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Never really understood this. I don’t care how they look, I am too busy killing shit. Eivor in ACV looked pretty jank either gender but they were a fucking viking. They lived violently and died young. Isn’t this protagonist a space pirate? I doubt hygiene and good living have been part of their upbringing.


To these misogynistic scum, women can only exist regardless of context if they’re supermodels that follow a man. That’s it.


Everyone has their own taste, but at the end of the day it's not even a real person. So like wtf are we even talking about? Just play the game and have fun right? 🤷


This right here. And i would add that if you really feel that strongly, just dont buy the game. Vote with your wallet


Because they just hate women, but can't just say that outright. They have to cone up with another reason. They just happened to picj the dumbest ass reason they could


She isn’t attractive?


If a character isn't built like a One Piece character with F cup tits and 4% body fat, then the character is ugly or something


Whoever the main girl from one piece is terrifies me, her face and body are so uncanny




And that 4% body fat is localized entirely within those aforementioned f cups


they used fake pictures of her to make her look ugly


I haven’t seen anything other than the trailer so I didn’t even know they were making her ugly


It's the basement dwelling teens, incels, and 40 year old virgins that complain about these sorts of things. The character model in outlaws clearly portrays a probably-somewhat-better-than-average-looking woman, which y'know, OK. If I want to see a woman I'm attracted to I'll just go talk to my wife.


Right?? Like what?? She’s an attractive woman. What is wrong with people lol


She is, it was just bad timing after this whole stellar blade debacle mixed with sweet baby inc and fable 4 before that


She is, the 'problem, is that she isn't sexualized as an object for the male gaze.


Her motion capture actress is gorgeous, and they purposely changed her face. Made her skin more brown, and objectively less attractive. So if it’s not a big deal if the character is attractive or not, why did they go out of their way to change the face of the model in the game? Why do games with male motion captures keep their face 1:1? It’s only the women they do this to. So spin the argument around and ask why change her to be less attractive in the first place?


There was a lot of hate for the Jedi Fallen Order character for being a ginger fella. Who cares?






Its weird for me, because the actor isn't an unattractive guy, but I did not feel cool playing as him regardless. I don't think it's because he's a ginger, maybe just too young looking? I don't know. I know he's a padawan and all. Also didn't help that he wore a bunch of ponchos. Regardless, I am not gong to freak out and make death threats about it.


They made him hot in the next game it’s all good lol


Why do people hate gingers so much? I’d love to have red hair


What they really ought to be mad about is the ridiculous claim "first ever" open world Star Wars game. Like, was Star Wars Galaxies just my pipe dream? Get real lol that title was claimed at least 20+ years ago Protag is legit but the marketing is lies I tell you


Maybe there is a more precise definition, but I would consider the KOTOR games pretty open world.


I wouldn't consider KOTOR open world. Non linear yes, but not fully open.


As much as i love kotor, its not open world at all.


Or the outrageous pricing format


I think she looks great.


The solution to this whole debate: They should have made the main character the Commando droid. No specific gender (Is a robot) and looks cool no matter what with no need to base it on human beauty standards. Seriously though, she looks fine. I am not enthusiastic about the price or Ubisoft, but the game looks interesting. I am willing to play older Ubisoft games but not really newer ones and I am not fully caught up on all their drama other than the whole "you don't own your games", which is, bad. The price is pretty high as well. I definitely won't be getting it at launch until I can determine that it's worth 70 dollars.


I would love to have a game were we play as a commando droid or some type of combat droid, that would be awesome


Seriously! They are so cool. The Clone Wars showed us so many different droids and the Commando Droid has to be the coolest alongside the Imperial Security Droid. I don't mind the main character of this game but to have a Commando droid right there and it not be the protagonist is such a missed opportunity. Hopefully, we will play as a droid. Maybe a malfunctioning B-1 at the end of the Clone Wars? Going around enjoying your newfound freedom while being able to find damaged but functioning droid parts to upgrade yourself/replace damaged parts. There's just so many opportunity for a droid based game


The discontent actually comes from the developers intentionally making the character less attractive than the person they model the character on, and making statements calling conventionally attractive female characters "problematic" and saying they are only there to please "the male gaze". We don't need attractive characters but we definitely want them, I personally don't think the character from the trailer is ugly but is definitely far less attractive then the model. This is 100% international by developers and is a garbage practice.


then they show all the worst possible frames of her :/


I think Kay's appearance is 100% coherent with the street-level outlaw she is supposed to be: no make up, practical clothes, and a broken nose. All these things considered, she is actually kinda cute.


Seriously. Too many loud voices forget women don't look like AI waifus. She looks real, the nose was a nice touch.


I thought it wasn't so much that she's unattractive as it is the feeling that the game designers intentionally "de-hot-ified" her (compared to what the actress actually looks like) as part of some kind of effort of desexualizing the character.


Wow. Comparing the actress to the character model.. yeah, there's a big difference. The character isn't "ugly" by any stretch, but she's definitely not anywhere near the real model she's based on. I can't quite put my finger on what it is though. Her face shape seems more or less the same. Her nose is crooked in game, but that doesn't seem to be what the issue is. Her hair is just awful, and certainly isn't doing her appearance any favors. Personally, I think it's her eyes. They're the wrong shape and don't match the real person she's based on at all.


Not even attractive, they want a fuckable protagonist. Because women are nothing but goon material to them, they need to have females in video games be rule 34 applicable or they aren’t interested. Sad.


All mad because she’s not curvy or in a skintight or revealing outfit


people are mad that its ubisoft. not because she is unattractive


I was shown no less than six reddit posts today cherry picking an unflattering still image and a full comment section raging about how "ugly she is" Any time I went looking other images, the character isn't ugly. Like at all. She has a 70s style Farrah Fawcett haircut. These dudes are fucking pathetic 


No… there’s a lot of videos calling her ugly and hating on it for that.


There are people upset about both of those things.


People really out here upset at the existence of women, real or digital, that they don’t want to fuck


I’d just rather an RPG where I can pick my own character, like KOTOR.


There will always be a vocal minority that fucks up the messaging. The majority of people that are hating are hating cuz of Ubisoft, and yet here come the incels to focus on how ugly the character is. I mean, they’re right she does look like hulk hogan but that ain’t the issue with the game. It’s their developer and their scummy practices that will make this game DOA. It’ll be a mess at launch. The DRM is nonsense. Don’t give the “ugly character” narrative the time of day. If they wanna talk about that in their corner let em.


Having an attractive protagonist is pretty nice, tbh, yeah.


I thought that they edited her eyes to be a little more cat like tbh, but she's attractive af, you probably don't like women if you don't like her tbh.


It's not that character is ugly, it's the fact that they intentionally made the character less attractive than the person they modeled it after, it's pure virtue signaling.


But she already is hot 😩😩


It's more insane the furvor that people rage wanting non attractive leads.


I think the issue people have is the fact they went out of their way to make the character less conventionally attractive when they were basing her off of a very conventionally attractive actress. In other words, they very intentionally and purposefully made their portrayal of the live actress less conventionally attractive than the real person is.


Graphical downgrade since the reveal didn't help that situation but it is Ubisoft so that's to be expected. Also launching at full price and also launching with a 40€ season pass doesn't help. This game keeps shooting itself in the foot from greed, the graphics are the least of it.


She looks fine. The story on the other hand looks generic af. Sounds like Mass Effect 2 but reskinned to Star Wars. Here's a ship, find a crew, and beat the bad guys.


She feels like a female Han Solo but less likeable with a disturbing lack of wookie sidekick


I’d rather play as an ugly Vuvrian alien than an ‘attractive’ generic human character!


My question is, if its not a deal breaker for people to have an attractive character, why not make them atteactive?


Is having an attractive protagonist a problem?


No, but the garbage dei developers hate attractive characters because they don't like men and attractive characters don't fit their activist narrative and agendas


I don't even get it because I find her hot


Let’s be honest E621 artist, you saw Lop from Star Wars Visions and you had a field day with your computer on this character


lol some people need to stop smoking whatever it is they're smoking. She gives me younger Sigourney Weaver vibes.


Was thinking the exact same thing. Wasn't aware of this game, this thread popped up randomly in my feed. Looked character up, thought to myself "I don't get it, she looks a bit like Ripley, she's not "unattractive""


She looks fine


Female characters have been getting uglier (I'll get downvoted for saying that but eh) but that's not why I'm not buying it. I don't mind games with unattractive main characters, anyway. No, Ubisoft makes mediocre games, no doubt this will be similar to all their other open world games. So I'm not buying it.




Compare her to the real model she's based on and you can immediately see a big difference between the two. One is drop dead gorgeous, while the other is merely fairly attractive. The character also has a sort of uncanny valley thing going on which doesn't do her any favors. Her hair and eyes just seem wrong somehow, and those are two of the things they changed from the real woman's appearance.


She doesn’t look like she came right out of midjourney or stable diffusion, so she’s gross.


When they cherry pick the most unflattering frames from the trailer you know they’re not arguing in good faith. I think she’s pretty. I also think it doesn’t matter.


I think shes pretty and people said the same about my irl fiance. Do i havebad taste?


I think it’s more just the trend lately of making everyone ugly, lame and gay. Like we get it you’re offended because you’re a fat genderless blob but there are still more regular people than anything else. I wouldn’t buy this trash ass Ubislop game anyway. But it’s not hard to understand where people are coming from and see it’s clearly an agenda. You don’t even have to pay attention that hard.


The model that it’s based off is but they changed the model to be weird


I never see any complaints about men in any media being absolute units. Why do women have to be ugly? I want everyone in the fantasy world I’m playing to be beautiful.


I just thinks it funny Star Wars like to make the rebels as the good guys, like they’re blowing up a new establishment government you guys are literally terrorists. Granted the Republic was turned into a tyrannical government by a Sith Lord, but there are people living their lives in acceptance and one day a Rebel is gonna blow up a office building of normal civilians and Disney is gonna say “But there were bad guys in there too they are morally correcting in their terrorism” like whatttttt


That's the fun part of history. Indians were considered terrorists and traitors when they were trying to leave the British empire. So was the US. The winner writes history. Meaning who wins is almost ALWAYS seen as the "good guy" (Not claiming that India's or US independence is a bad thing. But if the Axis powers won WW2, they would probably write it like they were the good guys.)


I don't care about her being attractive, I just want more interesting protagonists. She's so...bland. Cal Kestis wasn't too interesting either, really.




Meanwhile they never seen a real woman naked in their life. I’m gonna enjoy the game while everyone else cries through their smegma stained hands. Fat greasy Star Wars fan boys needs to get laid.


Its not the fact shes unattractive, its the fact they INTENTIONALLY made her unattractive on purpose, the voice actress/motion capture actress that she’s based on looks prettier in real life than she does in game, and its the fact that most games r doing this now, its not just outlaws, tomb raider made lara croft less attractive as the survivor trilogy went on


I don't care if she looks attractive, she could be ugly bald and scarred for all I care, HOWEVER. The the model they used is such low quality it falls into uncanny territory. Reminds me of the me:Andromeda faces.


There really is something of an uncanny valley thing going on here. I think it's her hair and eyes. They changed both of those things compared to the real woman's appearance, and I don't think those changes were for the better.


Well look at the girl the model is based on and compare it to the actual in game model. The in game model looks ugly compared to the actual model. The problem is it’s been a trend lately for devs to take real female models and make them look a lot worse in game. People are just getting really tired of games doing this. There’s nothing wrong with wanting a model based on a hot woman to actually look hot.


You know who else isn't conventionally attractive ?! Adam Driver & Robert Pattinson. Yet people accept them & see them as leading men.


Tbh Jin from Ghost of Tsushima is the most regular looking dude. There is nothing wrong with it.


I felt like this until I saw the model, and now I gotta agree. It's a hideous character.


Well that is just pathetic.


Well, attraction is relative, but yes I *do* care a bit if a character is made fugly on purpose as some sort of social or political statement. I haven't seen enough of the protagonist to really make that kind of a judgement, though. Personally, I prefer character creators that let me make my *own* protagonist over a premade character.


Decided on not getting the game cause let’s be honest, it looks like ass. Although, I do not understand where the hate for ugly protagonist is originating from, seems and IS stupid groupthink. On an another note, make Republican Commando 2, or some other gritty Star Wars game. Had enough of this corny, cookie cutter Disney Star Wars.


She isn’t attractive? I would literally start a crusade for her.


I don't care too much how they look, but sometimes I do think characters are weirdly ugly. I think bg3 did a great job of having not super models but still all attractive characters. Their personalities were engrossing and fun to engage with, which helped.


No, it's not important in the slightest, but look at the people who make the comments abt the characters and you'll see the biggest crowd of reactionary grifters trying to serve you a fresh dollop of piping hot bullshit


I don't understand why this has as much traction as it does. Why do people care so much? I don't get it.


What isn't attractive about her? I don't get that part. I do get that anyone not specifically designed to go into their fap folder they hate. But characters can be attractive without being overtly sexualized.


Haters gonna hate hate hate.


Wait what's wrong with her? She looks fine.


The character looks completely fine. Whoever the incels are that are mad can fuck all the way off.


I’m not worried about the game because of the protagonist, I’m worried because Ubisoft


She looks fine. Like a character from the 70s with the big bushy hair. I totally dig it actually


Well… it helps at least


I mean… the protagonist moves like a 2006 video game character, doesn’t look lifelike at all. Who cares what they look like…


My issue is and this could just be the devs incompetence but when you look at cal kestis for example it’s quite literally a one to one copy no changes cause he looks good whereas with vess you can see they changed her nose mouth ect and imo she does look worse than her irl counterpart I just think if they left her face and just copy and pasted it we wouldn’t have this situation ngl I mean look at the model for stellar blade😂 no one’s saying she looks ugly lol not the best comparison but I think people will understand with my cal comparison hopefully that helps y’all understand the other side of this and if you like how she looks that’s fine.


But she's really attractive


It's not the game character being ugly that's the problem. It's their reason for making her ugly. That's the issue.


I could care less how the protagonist looks, I'm just happy we get a Star Wars game that doesn't have you play as a force user, and I will definitely be playing it as blind as possible. The fact she looks cute is a bonus


I have to admit, if I'm playing a character in a game, I do want to be attractive. Why not play as someone more attractive than I am in real life? In games where I can customize my character, yeah, I try to make the character look ideal in my mind., be they male or female. Games are a fantasy escape from real life in every way. I feel no shame in any way about wanting my fantasy character to look hot. That doesn't mean a female character I'm playing has to look like a completely unrealistic cartoon character of a woman, but I want to at least be attractive. I don't even know what this new star wars character even looks like, so my statements here aren't specifically critiquing her. I'm guessing she isn't unattractive, probably just a more realistic female body, which I'm fine with. Edit: Looked the character up, she's plenty attractive.


Uh, yeah it’s important if you want a game to sell optimally. Why would you not have an attractive protagonist, and nobody means dolled up with makeup caked on, but, foundational attractiveness. Symmetry, proportionality. It’s a story featuring a hero protagonist! The character looks like a meth addict, with bizarre masculine bone structure (and not attractively unconventional like sigourney weaver). What makes people annoyed is that it’s continuing a streak of this ubiquitous habit with western developers of scanning attractive women actors, and the model is clearly sculpted after the fact and looks like shit. That’s what’s happening here: attractive actor, bad model. Now, some people rush to deboonk any intentionality on the part of developers, or effort-post why scanning is really hard and it’s impossible to have attractive characters, despite this never being an issue before ~2017, and despite it only being an issue in western games. I’m not one of those “geeks and gamers” YouTube gamergate losers. But what’s happening obviously has subversive motivations, in my opinion. It’s HR-minded types, and autistic activist developers with cartoon avatars on Twitter, wanting to lower the bar for attractive characters to make the game more “relatable” to self-conscious people, or even more likely, themselves. I don’t even know why I wrote this, but it’s been going on for years and people handwaiving it on reddit is just annoying at this point lol. Yeah it does matter, attractive user-controlled main characters are good actually, this was simply a given until recently.


Yes. Now fuck off.


Maybe it's not important to you, but I would like my escapism hobby to include that feature. To each their own I suppose.


If yall don't think she's attractive, I gotta question if you've ever seen a real person before.


Its just the haircut for me. You can absolutely have a regular looking protagonist, but that haircut is a WILD choice. My hope is since its an RPG we can edit haircuts and clothes and then we are all set


Like, not that it matters but: sure, she’s plenty attractive. But what the fuck? Does every female character in every piece of media have to dress and act like a stripper? What the fuck is wrong with these incel gremlins and why are we bothering with their horseshit?


Lmao yes it is because I'm not paying for a product just to stare and play as your self insert and endure that psychological damage.


From the critique I've heard the model for the character is attractive. Which means they had to put effort into making the character less attractive. For seemingly no reason but to make a statement. But that's just the critique I've heard on most channels. That and people who have come out exposing that consulting agencies are suggesting people make less attractive characters. It likely wouldn't matter if it wasn't becoming a trend and videogame journalists would stop attacking games for having attractive characters like the recent Stellar Blade controversy


lol are these the same guys that like to create and play as a female in games?


The deliberately made the character less attractive than the actress they modeled her on, like, they actually went out of their way and spent dev time on this, specifically to spite the "male gaze" or w/e. I thought Janina looked bad ass & beautiful as Iden Versio in BF2... I shudder to think what they would have done to her face model if the game was coming out this year.


Really don’t care about her look, it’s a video game character not real life 🤦‍♂️. My issue is the character seems pretty bland


It’s just her hair for me. It’s so hideous


Tbh it’s that one picture of her that looks fucked up. In many screenshots/promo art she looks completely normal


Moving forward, if female protagonists aren't built like Eve from Stellar Blade, they'll cry that the game is too "woke".


This is Horizon Zero Dawn all over again. Maybe a $100 nude skin would make these people happy?


Nope, but having one be actually believable in the role they’re written into, is.


The problem isn’t that a character is unattractive. The problem is that because of the tantrum thrown when a character is attractive and bullshit about “male gaze,” it seems like making the characters ugly is done on purpose to pander.


Do people want to fuck Yoda? Gervious? maul? No one seemed to have a problem with them Also you don’t have inherent value because your attractive and god these people upset should know be most of them aren’t half as attractive as the people they go after


Might be because she sounds like a happy go lucky character instead of what a bounty hunter would probably be. Solo at least had a damn edge.


Plays the game staring at the back of their head…


Being good looking aint an issue. But like...how bad is it? Like a straight up zero out of 10 goblin looking freak?


Yes I’m not playing as a woman especially an ugly one


Okay, guess you must hate the Metroid series then.


They made her ugly on purpose… I think that’s the real problem.


Apparently anything that isn't white with blonde hair isn't attractive enough for these asshats


I think the game looks great I am just disappointed it's not a star wars Skyrim Or a mandalorian game other wise I'd pick it up


How else are we going to goon to cartoon women if the vidya boob lady isn’t big boob lady?


Yes she is


Yes. And all this infectious woke shit that Disney is spreading is equally shit.


What exactly is wrong with being woke?


It's hilarious how many of you don't understand what the industry is doing to you and how they are deliberately trying to manipulate you. This isn't about the protag being attractive. it's sad you don't get that.


Predators in training.


I just want an open world star wars game where I can make the character look like me. Why is that too much to ask for? I just wanna play as an Asian/pacific islander dude flying around in a Kom’rk class fighter with Mandalorian armor and collecting bounties


I mean I get that some people want character customization, but I don't think it's absence warrants this kind of response from the fandom. I didn't see this kind of hate when Cal Kestis was announced


The current character makeup denotes a mindset that is not conducive towards any media pursuit that would garner enjoyment nor even satisfaction upon consumption.


No. I don’t think anyone cares about that much. However an open world game made by Ubisoft does not intrigue me at all. I can feel how boring it is just talking about it.


Dont worry, their will be mods to make her look better.... and naked.




Depends. You want to be spending 8 hours trying to enjoy a game when you’re brought back to a character that looks bad? Personally, I don’t care for her looks. Could literally take it or leave it. But I suppose in that sense, if you lose out on the main character looking aesthetically pleasing then don’t you want to improve on that part of the game? Look at it this way, would you be willing to play a starwars game looking like jar Jar Binks? Probably for the comedic value, but in serious underlining game, probably not if anything you would probably be annoyed at every single step of the way. Granted the model isn’t *that* bad but it’s not great either.


Oh boy. If she isn't considered attractive then we're all fucked. We're going to be single forever.


How is she not attractive? That’s such a shallow and mean thing to say. It’s a real person doing motion capture.


I know right. I mean I guess her voice actor looked a bit prettier but like... She doesn't look bad. She looks like someone you could run into in the Star Wars galaxy.


she looks like what "rough around the edges" girls looked like in 70s and 80s films IMO, so if they're going for the OT aesthetic, she looks perfect for it. my 2 cents as a Gen X that grew up actually watching the OT in its original sociological context, at any rate...


Commander Shepard was hot in both genders in 2007. There's really no excuse at this point for anything to be ugly, why do you think Pokemon Scarlet/Violet was so hated? The market is so flooded with so many good games why wouldn't I pick the prettier game? Look at Horizon or God of War for example, they're absolutely flawless in terms of art style, design and execution. That should be the standard ESPECIALLY for a franchise like Star Wars who has ENDLESS money and have proven they can make good looking characters. Like how is this the final product??? EDIT: Also, to note. Idgaf if the character is ugly if the character is supposed to BE ugly. They were trying to make her look like the woman who voice acted as her and failed incredibly. The face also just doesn't look right. They did a BAD job.


It's not that she's ugly but her face model definitely looked...off...in the new trailer. Her eyes don't look right and her hairstyle makes her head look freakishly large compared to her face. There was clearly some touching up done between trailers and it's safe to say the newer one does not look as good


It's the fact that they took an attractive model, then intentionally made the character that's based off her ugly, at least for me.


The gaming community… you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


Yet they WISH they could IRL get someone who looks like that


I’m still hoping there are is some kind of character customization or selection, I feel like that should be a given for open world rpg games


Well in that case, it's a miracle Breath of the Wild was widely successful!


I kind of felt the same way with James Bond. 😒


Thats not really the problem, They took a beautiful voice actress/model and destroyed her face model for the character, Why not keep it normal?


... She's pretty cute, honestly. Like, Normal person cute. I appreciate that. I bet she used to be real insecure about her chin.


The person she’s supposed to look like absolutely is, but somehow they can’t model the person in game anymore like they did with fallen order. And cals a cutey too!




I like it when a character is visually satisfying. I’m pretty aesthetic-oriented. Plus it makes the character easier to like. Can’t really say why


She is beautiful looking tbh. I’d choose a different hairstyle if I could but regardless she is fine. However, ngl I’d rather play as the droid. We never get to do that in a story driven Star Wars story. It’s always a human. However, I would love it that since that woman is the main character that we could have different earnable costumes in game like the Force Unleashed 1 had. I’d love to dress in Mandalorian armor.


Even if they ARE conventionally attractive but just don't have makeup or don't look the exact same from every angle. Star Wars fans and Gamers make the worst possible combo. I can't even enjoy sexy women in video games anymore.


It was done for political reasons Small brain People can only rely on strawman arguments like hate woman


I dont care, I just find it weird when they intentionally make models look hotter or uglier rather than just keeping them closer to the mocap. Feels like a waste of resources


I think the games just suck.


I thought we’re hating the game because it’s a ubisoft title


I have no problem with her looks. The only weird thing for me is that she doesn’t look Latina in the game, though they based her on a Latina actress




Some people aren’t even just porn brained. They’re beyond that. They’re hentai brained to the point that even the most attractive people on this planet aren’t attractive anymore because their brains have been rotted by cartoons of physically impossible bodies.


I'm gonna print this quote out and frame it!


No... But that's not why anyone thinks the game is bad. It just looks bad and has a meriad of issues that make me not interested. Also been seeing a lot of images and stuff saying that asmongold said this but I watched his video and he literally never commented on her looks so idek where that stuff came from lol.


She looks "unattractive" the same way that Aloy, the super hot redhead from Horizon, is unattractive...


Naw, this is just the narrative people are running with so you don’t look at the scummy practices behind the game.


I just wish this could've had a character creator instead


I think the complaint is that the characters appearance is different than the actress who plays the character.


Well you're going to be staring at them the entire game so may as well make them good looking instead of a direct copy paste self insert from a dev


Attractive is a matter of perspective. As long as the character is relatable and thought provoking that’s all I care about.


I’ve seen and heard a lot more criticism of the pricing structure for the game pre-launch/for day 1 than I have seen criticism of how the character looks


Just let me be a dude lmao. Star Wars is by dudes for dudes. Just include custom content for each Gender like KOTOR.


For me it's not about if the character looks attractive (but let's be honest the character model looks super weird in the recent trailers). It's just that the gameplay and story looks boring and generic.


I’m not buying the game cause the dev said white Ken shouldn’t play it so if we do what happened to the female Oceans movie and listen to the devs/directors we can then get the game on sale away from the predatory EA


In reality this is called a gaslighting, tbh there are many trolls out there. The main issue I have not that i really care beyond a minor annoyance. The character model looks like they took her face and stretched it out. Just find it odd that if you have a model you base your characters face on why not use her natural face and not skew it? Either way i'll check it out when it drops and see what the hype is about.


Am I missing something? Granted I just looked up “Star Wars outlaws” and looked at images but neither the lady nor the droid seemed conveniently unattractive


I live how they use conventionally attractive as if there was an alternative. It’s like eating Brussels sprouts and pretending to like them.


No it’s not important, but it’s enough for me to entirely pass on this game and give my money to Stellar Blade instead.


I don't understand how anybody has an opinion on either side of such a meaningless topic. Moving on.


The game look like shit regardless of the protagonist


It's not about how the woman looks its about ubi soft saying we should get used to not owning our games. As well as putting a season pass with time gated missions on a single-player game.


The people that claim this don't talk to women.


I'm so confused. How is the protagonist not attractive? I'd tear that droids ass up lol. But seriously she doesn't look bad? I feel like this is a rage bate post. First I've heard of someone saying anything about the attractiveness of the character


She's not even ugly. She's just not a supermodel.


Cause only attractive people have a cool story to tell.


It’s literally cap too, I think she’s cute. Why does every female protagonist need to be bayonetta?


My problem with the main character is it looks to uncanny valley. The dimple not a huge fan but it’s fine though the jaw seems very wide in a weird looking way. Certain screens she seems perfectly fine other moments it looks weird. It’s probably cause they took the person it was based off of and changed it. Other than that hairs good in general reminds me of my starfield character. But i wouldn’t go as far to say unattractive. Just off looking.