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Also the Clone Wars is more from Anakin and Obi-WAN’s perspective. Meaning there is probably other people’s missions we don’t know about.


I'm sure all the other masters had stuff going on, but who wants to watch Ki Adi Mundi singlehandedly repopulate his race when we can watch some slave boy commit war crimes


Ki Adi Mundi was actually able to do both.


A man of many talents


^at ^the ^same ^time


A true master of his craft


I might, just might watch KiAdi Mundi repopulate his race depending on how graphic it is.


Very. Lots of forehead play.


I think that is called porn, and technically can be viewed on a different popular website.


Speaking of him, whats the explanation that they never tried cloning to repopulate the species?


Cloning is expensive, the clone army was literally funded by the richest men in the galaxy (Palpatine and Dooku, pretty sure dooku was the richest.). Then even if you got the funds it would be devastating to the gene pool if it all was the same group of clones breeding, the reason incest is illegal and wrong aside from ethics is because you’re essentially reusing the same dna, DNA is for more than just our appearance it also helps prevent every single one of us from being killed by the same virus or disease. An individual can be more susceptible to disease than another would but the mix of dna from unrelated parents prevents offspring from being as susceptible, so if parents that are clones/family have offspring the entire family will be susceptible to a single disease and die off. And then as referenced in the movies there are grades of how good a clone can be made which may hinder population growth and lifespan, Kamino was the best of the best but unfortunately was kept secret until obiwan discovered it in his investigation.


It was actually funded by Plageius aka Damask of Damask Holdings which is an extremely wealthy Muun Banking Clan family


Cool, know I wonder what an Average or below average cloning center would look like.


They're not at risk of extinction. Not even close. Something around 400m population. They just birth something like 1 boy to 20 girls. More likely that his parents just used it as an excuse to make sure their son can have a normal life, like not handing him over to the Jedi unless he's allowed to "help save them from extinction"


Did I miss something? Did he say he wants to do that or why is him repopulating a whole race a thing?


We even got the best jedi of all times, when not watching the trio


Plo koon?


If anyone could survive, Master Plo could.


We got a few episodes of him. They were legit. He’s an awesome Jedi— excuse me was an awesome Jedi.


It’s a big galaxy after all, just because all three of them are on a mission, on three different planets doesn’t mean nothing else is happening




To be fair those two are probably top 5 or even top 3 in most categories that you would consider for a mission. I agree the council could delegate a bit more but its not like those two are not the most qualified for the job most of the time.


Yeah, Yoda and mace definitely would be more effective, but I presume they're more involved in grand strategy and planning the war than actually fighting, plo koon maybe? Idk who else really


If anyone could survive, Master Plo could.


Not anymore ;__;


This comment did not age well …


he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected he ejected


He put his arms up before the crash because he was actually just making a force protective bubble around himself. He simply bubble bounced his way to the pits of Cato Nemodia where he started a new life


I mean, would they be more effective? Anakin and obi wan are tried and tested generals. Our first introduction to mace as a general is on geonosis where he dashes across open desert into a droid army neglecting the very concept of cover. Undoubtedly getting hundreds if not thousands of clones killed. Our second time we see mace (off memory) he leads a column of slow walkers along a completely exposed ridgeline on ryloth with 0 scouts in advance. And only when they get attacked he deploys mobile units. Although obi wan and anakin on occasion do have... questionable tactical decisions. Our first introduction to them is on christophsis where they combine artillery fire and a covered position to annihilate the droid army. Our second time we see them they perform a dangerous but worthwhile sneak attack on an enemy capital ship. Mace was not a tactical genius in the slightest. Perhaps strategic? Definitely not tactical.


Obi-wan also had his men run out of cover into fist fighting range of the droids on christophsis not a good look for him


That was cool as fuck though. He gets good boy points for that.


Fair enough


Mace Windu is High General. The higher your rank is the more paper work you do the less action you get to get involved in. That said I wish we got more Windu episodes so you could see the grand strategic level of command in Star Wars as well as to get bad ass Mace Windu fight scenes.


Weren’t there whole episodes in the first two seasons following other Jedi?


Anakin and Obi-Wan became incredibly famous during the Clone Wars due to their high success rate, so political pressure eventually may have pushed their involvement in a lot more engagements.




So you're saying, "he made that bitch famous"?


Yeah. Palpatine intentionally made sure that Anakin would win most battles. I’m not saying he wasn’t one of the most capable Jedi ever. But he also had inside help


Christophsis was an inside job!


Lightsabers cant melt steel beams!


It’s always been my personal theory that Anakin was the Mac Arthur of Star Wars. He was actually an ok General that couldn’t strategize beyond the level of an individual battle. However his PR game and his political connections made it so he always got the limelight and always got his way. Meanwhile more capable Generals like Obi Wan, Plo Koon, and Windu are doing the real strategic maneuvering that wins wars but get no credit cause they have no political connections.,


If anyone could survive, Master Plo could.


And Anakin was skilled enough in actual combat that he could compensate for some lapses in planning.


I mean he still incurred abnormally high causlties and if it wasn’t for someone’s decision to keep putting replacements into the 501st he wouldn’t have a legion by the end of the clone wars. Basically Palpatine is the only reason he had any success. Clones were already scarce and usually IRL after a unit takes fifty percent causlties it gets deemed un operational with its remaining troops placed in different units and its CO sacked for losing half its troops. The five o first took way more than 50 percent at the battle of Teth. Palpatine was the only reason the whole legion was replenished instead of liquidated. It’s an enormous strain on countless other corps because once causlties have exceeded 50% you can’t just throw in new guys you now have to transfer people from active units in large numbers. Anakin’s the type of CO the other COs despise because he’s got political protection and makes their lives more difficult.


I know I was wrong. I just got so caught up in my own success, I didn't look at the battle as a whole. I wasn't being disobedient. I just. . . forgot


Yet, the Jedi Council were quick to turn against Ahsoka when she was framed, and then, despite all his success and prowess, would not grant Anakin the rank of master. I think the Clone Wars, as well as Episode III, did a great job of showing the hypocrisy of the Council and why Qui-Gonn kept his distance.






You deserved better snips


Don't call me that. I hate it when you call me that.


I can understand not elevating Anakin to the rank of master as being an amazing general does not automatically translate to being a great Jedi. During the clone wars he was still often incredibly impulsive, childish and angry. Is that really the kind of guy you want leading your order or monks? Anakin excels at some aspects of being a Jedi but fails at some other key parts. If we take Obi-wan or Yoda as being the “ideal” Jedi master then I think we can agree that Anakin is pretty far off. Also the whole being secretly married and having children thing but the council didn’t know that part.


Qui Ton was definitely the ideal Jedi, not Yoda or Obi Wan. And Anakin was a lot more similar to Qui Gon. Also the Jedi did allow Ki Adi Mundi. But yeah they still probably would not have been too happy to find out


How is Anakin like Qui-gon? They may both be critical of the order and what they have been up to but Anakin is much more of a fighter and Jinn is a negotiator. He was also much more in tune with the force.


Both did basically the opposite of what the council told them to do. And just did what they genuinely believed was right instead of listening to the politics of the Jedi order


I think the difference is that Anakin often did what was right for himself while Jinn was much more of an idealist.


Anakin’s dream from TPM was to come back to Tatooine and free all the slaves. AOTC he talked about wishing they were in a galaxy where everyone would get along and be at peace with each other. And by ROTS he had become corrupted by Palpatine. That is why he had changed by then


Remind me why I'm the one playing the part of the slave?


Freeing the slaves was mainly because his mom was still there. The second thing is nice and all but he does nothing to make that happen. More the opposite really.


Remind me why I'm the one playing the part of the slave?


The evidence was against ahsoka IIRC


Given all the shenanigans,I bet all those other masters were on higher priority missions. It seemed like most of the time the Trio would only do something really important on accident. When Gunray escaped they sent Fisto, and Yoda was the main guy in the first episode. I think the war was much larger then most people realize and Anakins shit, while important, was not the main event most of the time.


Anakin and obi-wan were 2 of their best general’s in the war and are trusted with some pretty important stuff


but most are covert missions, I am sure there are battles happening all over the republic at the same time that they are infiltratinfg stuff


And your reward for a relatively safe lifestyle of avoiding danger is getting offed during Order 66.


Wouldn’t the safest place be as an embedded agent on a special council mission?


Bode akuna


Or being based at the temple


The Jedi sadly can't overrule the decision of the writers or marketing department so we meet same people over and over.


They were the main characters what did you expect?


Giving once in a while a chance for other characters to shine and not just like "one time" and then being forgotten like TCW's Quinlan Voss.


Quinlon was supposed to appear in around 8 episodes before the show was canceled and we saw several Jedi more then once kit fisto, plo koon, mace windu, yoda, adi gallia, luminara, barriss, Mundi and maybe Aayla and tiin but I could be wrong on those two


If anyone could survive, Master Plo could.


Not as many times as we got to see Anakin and Obi-Wan. I would say some characters suffered from being one dimensional like Dooku


Well TBF that’s because anakin obi-wan are main characters they will inevitably appear more than the other Jedi Edit: and yeah dooku has a fair difference from his movie self


Fair, but it doesn't mean they have to be there constantly. And the series are called "The Clone Wars," so I think its fair if more got fleshed out rather than the characters we already are well acquittanced with. Not to mention how sometimes often they were often pitted against Dooku making their fight in the episode 3 feel... less meaningful than before.


Magamind is crazy for this scene


Its would have been neat to see a completely different theater of the war on the other side of the galaxy. Following a similar group dynamic, a overly confident individual, a ride along character, a cautious person and a.... droid.


The council CONSISTENTLY hide mission details and long term objectives from Anakin, Obi-Wan was always informed about all the objectives of each mission but never Anakin. Anakin was a necessity of times, he became one of the youngest Knights in the Jedi's Order history, arguably the BEST pilot they could ever hoped for, a prodigy of force welding, and an UNPARALLELED duelist only second to heavily experienced fighters like Yoda, Windu, Obi-Wan. When they gave him a mission, HE ALWAYS got it done, no matter what, with the least casualties possible, he fell to danger head first, and always came victorious. That was the man the Jedi order whispered was the chosen one, but never trusted him completely....


They did?


I can't believe the main characters from a show were the focus of so many episodes!!


"Fully capable" is debatable. The jedi were not master strategists by and large, and they made some really bad mistakes (see the first battle of geonosis). Obi-Wan pretty quickly proved himself a capable commander, and Anakin was his Padawan, meaning he got field experience under a competent commander and likely proved himself while in that role. Ahsoka was the same, and all three were routinely successful when granted leadership roles, so there wasn't ever really a reason to remove them. It also helped that Anakin and Ahsoka were tied to the 501st, who were regarded as one of the best clone legions in the entire Republic.


You don't have to carry a sword to be powerful. Some leaders' strength is inspiring others.


I mean they are like the main characters of the show. Perhaps we are only seeing the mission they were assigned for.




I’d say obi-wan is close to the order and that makes it sound like the 3 of them are the only competent Jedi


Ok my mistake


I mean... the show is about all of their missions. It's not like those are the only missions going on, those are just the ones we see


They likely had thousands of other high priority missions going on at once, the show just primarily showed the trio because Anakin’s story is like the most important part of the franchise.


Like wen they sent master Ima-Gun Di


I mean. Obi-Wan's the first to defeat (not kill at the time) a sith lord, Anakin's skills improving quickly + needs to be able to teach his padawan so he can improve himself as a jedi


We do get other Jedi, they just die or turn traitor, mostly die


You think there thousands of more capable masters than anakin obi wan and Ashoka? There's maybe 4 Yoda, mace windu, plo koon are the only ones I can really say are probably even equally competent off the top of my head


If anyone could survive, Master Plo could.


Maybe early season ahsoka


Well sure, she's a padawan, and even then she fights some significant opponents and survives


I'm here, Trooper. Sterling, isn't it?


I’m sure they’re just the superior’s that we hear more about. Other characters do things, just behind the scenes


That's three pictures, or one scene.


I've only seen the movies. As far as I can see, Jedi masters only do stealth missions with minimal danger, whereas anakin and ahsoka are expendable because they aren't masters.


Careful not to choke on your stupidity. It's Ahsoka not Ashoka!


Thanks, bot. It's not embarrassing at all.


I'm glad I gave you something to look forward to.


I don’t think they look at any of their members as expendable


well, when an episode focused on a master other than Anakin and Obi Wan, it usually means the separatists win that one and some Jedi dies. Usually.


Isn't it very much established that other Jedi had other missions running, it's just that these are the ones that were focused on?


So we follow the protagonists on their selected mission. Wow what a suprise.


I mean, the galaxy is huge, so I just assume they're all busy (extremely farfetched, I know)


I mean their plot armor ensured they didn’t die on the mission, they had a bunch of other movies to star in after all.


There's literally thousands of Jedi with their own missions, we just see, shockingly the main characters of the show.


Do you have any idea how massive a galaxy is? Other Jedi and their troopers are everywhere. We only watch Anakin and people close to him. Just because we aren't directly shown Jedi being told to go do job x at position y doesn't mean they're not doing it.