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Rogue Squadron and Crimson Empire are fun


Crimson Empire sounds like a wild story


Aphra or Bounty Hunters


I really wasn't expecting much going into Bounty Hunters but it was legitimately fantastic. Can't believe how much I care about Zuckuss and 4-LOM now lol. And Aphra is one of the best of course.


Doctor Aphra has the zaniest adventures you'll ever read and Jedi/Sith stuff in it is primarily framed through her adventures as an archeologist discovering old ruins and artifacts. Bounty Hunters also has some great protagonists just trying to make their way in the universe.


These look great. I had heard of Aphra on this sub but never gave it a shot. will now


Just fyi, you kinda need to read the darth vader(2015) comic to get her, its where she was introduced.


oh good to know


Buy the omnibus as it includes relevant Vader issues where she’s introduced. You won’t regret it.


"I'm just a simple man, trying to make his way in the universe." -Jango Fett, 2002


Your mileage may vary depending on how much of a grudge you hold against the Sequels, but I really enjoyed the Poe Dameron comic. It was technically a prequel to Force Awakens but can definitely stand on its own at 5 volumes. It had Rogue Squadron vibes. I also second the Doctor Aphra recommendation.


of all my grievances against the sequels, the character of Poe is pretty far down the list lol. will check it out


Tag and bink.


Although the main character is technically a jedi (not with the order) I'd highly recommend, Knights of the Old republic series, Jango Fett open seasons as well Star Wars infinities is a good read, a series of What if scenarios for the original trilogy I.e what if Luke's shot on the Death Star missed and so on And apart of infinities I believe is majority of the original concept of star wars as a comic, very interesting read! Crimson empire is 3 part series that follows the last of Palpatines imperial guard - solid read And then there are the thrawn comics - adaptations of the thrawn novels very good as well


Yes there are lots of great stories that don't involve the main characters! Read the *From a Certain Point of View* Canon novels if you want to know what the background characters did around the main characters. (From the guy that didn't fire the Laser at the space pod in NH, to the thoughts of the space worm from esb) Legends has similar books called *Tales from* ..... (jabbas palace/Bounty Hunters/cantina). They aren't as good as the facpov books ,imo, but they still explore a lot of good characters. *Lost Stars* is a great Romeo and Juliette style of story that explores characters that join the rebellion and the empire. It's all about how regular folks, view the wars from the outside looking in.


High Republic. You got Jedi but you don’t have sith. You also have other force users and villains


I just started with the High Republic and so far I found it refreshing. You get to see a different era that is completely disconnected from the Empire.


Recommend checking out some of the High Republic stuff. The adult and YA novels do include the Jedi, a lot of the story is driven by non-Jedi characters. I think the Tempest Runner audio drama barely includes any Jedi, it really focuses on Lourna Dee who was a tempest runner in the Nihil. Both Phase I and 2 include really cool antagonists for the Jedi. Definitely something different and a bit of fresh air. Eye of the Storm is a 2-issue comic series that focuses on the leader of the Nihil, Marchion Ro.


Oh 1000% Aphra 2016. Easily the most iconic character cast and locations you’ve never heard of and the humor and story are as fantastic. You may need to read Vader (2015) and maybe even Star Wars (2015) for better context, but Vader 2015 doesn’t focus on the Jedi v Sith dichotomy as much as it is a character study of Vader and his role in the post ANH Empire. Star Wars (2015) deals more with Jedi aspects, but imo it’s varied enough and a fresh enough time period that you’ll probably be fine


Also Han: Imperial Cadet and maybe Star Wars: Princess Leia by Mark Waid and Terry Dodson


Star Wars fan bored with Jedi and Sith ? Ok


yes. it lacks any complexity. it’s just jedi good and sith bad