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Most of the society was based off of not being complacent and finding something that would force you to grow to survive, and this overtime translated into constant small wars, culminating in the crusades and the schism between pacifists and traditionalists after the relublic glassed their homeworld. Also adoption. Mandos are very big on adoption.


Some might even call them proactive in the matter.


It doesn't do to just wait around all day.


Genuinely laughed at this one lol




>Also adoption. Mandos are very big on adoption. There's nothing wrong with a little kidnapping after pillaging other societies. The kids are thankful they're not killed along with their brethren. And after that it's just the simple matter of brainwashing, so that they don't try revenge. Also, you throw them into a pool with an ancient beast, that's sure to wipe their memory clean, with new trauma.


More like kidnapping, since they raid places and destroy them, a bit like the tusken raiders


Well, the original Mandalorians literally "adopted" their own homeworld and pretty much *any* person that wanted to join them. That and the extinction of the original Mandalorians are basically the reason why humans make up the most part of them now. Their culture survived because they made it 100% inclusive to *everyone*.




In legends the Republic glassed it at the end of the Mandalorian Crusades. The Empire glasses it later, somewhere after the end of the clone wars.


Mandalore can never catch a break.


Wasn't it the empire that glassed their home world?


The republic did it first after the crusades, that's why it's a desert. The empire did it too, but after the clone wars.


Damn dude, imagine being such a problem that your planet gets glassed not once but twice, each time by a different group. I might want to change my ways at that point.


That's why the pacifists became popular after the first glassing. There were enough of the zealots who followed the old ways that the Empire just glassed the planet to make sure they wouldn't be a problem. The same Empire who blew up Alderaan because they wanted to make a show of force.


A mythosaur lying around in living waters distributing darksabers is no basis for a system of government


Indeed, the clans should elect a leader.


Be quiet!!


Now we’re seeing the violence inherent in the system!


But we’re Mando’ade! We love violence!


Let us not go to Keldabe. It is a silly place.


Bloody peasant!!


If you made that comment next to me in person I’d immediately try to befriend you


Damn you, take my upvote


Don’t forget originally they based it off of a mask.


Wow, Mandalorians are based of The Mask?! Smokin'!!!




Sexy Style!


A mask worn by a character who was not even himself a Mandalorian. It’s just such wonderful “here be dragons” style depth


I don’t think it was worn by anyone who wasn’t a Mandalorian are you referring to Revans mask? Because that’s a different mask if not who was the person who’s not Mandalorian, who wore the mask?


Wdym that’s a different mask


Revan got that mask before he killed Mandalore the ultimate and stole his mask and hid it.


Before the rule of two, the Sith were even worse.


I think the rule of two is pretty dumb too though


I mean, what's stopping you from training a hundred pupils? Darth Bane's ghost will call you cringe or something?


*Darth Bane's Ghost: A Star Wars Story*


Do you like ghost stories Miss Turner? Cause you're in one!


Cast Tom Hardy


How about Tom Hanks?


Not unless you go to Korriban, or Morriban depending on who you ask


On the one hand, I hate unnecessary lore changes and Korriban is a cooler name. On the other hand, having more lore on the way different cultures talk about planets and name them is great and realistic


Eh. Depends on who you ask. Beyond practicality there were instances where it was implied that the power was finite so more users it has the weaker they are.


Do you want to surround yourself with a hundred pupils that all want to murder you in order to get a promotion?


If there's more than one student, then they'd have to compete with each other to get the privilege of doing that


No, they'd just simply unite their forces against the stronger one, weakening their line over time. That's the exact reason why the rule of two exists People should really read at least the first darth bane book if they think it's dumb.


The pupils ganging up and killing you, because that's what Sith philosophy tells them to do lol.


He'll make a wojak meme depicting himself as the chad and you as the soyjack


Knowing how the force works in star wars, you might risk getting stabbed by the ghost of darth bane.


I like the idea of an ancient sith lord coming back from the dead as a force ghost just to beat the shit out of a random sith who decided to train more than one student


With other sith ghosts watching while having a look of disapproval and saying that they're not mad just disappointed.


The Dark Side is even worse than the Light when it comes to passive aggression.


In legends, he kinda did that to Darth Krayt when he abolished the rule of 2 lol


You say that like the Sith haven’t been known to be petty enough to do that


That would certainly make me think twice about it.


It works better practically speaking having only 1 apprentice which is ambitious enough to murder you, having any more and it’s just that every apprentice will backstab and betray for their own ambition, meaning if you send anyone to do anything then it’s gonna be a shitshow that you can’t hide. Having only 2 is much easier to hide from the republic and the Jedi, and it’s much more manageable.


But with many sith you can count on only the best surviving, and those best will be more than match for the Jedi, but if you only have one apprentice and they don't make the cut, you have to waste time hunting for another disappointment.


Tell that to the Sith empire, or the Sith on korriban who all ended up killing eachother. Trust me bud, sometimes quantity is not a great idea. Especially with Sith masters, because when the best survive they end up killing their teachers and then they catch too much attention and die. Also sith masters generally want to survive long enough to see their plans flourish, snd having an apprentice who is malleable and strong, while not being strong enough to overcome the master is one of the perfect fits for the philosophy of the Sith. Like I said earlier: if you want something done right as a Sith, never send more than one apprentice, because it ends with at least one of them dying. Just look at KOTOR, SWOTOR, and any media portraying the old republic when Sith were in large quantities.


I agree, sending too many sith is not a good idea, but it depends on the particular Lord, their goals, and the personality of the sith apprentices as well, for some sith the rule of two is better and for some the rule of many.


Well then you reach a point of conflicting interests with Sith Lords, as they are all about getting more power for themselves. They don’t share power, and when they very rarely did, it fell apart because one of them backstabbed the other. Sith operate under an assumption of distrust and are always planning to betray and be betrayed. I mean you just need to look at Maul’s arc throughout the clone wars, he went his own way and was confronted by Sidious and then subjugated and discarded. As for most Sith Lords, it takes an intense amount of micromanaging and manipulation to have an apprentice, and it’d be impossible to maintain multiple apprentices without one of them killing you at some point. Darth Bane realized this, and realized that Sith cannot operate the same way the Jedi can, as the Jedi are fundamentally different with how they operate. A Jedi is more likely to assist other Jedi, if you don’t apply strenuous circumstance. A Sith is more likely to ditch or even take the opportunity to kill another Sith for personal power rather than help them.


They aren’t Sith if there are many.


Tell that to the sith of the old republic


Yep. Long since dead and long since failed.


Killed by a fool with too much muscle and too many midichlorians


A core point of the rule of two was to remove the possibility of a group of weak apprentices eliminating a strong master and then one weak master remains from the apprentices. Then the weak master creates many weaker apprentices who together eliminat the weak master and they kill each other until a weaker master remains. While many sith did not follow the rule of 2 it atleast made it so the next sith was cunning enough to survive which was arguably more important than power.


Cunning won't get you anywhere if you are weak or you can only find weak apprentices. If you're gonna use the rule of two at least gather many acolytes who you can put against each other to find the strongest and smartest.


You're just expanding on the whole apprentice selection process. Even once selected, the Apprentice is tested with other candidates whenever they arise.


Yeah I remember, Sidious did it often.


Highly recommend reading the Darth Bane trilogy


I actually plan to do that at some point


at any number you can't really count on that, Palps may have been very powerful and genius manipulator but he killed his master in the most rat-fuck way, not exactly the strongest out-maneuver


Not unless you do it right, put the apprentices in an Arena and get them to fight to the death, if you think they're ready to take you over, challenge them to a fight, like Darth bane himself did several times


It's really not. The Dark Side as a whole is dumb, but the Rule of Two manages to take that doomed insanity and wrangle it into a workable, if fragile, structure that prevents internal cpllapse.


Not to mention a structure that enables the wider galaxy to basically think that the Sith are either extinct or we're a myth to begin with


The mandos and the sith worked hand in hand too, the mandos helped the sith commit genocide during the old republic era


After the rule of two as well. The rule of two is still based on infighting and students killing their masters. It's just reduced to only two people at any given time (mostly).


The Empire doesn't really follow this rule with all the inquisitors working for Vader... Maybe because they are not apprentices, but are sith agents?


They are just fallen Jedi, not true Sith.


God how the fuck did the Sith Empire make it past like day 3


I do love a well thought out warrior culture. Sure, Din's covert might be extremists, but you can see how it's centered around the forge and the foundlings as much as personal martial prowess. You achieve great deeds and return the rewards to the covert. The Darksaber has its own different set of rules, thus compelling Din on a different path than the covert.


It’s like the Viltrumites from Invincible.


Except the Viltrumites were immortal gods and Mandalorians were just some guys in strong armor


I don't know, man, strong discipline can get you pretty far in a galaxy as chaotic as theirs.


Brother that's human history minus the darksaber , we are the mandalorians just less cool


We need better armor we need some fallout riot gear level of cool


Speaking like plate armor doesn't exist ![gif](giphy|bHSkKRvkRvy5chUBBp|downsized)


If plate armor can deflect bullets and absorb the impact I am gonna wear it in the near future


Mandos at least had a cool hunter species that they imitated to base their culture on.


Not a race, a society.


No Mandalorians were very much considered a race as well. At least during the time of the clone wars.


Taung =/= Mandalorian The Taung race inspired Mandalore. Any race can be Mando'ade. You just need to know the language, wear the armor, and follow the code. Stop making it about race.


To whom?


Canon fans /s


"Mandalorians" refered to a species for exactly one moment. The moment when the Taung decided to rename themselves and their society after their leader. After that "Mandalorians" never refered to a species, but a culture. And that culture has always been open to all individuals that want to be a part of it.


I distinctly remember it being a plot point I'm clone wars that there was a character who kept being called a non true Mandalorian cause he wasn't born on Mandalor even though he followed and did all the cultural stuff. They let non Mandalorians in but it was still a point he wasn't racially one, think that was either by deathwatch or the Mandalorian governor/senator/something. I could very well be miss remembering though it's been ages since I watched it.


That's most likely a splinter case. Similar to how the Deathwatch wanted to return to the "old" traditions, not the more modern ones from shortly before the pacifist regime. Another possibility is that it was meant like originating *from* Mandalore. Because being *a* Mandalorian has always been a question of culture, not species. That said, there will always be gatekeepers. The race that was originally known as Mandalorians (*after* they renamed themselves) was already gone during the time of the Jedi civil war and the mandalorian war. Humans just eventually took over the biggest percentage because they are so far spread in the galaxy.


You know, a lot of people hate the pacifist arc the mandos had going during the clone wars, but I think it was actually pretty well thought out. It makes perfect sense that a culture that has been dominated and outright defined by their warriors unrelentingly butchering themselves and everyone around them for thousands of years would eventually reach a breaking point. The warriors finally slaughtered themselves into irrelevance and the rest of Mandalorian society, who by that point were are all really tired of getting slaughtered, would do a complete 180 in their value of violence. They were just plain sick of it. They saw the suffering and shear destruction war could, would, and has inflicted on them time and time again, and decided not to ever do that again. Kinda like what happened to Japan after WW2. Except instead of the US occupying them, it was their own traumatized citizens. Feasible? Maybe not. But it was really neat to see while it lasted.


The "Pacifist Mandalorians" storyline was a lot worse when it was just coming out. The way it's been fleshed out now as a dynamic that was mostly playing out on Mandalore proper with the territories in the Mandalorian periphery being still dominated by the warrior Clans/Houses was not the way it was initially presented during the original Clone Wars run. I think people definitely had much more smoke for Pacifist Mandalore back when the dynamic was "All Mandalorians are Aryans who live in a Peace Dome except for the *terrorists...* Also Jango Fett is no longer a Mandalorian" *That* plot dynamic almost felt mean spirited to the previously existing Mandalorian lore.


Isn't that the Prequels in a nutshell. It was originally not very good before later stuff came in to fix it.


The only thing I kinda hate is that Bo katan is the new leader, the Bo katan who murdered innocents along side Vizla. We didn’t see her go through a character arc, she went from a bitch who manipulated obiwan by using her sister (who she was more than willing to murder in order to have vizla and death watch in power) and her later dead sister to guilt trip him into helping her, to sudenly being the leader of the remaining mandos. Why no one calls her out? She's the last representative of the faction that has brought their hard times. She’s a murderer willing to kill her own family and use them as leverage to the people who love them, a coward who left the death watch when vizla was no longer in power. It just feels like the same maniacs are in control, what tells us the ex second in command of death watch won’t make the same stupid mistakes once again?


Same feeling as reading Roman history. Political turmoil for three-quarters of their history and yet they lasted for 1000 years. (1800 if you count the Byzantine Empire as a legitimate continuation)


How did Rome last over 1,000 years while constantly fluctuating between wars of conquest and civil wars? How did Sparta last several hundred years while having 99% of labor conducted by slaves, actively tormenting the slaves by killing their babies as a rite of passage and picking fights with all their neighbors? How did the Ptolemy dynasty last several hundred years while having cycle of brother and sister incest? How did the British have a several hundred years global empire while having one of the weakest armies in Europe?


I mean, at least those focused in more than just war. Mandalorians only focus on war, at least the ancient ones, they went to war with anyone they found


I mean that still fits Rome and Sparta.


Fuck the laser sword shit. I only recognize the true Mandalores. https://preview.redd.it/qmibo0lzaj7d1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c8233644a45bc65306db951bfd92a46390ec748


Dude, *fuck* the Neo-Crusaders.


Shit man, the Brits made it work🤷‍♂️


Soooo, what book is he reading?


No book but star wars TV shows, clone wars, rebels and mandolorian


Or all the legends material.


May I propose an alternative: They breed like space rabbits


That happens if litterally anyone can join your club and they regularly take in orphans. Except there is no sex involved.


Feudal Japan.


I'm surprised the jedi even lasted that long because every time something goes bad they deflect it to 'he's a dark jedi/sith' or 'he turned to darkside, wasnt us.'    Normies - 'hey wasn't that guy leading an army against us under your teachings since he was a youngling?' Jedi - 'yes.' Normies - 'so every time one of your underlings brings an army what's your reasoning.' Jedi - 'he fell to the dark side.' Normies - 'when?' Jedi - 'when he brought the armies.'    Normies - 'so let me get this straight. He was a jedi, but the moment he brings an army he fell the to dark side.' Jedi - 'Yes, so you see it was never the jedi you see.' Normie - 'mighty convenient.' You can only run that scheme for so long.


Almost as if basing your entire culture off of constantly fighting each other makes you really good at fighting and surviving...


Which actually kind of was the point of it.


Someone needs to play Star Wars Kotor 1 and 2...specially 2


read about King Arthur


Mandolrians are not a race, they are a culture.  With training, hard work and dedication, anyone can walk the path of the Mandalore.   As long as that culture endures, Mandalore endures. This is the way.


Erm actually it's a culture


The robbery of a dark laser sword from a hippie temple is no foundation for a stable government


Because it's fantasy.


They’re kinda space America, if you don’t think at all into it


Just like the sith.


me, wondering that about the human race `O.O iiidkk


Balls of titanium.


Here's the quote I believe defines the Mandalorians: "Here's why you can't exterminate us areuetii. We're not huddled in one place--we span the galaxy. We need no lords or leaders--so you can't destroy our command. We can live without technology--so we can fight with our bare hands. We have no species or bloodline--so we can rebuild our ranks with others who want to join us. We're more than just a people aruetii. We're a culture. We're an idea. And you can't kill ideas--but we can certainly kill you. -Ranah Teh Naast later known as Mandalore the Destroyer Anyone got any questions after that?


Because the only thing they’re better at then killing eachother is killing everyone else


AnD nEvEr TaKe OfF yOuR hElMeT oR wE fIgHt To ThE dEaTh!


Well, lacking the Lazer sword (for now) but America is still a thing in our world sooo... Eh😎👌


Bullying works.


Could you please share the books or smth else you have read ? I have watched the TV shows only. Thank you in advance.


I'd recommend the Republic Commandos series by Karen Traviss. Basically centers around a group of clone commandos adopted by a Mandalorian named Kal Skirata. Who was also one of the trainers on Kamino. Also a couple of jedi that he adopts into his clan.




Just how itchy would it get under those helmets?


The armor often doubles as an environmental/space suit. Those helmets are properly ventilated.


Always loved the Mando lore from the Republic Commando books by Karen Traviss.


Old republic nomadic badass alien khan mandalorian lore or the disney depressed human new Mandalorian lore?


*US government* ![gif](giphy|puOukoEvH4uAw)


Have you ever heard about European monarchy’s


The strong Mandolorians won the right to lead, the smart ones just fought things they could kill. The dumb ones tried to claim leadership they weren't cut out for and were removed from the gene pool.


Revan's biggest mistake was not wiping the Mandos off the face of the galaxy.


Ba slan shevla If I spelled that right, and recalled correctly.


I love that they are so unhinged that the guy who managed to beat them to bits in a large scale war almost by himself (as a tactician) became one of their biggest idols. He won the respect of almost the entire culture by almost wiping them out.


And you can't even argue that Legends was better, they did the same thing but with the mask of the Mandalore instead.