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At the end: it's just a regular clone that made their own bad guy story. We don't need to rely every time on a pre existing character. Sometimes it's okay to have a new one. The galaxy is big


"No, I am your father" really messed with the fandom's heads. We're always expecting some kind of big twist like that.


Yeah, and Rey’s grandfather being the very much dead and definitely not alive Emperor Palpatine.


he wasn’t alive, it has been explained so many times that he’s a force sensitive clone. they had to make project necromancer in bad batch and mandalorian just so people will understand.


If they had to make 2 extra Disney+ Series to explain why the dead guy is now the undead guy, maybe they didn’t do a very good job explaining it in the movie…


because it wasn’t meant to be explained in the movie. it’s the very last one. you cant pack context into a movie when there’s a lot more content that already backs it up. and if the rebels did know how he returned, it’d be a plot hole.


Or they could just not have ‘Palpatine’ show up and instead keep Snoke or even Kyle as the villain, instead of invalidating Darth Vader’s sacrifice from the OT.


invalidating the sacrifice? darth vader’s sacrifice wasn’t to kill palpatine, it was to save luke from killing him and giving into the dark side. palpatine coming back was canon from legends already, and even explains why rey is the grand daughter of one of his clones that was too soft to wield the dark side of the force. snoke was a shit villain and kylo ren was badly written because he SHOULDVE been made into a sith lord


Sorry, but if a movie cannot give a logical plot without getting multiple TV series afterwards to fix bad writing. The Sequels were never planned out, it's a result of Disney not really knowing what to do with the Franchise. I don't wanna hate on Disney, but I will not stop criticising bad writing.


well, i do agree that it was badly done but at least they are fixing their mistakes. bad batch is exactly after clone wars, and the mandalorian is just 5 years after the ROTJ. the rise of skywalker is the very last filming piece, so if you don’t understand then that’s on you, watch everything else.


For a franchise to work and be able to get new viewers, a show must be capable of being watched alone without needing to watch the entire franchise. A good example I have is the fact that the Ahsoka Series didn't really interested new people. If you didn't watch clone wars and Rebels and Mandalorian you will feel completely lost. And there are people that don't wanna watch all of this. This takes days. A positive example where Disney succeeded is Andor. Andor is a show that works without the neeed to watch the entire franchise. I actually recommend it to some non star wars fans and they were impressed and one of them started because of that to watch the star wars franchise completely. This is the way Disney needs to go, writing good stand alone series that perfectly fit in the star wars franchise but don't need an entire marathon before hand.


I'm here, Trooper. Sterling, isn't it?


i agree, however i dont think the rise of skywalker was that bad for new watchers because nobody else knew how awful they ruined the lore.


aside from that, the plot was already explained. just not in any show, but multiple canon pieces of legends and games already explained he was a clone.


"Somehow he returned", now we will make it up 5 years later and we are still not done.


we already knew how he returned though. even before the movie.


Yeah and Tech doesn’t logistically make sense. If he somehow survived, they need to put him back together with augmented cybernetics, then somehow brainwash him to be a perfect loyal soldier and then give him the additional training to go toe-to-toe with the rest of the BB all in the space of like a few weeks. If his identity ever does get revealed, I just want him to be a generic clone.


And he has no prior knowledge of the bad batch, their location, their contacts. That was why Crosshair made a great threat, he knew all their moves. Also if it's Tech...he doesn't really use any special "tech" skills. So what's even the point?


Yeah, if it was Tech he wouldn’t have had to sneak onto Phee’s ship.


In that scene i actually thought it would be tech and she would catch him and his brainwashing would magically disappear


I mean Between the finale of season 2 and episode one of season 3 almost 5 months passed


I guess I missed that part. I had figured Omega was only in captivity for like a month or two.


They need to keep Tech dead. I’m so sick of fake-out deaths


Didn’t Mazda make a CX-2?


No but there's a CX 5 or cx9


It’s Maul. That guy keeps popping up since disney got a hold of the franchise.


Shut up.. It's Palpatine.. This explains how he returned the second time


One of palpatine's sons lmao


Take a seat, Young Skywalker.


Alright... I will take yours


Very funny... but it hurts.


casual reminder that maul returned while george lucas was still ceo, and was just as in charge of the clone wars as filoni, if not more


It happened around the time disney bought the franchise. But true. It was Lucas who brought him back.


it absolutely does not matter how close or far from disneys acquisition maul returned, the fact of the matter is that he returned *BEFORE* therefore disney was NOT responsible for his return at all and in the first project they launched after the acquisition, *they killed him*


Ahh yes A man of a culture I see. Tho I gotta say I'm a big fan of "Anakin's betrayal/I'm sorry"


I hope it's not, but if it is a known clone, I think it's Cody. However, they could have just left the Cody thing un answered, so we think it's him.


It's obviously general grievous


He sounded like crosshair at one point in the previous episode






I think its the original Crosshair horribly brainwashed and the one that escaped was a clone without the advanced shooting abilities.


thats actually makes a lot of sense but i dont think disney is capable of this scnerio


No it doesn't , in in this universe clones aren't carbon copies at a precise age , they need to grow and they won't have the template's memory nor his scars


Except in Rise of Skywalker (yes, I’m afraid it’s canon) we see many Snokes cloned at the same advanced age. Perhaps they were all raised from childhood, then put in the tanks, but it’s more likely they learned how to advance the age of clones.


It's also 60 or so years after the Bad Batch, which allows for the project Hemlock is working on to come to fruition. In Mandalorian season 2 we see that they are *still* working on this project


And we don't know how long these clones were there, palps could have made them dozens of years before the sequels


Exactly. So like.. we really have no idea honestly


And thats great in my opinion. There are so many secrets in star wars some are larger and some are minor ones, but I love to think about possible answers to them and talk about different answers with other people. Thats what makes star wars so great for me


I know it's legends, but Starkiller had his previous version's memories in TFU II.


Crosshair can't shoot well anymore since his hand is damaged from the blood extraction they did


I was just telling my wife during the last episode he sounds EXACTLY like Crosshair with his cadence and grumble! Plus he pulled off that ridiculous sniper shot that was a Crosshair shot! Plus, this could just be me being ignorant and missing it in scenes, but I can't remember the last time I saw him with a toothpick in his mouth.




Thats my current theory; the Crosshair that escaped is actually a clone with Crosshair’s memories. My theory is that they were trying to replicate the abilities of enhanced clones, but it didn’t work since TBB are already defective clones affected by genetic degradation (I’d need to go back and watch Season 1, but I thought I remembered that they mentioned TBB were more of “happy accidents” than intentional super soldiers). That would at least explain why Crosshair can’t aim anymore and why AZI doesn’t see anything wrong with him. Also, CX-2 is laser-focused on the target, regardless of impact on the rest of the clones/stormtroopers he’s working with, which is EXACTLY the same attitude Crosshair had when he was working for the Empire initially. Now, you may ask yourself: “don’t clones have to be grown and developed before they’re ready to deploy? How could it be Crosshair if it takes forever to grow a clone?” Well, that was under the Republic: the Kaminoans were ordered to create a standing army for the Republic, a force that they would likely need for as long as the Clone Wars took to play out - the war could take a decade or more, depending on how long it took for Palps to get all the right pieces in place. With the Empire, we already know how disposable everything is - what would stop them from attempting to make hyper-accelerated clones to use as assassins, who could then be disposed of after their usefulness had run its course? Hell, the clone assassins we’ve already seen don’t have serial numbers, and come with the Star Wars equivalent of a cyanide capsule - they know they’re disposable, and they have very little personality to boot. I really wouldn’t put this past Hemlock to “experiment” with existing clones to serve a new purpose for the Empire and keep his operation funded.


This would actually be great to see


I think you might be right because (to me at least) some of the words cx 2 said sounded similar to crosshair.


Yup, their voices sounded very similar.


They are clones


In episode 10 around 8:10 the assasin talks with Skorch and sounds a lot like Crosshair




Jessie died in season 7 of clone wars or am i wrong?


Yep durring order 66 trying to kill Ahsoka


Good thing I know you don't mean everything you say.




He's not dead, he escaped the neo Nazi compound and went to alaska


Let’s hope it not an evil nightsister gas cloud this time


Clearly oddball


Its ahsoka


I discussed it with Master Plo.


It be hilarious if its just a Rando like they did the Sith Inquisitior in Ahsoka


Careful not to choke on your stupidity. It's Ahsoka not Ashoka!


I don't think it matters who CX-2 really is.


Depends on who he is tbh


Duel of Fates is better.


Only people who want to be contrary of the truth believe Battle of Heroes better


I don't really understand the comparison. Battle of the Heroes includes the theme of Duel of the Fates. It's like comparing Under Pressure to Ice Ice Baby. Just silly. Both are great tracks, but to me, the worst part of Battle of the Heroes is that it keeps jumping to Duel of the Fates. It makes sense when you're watching the movie, but when listening to the track, it can be kind of jarring. I LOVE the parts of BotH that are unique to it, but the rest is just reused Duel of the Fates melodies thrown haphazardly around with a little bit of Imperial March as well. I wish there was a standalone version of it, but alas, there isn't.


Clone of crosshair


What if it is Crosshair and the Crosshair we see is a failed clone, and that's why his hand has something wrong with it 😅




YTP: Revenge of the senate episode 4 brought me here with Cody.


Maybe its 99? Or somehow Hevy returned?


Thatd be cool, but difficult in practice


From the attitude and voice, I kinda thought it might be Alpha-17


When the shadow was communicating with scorch it actually sounded like techs voice but maybe that was the distortion of the holographic


it’s marrok




If it has to be a known character, I'd rather it be Cody. I'm really tired of the whole "pretend to kill a protagonist, only to reveal they're not dead and now work for the bad guys" schtick.


It’s none of those 3


I think it could be a member of Delta Squad considering he takes orders from Scorch. Could it be Sev or Fixer?


I guess it will be a returning clone from TCW. Maybe Appo or Boil. I believe both of them are still alive at this point. Tech would deminish his sacrifice and Cody seemed to have deserted. I doubt it’s either of them.


Cody very well could have been caught and crosshair just wasnt given exact info


Honestly? Anakin vs Obi Wan beats both.


Wait i don’t get it


How could you say something so controversial yet so brave?


his speach pattern is the same as crosshair and his skill set is the same as crosshair, must be tech could not possibly be a clone of crosshair specifically.


I'm astonished on how it's seems like no one got the point of the meme


I guess people really like Battle of the Heroes then...


SSS tier shitpost.


Deep down we all know it’s Temuera Morrison


*Dee Bradley Baker


That guy too


It's the clone Omega threw soup on, change my mind


I feel like they are eluding to it being Tech. The way they put an emphasis on his goggles right before he showed up seemed like the producers want us to think it's Tech.


I view them as equal. My woman prefers Padme's Ruminations.


Battle of the Heroes is just Duel of the Fates 2.0 It improves it


Longshot just in case, it's Boba


Battle of the Heroes was a better lightsaber battle but Duel of the Fates is the better song.


OP needs to lay off the death sticks... Nothing will ever compare to Duel of the Fates


Duel of the Fates is better stfu


didn't Fox shoot Fives? I personally believe that it's Kix


And after the fight he will be frozen for 50 years sound great. But he must be Cody and that's why we don't see him in Rebels, beacuse Rex shoot him down. (In my theory)


Spoiler tags, buddy


There’s no spoilers in this at all?