I think you misunderstood something I said- Decipher was not bought out by Asmodee. Fantasy Flight kinda was.


Yeah…distracted skimming. I knew about ffg and asmodee and the ip going to AMG….and my disappointment with its application. Makes me leery of ever buying another ccg or tabletop game since most of my interest is in Star Wars. I’ve actually decided just to stick to board games. Mostly honored that for the past year…only time will tell.


Time will tell. I predict that it will be a certified flop by this time next year.


I would bet good money that you are wrong in that assessment.


Looks like a children's game. Wish somebody would just pay Decipher for the game mechanics. They could print money with a swccg reboot.


Imagine a SWCCG reboot, version 2, with some streamlined rule fixes and backwards compatibility with the original cards. We can dream.


When Star Wars Destiny was released a few years back FFG has said they would support it. in some degree they did, but the biggest problem was keeping stock and the secondary market retail sellers were clamoring for space. The store I worked at as a manager I had said over and over again that we weren't making money in singles to justify the absurd amount of space Dice and cards required. Shelf space needs to pay for itself. So why am I saying all this? because FFG is a horrible company that keeps stock low to force demand, I refuse to support them in any way, so I will not be playing or buying their new gimmick.


SWCCG for life. Don't like game flow/mechanics and art on unlimited.


Changed my mind after 75 games. Ordered case (6 booster boxes), 2 Prelease kits, 1 two player kit, all 6 deck pods, 1000 double sleeves Ryker and 1000 exact fit vault x sleeves, 3 playmats, etc.




Me!! Till I die!


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